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<br />83- 003543 <br /> <br /> <br />The m(}rtg~lgor covenatJU~ and agrees that if he !!hall faU to. pay !!aid indebtedn~t; 0.1' an}' pal't'lhereof when <br />'~llhaU fail to p,erf01'nQU1Y covenant or agreement of thill~l<trUment or the promigsory note secured hereby, the <br />btednesls her~y I>e-eured :!!haUimmediately heeo-me.;du~ payable, and collectible without notic~ at the <br />e mortgagee' ol?'aSllil!l~. re~ardlesll of l'oat"nty. an~jhe rnort~agee or hig assij!:ns may berate or after entry <br />wi.thout:cappraillement I the mortga!l:or .Illvia~ waiverlllml aggij!nf"o to. the mortfl:agee all ri/thts of <br /> <br />It) at :judicial ~ale pUCliuanl to the provision!! of 28,li.S,C. 200l Ill); ur <br /> <br />(It} at tlli~l)ptionot .iliemortgag~~either hyauction or hY60licitatinno(sea1e'dbiil8,for thehigllest and <br />~Dide6mplying withthil termf of aale and mlHtner of payl'tient wpedfied. itt the Jluhlillhedllotice of sale. nret <br />gi,ting fOlir week",' notice (If tilt' tilllle, t.,rms, ilr,rlp.lllc~ .of such Side. h~' llilwrtr,'cnle.I1II1()! les" thall HlH.'C <br />du.riogellclt~!i sai.d foul' week.s ill anewlJpllper pu.bU..hedor distrihuted in.lhe eou.nty iu which lIaidproperty <br />illllituated. Illlothel' t~otice being herebywail'ed by the mQrtgagor (aud .1I11id mortgagee, or any penon on <br />beh.U of uid nrortgagee, ulay bid with the unpaid indehN.\dne88 evidenced by said note), Said !ale shaH be <br />Reld at or on th;e property to h0 sold or lit the Federal, county, or dty courthouse for the county in which the <br />propeny ilflocated. The mortgagee is hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of the; mortgagor and to <br />deliVer 101 d$4t pOl'l*.llet'at 8Ueb Ale a .uffieient conveYlItlc.e of !;Ilid property, which conveyance "hall contain <br />nlcitala III It. the happening of the default upon wh.ich the execution or the powerofllale herein granted <br />~; &lId the Braid mortgagor herehy coJ1llututea and appoint/! the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the <br />mortgq;oe. the agl.'!\t and attorney III fact of ~aid mortgagor to make such recitalA and to "xecute said <br />eCI8"''''lIMIeand b~y c1Wt!tlllltt .nd agreee that the recitala *'} made Ilhall be etTectualln bar all equity or <br />ript of ~iemptiOt'l, homl"lrtead. dower, !lnd all othf','ex"'mptimlll of the IllOrljll1j.l:ur. ,Ill of whidl ar,- hereh~ <br />expreal" -.,..;",..... and <<JDveven 10 tl~ monlEajrl'!!!': or <br /> <br />~ IU) tllke IIftV <'tther IIppropriate aelion purllullnl t.o Illlih, or Fedt'fal ,tatull' eillwr in ,IiiII' "I' F,'oIl.ral <br />'~CI"n ')1" oth..rwiM' for tit.. dill1101!ilian or the properll. <br /> <br />In dIe "VelIt ola .ale, u hereinbefo~ Jlrovided. the mort.gllgor or any pt,rwll,ill PQllllell.ion u.ndn lhe mort. <br />I~.ltor ,bllll the,lI hl!