<br />,)
<br />
<br />83-00376.3
<br />9. eo.I---w The proceeds of any award or claim for damage,;, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condenmatioll or oibec !&kinS of the Property. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and sball be paid 10 Leader.
<br />In the event of a total laking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to Ihe sums secured by this Deed .of Trust.
<br />with the excess, if 1lI1,Y, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise qree in wntiDa. there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amounl of tbe sums secured by this Deed of Trusl immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears \Othefatr market value of the Property immedialely prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid \0 BOrrower,
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an .wan! or settle a daim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the dale such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is autborized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender'. option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or \0 the swns secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Villas Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such application of proceeds to principal sball not extend
<br />or poapone the ducrdate of the monthly instAllments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such i.nStallments.
<br />II. lIonower Not RrIeMed. Extension of tbe time for payment or modification of amortization of Ihe sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust panted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />tbe liahil;.y of the onginal 80rr0wer and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such ~r or refuse to extend time for payment or olherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interesL
<br />11. ................. by lAnder Nol a Wah'er. Any forbearano: by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law. shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such rillht or remedy,
<br />The procurement ot imuraoce or the payment of tax.. or other lien. or charges by Lender shall not be a waIver of Lender's
<br />right to aeceie....te the malurity of the indebtedllCS$ secured by Ibis Deed of TrulL
<br />12. R-... CulDlllooll.e, All remedies provided," this Deed of Trusl are dislmct and cumulative to any otber right
<br />or remedy under tha Deed I>i Trust or afforded by law or equity. and may be exerci!ed concurrently. independently or
<br />sUCC'elSively,
<br />I 3. s..~ ..... "..... IIouad; Jolal ..... SoVfl'lll l.Iablllty; CaptioM. The covenants and agrecmenl< herein
<br />contained .balf bind, and lhe right< hereunder shall inure to. Ihe respectIVe successors and assign. of Lender and Borrower.
<br />mbjec:t to the provmom of paragraph 17 beno! All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />The captions and beadinp of the patlliraph. of 'his Deed of Tm1t are for ('"nvenience only and are not to be used to
<br />inwrpn:t or deline the provisiom hertlOf
<br />J4. Nodtc. Except (or any notlCe reqmred under u.pphcahJ~ laW to- be)u\'en in ~nother manner. (a) an)' notice to
<br />Borrower provided for m tbis Deed of Trust .hall be gIven by ",athng such nouce by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />,he Property Add...... or at such other add...... as Borrower ",ay dCSlgnate by notice to Lender lU provided herein. and
<br />tbl anv notice to Lender .hall be liven bv c.n,lIed mail. return r""eipt requested. to Lender's add"", stllled herein or to
<br />,uch other address as l..eader may daiJRRt.. by nOlice to Borrow.r as provided herein, Any nOlia: provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trusl shall be deented 10 have been .(lven to BOITower or Lender when given in the manner designatedhereln,
<br />15, Unifonta Deed of Traot; GotffJri.. La..; So~. Ttlls form I,f deed of tmsl comhine. uniform covenants for
<br />",ational UK and noo~unitorm c()vena.nrs with hmited \"lIinations hy lurl~dj.ctJon (0 constitute a uniform security iO$trume-nt
<br />coverin, real pmpeny, This Deed of T""t ,hall he g,weroe<l bv ll>el.w of the Juris<llC!toll ill which the Property is localed,
<br />In the e\'ent that any provision or cbuJle of th.1:\ 1~1 ot TruM Ui the NOI.<:" l'onfticts with applicable law, such conflict shall
<br />nQt affect, ot.he-r _pro~",k"'lml of thn "[)eed t)f Tnn. or th~ Not~ whlch can he ~iYen dIeet Without the l,'on6i-cting provision.
<br />and to thl$ end the provmons of :he Ileed of Tnu! and the Note arc dee-lared to be severable.
