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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />,; <br />,,:',;,. <br /> <br />7; .Con~m t.beeventt.be1'roperty,ormy partlhereot,JlIaU betaQDbnmlnellt~,the~c <br />illellt~"eredtotolleetlllldreceiY& all COlltpellS&tlonwillcbDlllYbepaki for 8!lypmperty~or f91~tll~ <br />1lOt~"I!. mil Mortgqee alIalI~sudteom~atit$optlon, either toueiltietionof thlltitlklbtedu,ess:~' <br />~byorto",andleStomtlltpropertyso~ ' ..,' ......... <br />8. .,~. byMortpp.Moripgee DllIy; butsblillba... noobllpt\on,to dO mfactWhlcl!thll~i <br />IuS apeedbUtfallsto 4o,alldMortPllM.DllIyal8ockunyc]tdeellllllteeeStary'to}llOteet thll'nenlimClf,.~r\ <br />...-. tOfllIIafilJtlOll~ llIly.umuo upettcW by tile ~ forthnbOYepurposes, lDdu)1l\lllllhUipIlrM:ltd:. <br />by . the~ shalt bll' addiId to t.beilldebtedneuRClll'etl henlby alld.beeot1\&S1Ibjecltw th..lleIll\fMol."JiIo......,. <br />sbaIl. notineurimy pmonai.liabllltylleeallse of~ itmaydooroli1lt to dOhmlw1de~. <br />9, Delautt;~tofRllaA.'l' __ hereOf,andupoIl JiIoItptor'sdefa1lltlli.aQf~t <br />or~to(thls~,lncludllll_ta: tom wbM due thulillls RClIl'etlby thl&~~, <br />be eIItltled,aUl$ sole option Iltd without notice, to deelm aIlSUlD8 8C!dlI'lld~ tI1I.Mortpptl> be ~a.~ <br />pqable aM tt!ay eommen...~ of thla MoJ:tNe by judldal proeeedlnp; and,proncJedtDrtiler,tltatUpcm8lldt <br />dllfIlult theMortlatN. ora -.1...1' appOinted by., court, may at iu: option mclwltbout ftlpM totbeldeq~'9fthe .' <br />1l8Cllrity .Mtel' upml alld tab,~ of tilt Property and COUCIcl th.. rents,iuuesand prolltathei9f;om...a .1lIiPlV tIii!m <br />lIrK to tilt eost of eollectlon and operation of the Property and then UpoIl the inde~ .1oIlCllfeil by thiI~ <br />said l'IIIll:J. __ IIIld profits being ~ to the Mortp&l!e u furtber seeurlty for. tile I'8)'lIIentof thl> Indebtedness <br />seeunid Ilereby. <br />10. 'l'r8nsfer of Property. It all or any put of tilt hopmty Is sold or tnmaferred without the ~ wrIUlln_ <br />tent of w M~ M~ may et lbo sol<> option, deeIaIe all sums_wed by thiI Mortpg\> to be illlBl!ldlatllly due <br />and PIY&bIe. <br />11. Futlm AIiY_ Upoo m<j1M!!lt of MClft<<agof, Mortp&ef' DllIy additional and fUture advanees.10 <br />Mort<<a&or. 8uel1 adva_. with Inl<>_t ~, shall be 5l!CllI'l'd by this Mortcaae when etideneed by prom~ 00'" <br />statinc that salt! nom am --.d beNby. At no t111ll' shall the prlnclpal amount of the inde~ seeured bY.. this <br />~. not includin. oums.d'raItted to protect the _urity of tbis Murteace. ex...ed the original Note. <br />12. MlIcel'- PtmlIIonL <br /> <br />...;.......J <br />.. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />il' Any forebeaJllftce in "urdsinC any riCht or I't'm.flIy !!hall not be . tbneof. <br /> <br />(h; All relCIIOdiM provided bercln In' distinct and eumulative to any other riCbt .tfotded by I.... or eqUity. <br />Iltd DllIy ... ~ coneum>ntly. Inde1l"ndently or .1I<< <br /> <br />ie) The ...,..."""1:1 and ~tlI eonl.alned herein oball bind. and the ricbbo in..... to, th.. lWpeCtiw <br />...- and lUIIilp of the Murtpco, and the ~. <br /> <br />la' Atl_lWlu and ...._nlll of tn. Mortpeor.... jOint and ...vera!. <br /> <br />'e) The hHcIift.. of the parapapti of this Mo~ ace for COIl"mlknee only and shall not be used to lme,. <br />I'"t .... deflluo the prtteltIon. b......r <br /> <br />II. R--. Upot> J>IIY-t of oJI ....... _un-d by tblo Murtcace. Mort..... !!hall diaebatae this Mortcaee and <br />sIIaIl necute anlt <Iell.... . lWIobd.r:>ty ""- tlwn>for. <br /> <br />~N Wl1'NF-'>S WH&REOI', Mottpp II.. n"""ted ~ MorlPl<' on In.13tl\lay oY:::"1.J~1L_,.19_~.. <br /> <br />~. . //' i-I _ {,r" J <br />~__1~~_~..::._~__ <br />rnID1 c. frj~;on, C,..._-- _row..' <br /> <br />.~ l~ (t1~. fil.l>Ht.ldk=::~:.__.__ <br />(:a.rci! 1.. !'I'iilil ton _.... <br /> <br />SlIM of NeIInIb, ~_~ll,_._c__.._,_.._.__.__Collnty !III" <br /> <br />011 tba_~_a.y of. J111v . 198;L.. befono COlI, tilt uncl;,mped. I NoWy Public <br /> <br />duly "''''''l~ alld quIIIiecI touIld COWIty, pNIiOftllIIy came Rrian C. Hami!ton and Cal'en L. <br /> <br />Hami 1 tell, Husl:wld and Wife . to me known to be tM <br />i4mtiQI pmIOlI(al whOlle -<.1 .... .lllIIeribed to the fOl'l!lOittc lnstrumetll and aeknowtedt&d tbe execution tbereof <br /> <br />to be bi~ IiJlti per <br /> <br />'fGlcmlal:y act and ~. <br /> <br />~ my band and notarial.... It <br />..~, <br /> <br />Gn\Pd l::iland, ,:il;Jbra..."ik<1 ".'_'_'__ in said county. the <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />.,. Cnm17lflIRII"X(llnf.: <br /> <br />r~ ,-- '-~--<- /? ~ J' ') ,~f) ,,_~__ _, .., <br />OJ ~ ~ ..J".-::E.~c AWC-'Vl"<'~''tr~. NO~ <br />~ _..11Ia r.-....... 1'... I.oodw.... ""_l "----."-,,,,--,, ---_--_,._ <br /> <br />= <br /> <br />hJ <br /> <br />.'.:1: <br />.. <br />" <br /> <br />j <br /> <br /> <br />I''''' ~ <br />.... ~..... ]Ill:: <br />1Iill." <I <br />... ." J~ <f "" <br />, .~'Il :;: - <br />" ~:-~,..- W,- ~ ;rl <br />.", ~--:{i:;,_.-' <br />;~~-,. <br />Q.1tiliWM-._ <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />- <br />.-:!t". <br /> <br />~"" <br />- . :: <br />\,w <br />'('*;~ - #! <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />,"'~- <br />'\ <br />