<br />
<br />83- 00351~
<br />
<br />UNIFOR&>!r (:OVEN.ft,NTS. Borrower and I~ender ;::o\'en~l,nr and a.gree ;'is folh.'l\\,s:
<br />I. Payment of Principal and lllferl"$t. Bormwcr shall promptly pay when due the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the ~>Jote,
<br />on any Future, Advances secured by this Mortgage,
<br />2. fl'llnd~f()I"TID(es and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a wr[!ten wai"er by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthfy installments of pr.incipal andintere,t clre payab!e und"'f the Note. unlllthe Note ;s paid in fuft
<br />a. sum (herein "Funds") equal to omHwelfth of the yearly ta,,,, and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Property, if any, plu~ ,me-twelfth <)f \f~arly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one"lwelfth of ycarlyprcmiuminstaUmenls for mortgage insurance. if any,. all as reasonably estimated initially and fWIT!
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of llssessments :md bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits "r accounts of ,,'hich an~ insured or guaranteed by a Ftlderal or
<br />state agem;y (including Lender if Lender i', such an inslittlli"n\ Lend,~r ~hall applv the Funds 1(> pay ~ai,d tues, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and gmund f<~nls, Lendt:r may not ror so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and compiling ~aid assessments and bills. unless pays Borrower interest <'0. the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a chargc, Borrower and L,~nder may agree in writing al the tirne ofexecutio!l of this
<br />Mortgage that inll~rest on the Funds Shidl be paid to Bt)rr,)\\'{~r, and unless sllch agrecment is rnade or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to he paid, Lender shall nor be requm,(j to l'l(\.rf<1Wer nnv int,.'fest or c;Jfning~ on the Funds, Umder
<br />shall give, to Borrower. without charge. an annua! l'unds ,;flOwing credils and debits to the FUllds ltnd the
<br />purpose for which each debit 11, the Funds was made,rhe are pledg,:d as addiliom.1 S,)\;urity for the sllmssecured
<br />by this M.ortga,g~~,
<br />If the amount of the Funds held hy Lender, together" ith the f<ll.ure momhly inslallrlliJOls of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessmerHs, inStlrHm:e prCmil,11l1S and ground lents" Sh.lll t'.'oe(:ed the amount reqnired to pay said taxes.
<br />assessments, IIlsuranc,~ prcmiums and ground nmts ilS they fall due. ;;\11;11 C'(;<~"S shall be. at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly rep.tikl to Borrower t)r ncdlled to Borrower Of) fih'r'lthly installment> 1'1' F'umk If the amount of the Funds
<br />held hy Lender shaH nO! be Mlt1kient Ii) pay la,('s,. "sscssm\~llls, IIl'iULlI1,'" premilmls ,md ground rems as they t'llll due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender ;,ny anwunt nC(i.;:ssarv I,', m.;,ke up the deti,"enc'v Within 30 (bys from thc date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payn"~l11 then:n!
<br />Upon payrnem ill full "f all sums secured 1)\ !ill' Mortgage. ! ,:mkr shai! prornplly rdund 10 Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under par;tgraph 1 X h(~rel)l the h ,,\Id ,II ,ht' Pn"'''rt\ " otherwise ilcqum:d by h,nder, Lender
<br />shall apply, no later than unmt~diaw" pnor 11.\ lite ,'d lh" Pmpl'!!\' II' ,,\'qllISIlI11t1 by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender alIhc tane of appllcitunn a,~ ~l l'f(~djf, ~lg,iU:lq the ~lJnh :-'l~(.tlrcd ~):. thl~ t\h\rt.gagc.
<br />3. Applkatlion of Payments. l.:nlcss appllcahk iaw 1"'\\\1.1\:, ('lhl,:'\\I"', .:11 p"Yl11':nt, r('ccI\cd by lender llll,kr the
<br />Notc and paragrl~phs ;mo 2 hereol ,hall h. bv j l.nder hI'" i11 nl,VIn<:nl .unnunts payable to lemkr by Borrower
<br />under paragraph::: hereoL lhcn to mll'!C'l Ih,; ',,"hi, dllln principal 01 the Npte, and then to interest and
<br />pnnclpal on any Future Advances,
<br />4~ ehal'2es: Liellls. B('n\Y~\(:r ...h;di p~l~ .di \.1\(.;". ,l'-"w.;"'....Hh,.IHs ;~nd ;ifht;r char~v', fine" ~tnd Hnpositlons attrtbutable 'to
<br />Ihe Propenv which nUIY analO i\ !,nomy (\v"r th", \longa~,",il"l ic'd.'dwld I'ayment' ,>r ground n~n!s. if ,IllY, in the manner
<br />pn,wldcd undcl piuagnph :: hereor or. nut p;ud III '.uch nlimn~r, 11<,rn""'1 I1lI\km;: payment. "hen due, dIrectly to the
<br />payee thereol Borwwer ,hall promplil rum"" I.,' I ',~lld"i 1\1.111""\ d ;ll1li1llllts (iIi<.' lInder (hiS paragraph. and in the evenl
<br />Borrtn\:cr ShdiJ; lnakc p~ivn'lcHt dll't,';"Uy !1i1r1IY.\Cl "h..dj j"ll'l'npli) lll!nr~h h~ 1 \Takr rt'(:~ipIS t~\.irJt.'nt:lllg su(;h p~jYJnCtHs.
