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<br /> <br />83--'>03543 <br /> <br />. . <br />ry nilte' was: fliven to: seeu", a Joan in ",'hkh the Small Business Administration, an agency of the <br />hu" panieipllfed. In compliance with section lOLl (d) of tbe Rules and Regulations of <br />Admini$tration (13 C.F.R. 101.1 (d) "l, tbis instrument is to be construed and enforced in accord- <br />aftee .:ith-applie-.ihleli'edelallaw" <br /> <br />. ,l.'Them6rt;g.agor ~_antl\ and agree.... follows: <br /> <br />a. H~ .will promptly pay the tndebtednel!ll evid~l1ced by prOirti8\mry hote Ilt the times and in the <br />m.~"t tiberein provided. <br /> <br />b; H4~ will pay all ta:xCl$, ~'ml'::l1tl\) water -rates. and othe.r govemmentalor. mtUui:.i"plll chuge., finee;, or <br />inlpoeidone, fOJ-which provision ha8l1o{ been made hereinbefore; llnd will promptly deliver the offiCial receipts <br />therefo;' to :the laid mortgagee. <br /> <br />.c. R~, wilt pay such expenQlUld fee, as mll~' be iu<'Ur'ed in theprot~ion and mllintemmC6 of said <br />property, ilK'fuding the f~,$ of any attorney cmpl...y~d by the murtll:'a~ee for the cnlleoCtion of any or all of <br />the. in(h~bt.mnQlJ hel'f'br ~l!elll'ed. ,)1' furf>Clmmr~. tw lfIorljl:al!"I"~ ~al~, 01' "0111'1 JHOCPl',HI1ll'~, or in allY other <br />litigation or pro'~N'djnl!: affectintr ~ajd l>rl~p~rty. 1\1101'11<'\'" f,."... l'l'lIMnl'\hh hH'ttrr<,,1 in flO\" MIl!."r wav .h!lll Iw <br />paid by tbemortllll/Cor. <br /> <br />d. F(~r l~tt.!1' .'~l1rit~, of the Indehl/"dne.. hel't'hv"'"urNl, IlP"ll the ''''1I1.,s, of the nm,lj!<'l!l:ee, its <br />lIu('C<el!!lon. ('I' ;uli1lj!ns, he .hat! execute ,lad deli",!r " .upplemelllal !UOf!.I(,H:f' Or llIorlJ>!alle. "o\'i>rllllI lIlI\' <br />addition!!, irnpro\' or IIi'lIel'melll.!! flUId.. It! tl", prol'l'!"'lv Iwr"in.d"'H dt',,'rilwd .111,1 all prop"rt\' <br />acq\lil1~d by II dtN the dill/" IH'rt'"f "Ii.! in lornl ."li.LH'lm.y t(, morl~il;::'''t' Furllll.l'tllon'. ,IHluld l1lortlo(l'lIH.r <br />fail to ""lre ;Ul\ ,1t'I:Iull HI tll<' 11'1\111<"111 of a prior ..I' wft'l'lO' "lltCWllbr"IH'p "" II", l'nlp..'rh ./....'ri/,,,.1 h\ <br />thi" irutnmlent. mor1llaj!or 'l~rr"'" h'. !,,,r!lll!. !l1ll1'1;:;."..,(,. 1ft niT'.' 'u,+. d"f,lllh. hilt 1II0I't;:tlj!N' j" 1I0t <br />oblil!illle,J 10 .10 ,"0; "fld "uell ,,,h;ulce, -hall h"rolll<' !"Irl ..i II.... ilHld.I.",hw.., ".'.lIn'.! In Ihi. i",!rlll111'III. <br />.ubjp<~tl/lt.he " r.'rm~ and I'lIllihlion.. <br /> <br />,', TIU' nt:bt. ('reah'll In Ihl~ .,ml.t";!n"" ~IH'lH rl'IIlIIUl III hill tnrn'",,,..! ,.i!"CI duftn!: .HI' p".lpUlll'n"'HI <br />or "lll"UJO.lOlI (.f the 11m.. "j Ill.. l';)\m"nl ..{ tll.. Illddl!/"t1rll''' t" ,,1"111'.".1 I" ...wl !,1'01ll'-"".' "oil' "I' .111\ 1',,,.( <br />Ib..n.ut ""('urr<1 berd)\"" <br /> <br />J. HIl will t1IUltinuOWlI~ nuunLlin hUlll'd i.11SUUllCtl, (Ii lI\ud, hp.. (H type. Mltl in lluch liUllOW1U as the <br />Inort#aj.l~' IlililY. from tUItI. 10 lime ""'tuur oll Il", IiliIHOH'IlWlll_ ".,,, ".. I"'ft,..h,'r "/I ,....1 !,rlll""'" :HI,1 <br />will pay Ifl,ufUpth' ..b,," ,lUll! aD)' prf'IIUUnlll thendur. A n III~UfaIW" .1."111",, citrfl..tI III .:..'up..l1i..... ll<:t:eplahle <br />10 1t">fIKil'I!>~1e ..It'" llir p"llclrI' :,ltul f"II..w..l~ I II...,." "j ,1...11 h., h.,I.! I.." lU"I!;.:.I~"" .111101 It."