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<br /> <br /> <br />, ,,: ',- ,'- :,'- <br /> <br />83:"'" 00 3801f <br /> <br />ADDn10NAL TERMS <br /> <br />. ...-. <br /> <br /> <br />N"(I~$;.~RES$aDOR',lMPLlEO... ()FMERCHANTA*. <br /> <br />ALL GOQDS 'AND SERVtCES UNLESS.SELtER FUR..; <br /> <br />Rf4Af(fYORiSiSRVICECONTf:fACTMADE"SYSEL- <br /> <br />S THISCOf\lTRACT). . <br /> <br />'tl;1)1hliyerelt'd;'indetalh tl1li sep'dra~.'tlMrrED;WARll'ANTY" Wflit11 accomplUlltsthis contract Ii explaio51heconditioj'j(j and ci1'Cllr:hstances in which dillman- <br />ufactul'ctt prod . .1 take n9lke of the limitations on the. warranty, and I particularly focognil.e that an)' implied warranty which applies to the <br />gO\:K1S lasls Olll! e.OI)l'Ilr.lcL' <br /> <br />asured my house and its openings so that y6u can make the products lQ fit my particular hous~. I take notice that the <br />, probably will nlll filM)' otheth()\!ses,'and" under stich conditions,. 1 kno,,"' that fcaonol cancel this contnlClat any time <br />(>~ tome,.~.)' Ill,w, illwl\!ch IDcancel. Aller that legal period qf time, I know lhat I haye Ihe ,)hllg,.tion l.O pay you infull Ihe. all'lQun.towed. <br /> <br />OBLlGATlONSPER:rAINlN~:; TO l\fY REAL EST A TE:l. l. promise 10 keep my house in~()od repair and 10 keep it insured fo/ al least 80% of its replasement value <br />by buying a fire llildell'fttfldedco' in~cC'pon~,,' . The !MUf:IIl'lt,e companv must he arprt~'ed by'you, arid thepolky must have abenefidary clause wHich says that <br />Y01~c/lre to be ~d if.lhere j's.llinsl1raoce company mu:\f. agree it win not 'a,nce my p<.)lky without firsttel)tng )','u. I aut:llori~ thejllsural1ce company 10 pay <br />YOllll~)y fiSril.rty loss. You . paymentlo either rt,pay anyamollllts I ollie you OrlO repair my h,)Use.2, I also pmmise that I will not allow <br />anyon<:el..'iCI10 placet lInytilells onmy~estlll.e!o"jlboutyoor wnrten pemnssulI1. :I, I promise to p:IY all taxes, llSSelisment& and otller charges on my real.;.stille when due. <br />4. lpromlse ttnimely mllkle all pa,ymcllts 011 my prior 1000000s secured by my relll est.1le ! also prom;se that! wlll not e~tend. renew or change prior 1000000swithout your written <br />pell'mll"jon. 5, If r do oot insure rny h\1U:!ie or fu!fillmJl other obligatlons (0 my !elllest\'lte. then \.'ou can do;t for me if you want (bm you do not have to). If you do pay any <br />ohht1le oblllgaliMs fl~nne, I agn::e to pay you hack on demand plus mlerest al the hlghesllawlu( COll!raCI rme of Interest. Uotlll pay you back. Ihese amounts will be added <br />t\~ IllY debt 10 YOll which is se.::ured by my real estate and house. I knm'.. thut if you deCide to hllY insuranl'e for me that you do not have f() obtain any homeowner or liability <br />I nSill'lIIICie , <br /> <br />SALEOF MY HOlISE: I>ltu sell, ka.-.e or give my house 10 anyone un1l11 have tully repaid my debt to you <br /> <br />nEF AUl.T: I will be In detault Ulldel' tnt' commctlf. <br /> <br />J I don 'I make a l)llymel~1 when due.; or <br /> <br />, I break Inypn~mlsc! Imdet(lV()\j lOthts",mlf".tcl;'" <br /> <br />,', Something clili<' happc:,n, Whldl ('ause' you 10 hehc\c 111 good l;mn rna.l J do !l(llll1lend to pay ynu as pronuscd; or <br /> <br />" I aetllulh'n 11m' ohhg~,t"ms Wr '" !lien I am !.I,mlt ow home II, (,,,!laterai'. 0' <br /> <br />~ Somcrhml1. nappelb In my h,'uM: WhKh l!>rclIlen' Y"\lr flghl', ,: at" . '0 It <br /> <br />If'l "!