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<br />I <br /> <br />TIt.. Mort~js entQredlnto bttWeen <br />~..and Wife <br />'IltEClVE!l.IAl\IfJNATIONALBANK OF GIWID ISlAND, <br /> <br /> <br />83.... 00373&. <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />dated <br /> <br />i!UiebtQd_.!f not sooner paid, due and payable on <br /> <br />TO-..", tile payment of tll<! N_:\f\tb.intQl6i~.p~ide:lI.~lk the payment of all otller sutns.WltIIJntaeSt. <br />advanced by Mortgagef' to protect the seeurity o.f this. }.I~. an.d tMp<>;lformance of the covenants and agr!!ementllof <br />the M<>rtpgor conlalnedherein, Moripcor d&'1"el'l!6Ym~ aDd~'ey to Mortpgee thefollowingdeseriljed <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />p~rty ~f.ed In <br /> <br />_ County, Nebl'lllika: <br /> <br />A tract 01 land canprising all of Lot ThD (2), Brentwo:'Jd Third Subdivision in <br />the City of Grlll'ld Island, Hall County. Nebraska, e.xcepting therefrcm a part of <br />said lot deecribed as f()llo.vs: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of said <br />Lot 2; thence running northeasterly along the southeasterly line of said Lot 2 <br />a distll1lCe of 1\1.1:) Hundred ~nty Three and Five Hundredths (223.05) feet to the <br />southeastel'ly corner of said wt 2: thence nmning ~sterly along the northerly <br />line of said wt 2 a distance of Eighty 'l\;o and Thirteen Hundredths (82.13) <br />feet to a c.orner of said Lot 2; thence deflecting left 1350 32'10" and running <br />southeasterly a d1stanc.e of T\<\{mty mld Etght~. Eight Hundredths (20.88) feet, <br />thence running southwesterly a dist.!lIlce of One Hundred Sixty and Eighty Six <br />Hundredths (160.86) Jeet to the point of lJE'ginntng. <br /> <br />TOIf'-Uu!'r witb aU huddltl.CS~ ImproVttlnt"nu. fixturt"S, st1t:'1~L\. aHt"Y'\., ptiS>>.grwa)''S~ \'~nwnl1;', nght-Ii" privHt'gt"s and <br />apputte~ hlt'..~ thereon Of 1fi anj'Wlst' I-Wrl.aining dWtt>to. ,1:.nd tht' ""nt,. !s,,"ur:o, ~U1d pnlfits. rewnjons and remainders <br />th~; ,..,",,,dine. but not HIni~d to. h""lm. and .-ooI,tlC ,'qu.pmrn\ and ,u,'h pe,""onal pr"p<'fty that is attacllrd to tII" <br />hnpro'ftlmMts. ~o 45 to C"()tt\tttute .j Oxtun": iU of wtuctt. mdudH1!( ft'pJ&t'\~lm'nb and addlhun~ lh<<~tt'to. is hpreb)' dPclared <br />to b<> . pari of Uw ...Ill>> ,...\11\'11 by Ilw Ii..., 01 Ih" Mortcafl" *"d .i1 or th~ f_cume l~'ma ",r,',.."d to hr...m... the <br />..l'rop<!rt yO< <br /> <br />~ furtl\ff eu"''''''"U. and "lI....... wllh Mo"e"ll<"'. .' lull<"., <br /> <br />L ".ylQft\L TO' p4)" Incr tn~bw-d~ ilnd th(' tn(t'rt'",t lfWr'POf\. ii..... pU,)\,Hh'f1; HI thl"; Mortgagt' and tbe Note. <br /> <br />2:. -riOt. MortptOr ~\ t.h-.. (lWn~f of lfit. 1l>rQ-ptl'rty. h1b !hp nght and iHuhonly to nl{)rtg_gt" th.. Property~ and <br />w..r:ni1U mat th~ tlflt ('",,_led ~by i'-, a fin;t and prinf h...n un in.. rrnp.