<br />()..:J-
<br />
<br />Ul!0uiO
<br />
<br />Lender's written .agreement or applicable law, Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided unde:r paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amo'!:ml. disbur.ed by .Lend~r pursuant H) this paragraph 7. with interest [hereon, .hall become additional
<br />indehtedness of !Jl()rrower secured by this Mortgage, Unless Borrnwer ;md Lender agree to orher terms of payment. such
<br />amounts shall be payable up,)n notice from Lender HJ Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shaH bear interest from the
<br />date-of dtsbur!ll~ment at the rate payabk from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at sllcnra;te. would be contrary to applicahle law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible unO,cr applicable Jaw, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. I.~ction. Lender may make or calise 10 he made reas<>nahle enlrie~ upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to 'my 'lIcn inspection specifying reasonahle ""me thereforrelatcd to Lender's
<br />interest!n Ihe P'roperfy.
<br />9. CoDdellu'lItion. The proceeds <,[ any aW~1n:l or claim for damage,;, direct m consequentiaJ, in connection with any
<br />condemm.tion or other tl.king of the 1"1'<'pert1'. or part thereof. ,H' for conveyance in lico of cOI,demnation, afe herehy assigned
<br />and $hal! be pa.id to I,'oder,
<br />Tn the even! of total taking of the I'wpt,rtv. Ihl~ pf(lCeeds -hall be applied to the ~lIms secured hy thi~ Mortgage.
<br />with the e.~cess.if p"id tn Borrowel In Ill<, event of a partin] 1;:ldl'1g of the Prop(my. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />,'Iherwis(, agree in 111,,1<: "hall he applied tl1\: sorns s"cufed hv this Mortgage s\fch proportinn of the proceeds
<br />as is equal 10 thalt proportion which lh~ amount "~I the SillYi" "'Clln::d lw thisM'ol1gtlge immediately priorlo the date of
<br />!:lkingbe<.rs to the fair market valoc of the Pro""rry nnmcdiMcl1' prIM to the dale I,)f laking. with the halance of the proceeds
<br />p,.id to Bormwe'r.
<br />!f the ProperlY is :lbandooed hv Borrower. or iL after norice bv Lender 10 Borrower that the condemnor alTers to make
<br />an award or ~el'tle a claim for dam;lges. Bnrf()we,' f;.lil, 10 r\~"pOl1d 1(' lender withirl 'H) d.ays after the dato) such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender IS authorized to colleCT and apply !h<~ rroct:erk al !t'nder's oplion. either t(, restoration or repair of the
<br />Propl:r1\' or 10 themm" secured bv rhi, Mongag(~,
<br />{Joless I endeir :,od BMf('Wer OIhenvisc agrce' in writing. ;lIlV ,uch ;11'>1'lica1;011 tlf proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or pc!lJ;tpone Ihe dm: dal,~ ('I the fllonthl\ inslaHnh~nrs r("frned 1i1 in par:lIlraphs 1 ;md 2 hereof or Chllnge the amount of
<br />suCh installments.
<br />10. Borro1"~'r Not Relea'led. EXlt:ns,on (>I Ih~ !;me f"f pavrnrnr or modification of ;1!l1onizallon of thl:l snms secured
<br />hy rhis M0l1g11gc granted by Lender 1.) anI' ,uece~so1' 111 inll'f'(~,t "I' Borrower shall not npc.mtc 10 relellse. in any manner.
<br />,h(~ liahilitv "f 1 h(~ "1'il,(ll1:" BOf!'owt'r <<lid Borrower\ "Je,::(:';""!\ interest I "nder ,hall oN he reqllired In commence
<br />rroc(>t~din~'s .lga1n'st such "\uc.ce~~or df rC'fu,,~ \-i" i~\;tend rime r,1!' pavnH~nt l'.f n{hcr\,,;'j~e nH.1difv :lmorttZation of the s.ums
<br />,ccur;cd hv [his MOrT!!al1C bv rca,"1\ ,'I ;\!l\' d~mand mad,: t'\ Ih(' ,,,i~mal Born",'"r :Hld lkrrowcr'& successors in interest.