\fIN DEFAt-fT.": !l umml!!laOO l!hal YI:>\ll1a\'t: Ihe r:!thllll foredo,e Ihc M"rlg"gc I havc ltl\'<'ill\l lOll ;md have my l",use ,,,kl to 'epay an\' amounts J owe you If I <br />um HI dehlllll under thiSI:oi~tnlCl. 8eflll'e my l'K~lse IS sold, yoo ;","ll do e'erYlhm~ 1l1alttae law reqUIres If you hire an a.llomey to as.'lst you 10 sell my h<rulOe, or. 10 sue <br /> me, <br />01, 1\, J1'f\)te(" yOU! n4llht~, lll!t~ 101 pay '9U loll YOII! l1:<1L\<.;IIl:lbl.: atl<'!lTleY' tcc, "!ldlor Olllel related elpen.-.e, "u~h 11-' cnurt ;:osl\. title ~e..r~he, :mJ m,mey <br /> y"tl expended <br />,<' JIl't1lecl m:y him1\(' .it Ylm are all<lwed to colle<:l 3ucll anK'un\> hy la", <br /> <br />C.,1tIlR.Rltj,HTS: \N... ....,Il ~'5e J'l("j( 10 eflf~ MY Of lhl," ngtll' IJl'l<kf Ih" <70ntt:lct as otten as we Wllnl wlthoml<mng them Or. we can dclav enfon:illg an)' of the rights <br />wilh<~ losi:nl\ l/wm, We ,'illllllKl II"",, Illy righi' IIOW ';':11 Ihe rtltlj!~'l'i'elll" u, by I"" . <br /> <br />tn~::L.%:YS:!l kll"" lhlll ~\)\l WIll",,,: you,l'>r>1 dlnl,. W Ul~Wj lhe pt'Wluch ',1ll1 rll,(h..~m", UIl Ill\' hUIl~, bUll al.".', 11l1denlan<lll1alll1 ""'"' .\I1lllltJ<JIlS YOII mayencolIll!er <br />dt:'~Yi \bllt IUt (~,lb~1 ~trikei). weathe; cou,hh.,)u,,_ ddayl1, ~.J"'4 hJ'wc ~}ht.lwmg: rn.att*'nal!>.., nr (\If Qth(~r q~..Pli\m"l th~H af~ hey~;ad )itJUt' \'j~llfn)j I ,j{l(.knutnd <br /> that )'i)U WIll <br />rllM brhlll.\1e ((If $UCb delll)l. <br /> <br />AIl:DI11tA.TIO:"!; llll\..'e . "!'!plllt' t~ el.,"n ....Ill Y(IU cmlCerTlllll' the or pertofntlltKe nlthc !'m..hK I'. IWl<ler-land Ihill mY d"p"ll: l!la)' he J>ubnutl.ed 10 <br />IlfKI '>Cltled 10:,,;,,)<<11111:, "" lihc~ Illt'sJtll!l<l!HI:bltrlll,vll prngllllll !1wl1 may M-e "" u'mnlllllIlY. 1.,1".11;110\" Ihal dn) d.XIShHi m,uk hy 111' athllrlllorl,) would <br /> he ell' <br />tco:~ tn. the ((~un h:l'l,"lng J,llnMh1.~tt<l}j' n\iet H\C .and YfM) <br /> <br />SAtV AC;I~, V Al,tl~:~ i ~nl(~"" th4jl! Ul< \\;';it,"'"'~. ~'J\~"H)f'" oth('r md~,.efj:ah th~';tl ha'~t; hI hc' n.,.nl;(Jv<.~d b:y ~ou h:J.r' {hI, m"l-t;Jl/;,itJinl nave NO salvage <br /> vaiue, \,Vnen YQU re~ <br />n\op\'(! .horn. y\~U "~n Irta...t: d~m h '\.r WMtC"\'C'f purp4)M': '}; H(j \\. ,a,n! <br /> <br />SPFA'IAI. SITI""ItQlliS,, [~II.' II... ""I"lue'.Ie~.",t so....."' the .11.1 :,ou ;,ell, j UlHler~hm.:j thai III 'I",oal "Iuallons thaI lour RegIonal Offlc<l' may have W t'e",,'" <br />It!ll:lac,'eplllllS ~"Dln...1, 1,1Il'\O \I.lidtntw:i;d Ihti th!.:> ""Ie (lC<:UI1'eU ,..1lllC .,,(.\ Ill.l and 1m,,, flH1IHHe ha.j alllhe ~"m:d lI1formationltnOommtlO this transactIOn <br />#t.'il.lf 1.1ll\enJp~.1 gl\'~ )!.)U my ">ii"'t,Jltl"~om:.;: <illY mal whclIlhe blanks 'I1th" cooLta<:1 w"re completed. ' <br /> <br />IS\! AI-1D P:ROVIS10NS: h llll\ I>lO\.'"on'JllhL> _"',,ale' lhe law dHO I' lmenlortellble, the re'l 01 the (lmlra;;! wdl be \aIIJ. If all) p,,,,! of this c"mra.:1 requires <br />paynltnttlfmorc ~nt(:,~z than the law pte::rnnh. the.o )OU have the nght to'..y)H<<'1 trofn me the anu)unt o11mere:st whJch (he iav. all-ow~ you au i,,:'ollcct. <br /> <br />(:OMPl..:n~;Nf:SS W' THlS('~OSlRACi: TIn, "llUfa<t ",d. _Hlly be ~hanflcd II both J'YU and t agree in writing <br /> <br />The 1:',>11"... mj; n<~tke brln~I' I" my at.tenti{lI'lthe rl!!hts even whelllhIH'ontr...:t i, sold to a l'inandaJ Jn$tltulmn ')f a bank, and 1 should nollCe Iha! the Impor- <br />tllPl.X\ (If rm~ pl'(WI$<;n l,~ 'li~U;;j,:."O I>)' ltl> l!lJ>l?CWJll)Cew ~l:l ~. <br /> <br />n <br />I I <br />LJ <br />