<br />Borrower ~hnH pift)mpfiy di:s~h'l!'-g~ ,;t1'l). 1,(;1) \Shll.'h h;n, liln1~ .".\.,'( 1111'\ ~'\'illn,Kag~:; pJ'o\lH.kd. ~h~tl B(lrr('w(~r ~haB not be
<br />requ~red hl dl~l;:hargc any 'u.:h 11!,,~n '-IJ h1ng .1\ lk;fl'i'J\I'd:r \h"l.i1 ! \UnL~ I.' In\;.' pdynwol (l.! !h(' (ibllgatilHl :-.et.:urcd by
<br />l\uch lien In 01111atHler a\"...~t~pfdbk: t" Ll:tHk'r-, (if ...h.zil l~_l,\_\-d L~llh \ljl,,'h hr..'n hv pi dt.~t'ct1d t;~l1fon..:t~111cnt ot SIKh lien In.
<br />lcg~ti prn\.'lI."(~\ilngl~ 'Whh.:h {)pcr~lt~ f,1 prt:;';i;~H( \;nti,l:I..,t".~rn'l'lI~ l,)j lpnt::dl~ll." ,Ii tht~ iJI(\r-en~ any Pd! I there\JL
<br />5~ Ilazllrd Insuraintc\". l:hJHtY"\l:r ~,h.dl ~.l,,~l:p; ~:'1Y~l,Hlt: dr h,.,'le.dl~:l l;;f\:1o:1ed ~Hl the P!,,-\p~rry !HMlred
<br />;lgainsl. i':hS- h~ fire, haliitl,h: Hh.'hh_h_'d \\il!ilU '\~ ;~nd \\k!l olht:J haJ,:JHi", ;t, Lell(lt~r rnay n.::qulre
<br />;J.nd Hl ,).u~:h an1lt.')~~HH:i- ,If H.! I,')!' '-;Ud: pl<;rj,nd.. ~h i ';"!H.k't ');'ld~>..j, lhdt 1 i,:nl..k'l ~,fwij 111.',( reqUln,' th,~~ [he anhlU,Jlt ul
<br />"u~h \-.~..J\'t'fagc i~\~C'('d thai dllhHHH ,\1 .ig;e r\.~g,.,hfn~::d h\ t\lon,}!.iHlc
<br />The iUMlfl;lJl'l.:C ;..'-:Urtcf pl{)v!dJng tilt;; ltbilLHi\,:~ ',iLtti j')\ t5,)! fl\\\it:l' \\!hjt~"';( III .1~;P;'(~\'al by Lcndt;:J': prov'ide'd,
<br />that ~u,,'h approv~d "hi:lU TlI,}[ h\: 1.1IH~a.~on~i.h;) \Nlthih~j~J l~lrililnh H1SHliln~\: pl'<li\:It::'I ~hal! he paid in 1111.:' rndnner
<br />pronded Hnd~r' pdl"agr~lph 2 hen;t,)t ~Jr, ;~ nul ,P,1h.i In Bltrh\~~! lnah.lni; pityntCOL whcll due, d\fC<.:tly 1\) the
<br />lllsuranc.: .:arner.
