<br />d3--'1 n 3 A {' '.::0
<br />"> ",' 1\ Lf {) t";,
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />i:e~ if theProp!~", constitutes ar'!';.n1et'-est H'1 a c01'!:domirnu-m lint'!. to comply ,with. all restrictions and -reQ.u~rements impose~ by tht! condominium deci;:1.a-
<br />!ton and b1i' U~e by!.a'ws. nJfe$ and n.~""....dafions 01 ttte homeowner's: a.-ssociation-
<br />ff} to retrain trOt" CI'Uin.'Q:mg {-he zoning Oi 1M PrDperty. wfthO"J! the written consent of the Bene'fjciary:
<br />i'9} to pay whalfr lque !her indebtedness secured by any pM'or encumbrance:
<br />fh) to Teimbur:r~ Jthe'&!Iinefk::1ary for any amoun:ts wrnch the Benefidary advances in oreel" to cure- defauJts by the QebtOf" with f"BSpect to the payment of
<br />taxes, as.se!JS1nents. iMurance premiums.;,m-d am-ounts due on PM!" encumbrances:, and 10 pay interest on ihe amount advanced at me detauft i"tef~
<br />est :-hte:. the Debtor hereby atrthoriz-es !he 8enetfciary to 'cure Bny such defaults by the Debtor,
<br />~i) if a 1'cwec-JOS:t~re proceeding ~s eon"l'meflced'. to pay aU of1'he-costso1 the proceeding includjng but no! neces.sanfy Hmi!edto pub-lictrustee's f~$. pubH-
<br />cation '0:051s, il:he cost -of ohta;ni-n-g title e'lf~denc'..e_ anc-reffS0fl8JJle attorney's fees 'and !o reimburse '!:he Benf:!'f'!ciary fOt' llflY of those items paid hy-the
<br />Beoefi,ciary" h:)Qethef who tnteresl at th.e default intere:s~ rate;
<br />H1 to surrehd~~.r'po.sse$$ion ot the Property peace,fuHy at such tilTte as the O>€.~b1o-r's right 0-1 possession of H1e Pro-pert}' term mates;
<br />(k} ~f ~e P-roPi~:~y- con.s-i~$ts .in part or flnbrefy of the Oeb1.or's tnteresr :as a t<e-,';g.ee, t-o compty wHh and s:atfsfv in a time-Iy manne'rall of the ohhgahons lJnd~r
<br />the le.ase
<br />
<br />Defeultand Acc<E!fefatiol'l,. The Oel>!m..iII Moo"",<jere(Ho ha." (f."I.t<!loounoo,thisDeooolTrtlst il!he Debtor{.) delaults on the nOle(.) 0'/)1"'"
<br />t\!lSffumen:1 evtdiet'iCir-rg'ttle~frH'J~btednes$ or -(ii} faBs fo per1'on'n (), Qb$~~:rve ani otht~rcovenant 01 term of trusOee..1Qf1'rus_~, or (li!) is adjudlcated a hank-
<br />r:tij:l't'or makes.1l generet a.~-s'i9nrnenl 'for the beoefrt-ot ~15 eretHtors' !n tne€'Vent 0' any 'S~.Jch def'8ult, ttie B-enef~c-iary may declare the entire balance of thf.~
<br />fl",dE;!bt~mms ~,"mediatety,due and payable fLe, may "iicce,lerate-'" the tndeblectn:e'Ss} and may then taf<<l',the foltowlog 1"('-;rnedf.a1 actions' the Beneficiary
<br />may take ,~""n:edi~te possession andC(mtt{)f {'.If' the Property and repair and ':1a;ntain it:rrt the expense 0-1 the Debtor: the ,Beneficiary mat' coHe-ct and fe-
<br />c;~"",e3ny'and'l:1~: ,:e.nts'j is~ues, and proffts 'rom th_e-Property and th,e Bene-hclaty may appl~t'tor the appojntm~' of a rece,vera.nd shaH beentiUedtcsuch
<br />apwio-tment as a mafter of r~,ght without .rega~d to tM sofvCQ>/,.-Y Or !nSOlven:(',;-v (if the Deh'or ,and wlthout regard 10 the value 01 the Property a,rH1 fts ade-
<br />quacy,as:seC.'j,Hoity for the ~nd~b!edness:th.e'r:e-celver may bea-ppoinled by a, court (}f ccmpe-taot'~un-sdjctjon upon ex ~'}arte-apphca1io-n an:dwith'()ut notice,
<br />nO-!ice, befng e,cpr.,QS1J!y'watve'i.1 by U~ Debtor. lr~ :'.fddWon, the Beneficiary may tostitu\e f-On~lo5vre. as' provided in the ne'Xt paragraph.