<br />11. Forhel1f1IBCt' bv t"lldef ,",ot II VilliH'r. forhear.IIK.: hv 1~l1de1' in eXCfClSll1Q anY ri,:ht or remedy hercunder. or
<br />dtherl".,e alf"Hlcd hy r;'1'pheahk !:\w, ,hId! 11(.'1 he .1 ..vlm,'r "I ('I' preClude !he exer~'i~e .of 'all\' such right or remedy,
<br />'The pH'l>Cmement nf ins:urance Ilfthe payment ni l;I';C\ ,'f ..ther i,,:n, chllf!!e, hv J"nd.::r ,hall f1N hr: :l waivcr of lender's
<br />ri~ht hJ, ;;K'c,der,n'tl~ 'he .rnaturlty HI' to(" ;ndehtt,..dnt:'\<~ '-,t,~c;ln'd h\' rb!\ !\1nn~~~a~t'"
<br />1%. Rem~li~is CUllullative. r\1l rel'llcdie' pr..H.,it'd ,<I thl> :'\'lnrrgagc :ire '!lsti",:t alld c'Hlllulalive to allv nth\~r right or
<br />~emcdy dnder {hi-, Mortgu~t~ ()t ath",.-ded hv l;lw \., .i!Hf fna\' ht' t:..'\r.'l'j,,';,Si,.'d \';.'nctHrcntlv IIH,tcpcndently or sn~ct::s.sively,
<br />'13, SUC\'es~,rs and.\...~ien' Bound; .101111 alld S.....ral I iabilit\; f'aplious. flw ,..()scnants and ;,grl'.~men!s herein
<br />-.:onuuncd ..h;,dl ~"rl'.L ,ind :hc !l~hh hl,."reundl:~r tfllllC :h{~ n.;"'P(;",,"fl\I,~ "u:;:~,:e,\{%1", ,ind a..."ign" l~f Lendt~r and Borrower.
<br />\Ubre1;:t 1:0 the f'tnY'd\h.)fl'\ ;:'Jt L!gr.,l. ph , "7 ':H:n:,'('<i <\ll '.'-~1\'t'lJ;tnh ;1\1.\ B1'\nl,)'';Nt.t ",hail bt~ j(1iJ1t and severaL
<br />~The ~~',ttPhOflS ;H'h_1 heathn~~ ~"l :ht: f'afag,L1rd1'< 1l--d-s \1\'iflgal~t' H\~ ,\nd :H'C' nol ft.1 he' used to
<br />~1ltt:fpn:( ~~r defit'l\~ lhe pr~)\ Pi!(lr':\ !jert,~l,!j
<br />1(4. ~o"('et Ex",:er"i fl.''l> -i:U'l\' fH\lh.:C r,,,~qHHf.<d
<br />HOt h'lWC~ pr....wided r..), in: ~hJ.. l\l(lnL~~t~,c '\h.dl li;'
<br />the Pr,'!>erly.\tJdre" .,,' ..!/1,.,
<br />(h''t ~ln~' nl.)f1~,:C h) { ~~nder- ...h;,dj t'\e J~)'d..'n
<br />\,t1lo.:'h t;~lhef ;:-h.ldn~"~ ,h t l.':nOl,;."f
<br />rVh~rlgi:;lgt~ ~h~i.d r\C d('\ttlH.:O he(~n \\"n ihli:", f
<br />liS. tJniforBl Mf>l1.i::1I2"; (;oH'rning La";;';"'NlIbllih. I
<br />U:S(' ..iJhl ih)n~unij\)nn .....ht:n~llth '--i\..th hrnik'~l
<br />real prl)~)(,rI~ rhib ,~,1t\rtg~~gt.' "h.'j;j
<br />c\'er':t that ~Hl~ pf~)\'is~\'if\ , ia~,,,,,'l'
<br />other rH\~vl.,;>ion' \l'( ~hL'" \1l)ttgag:(
<br />~lld tile f}ft)\j,i.Jfh {'jf ~hJl: \1~\irgagt:" :'lnJ
<br />U6. Bo~TU""'lr's COP). BC'rl""'l.'l
<br />(~f cx{,:cution c'r .;d~er r~~'\,)rda[i..::m hef~1..3L
<br />H. Traasf'rr uf tho, Propedy: Assumplion. l~
<br />by IL~)rr~.)\\'~r Without L\~nder'''i pi aOf
<br />this M(\rtg<<ige, {ht the: ~'rea.tlon of "i
<br />de.~cem or by ,)petiiltioll elf iil'" upon ,kalh .,t "
<br />not c('1nt<<ining an to t.ender rn~'~:.