... ..Ilat'brd thvrt'lto <br />1_ i'.).4MI~ dtlll_ It. I&H'" oj IImill1 {"l'lIJ "n.""".!.l,- .., lit.. 111..'111:"11;...." In.., <'Ill Hf luN, IIw,ljl:lllllOf ".111 jl;ive <br />lfUmt>lii.~~ Ii'OUCClII in "'"rltUl~ It) m<'rljl;i1j!;"", al,,1 lllUrlj;(i1".... m..~ lIlilkt! !,,',l.,f 1)( 10"" Ii rwl llli"lt: prolllptl~' h\ <br />mort'lIlolr. ,and "IIC" nuu,"u.".. "..(;lI....n~ ""lIt'",u...11 ~ hl'r..h~ itl.llhufu...,l "wi .ilr","h'.1 to make pay ml'UI iur ",uell <br />I'IN di ff'Cli I" Ii,> J1IlurtKllj!;"" In",."..d 01 to mortj!;iIlll:or ..m1 ItIUlIj(..j!,.... .1'.' will , .W.! Ihl^ ,,,.ut\U1n: !'hl(......!... 0. "11~' <br />(Witt Ih"r,...r. fll"'Y l~ ..popll......! by lllurtjtillg"" ..I It. "l'lHm ..i1h..r I.. II:", f"{.,IUNI'1l1 "j Ill..'M hert'by <br />Ml<ur".l Ulf 110 du~ r""llOrallon ur 1''',,,," oilhte prupert' .I..milj(!:'d or d"~Il"I)Y;l1i. In ."'<,nt oi lor..dOllure 01 thi~ <br />nl..rl~..~r. 01' Ir..l...l....r HI ..II... II. ~,,"1 prQpel"t\ m "'11I1jtUI,luu"nl ..f lh" llhh,hlr,Jn".. ,""\u..,1 ht::r..L~, all <br />r.t. lid,e. ;lJld 11'11..,....1. ..f Ih.... mortjl..)!...r m ,nu.l 10 ""~ 11I.....r....,... pull,'i",. Ill",", ill forn, ,.It.dll.a"" III t1H~ <br />Ilurcha...... 'I!I' ln4j'...ttt.,j!;.... or. al II... "ption ..I' Ih.. worlll:""..... "1." I... "llfr,.wkrnl {or .. ",1..",1. <br /> <br />~, H~, ,,,,..ll k.eep ;all imiMml!.' and oth..r lnll.r,,"'IH,'III. UIl ....i,1 I'n'pHi~ 1H 1-'0"" r'"j'''Ir ,HIll ('<'Ilililioll; <br />will p..rmil,. ("OIlUlI!l. .,r ..nfT...r /10 "iU((', imp..irm'^IH. ,I'.'h'nor..lilll' oi "'fl.l I'r."l",rl\ or .Ill' ,."rl IIU'r.....f; <br />HI tilt': t!'H~nll .ll {..ihue of the I1hn1lt<lj:or I" I......p the hlllldlll... "II ,,,1,1 /".."........ "II'! d",,,. ""'T!;',l on ,,,111 <br />I,\-rt:lnj~~ ',)I~ ltUprovt'1I1ellb .here,ott.. in f,!o01:I rf'pair. tiH~ nh)lt~,<;l~t.t: lHa~ lu~k(. _"tkb h'p""ir,,,. do"' ~n tt~ di~t..t't'liun <br />il III") .il~11U l~~c.......r~ f,.r ,h... prop"r. I,re",,:nalwll ,1,,,ullf; ,tlU! Ih.. lull """HilIl ,,( ""fh 'Ill.! ""'n "H~lj <br />pll:>tlll"lll ,,!tall b.~ imu..,tliateh ,hie "...1 l'i1yahl,'; mill "hall b.. ,{'CUB'.i In lilt~ 111m oj Ihi. "wrlj.!i:llJ'" <br /> <br />h. H.e;,,,,m nOI ..ohmtllc!l}. (:reilte or Ilemlit to he created al!:ainllllhe pmp<:cty !ubjectlo thiS mortgage any <br />lien or fleWI inferior or ..up<erior to the lien oC thill morlf!:lgl' withoul the written ("orllttml of th.. mortgagee; lI11d <br />Curd'll::". thlllt he ...ill keep and maUltilin II..., ,.<1/1" Ire,' fwm II." dailll "I all I,..r".m, .up!,l} inll labm' <)I. <br />1IIIaterial.' {(II' l:otllltrudtor.; of anr and aU building,; or impl'olii'JU"l1l, "0" 1,...ln" "l'I'.:I<...1 nr I" I... l'n'<.'kti on <br />!\aid Ill'em,i~e... <br /> <br />i. He will nol r",nt or ",,.sign al1~ pM'1 ...t dv~ rent o! ".",,1 Ilwngag..,d pr"p.",I\ or ,jpllhlli"h, lU' ,",'m,,' ,~. <br /><>1' 1>l.lbt.t:\nlillUy llIher ill!: buildinjl: witlWllllhe 'Writkn ,"nn,.Nll "f the m'jJ"I;.:a;4'...., <br /> <br /> <br />All ~lw;U'lh "f dalll"ajl;es in eonuet::tiOll with illl~ <br />IHlhj('C1 10 this a.r<; <br />of <br /> <br />Jill' puhU,. U'<' of '" Injuf) \" 0111) Ill' Ill, <br />b,. \.. IIHlflj.\;.i{.:c", who may appl). the <br />awl mvrll':"!-'-"" I. ,llllhori;>lt,d. In du' <br />tht"'-f(:"ll,f JUu11n frfl"tH ,:;:tny ~,~,:a;h <br /> <br />.-tt ,;tf.l~ <br /> <br />