<br />
<br />forecJoaurt~. j( the'Debtor d'efault$'tI',nder'this Oree-d of Trust. and- wli-etht:'r ot"!"!o1 'the 8ene-ficir-try l:;l(~c:ts to accelernlE! t'he'lndebted11f!SS (.as allowed uo-
<br />der too :{:H"e(:edlng; pa:rQ'gr:aiph} U1:C B~nef'ciary may lnstitut-e. th.c' sa~ oJ ihe Prcp~rtv ~':l'y rn.a~~o,g thiJ dB'ffi1md and givin'i) the, notices required t)y CO,lorado
<br />law. The sale may 00 .hefd pursuant Cftne-rto a oour! tm',el7JO'Sut'eStnt ("11 to an adrmfustfative proceedJog conducted by the Pubtl-c'Trustoo. The satt!'shaU be
<br />$cfl.e-du-1ed aO.ife--ondoot'!td- and,nQtice of the sale and of rhit,\1l r~ghl$ tQ curlY de,faults and to re~m'$h.a'U be '9:"VefI, aU as pro\fided by Co.orado law, Unless
<br />(:-010:(800 lsw-,p-tc;,vided othe~. not:Jce of saie~hillU'be ad~iSed WM~Jy ;tOf not l~'"i than 1(!Uf,we:eks in soma newspap.e" Of general"cir:culation,jn the
<br />county wh.,re th!6' Pn::1pefty is foc2l.ted. The-saM shaH .be PU~fc and sn-;:.,\H ba held-at the front door C).'t 'the court house in whiCh the Property -is loCiUe-d, or 81
<br />-t~ueh other JawfuJ p.~ace a'& provtded by 1s:w, The Pr<,':if;ierty' shEiH b~, sold ~.o tht1: hlqhes. bidaof, The Bene1it;iary may bocome- a purchasN ot thf.! P'topef'ty at
<br />the sliha: Th:e. PropertY s:h$ft be SOlO i,n sepilrQt~ PiU'r-..e~$: OJ li'!II'.'''lf~ parcl'?'!.. ~$ the P!j'blk~ T ;w>-1f~f:!'{:$etetmlne&would be most ,advantagaous. T he PubHc T rus-
<br />t~. shalJs.hIM~-i:'$>5t:te aUf:ertiticate~and dft4ds ~s':aUthOf~l.00 nnd t'uquj~d by'eOtor'ado f"wt l'nt' 'PIlhHc: TnJSbl!e shaU deal W}ttt the proceeds,ot the sale- as
<br />provided by Ca,~(wado ta'tN', and no .purchaser shaU t>e 00Ii9'81.oo to $'eB to 1i"1'€' ,aPPli-c.afton 01 'Ul'Ose proceedS. The- sale shalf 'forever bar the Debh'')f from
<br />.cl:a:ftn:ng any mtefe$' to th.e ?rnpeny, $ubfect to. aM fiqhts ot mdefnption Pf(wldgd t,y C-C!onioo taw
<br />
<br />A'pplication of Funds.. .Amounts p.a'y~bte:by'insuror:s J,P"ld-er hazard ,nSlH.anee PO!iCH;'S r,;.ov~rirlq ~fH:)' P'rop:f!rty. w1''ietl'1er pa~d to the Oetltot or (t'le Bene--
<br />h-ciary, shalt-be US~1'O fl?i$h)reor 'I'.ep,iltr U'i'(I'l!'Pt'Opetty l,mh~'i& in the f1'-1iS-Cl\i*'J.bi'l~ Itjogement' ot' 1ht~ Ben~lfk,iary" it would be rn;rt~.es.sary t.o. appty an
<br /> or a portion
<br />of the ~~(ooee-c:m, 'to, tho- hidetH0d:MftSs. in 01t1e-rlo protect ~he $N'.untv ot the f'i~rH}ti(,:i.ary, tl". ('H"Of'~i' 'to i$r'I:.t.ble the Benefi.cu:uy to exercise nis rights under
<br /> this
<br />parag.ra'DU_. the DElbtor s..natt promPtly lnhirm 1h-e 8enehclsry as to rht'i f&.J'e; of aJ"i'V ~05,S or d,a.mag.:~ tr.. the Protmrty, th$'amount of available ~nsu.rance pro..