('lllme lIod be t"'UoU1t. haldllljl: C"ier lInd .hall forthwilh deli"'r 1"'.."""Ioll III till' l'\In'hil..~r .tI <br />IlQCJ. _~ or f:Mo, *lUllmlllriJy OOpt:lM.."".....l. in 4"<,/)r.I"fl'~'" with tllf~ I,r.,,,i,,ium ..( Iii.. "1'1'1I"dllll:' to knanl- 1101,li"l! 0' c'C. <br />'n'e poWIIl'. ,r...~~gltl~~C1'4. .ll"" "<lup!.-d "lIh "1111l1"r('JtI ami _.e.. irreH"...ble j" ;/",1111 Of oill<'l,,,,.... alI<I <br />ill!'!" PO"N _".o,lw."~i..,,,, for "IIII"N",,, of ~.."j"dll""'l'rmid..,i h, IIlw. <br /> <br /> <br />-l. The p~J. of allY ..I" or Illid property in 1II".,.mla"c... with IheJlreeedinli\ par.gnpltlll "hall b.. .pplied firet <br />I. p.Y tbe eQlfCll M~I ~~.peoiJM O'f laid HJr. the "*p""n- Il"Ic\lrr...d t.V' I h.. mort~aJ(C'e for du" purv<- of protedifl# or Inain. <br />1.~iD& l!lud prc.:P'l'....". 1I0d, ,..,_.M.. IIUnrtlt\Y," foo..; ~coIlIJly, 10 (IllY lh..- hui..blt'd".....,..d h,'reh~ ; 1lIIlIIhir,II~, <br />I.. pay lUllY "\11'1'1"" Olr "xc,,_ 10 Iht> 1,..rIM'" or ('>1roon" I..ltllll~ entitl..d the,.'tu, <br /> <br />5. I.. the ..."rDlt .liOIid J",'operty if, I<lld lilt Il judicial fored()~ur" "al" or pu....uallt In Ill.. power of ..ale hereinahove <br />g..oted" aDd the pl'oceed. are nOI.WIldentlo Plll)' the total imlehtedn....s ~"u,,,,,l by thi. inllnllnent llud ..vident'ed by <br />uid JmMIII.b.ot-y nolte" the lfl,()rtflllflil!e ""ill be enlitled t.o a defldl:'ncy jud/l;ment (or the amount o( the defiei.mcy withou.t <br />nprd Jell .,,~....w, <br /> <br />6. till the e"'~:lllhe morlgagor fail. to PIlY llU) Fedee"l, IIf 10(;4,11." .."".....melll, innll1l(: I"x or .)tlll~r til' <br />liililQ,. dutl~fe. foe. 0.' (lIther e1pen.a.e ch<u!~ agawt lhe pruputy the UlOrlgciigee it; herd)} authorized at hi. option 10 <br />I'!III'Y the All)' llc\lWUll(. pud b, the tI1Qrtl!,ag:ee ",han be added 10 and become II pilrt of the prineipal anwullt of tll(' <br />ill1I:l.~ e"ide~:ed by said note.. !u.bject to the same tertm allt! condition&. If the mortgagor sball pay' and <br />d*hup, .the iacleJMe4.... ev.ideuced. by wd promWorJ uote,and shall pay such lums and shall discharge aU <br />t....___ A:lIldthe eQlfbl.,fet!ll. and eltpenllell of m~enioreing. and executing dUll mortgage, then thie mortgage <br />..aID M'~;QIt:l, IfI1I11mdaed. <br /> <br />1. T"CO'~1l1. herem oon~ shan bWci uel the benet"il.6 ana al.h~lIl1tage1l11ltan inu,..: to dH~ r"",,''''i'',' ,m'o <br />~l!JMmI' 0 ,ollthe I~ hereto. Whe_'tn: tued. tiu singular number .han include the plural. the plural the <br />~. .ll.~ of. any .-dn1lhali i8ehrde .II geadeno <br /> <br /> <br />llr uf the <>bligalioll <l<ItCIAI:t'o hel"lfb) ",luIll III ,HI)> litlH' therocalh,r I"" lwhl <br />Itl: of th'l!' ttote lIIOOwd h e,'ebJ. <br /> <br />..,.. "~' -I'( "' <br /> <br />