<br />16. -....-.,.... C.,7. Bo"""",r lI>afl be fum.~ . conlormed n'py '" the Note .nd oflhis Deed of Tru.t al the time
<br />of e.<<ullon or alter rec<Jl:I:lation hereof,
<br />17 ~ Traatf.. of tbe ........:1'. A........... If aU Of an~ p~nt of the '-n'ftCny flf an interest therem is Mlfd or transferred
<br />or .BofTow~ without~. prior ,,'oucso- ~ oxdudlntt j a) the ~-H:i!hon of a hen or tncumbrance subordinate 10
<br />,his Deed 01 Trust. (bl the cretdion 01. purclt_ _, <<<utlty Hlterntfrtr ho_hold aPl'h.nces. (cl a transter by devi..,
<br />dcic.e.m Qr by ()per.ation of law upon lhe death of 3 f\>tnf t.enant o( (d) the s:nuu o( any leuehold inter-esr of three )'ears or less
<br />~t coot.into.an optIOn to purcbuc, Lend~r mAy, <It i cndcr'; (tpUl'H1. declare: aft the 5um~ "SeOJRd by this Deed of Trust to be
<br />Imme4tatc!ly due' and paya~, tetKkr !hi.H ha,,'e ....--:u\-'cd ilK'"h "pbon tn ai;t;eh~f'a!e ~t. poor 10 ~he sale or transfer, Lender
<br />olnd the penon h) whom the: Prop<<ty \:\ it1 be wid or tfliul.dC'rn:xf fc-il-eh agrct'ment In WrHfn$ that t~ credit of -such penon
<br />150 utafiKtory to tender and thal the ltJteral P41yaoic- lln the ,~um, t.C,-~ured b)' (hi" Deed of Tru.st shall ~ at $uch rate as
<br />tende~ ,hall request. If tender has Wltved tbe "1"'00 ." ."':e~r"e pnwl<!ed in this paragr.pb 17. .nd if Borrower'. suee....,r
<br />m intcrcll hu C-.lccuted a wnttC'n a.JWR1PUon ll'reen'teol a-c...'Cpte-d ill wllung by Lender. Lender shaU releate- Borrower from
<br />all "b1iptions ..nder this Deed 01 Trus. "00 .he N<>le
<br />If ~ elcn:iscs ltK'fl t"1"lWfl b,) .U,.'C-d-e-filtC-, LeOOe-r- ,-hail mati U{-,rrowe-r r\(;hce. of acc.eierattQn in an"'O-rd-ance with
<br />paragrllpb 14 hereol, Such "".oce ,hall pnwide " penoo ,,1 nO! Ie.. than .\0 da)"ll I,om the date the nolke i. mailed within
<br />which Borrower may pay the lUlm declared due. 11 BorrO+A,C"f' Luh h' p--'.lY ~U('h, WflU prior Ul lM expiration .or such period.
<br />Lender- may. wilhout further notJOe f.H -demand on &tf(1'4er, 10\'0"(, <'lila' re.mcdlr.'\ ptfnuned hy paragraph 1ft he-reof.
<br />N-o.N.lJNIPOllM Covt.NANts_ BOfTO'*ef and t-ellikr furthc1 Cll1fCnaOt and agr<<' AJio loHows:
<br />18, ".~ R-..... .:~","" .......... In ........... 11 ....teof. ..,.... Bono.en """"'II or .ny .0._ or
<br />.._t 01 ac.m.- iA tllio tMc.l of Trust, incha4iIlc t.... "0..,........ to pay ......n due ....y ...... _u.... b)' Ihil DHcI
<br />or 1........ l...... prior 10 ................ ""'" ..... -u.., 10 Born....r .. prtnidod In paracraplt 14 heRo( .pecIfYlnt: m 1M
<br />........It; t1111Mt ......... .....tIInd to e..... ....... ...........: 131 a dat.. _ loa tha. 30 d.ys rrom I.... clot. I.... notke Is malltHl 10
<br />............., by ..Ilkh oucll ........-It m... be ,.res!: and \41 that r...... 10 rore .uclf ........... ... or before lite dale specified
<br />I.. I..... IOolift ~ ....... l1t IK<'OIeralioB of the _ __ by I" IMc.I of Truol .nd ... of lhe Property. The notlco
<br />..... h.rt..... lal_ ............. of IIMt rtcltt 10 1Yiaot.... aftff ando..tion and the rlchl 10 brifta . enurt octioo 10 _
<br />IIMt _~ of . old.... .... .") of..... .r- 01 Borrow.r to .nekraticm and ...... If tho breIKb ., nol eored
<br />... or bet..... the dale ~ In lite aodce. I..emier .t l........'. optioa may de.taR all of lhe >..IUS ..e_ by litis IlHd
<br />of T_ l1t be ~y <hie and plIyaloIe ..ltll_ rurther d.mand .nd may in.ob tho po...,r of ... .nd any other retMllle>
<br />pntIOIItM by apJlIlcahIc law, l.eoodu..... he notlttod 10 eollod all r--"le 'ollis aod ..pomn In..rred in p.......I"Il tho
<br />........ .......hIesI In lItiI ........... I" ~ bol _ limittd to. ~ ""-Y" ms.