<br />~, the CO$t,ot 'res1.oratmf'l Of' rep;lUt ,'4JIrtd :as w aH Oth€lf information rel'li!.SOm)O'iy reque_sted 'bV t'i'l-(l!- H~nf\\ft~:nuy Any i05u,r~1nce ,),1'ol;e005 whIch a,re' to he
<br />P.iUC on the fn~iJbtoonc.ss. t-ot,i01I1Hn'9 me e0i'l(~1!c~af)'\S muonableaetnrmmahon !t1.H suc:n paynH::-nt IS I1nct;r5S~,tV to protect hiS security, and any amounts
<br />f'l)cet'V'e:tj, bty t.h~~ BenehctJiry f;Jf by -(I au'I''J{)nties. or trom penwns pa''1lnq rem or rc,yaHl.eS Riher a de-tau It, shaH b<: apPlted 1(l- th~1
<br />fonowmg m3N'~f m lh(~ toUowing OrO€f \'\1 a.'i. a. paYTtH:uH to Hwnbur$e 111m '!or costs:, JrlClud1i'ig /'e..asonaht4:!,..'llUorney's foos, lncu(fed to
<br />coHec( SuCh amOA;tnts; (if) as: a paynmnt m sat~$factjOft oJ any p1:1st.'~1u,f' pa'fff~mts on the trtt.iebt..ldr'iMS; {i'il) as a pm-pa.yment on the lndebtEtdne$S: oal:nd
<br />t~'Vj as a mtut1t:1 to the t1ebtn,!', !o Hte:'(!li:,tent that :th.e Ind.ebtmdnffSS n..'l~ t_H"!ef'J $'uHy palO. Any 8r\'1f.J,unts t\ppl~ed ElSe a partval' pm.paymento-; lhff tnaebtedness
<br />shaH not defer j)f ~net' !hf~ timing 'andamuunts o,t in!!l1al1m~nt5 at 1!"d-('!bt~~'rmi(;'S!':l thiifPafier fal~lMq ovo, ~~xceot to tneextBnttnat rhe ll'l.stallm.f:lflts last t;lutng
<br />due :.u"e-"s811t1>5:fitJ:C hv virtue Of any p.arti.0J Cl're-p,1ty-men-t
<br />
<br />SubMquen1t Part. All re1flren-De$ in tn.s ~ of Trust to tht~ "nfmet1oa1\/' lj'H::jw,h-~ not.\:mJ"I tnof'.! Benetl(_';'HU,! named und&r s}."e'c-i'rl1:: "fcrrnsao(.wiO,
<br />but ;(\.100 any per~u)n Ot6:ntHy 'Woo b-1itComt\S fhe owner of th~ n~')tet$j ~'1f f"Hler e_'\fI(1,e-ncf.l' oi' the \ndCQtl;XJnes:'s a~tQr tho d.a,te at t'tus Oe~~ of Trust. -thee reter..
<br />l.::,nJC;e atrso jnclut:J~~ toe h'o,loor iQ1.a certtt1t;,.at({ of P~J.f(:,h$,s;e 1~~Ut~ ~n (;\}njtlnci~orl witn H t(~rE.,<;losLlr*.~ satl:-l u'l'\dcr UI~S-{)Wd of 'l tl.lst.'lf
<br />the Debtor ,ACqUU'11l'$ ~n:y H1te,r~t bn ~'h.~ pnJpef'W In ~he hJI,W~~,
<br />(l'i Tn.l'$1 to the ;':1,3l1'lt) extttl.'ll as rhf1 Det>>fO-t, f h;S,110 th:e 'DHbtOf parson: thJ.s-shatll1ol. M'A'CV0'f.