<br />:mfncdiately du~ L~nder ,hall h;n'c ',~..,n';ed
<br />;10....1 the perSL'JH k, 'wnoul the Pn,)pcl'ty t\ :\.) :It' ~~olj ;.,';-f
<br />is satlsractory !(t Le,nder ;,;:nd th~:i the !Bh:n:~\t p;iyahk >.In !h~'
<br />S.h.iH _requesL -ff Lender has w;:iiveJ the (.;Htl,)f'j l.t\ ;J~:\':ck'r",!t(:
<br />interest bas exe'~,Jh~d a \\Tiuen agree,n_l~ra a~~eptt::J
<br />ob!igallons under this NClle,
<br />If Lender l~"~:;rei,e,
<br />14 hereof SUC~ s~all pr"vl~"
<br />n.l~~~ d1l"; 1,UU1;,\ aeciart;-:d due
<br />Lender t"na)r~ without n..)t.ice 4Ji" d~n:H1:nd (In
<br />
<br />
<br />h-t' J!,l'\Ctl ;,IHother rnan!ICL 1:\) :any nl'lti(.,~e t('l
<br />;1,1\'(\.',.' h\ ",'n1ficd JHail .iddJc,,~;cd to Borro.....cr al
<br />I ,'ndel :t" prnvid<,d htlrl.'in, and
<br />;uldre" 'I ,lied hen~il1 \'t to
<br />\ny llulice pn'\'ldcd fpi' ill ,hi,
<br />;~ hell )-;l\~~!l rn:iW\el designated herdn.
<br />rn!"llt~ag~ ~"J~nhln\':\ dfUf()rnl uwcnants for nation;,;}
<br />;1. WnhHJll \j.~:~""'iJIllY :nstrUlltt'(H L'ovef~n,g
<br />1 Ai)J('t'l rlrop~.:n~' is h)(:utc-d, In the
<br />,jr~ph~.:;}hk l,tW. :-ou>.:h ,2onllkl ~hal1 not affect
<br />h..; ",-\.lnHK'tlng fH'(lvi'\lon. and t\1 thi$
<br />
<br />h,
<br />
<br />Serle .lih,J ..'1' thi" ~'vfortg;~~C' ~n the tlrnc
<br />
<br />
<br />:H! mter(;'i,l: Ihcreul is 5,'lid Dr' tran:'i>ferred
<br />,t <~rh";urnbran...:e ~~ub,)nfJn~Hc to
<br />};,l,'j\i~l.:,~hold ~q.)pl!an\:t:\. Ii transfer by devise.
<br />lh~~ ~r.:Hn \.'d le~ls.(:h~)ld inter~s-t \)f three }'(;ars or less
<br />,.'ip~h:'r,. i.k',..'f;:Ir-1: \e.;'urc'd 1)Y this to hi'::
<br />...l...;c(',1er.;1.te ; f. prior to the :-.ulc cq
<br />111 'wtlting. that ~h~ ;;re-Jit of StIch r~~rson
<br />shali he ill su~h fate a, Lender
<br />and B()frowt:(~ ~lK>.:e,ssor in
<br />',han release Borwwer from all
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Bon'cJ:\4t~r n(\ti\.~t: ~h;'ceh:r~Hjon fn "~c";;Jrdan~e. ''.<vith
<br />than. :'0 J(~'~".; frnrn dato;: tht~ Ihltice is mailed '\li,-,ith!n
<br />p:it)' su..:h prj(',t' the, expir;;Hlon lJf such pe'riod.
<br />:iny r-l:~rnt,":d.ies p":,nn.irr'C',J by p~~r~~graph 1" hcrt~oL
<br />
<br />':c'.d.<'
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Bf~rroWc'r ;jnd l.endcr
<br />
<br />and J..~)~,rC,i;; ~~~} i'1:"!J{"I';;Jy:;;;"
<br />
<br />h..;",.f. UpOil l~orn'''~f'S hreach of any CO"~l:tallt or
<br />"hen dill; "n~ ',lXm~ w<:ureo by this
<br />14 lu~n,{\f OJ tile
<br />dllJ~ Ihe (fal" Ih" h '<I S.nmWCt,
<br />m~ ".,d, b'''iildl <in 'i' hd".c Ibe ;:l::li,~ it> .11" f!olklt
<br />'lrt'ding Ih"
<br />1<. :lSS"t1 ill lJlll
<br />rf,r'ed"'~llf"'. U the
<br />aU HI tbl? ""It'" "....ul'<'d hy
<br />I A."".!"',
<br />