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<br />:,rc,V~ de- s{h::h
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<br />.!.;"r;ce ~re-:-:-'-:'.1r:~
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<br />83-003691~
<br />
<br />\,\1'fh lun-ris pa~' 5UCf~ rr(':;:~FJ~ U1e ~':2'fi:t::n~~ tL:us~rH: a11G r~3;: t)t:\:,::Z"prn:~~1t r;Jr-~UE1~ L" ~hc
<br />:'\Jatjonar H{)usmg Act. <!s amen-de-G'. and ,aprlk:ahie Re~llh'tf0n.;; theref_HHler:
<br />
<br />(IB If and $0' !ong as said note ~Jf even daie 3pd this insrrurnent ::j,re heid by :heo Secret3r:-' ilfl.Using and
<br />Urban ~eJopmenc a-. rnonthly charge lin lieu or a n!ortgage inSll!tll1ct''' p.remiuTn,i \.\thich shan be in .an
<br />amount equal to one~twe]fth (in::.') of one-half {II:':) per centum of the average outstanding halance
<br />due on the- note computed \vithout taking into account deHnquencies or prepayments:
<br />(0) A sw:n-equal to the ground rents. if any, next due. pius the premiums that v.tin next become due and payable un
<br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus Iaxes and assessments next due
<br />on the mortgaged property (all as estimated by the Jlortgagee) less all sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums" taxes and
<br />assessments will become delinquent. such sums !O be held hy Mortgagee in trust 10 pay said )<round rents. pre,
<br />miums. taxes and speeialassessments; and
<br />(e) All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount therenf shall be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each month in a single payment 10 be applied by the Mortgagee to the foi!owing items in the order set forth:
<br />
<br />(I) premium charges under the contract of insurance with the S,xretary of HtJusing 3nd Ur08!1 Development,
<br />or monthly charge (in tieu o(mo,.tgage insurance p,.emil/Ill), ;)S the case may be;
<br />(II) ground rents, taxes, assessments, !"ire and nther hazard insurance premiums;
<br />(Ill) interest on the note secured hereby: and
<br />(IV) amortization of the principaJ of said note,
<br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shall, unless made gt)od by the Mort,
<br />gagor prior to the due date of the next such payment, COllstinlle an event \If default llndt~r this Jnortf~age. The
<br />""lortgagee may collect a "Iate charge" not to exceed rqm cents (4/) fur ,:;rci! dollar ($ 1) of eael! payrnern mqre
<br />than fifteen (IS) days in urrears to cover the extra expense Involved in handling delinquent payments.
<br />
<br />
<br />;), That, if the LOUrI of the payments madE' bv the \lortgagor undN i' Ii) of paragraph :1 pwceding :~hali. exceed
<br />the amount of paymenb anllally made by dlP \!ortgagee for ;!i'Ound rems, Laxe~ and a"~e""mel\ts or insurance pr!!-
<br />miums, as th*1 cas(' may be, such excess, if the: loan is current.. at the option of the Mortgagor. shaH be creditc,d b]
<br />the Mortgagee on subsequ(mt payments to he made hy 01(' \'lorlgagOL .)r refunded to the ;\lortga.!!or, If, hflIV('ver. the
<br />monthly payments made by the Mortgagor und(:r (i,j of paragraph .l preceding shall not be suffiCient to pay' ground
<br />rent. taxes and aSS(,SSmHlts or inSUfltn('(' premium,." ;j,,, the ca,w may be \\lwll the ,,:aml' s!1<1Il become due and pav-
<br />able, the'n tnI' \Iongltgor shall pay to the Mortgago(. allV amount. !H'n',~sarv 1,0 nrak(' up till' defjeJ('nn', on or before
<br />the date when payment of such ground rents. taxe,;, as,s",.srnenb or insurance prl'miu!1ls "hall be dup, If a t any
<br />timt. the \lortga/lofshaJj render to trw \!ol'tgagee. In aCl'ordanl'p wiih thn pro\'i,;iol1" of till.' nnlo"pClll'pd Iwwb\
<br />full payment of fh€' l'ntirn indl'btHln('"s n'pn'~\'nl('d thereby, HH'''hal!, in computing t.he amount of !4uch
<br />indebtedness. cfc.dit ro lhe accounr of the Mortgagor ;,[1 payments mad", !lnder the provisions of:, of paragraph :2
<br />h('wof which the illorlgagee ha,,, nul become obi i.galed 10 pa) to tilp"PCrPlilrl of lfou;"i.ng and l'rhall Dc:vdopment
<br />and :my hal~m('e remaining in the rund~ ac,'ur111ilawd miller the pro\'i"IOI1,~ of (h) of paragraph 2 hereoL !f there
<br />,;hall h.~ a defaulj undN aIl~' of th(, pn)\'i,~iol1" of lhi,,, mongag<, 1'\'~lliting in "puhlic "ail' "i' Ihe pn.'I11;;';",,. <:ol"'l.'('d
<br />IlefPUY, or if tlw \lortga,!!".,' :ll:\juireslhe prop.'!'i) ollwr";,-" a1'H'r d"fault. Ih('\lol'lgiJ,!!('""hall appl.' :<1 die limp or
<br />tile ('omm('ll('.':m'mt of !';ucn PrI",€,('dings, nr at \11(' Ilm(' IIw property r,. "llwl'\,,'j,~l' ;,\("!Ilir<;,l. Ih(' balan('(' t1wn n'main,.
