<br />
<br />
<br />"'"
<br />
<br />
<br />"'rhi-S fo~ is use-d ;en CC-:'l"'!rl'€!'Cttcr":
<br />with mO-~ rnsu'fei:'1 '!:.Hlder the
<br />coe- to fou!"3~mftv provisions of
<br />the National Housi~ Acr..
<br />
<br />06140733
<br />
<br />gg..... O(J3692
<br />
<br />THIS MOIRTGAGE, made and execll!edthis 12t h day of ,fuly
<br />J98'3 , by and between R<lger G. Miller .and Lillian M. Miller, husband and wife
<br />
<br />oftheCounryof Hall
<br />rheMartgagc,r, and
<br />
<br />,A.D,
<br />
<br />, and State of Nebraska, party of the first part. hereinafter called
<br />
<br />acorpoTllrionorganized and existing under the laws af Nebraska
<br />party of thesecO!1d part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />
<br />WTfNESSETH:That lhe said Mortgagor. for and in consideration aU he sum ofFOR'l'Y NINE THOUSAND
<br />and 00/110(')' Dullars($ 49,000.00. J, paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant. Bar-
<br />gain, Sell, Convey. ,lOd Confirm unto the Mortgagee. its successors and assigns, forever. the following-described
<br />real estate, situated in the Countv ofRa 11 ' and State
<br />of'Nebraska, to wit: "341-\ We~t Capital, Grand Island, Nehraska 68801
<br />
<br />I,:ot Two (2), in Buck Suhdivi.sion, loeated
<br />Southwest O'Ilarter (SW 1/4) of Section Two
<br />Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of
<br />Hall Coun.ty, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />on part of the
<br />(2), in TownsMp
<br />the Sixth P. M. >
<br />
<br />,\Ugl!lC~m<<:.Xi'lllG>>~KMlmoo
<br />'l1'M~J!:
<br />
<br />Y.Jl1iJ:K~K::(~il(H[~ll'.iltl-
<br />
<br />TO HAVE /\ND TO HOLD the {'reml"" ;lb",~ .wscnbed, ,""iih all tilt, appurtrna!1<:es lbereumo bek'nging ilnel mdudm@
<br />a~1 heating, p:iumiJing and ligOltrlg !ixtme, ;Hld equipmenl now or hereafter altaehed 10 or u,ed HI ~(lnneuilm with "aid real estatt'
<br />llnto the '\1ong,jgee, and lU its "H;ec~sors and ",signs, f,}fever The MOrlgagor repre~,:nlS!O, :,nd covenants \\Ilh, the Mortga-
<br />ll,ee, that the 'v'I')rlgag,)[ has 'iO,)(j right to selland e.,mvey ,aid lhal they are fret: from cfH:umbraoce; :\rld that the
<br />:lvlortgagor wm wa;r;;;'n and d~fend the "am" the la.wful of ;;II persons' wIWllhOeVt'r; ilnd the said Mortgagor here-
<br />by relinquishes aU rights of hlHl1eslead, and martml nghts. dther in law or ill equity, aad ail other ,notingenl interests of the
<br />Mortgagor in and tolhe ab,)\ie..described the il1l.eUlion bemg to CNIVey lieret,)' all absolute litle, in fee ,imple. includ-
<br />ing all rights ,)j' htlmeSlead. aod other ao<.i intere,;;, a~ aforesaId.
<br />
<br />PROViDED ALW A YS. and the,e pr"''''nt~ are e,,<~..:uteJ dn;J deliver<:d up,'n the fl1llo,Qng cl'ndilions, III wit.
<br />
<br />The Morrg.agor agrees tv P,tY to the Mortgage", or order. the principal sum
<br />and 00/10(;) Dollars
<br />
<br />lI9,OO<).00
<br />
<br />1.
<br />
<br />with imeres.t i roll! dat" ~t the fdte <,ELEVEN and 50/100 DCI ,'wtUlll i 11.500 ) pCI annum on
<br />the unp"j;:j bakwce unriJ p<lId. The ~aidfrJncjpal and imerest ,hall he payahle :~t the olliee of
<br />GOllll1lereial Federa Savi:ngs ~ l.oan Association
<br />in North Platte, Nebraska. or ;J.L:)J.!ch \libel' nl:,IJ.::.C .~ the {wIder of
<br />the note may III writing,lll munthly installmenl, <>1 PIVE HUl:fDRED SEVEN1't TWU and ;<;:.1. { L \':Iv
<br />Dollar" ($ '572. .1,1 collll11encing on the of
<br />,1983 . ;,n<1 on the i1r~t Jav of eaeh mofllh then,aftcr Iltltillhe m-
<br />lha1 pay mcnt of pflncipal ,lfH,( if nut S,l<Hler paid. be
<br />1 qq,fl, ".:curJing 10 the terllJ~
<br />tbe 'Said :,1.oflgagcH
<br />
<br />
<br />pr0~c:ct the s{~cttrity ()f this
<br />
<br />agree~:
<br />
<br />,", hcn:inbctore
<br />on the principal
<br />\vritten nUllCC ,"1
<br />
<br />Privilege i'i re:>c!'\'cd lo P;IY the debt in whotte, ,)[ in an
<br />nexl. due un the Ode, ,,0 the
<br />tu cxad..e ;,Udl jJrivilq", i."
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />fJxlder t'fi:::un:;;" iJf the
<br />fHHy p-aI:i.L the
<br />
<br />t.h:iS
<br />
<br />a
<br />
<br />f!?Sl.( rmJ{'f'
<br />
<br />fO
<br />
<br />
<br />'t
<br />
<br />