-.-{t~ . t'x.('~'pt a-", mil:" ottwrwt~'" {W!\e-t forth h{>tptf1~ <br /> <br />[3 "(be Prupt-tty i? ;>.Ub-JtK't to it MorlpCf'" WbHt"tn <br /> <br />is tb4!' Mot~" f\lIctJrdf,(i a.t Book , r. or thi: M(}rt~jl.t' Ht.t'O:fd1o uf <br />Nebfa.k&. wbith Mo.rtp.r t$ , t...n prwr to ttw J~n n,"d h.'frr)", <br /> <br />Counly. <br /> <br />D f..1ther prior H~ Of' fflfumbnol"'e\. <br /> <br />3. T_ .~. Tt, pay when due.ll w.... 'l"""",al a_nwnl> and all o.h~r char"... aallin.! .hr Property <br />lIIWI. IIpOIl w,,"^,n ~ by ~. It>.dd 10 tIw J>IIymt'fll~ n-qulft'd unlit'r Ill" NOI" ",""ured lwreby, .ueh amuunl... <br />->' bit wfflc:j",at to _Ilk tIw ~ 10 pay .0<'1> L"""", ..__nti or olht'< cl1a..... .. Ih<>~ brcome du~. <br /> <br />4, ~. To k...-p Uw ImproVtmk'nU now or hew.fler loaU'd on thr ,ral .'late <ko<'rib<>d hrreID Illlluwd <br />lIfjIiIllIt ~ by fino.iJld._ 0Ibw huu<lo "" MottPP"" may "",uir"., in amQUnll\ and with ,,,-',,,paru,'.arr'l'tabl.'10 Ih~ <br />~. alld ..Ill I... pay~bk 10 the Mur~. In e_ of 1_ und,', ,Udl 1",11("1("' Ih.. Murtg., " anthoriz.d 10 <br />~ ~ me. ~.... dt~'ion~ aU dain\$. thPftUll-tWr at its s.olfi' optiont authnrl1.P-dl0t'llhf'ra:ppty th.' <br />~totlle ~Oll of tit" f'toptrty tlf upon Il,.. ilKl<\bU>d_ "",ured hereby. but payltlt'nl.s h_Wldt1r shall ~'()O. <br />~ Uldi!""~ _led "-'by .... paid In f\lll <br /> <br />5. Cl ~ "VI: ~.aad ~. NotwUluUndJnc anyllling <<>tlt.ined In pat1l&rap!l. a and 4 h.",ol 10 Ill~ <br />~. ~.alltll pay to u... ~ at th. tlllli' of payinllhe moutllly install_nb> of principal and tnu,R-'$I. <br />-..LweI.C!l~~,. tau., _lA, hUlIIlI in_w premi\uD5, and grt>Wld "'nllt (If Iny/which may .I!.lln. <br />~. ~. w. ~, Idl lit ~ flU_~ from time to time by Ih.. !t~. Tile amount> '0 pald shall.... <br />...... "" .....~ .ltbOil! il1~ lII1d tpplIed to tl,. p&)'1IU!nl of tltt> IIt'ltI$ '" rt'5Jl<'CI w wblch .uell amounb w.... <br />~ l'M-PlW 10 ~.l1e_'" _ ~... additlunal .."utilY for Ih. i"dcbt.d"""" .""u",<I by Ihl. <br />~ ~"'JI<<)I to.~ "'" .mou,U 01 any dt1f1cl.ncy be<1Wli't''' 1M ll<'tualllx". __nl>, illSuran"" <br />~ _l!W/l4ftl11t:lll!!<l..UlIt.~ ~. Mthin 10 days an., lit'llWld " mW upon Morlcqof rcqumi"l <br />~~, <br /> <br />l <br />I <br />J <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />......~"__ t.w. ~ JIlOftl\lUy ",pair. _'" Of ",build .ny buildlnlJO or Imp""emrJlu. no'" or <br />~"'" llliIl~; tll"""UW I'ropeft)' il1 fDO\I eoMlUm aad "*flair. "'lllUlu "aM., and fn><' r"'m m""lwtt,", or <br />~__~\l!il~ tou..1l& Mfeoi;_ to ___,'lIfter <>l pt>tmit MY IIn........". 10 ~ltl4\, nor 10 d,m",. <br />.bib <<lllljMtlli ~flliW'CltUlil ~.ll;)< *"}'. lilt Of ..-- 10 1Id.;All4 to COftIl)Iy wilb .Ii "","'''''''''''10 01 i.", wilb <br />'llI~. <br />