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<br /> <br />~fy payment s.chedule will be: <br />Number of Paymt"nts Amoum or Paymc'ms i \\l1en Payments art: Due <br /> <br />P"; /,j '/, /\i <br />cJ---" {/,// J ,(,ilC-.-"'"-L') <br /> <br />Securitv: I am ~ivinQ a secunty interest m- <br />.. theV goods, s-ervlc~s and properry being purchased, and <br /> <br />2. my real estate and improvements. inciudingm,y <br />hOlJse. an aI my "Address" designated above <br /> <br />'''1' 'R d' f $ /.r. L' (\ <br />r Ling: ecor Ing ees _~-:..-..~ <br /> <br />Late Charge; If a payment is more than ten (10) days <br />late, I wii! De charged $5,00 or 5% of the p"ymeflt. <br />whichever )$ less. <br /> <br />35 <br /> <br />i Estimated to be _ j d days after the date <br />$ /..<J0,.27 i of the Completion Certificate , <br /> <br />rAT! subsequent installments' on lhe same day ofl <br />$ /.::2 t;J . ~ : each consecUT,ve month until paid in full <br /> <br />I st Payment <br /> <br />disability insurance are not required to obtain credit. and wiil <br />and to the additional cost, <br /> <br />Prepayment: If ! payoff early, ! will no! have to pay <br />a penalty, and 1 may be entitied to 2 refund of part of <br />the finance charge. <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />$ /5-1,g2 <br /> <br />) ! will review other portions of this contract <br />fl.1f additional informar.lon aboul non.naymem, default, <br />any reqmred r~payment in full before d;e's(;hedu!ed chile, <br />;:I.nd prepay:mellt refunds and penalties <br /> <br />e means ~ln estimate <br /> <br />Property insurance is required, but <br /> <br />may obtain this property Insurance from anyone <br />"""\ ......., " '~,"~ , <br /> <br />.' I <br /> <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: The finance charge (interest) is estimated to start on' ---___2',/',' ::;/p' ,~ <br />(ill~rtthe date) except in' the e~'(mt that you complell: tile installaliOnof the goods and services on another date, then the finance charge (interest) will begirl'1O run on the <br />date that I shall si!ln a Completion Certificate. Tlleamounl of financc charge !'interest) may be mIKe ()[ less than the amount disclosed depending on the amounts I pay you <br />llnd my timelinessm mal:ing payments. <br />PR~PA YMI'.NT: T may voluntari!ly prep.ay the amount r owe you ,in full or in pan, at any time. If r make a partial prepayment, T must continue to make my regular payments <br />IInlllT have paid allam~lnts owed, <br />kEQUFST FOR FULL PA YMltNT: If I do not pay when due, you can declare aft that I owe under this contract pavable at once. I agree to pay you interest on that amount <br />at the maximumcolltl'!1ctual rate lllllowed by law until the amountT owe YOII is paid. I also know that you can foreclose the Mortgage! have given tr> you. <br />COl.LECTlON COSTS: If I am in default of this contract ami you demand full payment. I understand thai you may send it to an allnrney for collect;on and enforcement. <br />If)'Oudnso. I agree 10 pill' your reasonable attorneys' fees pillS any COllrt COSts and expenses incurred by you. thaI is. if you are allowed to collect such amollnts by law, <br />"~RTGAnE: I hereby glrlll1!, bi"gain, sell, convey .llld !l1(mgllge 10 you. as Mortgagce, my real ,:stalc and house located at my "Address" designated on the top portion <br />of Ihls COIlIr.act as .sc.'CllrIty fllr alla.mounrs due to you under thIS Tnstallmcnr Sales Contract. <br />REVERSE SIDE: I Ultlll:RSTAND THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTALlMENT SAlES CONTRACT ARE <br />A. PART OF THIS IISTAUMENT SAlES CONTRACT AND, THAT I AM BOUND BY THEM INl'HE SAME MANNER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS <br />VERY INSTAllMENT SAlES COlfrR1CT. NOTICE: PROVISIOIIS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY OBLIGA- <br /> <br />TIO'.. NOnCE TO BUYER <br />1.1 do not ban to 5l1l:D thl'it'llllltnld berore I read ltor if IIny ufthe .spaces intended for tbe agreed terms to the extent of then available Information art' <br />1d'I' blank. 2. J am enIli1!led to II copv of Ihis rontract a.t ~be time I sign it. .~. I ma'\' pn off the full balance due under this contract at any time, and in <br />SO dolllllma'\' betntiltled to I' rebaie of the unearned finance and insurantt chargC5 lit anyl. 4. r understand that this instrument is based upon a home <br />MIlldtatlon ute and Ulall thb ilnstrumt'ftt Is not negotiablll. 5. It sball not be legal for ,"00 to enter my preml'iCS unlawfully or commit any breach of the <br />pI!IIICe to ~ ~b pw-dt1Ued ullder this rontnlel. <br />BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL <br />I MAY CAlttElT1ltS AGIEEMEIT AT MY TIME PRIOR TO MIDltl&HTOf THE THIRD BUS!ftfSS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTlOH. (l HAVE READ <br />THE lCCOIPAllYlltSIIOTlCEOfl RIGHT TO CAltCEl FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT,) <br /> <br />{'opy RECEI\'I'D: I w:knm,vledge receipt olll completely flllcd III C\tpy of tltis contract ;lIong WHit two 121 cople, 01 the Sqtlc.e of Righi to Cancel Form, <br />IN WITNESS tIm, lnstl!ll.rnenl Salc\ ('ontra,'l ilnd MOl1gagc Oll., becll SIgned on 11m day 01 ,.,:-.=:..""-~_...... .19 <br />;II ICll}'l 01 Nebraska <br /> <br /> <br />PACESETTER <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />Slale 0' "kbnJSka <br /> <br />My co,nmlssi,)H exprre~~: <br />SM.Hll.NE.HHB <br /> <br />J <br /> <br /> <br />is:S. <br /> <br />wa.. a(;:knowiedgcd 1"x~fnrt:' mt' un thIS day n; <br />, 19 , hv lhc abow dc"gnalcd <br /> <br />("ounfji ti)f <br /> <br />....... I"_-"el. '" ........ <br />R08ERT tenBfNSa. <br />.1.11..~ ~.m.z. <br /> <br />'otdry Puhiu: <br /> <br />...CONFIDENTLAL ONLY <br /> <br /> <br />C()py <br /> <br />n <br />I I <br />u <br />