<br />ing in tht' funds lHTUlTIulawd undl'r "I' paragraph pn'cl'lhng., ",. " credil :1i!ain:'1 II\{' amouni. of prindp:d t!W!1
<br />remaining unpaid ullder~IUlj nOLl', ;llld "hai properlI' l,dIU'" ;lilY paynwlIl.... I',hid; "hall h:1\" 1.ll'l'1l mad" \indPl' la'
<br />of paragraph ~,
<br />~. Thai the- Mortgagor \~'ill ray ~t;'I(H,HH.f f'l'nh, t;'l\(-''j l""~'~S"lnt:lll':',o "Xilh:.'!' r!ik~. ilnd uther ,~u\!efl'imt:ni.~d -or munk:ip;.'t!
<br />c.h.argc-s. fines, or impositions. for v..hich pro\-j:--,ii"l!l It(.'1", ,'1()t b!.;~n m~dt' hen:Jl1be-fort:, ;md in d~fau!t thert~{)1 I'ht.:' ~'1ong~lge(' Ill,l)
<br />pay the same: und that rhe M.ongilgol' will ddiVt'r lhe ,lIlie'lal tilen:io; to the t\!,IJngag"e,
<br />5. The ?\-1ortg(tgor ",..:ill pay ~dl !;L\,r.:~ ma~\; hI." ie\-Jl;'d llpOfl the irH"'~f'e'tt in ~a~d r(";1I e'~tak and impnive.
<br />ments. and which may he levied upon Ihi, flhlrtgagc: ,)1' ,he ddn ",.:ured had)\, oni) to the e\lelH Ihat "Ii.UI i, (hll pr"hibil'.
<br />ed bv law and on!v to !he eXlt'IH that su\.:,h v,;.iH nul' m;.d\t": lhi~ 1.;)(111 l,ISt,lf'HH.t\). hnt exd,uding HI1\- inc\)nlt; UP;. St~Ht." or Fcoend.
<br />imp(;sed on Mortg~!we, and will file rhe ,Qlklal re-:Cfpl ,lwwillg ,u(:h payment" nl; the 'vi ong"ge'e , L:pun vloJi!tlon of (hi;. untkr,
<br />taking! or if the l\ilortgag<Jf IS prohibited hy !a\\: nov.o' ~)r hereafter t.:'.\I,..ting .fh1m pr1ying the \.vhok or p\)rtl,on (tf the ~lf~H\>
<br />said taxes. or upon Ihe rend(.ting of any ,,'oun prohibiting the the Mortgagor or 'HT)' liT>''''S. <'I jf sUc'h lal'
<br />or decree provides thai' any mnOUfll ~o Pi:,ild by rht~ 1\,'fOn,g;'igof >Jhail on the- I'llurtgagf.:: dcb~, the ,;.;han h:IVc
<br />the right 10 givt, ninely days' wrHten n,)(ke t(> the owner' ill' I.h<' . rc'quiringlh..:. the rnongage
<br />debt, If such notice be given, the said debt shall be~orue due, paya()!i; ,d tl1<,' expmmnn "lid ninuy day;,
<br />6, That should he fail to pay any slim or keep any cove" anI provided r"r in this Mortgage, ihen the M()rtgag,~<" ii, op'
<br />tion. may payor perform tbe same, and all expenditure, so made shall be added to the principal sum owing un the alK>>'" not""
<br />shall be se.cured h.:reby, and sh"ll bear intere,t ilt the rate set tort1o m the said note, lInti. paid,
<br />7. Trntt he he'reby a~signs, transfers and sets over h1' the Mortgagee, to be: arrlied I:OWHrd the {1f th,(; nott: and ail
<br />sums se(;ured hr:rebv in case of a ddault in the of anv of the term, dnd conditions Mortgage or the ,\;,id
<br />note--..-aH th.e, renES~ fe'VenUes and incoln.(', to be fn.Hrl the " premises:. during suz.-h time as the ""'" indebrt~d
<br />ness., ,sh~n rem~in unpaid~ und thc~, ,:'\1ortg1tgee. shaH havt jury o.gr.::Ol or agen't~ it Jt~:'\lre f~)r purp(}..;;~ of
<br />repairing said premises andpf renting the same and the rents, revenues and income, it Ill,,} our t>f s:,.;(] in-
<br />comes;tll expenses of repairing saidpremises and necessary commissmns and expenses inclIrred in rentmg managing the
<br />sanleandof collecting rellla]s therefrom:tne balance remaining, if any, in be applied {()ward the discharge of ,aid mortgage
<br />
<br />
<br />
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