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<br />83- 003608 <br /> <br />Ule LAW DEPARTMENT <br />DOCUMENT NO. 1-5017-1-3 <br /> 2 <br /> <br />tbis.. deed, agrees te indemnify and held harmless Granter and <br />itsa:e.filiates, their .officers, agents, empleyees, successors <br />.of assigns, agatnstand frem any and al.l liability, less, <br />qama<;Je, claims, demandsI' actiens, causes of actien, costs and <br />exp:ens,es of whatsoever nature, including ceurt cests and <br />attprneysl fees, which may result frempersenal injury te .or <br />death .of persens whemsoever, .or damage. te .or less .or de,... <br />strueticn .of preperty whatscever, including the pipeline .of <br />Grantee, when such personal injury, death, 1essl' destructien <br />.or damage,> hewscever caused, grews .out .of .or ar ises frem the <br />burstingclf .or leaks in said pipeline, or in any other way <br />whatsoever is due to, .or arises because .of, the existence .of <br />said pipeline .or the eperatien, maintenance, repair, renewal, <br />recenstruc:tien, remeval .or use .of said pipeline .or any part <br />thereof, or te the centents therein .or therefrem. <br /> <br />The term "affiliate" (.or "affiliates" as the case <br />may be) a~; used herein means any corperation which directly <br />.or indirectly controls, .or is contrelled by, .or is under <br />commen contrel with Granter. (Unien Pacific Railread Company <br />is .one .of several cerperatiens under commen centrel with <br />Grantor. ) <br /> <br />It is expressly made a conditien .of this easement <br />that if GI~antee, its successcrs .or ass igns, shall abanden <br />the pr.emi~;es .of Granter in the lecatien described in <br />Exhibit AI, .or any pertien .of said premises, for the purpeses <br />.of this eclsement, then and in that event all the rights <br />herein grclDted shall cease and determine with respect to the <br />premil~es se abandened, and the ti t1e te said premises shall <br />be frl~ed from the burden .of said easement; and it is further <br />agreed thcilt ncnuser .of the premises descr ibed in Exhibit A <br />.or an;{ pertien thereef fer the purpeses .of said easement fer <br />the peri~i .of one (1) year shall be deemed an abandenment .of <br />the prl~milt)es .or portien thereef nct used. In the event .of <br />the abandl:>nment .of the premises .of Grantor in the lecatien <br />described in Exhibit A, or any portien .of said premises, <br />either by nonuser .or .otherwise, Grantee shall deliver te <br />Grantl:>r a recordable instrument evidencing that the title to <br />the premises se abandened is free and clear .of the burden of <br />said leaSell\ent and is free and clear .of liens, encumbrances, <br />clcud:e up~on or defects in the title te said premises created <br />or pe:t"Jt\itted te be created by Grantee. <br /> <br />If the facilities or any pertion thereef are <br />abandoned, and Grantee fails to cemmence geed faith efforts <br />te remove the facilities se abandoned and restere the portion <br />