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<br /> <br />83""'''0.03587 <br /> <br />To HAVE AND To HOLD the same unto the I\Jortgagee, <,s herein provided, Mortgagor reprf'~w!lts to, <br />and coveilllnts with, the Mortgagee, th,lt the Mortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises; <br />that they ari" free from encumbrance, ~)xcept as lwreinotlwrwise recit<?rl; that the Mortgagor v(ill warrant <br />and defend the same ag~dnst lawfl11 claims of all persons whomsoever, Mortgagor hereby relinquishes <br />all ' an marital rights, either In law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of <br />the and to the above-descrih.!d <br />and these presents al'e eXecut(~d and delivered upon following conditions, to <br /> <br /> <br />agTees to pay to or order, the aforesaid principal sum with intt"rest from date <br />at the rate of TWELVE pel' centum ( 12 ',i,) p,~l' annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />'l'hesaiQ principal and inh)rest shall be at the office of Rothschild Financial Corporation <br />in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Mn. , or at such other asthe holder of the note may desig'nate iT! <br />writing dt~livered or mailed to tlHl Mortgagor, in rllonthly installnmnts of THREE HUNDRED FORTY ONE &11/100 <br />Dollars ($ 3i,1.11 }, comm,mdng on the Ih's!: day of August ,19 83 ,and continuing on <br />the first day of eaeb mOlll h tl1l'reafi.'r until said note if, fully paid, ,~xe(,pt that, if not sooner paid, the final <br />payment of prineip,111 ;ind int"I'(',st ,'hal! he (hIP <I.11d paya!)!,) on the first day of July, 2013 ; all <br />according to th,' tl"rrn" of a cc'rtain noh' of ,'ven daU' h('r,~\\'ith (!xecuted by the said !\lol'tga.R'o]'. <br /> <br />Thei7l'Iort~pi~oC fUI,tlwl' agn'('s: <br /> <br />1. He wii!llm~' Ok ""i..l,'ht,',hw;;s. :is h"t'e!llb,.,'ol'" !lroVl')."!. I'l'ivikg.; is reserved to prepay at any <br />time, without pr"mllHn OJ' Ih,. "ntict, :nd"i)t('drw,~1 ',I' an~' PI;!"! tll<o'1'('of not Jr,s:'! than the amount of one <br />mstallment" or one htmdrcd dollars ($100,001, \VjHchevl~r lS I""s. Prepayment in full shall be credit.)d on <br />the datt' !',~eeiVl'd, Partml prepayment, otltwr than on an mstallnH'nt due date. need not be credited until <br />the nt'xt following mstallnwnt dw' datE' or tluny days aft,>!' such prepayment, WllH:hcw'r IS earlier, <br /> <br />:~, To~~cther with, ;iHf! <br />t.lw I"rm" nf till' liflh' ;",,,:m".".1 <br />lrUS! as Iwrplnuft.'r ::.(,11.,..:1) '.11 tht. :irs! <br /> <br />I fl ) <br /> <br /> <br />;lddnlllll to, tlll' monthly pa~'mNlt;; of !>l'ill(lipal and illt"I'Nlt payabh~ lind,,], <br />I':IY to Mortgag't:(', ,'s It'llS!'''', (;md,'v 01(' li'rms of tills <br />of {'Hell month until ;";wl no It' j;s fully p:lld : <br /> <br />(I", ld'..rniuHls that will next Iweome due <br />'''\",,'llig' lli!' nV1rtgaS/:ed J1t'OPI.'I'ty, <br />I.!a;,:,'d iH'Illli'rl \' (;Ill ;,;< t'~t;mat..d h\' thC':'lol't- <br />l','~id.r paid 'lJH'f'~:'(ot dh'id{)d by <br />C;~iti' \\'hPH :-:,uch gTt:lund r(~nts. <br />SHnls. tlJ h(,j.j <br /> <br /><",;(':.;;~n Xi,' i) ts. <br /> <br />,,') till''''' P:I,\ <br />nJ IiI' iippih'd ~o tilt, (OflH\\',," <br /> <br />; ~j,:...~~ r~iJ~I,"~,: f';n:nnurn:s; <br /> <br />itS"'; rnHd~} ~~'I'od <br /> <br />f'x{'Pt,~d" <br /> <br />p~t)'nh"nt~. bl{t Au(,h <br />tJl(' i !}tl,-'}jt{",j" <br />t,~!jtlrp ~t!'ih_,'bt(:dtH,,'H;:4 and <br /> <br /> <br />::t H tin;;: (,I' th,' llliynwnts m..d,> hy lh,: :\tortgagor un.]..'r ilt) "l' paragraph ~ shall <br />'~Kc.e(]'d t.he amount payments mad!.' tlw as trust"",' ground I'H!t.s. (;'XI'S and <br />iii,,-:;t'SSll\€!l1ts Oil' insurance premiums, as the I'i"'';t' may I);" ;:'Ud1 ('XC(;SS "hall be c!'<:dited by tJw l\fortgagf~" <br />011 sub...~'quent paym,mts to b" made by the for ,~uch it!'rn." or, at option, as tl'w;t"",. <br />shall i:><: relumled to If, hm'",\',:!" muntldy paynwnls "hal! not be sutncient to pay SUi:h <br />items when till' sallIe sh.,ll b\;come dUt, and ;!wn the :;hail pay to lb" ;b <br />t.rust.(::f~, ~tll.Jr :un.ount n(~c"essa.ry to n}~,d,t. up ~ vrithin C.50) daysaft(~r \f,'(ittf'f) nota".:: froln <br />th\, Mortg.l.~'(;]: stating the amount of tht~ 'shieh notice may be giv,~n by Inail. I f allY time <br />theM:ortgagol' s11211 tender to ac\:ord:mc\: with the prn\'ision,~ of th(; note ,;;:cUt'dl <br />h~:reby. full payment (,f the entire indebtc'!Incss l'ejJi'l'ii"nted the as trustee, ;:;hall. <br />in :the aWiolmt 01' sUcCh the account of tiH: any credil; balance <br />under the of (a) {,J 2 heJ.'H)f. [f there shall ix: a default uoder any <br />of this mortgage in a public sale of the premlsf~s i:ovcn:d if the <br />the f):mperty otherwisH an,~l' <br />01 err .a~t tJre tinle <br /> <br />the <br />