<br />n1l'/le'~ lne 'oogtnltl OOO~'O1 or an.y !Hte~'1I'f;:i!'I"Hn~1 r.:w.Q1or hom Gbhgn~jo!'\ O!'t tht$ OOHd of r n,J'Bt .'U'tO on trl6 hOtt~ O'f o-t.ner u"!1~hiU'nutn~ l1tvtde!'~clnq the
<br /> lndet)too~
<br />n(t8:5, ~o the eJ(1:et'lit t'hat those obhq,anorn; t;:.l'H'le-'wtS* l~',.:s.t
<br />
<br />Due on Sate,. H aU or ~~,l)' pa:rt 'iY~ tht'l.P,o~'\'('~y t)t any tni1ir'l'~,'!'il In tif:l~~ f"r{)~H"ort)ll~t $i}ld ,-1'~ tHJnsff'!'I'r'l'!'d In ~l tn~ns.itctwfl WIlier, 15 a "Pfotl:lt)lledsale
<br /> ()f tfa'n:.s~
<br />h~f') ~he,Senehn~a:fy- "nay, -at hr.s. OPltOl'l. lr\i',ftl th,'S 0000 -01 r rust It'.s llf\d ft13'V l\ti(:~C~H.!:fi!-h~ th-e 'if'\do!l')lcdnc,~':\' as provIded abovt}. It th-e Bt..~lIafi~
<br />;"".lafy ~,'l). proni0l1ed DyCo.kif3(10 l.!.lw trf)tl! t)~'l'C;apn-g ItJ~-'\'Ji",j'^\tt:Hi n"lt\) fh,~('I~~I!<':I~'fY in,I~Y llitVI.:rlllt,:!>.'J';..t;. (1:'\(f\,~Htt the !fatlf..leu;to
<br /> 10 accupt a. !awful
<br />''''l!.'t}l''4i1~r fi.1ie iHCH:~'ltll$e, rr~~ n~h.t~.tf, Of f":'t~Ii,if'00'! 1he,! lj..mstm~jl';i' iO i:l,I.'.Ct~f.>1 .~\ ,;,,;,rIl1l1q t ,;l{f;! \w";I1;J~'l:;l~~ <:.;11'):\ C<)tliitlhltH
<br /> ,,1, !i5i:!'ti _1 (~t:)I';Hllf <.lnd~r thIS
<br />Dtw:o 0$ f ft,fSL A '"P-l'(;l'fHbiHXl'$.rMtt Vf tflt:n~l'ef tf<\milf~:rf, H"CjltJ)H"~9 O'lf.'.f. whrcl'1 f,h~,;:';;'{:'(H"'t''Ii',M\<~ti'<.::d Ilt;''I',' ':'1 ~je-h:;\(f~.tfJ, dfH.1
<br />i1tj -(If)ll();ll hi pHf'Ch~~ tJA~(';;iS~I)i{f lii( d l?,,-!! '!!'tt~,{:~''''-ftl~(lH (it.l ,)'..~i) OJ' !U:SI, (fl) !tIEl
<br />~ra.l~-:i;hH1)1 ttthl by j:Jt:J1Iil-~Qt' dfl'S<.::H:Hf ,',a r~'f 'l)iMf;;,H~tm t.;! !i'~1A1 UPIJO'l (~~n-"'ill\. lh~ gn,tfH ~.wV i(~a;);,ehti'h;; jm!:l',~j,ti.t \i~ ;t)rtl'e ye~*rs t}j'
<br /> 1~1:'i-'S, n(:t
<br />dO IO pUf'Cha..,"i~, or (I''''~ i~ :S.dif:;' (H u!ht'1 c;').-i~~~,mL'.; if; "",,'l'lfl!'t9 prOlii31on of HTI~
<br />~'j.;:t'd.~ ".;) fl!;}!"tllu 'J'~j,dH\~.i .:~et..1j:lii,) ann l'r'I~'!Il) ;:!fISlt,.tH~lIH,utl.;~H!y ft,f.jf~i) WI
<br />jT/1'f" Pd(o(~;a,~tl '.f fH;l ;'~91'ttt:!'\J
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<br />P!O'fl'.~';l(jn;:; of tnls Deed
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<br />parag;.a:ph he0fji.ng$ Me ro!' the. reU9(tj":g con~..N':!~*tnc~~ J:P-O $11",1; 1V.)1 ;:'on~iO'BJ\tK'l In
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<br />l:l1f~ tnlt),;;mtlg of thIS lnZ~.fUrne.nt
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<br />i)iitz*n t"it ~his ~~I!,H;;I-a:i T'AA'tt:
<br />Lili:ec~.ftw, by t'h!B f)ij:bto:r{,S} 'is the -~iX:w~~ ZhW1E"
<br />Sl:g.fuil\u-re C~.iJ_' for C!Qr~.{~f!I:, 'P'wtoo:riU'itp (u A$$OCkJilti'On:
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