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<br />,. "'--003587 <br /> <br />the shaH exceute and deliver a supplem,mtal note or notes <br />smns advam:(){! by for the modernization, or ilnprovernent made at <br />request; or for maintenance of said preJnis1.)i3, or I'm' taxes OJ.' assessments ag'ai1ist the <br />oih'?!' purpose elsewhCl'e authorized hereundm.. Said note or notes shall be secured <br />\vith and a$ if the advance evidenced werei.ne1uded in the note tlrst <br />described above. Said note or notes shall bear int,)rest at the rate for in the <br />indebtedness and shall be p;;tyable IMyments for sllch period as <br />b{, agl'(,(,(l upon and to agree on the the \,hole of the sum <br />or ,mms so advaneed shall bedne and after rk.rn:md by the In no <br />en'nt shall the matu ritr exttmd beyond of t!w note first described ahove. <br /> <br />8. Ho t!'an~fers and sets over to the to be toward tho payment of <br />the note and all sum" ",'(,ul!'d in case of a dd':tult in rh" perfOrm:llH'l' any of Ul(~ terms and condi., <br />lions of this tht'said (Ill the n:'llts.n'\'e!HWS and inconw w be di'l'iI'('d fnil'n th". mort- <br />Ilr,'n11S"8 during sllell link ,l.~ 111<' HF\t'lgag:e Illlh'bt\'dncs;; sballl'dllain 11Ilpaid; and the Mort.gage!' <br />.shaH han. POW"!' to rlPpoint any agpnt or .Hl!:f'nts II mn.v 0I"81n' fOl' lh,' pllrpos:: of I"'llting t11f: "ame and col- <br />th., n~n1:s, payout ,,1' said incollJ(':.; ;lil I1h'(':<sary ('ommlssions and <br />"Xl"'!!>>t':'; i n(~t]] ITPd mamlg'llIg t 1i("';UlW and lif ,'oHect mg' l"'ntal" tll,'r,'from; l!lt! balance <br />rt;n1~UB:n}r. f I'd th1.\ >;':tid t'Horrg-:l;U:e hul"ll)t('dtH),sS. <br /> <br /> <br />6, If he faHsto pay any sum 01' keep any eovenant provic!Hd for in this mortgage, tht: Mortgagee, at <br />l}el'forrn the samenmd so:made shaHIn) added tv theprindpaI slJm <br />note, shaH be secured hereby, and "hall bear interest until paid Ht the rate pmvided <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />inSUl.'NHC(\ <br /> <br />~jl'1 ~ he nnprO\*f"nh'nLs, <br /> <br />slIdl tvp.., "I' j.'.'Il('~, anrl amOlll1ts :I., Mortgagee <br />i-:;tid nn'rnis1'~':' and (~XJ'ppt \VbPll <br />p:d'rlgTaph ::. !;,'l'('"L /1 pay <br />\/] <br /> <br /> <br />