<br />AU insur~lll'h,'\: rh:,)~H'::h.~.." ..i.H\l ICH'I,.':'\'Io..tis rh\.'rl'\"l :-"b"tI, jlj k'rrJH '~'-'ulTl.d)k' ll) t ~l1d~( ..H.1d "hall Fh:llld<.: "'lalld;lrd JHunga-gc
<br />...~Iau~c HI iaVI.,H \~i[ (ind !il ft'HU lh",,,,:,,,'Pi,,tbl'l' i,~ Lt:'lH.k':L 1 \.'~HJ.1;.~i r1d!d.: ihc Hghr hold tll(. poll\..:H...'~ dlld retH"~v'dl'",, thc,rc()i~
<br />;\od Borrow(:r ~,h,~iij pf{)lnpdy hHIH:::.b il\ Lt~lh,h:t l(;'h:V.j,t1 lil!t;....i..'\ I\n'...l n:o.:t::qib,: dl paid pr"..'THiurns (n lh~ c.:\:~nt l.,)f Ins~,
<br />(-lorn:v~\i'ef sh:..il gl,\C pr'::Hl1pt Ih)L~c h) ~ht: ;n::.l.jl.iih.:;": \"..HfH.:f .11:...1 1 .....l'~d....l' i. t:n..h.-{ iil-i.(\- nl~~ke pn.l.)! \Ji lt~:s.s j{ n\)t nwd~~ pr(){nptly
<br />by Ik>rIoweL
<br />Unless LCI!lJI;:-r .and Bon OW\;'i (Jthcr\\. l:-.r.,,: ~tgtf;'i: \,\ \ lt~Hg, :n.,l,-1LHh':t: pr('H,;-c\.,'d.. :,.h~dl he h) rt.:;,~li)ratj('ln !.it rcp;'lir of
<br />the Pr(lpcrty d,.ulI1ag~d, pro\'J.;.k:J SU\Jl rC\~dratH)I'l I.H n':'p,:til ;;, ,.:,-'t,"i~dink'~.d~~' jt,"t.<ibk~ ;u!d sL"i.:unty 01' rhi:") ;\h,HtgdgC j\
<br />0\).1 thereby itllpGilfCd. It ~u-.:h rc-).t'-.H.Hll)fl or rt:poila ;" fl,-'f t;,~,,-ln('nll....,.d;:' :l,,:',i:'lhi;,.' It' the ~,,~>.:;unt.> {);f ~hr'; ~1ungagc Wt,uld
<br />be !mpajl'~d. the ~n~ur.a.tl...~C' pfl.x:~cl..b :-.hi;dl b(. Jilt: surus "'(~',..:i.lr-.:d .~tortgagc. \\ let'! lh..: C:\Ct:;..~}, it 1\0;(. paid
<br />to B()rro\l/~r. H line Pr\.)pc,f!;. i\ ah~iHJ\.~n~d L:r .'0 l BOHi..I\\,,'t \0 L(,,!Hl~r withIn 3U t'n)fn the
<br />dale, notj-.:c IS il1ai1ed b\ Lt..~nder tu th~nl.."!v.'cr ~l ;.:i;,llfH f"J-{ In:\uran~;:c Lender
<br />~s ~t-uthorized to ,;oHect' and ;.lppJy the ln~tHtHKC pl'i..Jceeib L~{h.kr ',', i,1pth;n either !u r~:lt\)r~Uton (if repair 01 th(' Property
<br />or to the 5ullb,e,.;ured by thl, Mortgage,
<br />Un.l<:s,s Lender ~.nd Bonu..."r other" i,;;
<br />Qf postpone tt'w du~ date l)t" tbe rn0Hthly
<br />such insmUn1.-enb. if' under 1 S hereof the Pr();.x::H!r
<br />in ;ind tQ a.ny il;ui;uraw:c in [HId hl rh~ there,ut
<br />Of ac.quisition sh,liH pass. h) L~ndcr to the-,; L~:\,tcu1
<br />acquisition.
<br />6. Presen'lIdUfI >llld MailllelllllH:c of Pt'open); ! ,t'asdlllld~;
<br />Shall tbc ill good tepair and shari not
<br />and \)-1 any ktt,s.e if {hi:)
<br />deY~:doprn~~'1t. Bot to '''''''-':;
<br />tl-:'l;C r(),I'ld(H1'~)n~1Jfn
<br />
<br />princip31 of and interest on the
<br />and the principal of and interest
<br />
<br />
<br />hJ p[ tra':Jpal ;"h;:..dl nG! extend
<br />.... her~,)f or (,'h~lngc :hc arTl"Juul of
<br />right1 title and inten:st l)f Honv.\\;r
<br />l' t'1"Hn d~l.nj;lgc tht,~ Prop.:rty prl(H" to rh~, s~dt~
<br />\"~...'."ngagt.: iIHt1'I~di~:dl,~lY pri~>r ((1 \w:h sale or
<br />
<br />
<br />I'hulIled Lnil De, dop '1IelHs. HGtTOWtr
<br />or det-cd<:H".:t,tion of th~
<br />;\1 or tg~.tg..: is nt'!
<br />undc.r t,h<;.; decbx.uttl(ln
<br />
<br />
<br />{ )1\~
<br />