<br />If tJoe ......... of ..... .. ......... T_ ..... __ . IIO!Ia of driaull In filClI ""llIty in ..lIkh lhe Pr(Jperly or rome
<br />plIft 1IlerMf k Iotc:atH .... ..... ..... ........ '" """II -u.., In t.... m_ prncrlbed by 1IpfIl~ I.... 10 Bor....... .nd to I....
<br />........ .- ,..,......... by ............ law. Afler lhe bpoo: of _II t_ u may .... .....tIInd by appik..w.. law. TMnl!e<! >ball
<br />..... ,....., .lIOIlke of ... to the ~ ..... In t.... man_ ,......,nlted by .pplka..... law, T......... ..llhovt demand on
<br />a-e., ... sell.... Pntpeny III ........ ,"",Iloa 10 the ..W..... bidder lit the II..... and pi"". and ....., I.... torn.. de.iltnated
<br />In ..... Mllee ..f ...1. _ Of _ ,....,... ..... In _h ....00 .. T_ may dete.....iIoe. TI'IP.Itee may poot........ _ or all
<br />Of MY ........ of lhe ~ by ,......, __ .. .be 11_ "'"' ........ of any pre.I......y ~bedllled ....., l...nOO 0'
<br />I......... ....... .., ,..m..e .... """","1 at _, ....
<br />{~..... of ~ of the print bid, '1-'-" .w doli.... 10 1M purdla_ Tnaoke.' dftd '.......rlntl the l'mpertr
<br />....... no. ...... ill the.............. o-IliIlaIJ he prima fade ..idebce of' lbe truth of' t.... sla_. made IhereUt. Tnllitft
<br />... ~ ..... ,...... of tJoe ... ltt the ~ order: .allo ... ~bk _ IInd .._ of lhe ...Ie. Indudlntl. bul
<br />!'ol......1II.lr-'.hs",_ _...... "'" ~oflhe_qJe print, ~1Il_Y" rc...aad,...r.ullill.e.idence:
<br />till 10 aa____ thlWo l'lfttolof"fiual; "'"' leI tllre """"".11....'. to the......-.... """"". ioaaIJy tntllled lherot...
<br />.... ~....... ht.........~ Nt.'lt""fthn-andtnl L--endt:t'<i ac\:ekfatu:m t\t the- ~um", 'S't'Curcd h~' tnt'\ flt:\-d pI' TnJ>,.!
<br />BortOWtU' ..batt hl1lft tM- ript In h.~ any VfOl-"cedmg~ _begun by tender to cnfnn"e Ihn [)e-e.d n-.f Tnnt ,tI1t<onlHlUt'd at
<br /><IllY lime prioI" 10 lhe.....*' tn ,,..,"uref (I) lhe IIfth <la. before the u.1e ",f lhe Pr"pe.f1y !,,,n,,anl W the IX>W.' 0' "Ie C'.'nl.,,,ed
<br />'" litis Deit4 of T_l <<\t;Jtltl,y.,( a ind._nt enforcing thi. Deed of Tn"l il: 100lIurrower ps," lender all .um' \\'hl<'b woold
<br />bt ~.. tmdef-tha -Dec:d 1..'1t Tru'41, the NNe ..no noles '\C\.IJrIflIt Fufure ,Adv3fi{:t"~. if !iO}'. hau no ::t~rett:'r"ftOf1 \l\-'rurtt'\f~
<br />(b) BOrm.... <'tIi\n. ~U brr..~ t.'lf ."'y o;fht"r (UVf'n.nt~ or ",tee'nM'-fttlj {\f 9ol'n'l\lto-'N cfuuajnt:d In tlU\ fkf"d ('of 'hu~1
<br />t;cl ~ "?i at!- ,~.* C!:\_pm~ -h~ut~ by Lender and "ruutt:' tn entorcmg the ('tJ'i'('ll"llOl:i and ~g~me-fth ~tt
<br />~ t_~ -Itt thi$ ~ i.rl Tr~ ~nd ~fl ~nf(,~{;'m. L~ntif!;'1 ...nod Tru'\lU \ t~nlt'dlt~' ~'i, pnWH.~ If'! r~flt-graph 1 ~
<br />~:~ i~~ but f)tlt- f,_itcd__~", rT~_ -at~(Jfnev\ (~; i\'t'ld (d) tkfl"t~t 1~k.("\ 'iu{"h l{'tt(m <1:\ l.t',n~r r:\ln n'n'u'In,lhh
<br />t~-t-o ~ that tho -ft<<" ,ftf thil ~ of "tfUit. Lto""'r'" H1tere"t In tht. Pf{'f'Crty ;;'ind 80f"l"r't\H:r', .:\Ntr:,\Uh\H !,' p,t\
<br />