<br />Riec:z:l<'ded al . H n n
<br />Re.:'eption No
<br />
<br />, . o'clock
<br />
<br />/lit.,
<br />
<br />Page
<br />
<br />Book
<br />
<br />H" Reamler
<br />
<br />
<br />8':J-4}0346Q
<br />...J . '- . o:.JI
<br />
<br />(~.CJJJeed.. gfTlflSt...."..Public CJi""ustee ~
<br />
<br />THtS'DF.EO'Or-1'ftUST is a conveyance in trust of real property to the Public Trustee oUhe county in Colorado in which
<br />tM Property dElS1~rjbed beI'ow is located. It has been signed and delivered by the "Debtor" to secure the "Indebtedness"
<br />oWing to the "BenefICiary".
<br />
<br />
<br />Oebitor(s): (Give tne oame{s) and address(es) of each Debtor)
<br />Ronald ~Joolworth
<br />
<br />8efM;fIcfftry(fU}: (Gfve the name(s) and addmss(es) 01 each aeneficiary)
<br />The Greeley National Bank, P. O. Box 1098, Greeley, CO 80632
<br />
<br />IndebIedness: (Give the date, amount and maturity ot the nota(s); or the d!."Scriptfon of other form of obligation; indi-
<br />cate if future sovanc"*! are provided tor)
<br />
<br />Demand note da,ted 5/23/8.3 in the amount of $150,000.00
<br />
<br />Real PI"operty l>esmpti(m: !lm:;ludecoonty and street address)
<br />Lot 3. in Block 22, in Wasmer's addition, Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />also kno\<tn as 1511 West Koenig Street, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Detaultln....Ulate: GNB Base Rate floating + 4'~ currently 16.S:!.)
<br />Prior EftCtlMbmncn (lit -y):
<br />
<br />
<br />Co~..." 'w.......... Fo< .al"",l>_<;ONIl<l<J.ahOfl, """l>lll>\()< .....,.,.,. C<lflYf!lySlhf!< ""ooo.1y 1<) th" PublIC l fU$I"O~ lhee""ol.,.,o CoIOfaoo
<br />." _(;tI 11M! !.....~y "ll<><"'Il<'<l. '" II".. 1m "".. &melle'''''' T"",P,,'1_~" ",';h,.'kfal"" "'III ".tlole ~nb<<l "IXMl{u"OOf' Spec,li<: r"'mlll 1000000hcr wi'h
<br />.itl (')t' 't'he ft1~ifi.tJ~ i",x;abJ!>d o.n (he j:)!y()J:)elf~y, 1M,t"'- Of H'l nM$: Mi..dillUt. and-alt ea",rW,i'fiUt r19tlt$-. H'>'(ft'it'efj.. tt'tH)l\)f'aJ$. propt'tfty'mt~l$ ondQr
<br /> t.e-.. water
<br />llg/ll:l! ,...0 "lih\l, ll)t'liI'S~ '''''II.. {"..,"\.t<l."1;j ."y ....u., r''''''p$ 'trld nlQ''''''1 "'Id (Ill 0''- "1'1""""""'''''''' 101M Pr,,_lyol whlll"".... d<iIllcliption. in<:l,,(i.
<br />'1\9 r~. ""<lI_.he",,, rhf!< ()et,1<lf he.""", _"""flll,tie 1<1 ,he I"''''''''IY. :...llje<:IIQ lhra lo'klw.~ ",".le.. {'ll".,,_,)t.he geoe'lIlpmperlylax
<br />IQf '''''' y<Mlt cllM tleliil 0111'1"'1. !I'. 0"11' """""".i _"""',,, tor U'iOOltlle<t""""ll<" alJl>ii'''lplIya!>iieIJ''ltllrdille<,>llhi15 !:ffltldollmal (til) __Ill.
<br />'Ig"""""""", """"'tal"'''''' C'_"""IlI>, ""'Inct""~, a''><! m""''''~i "" "'''''' k>,.,..,*, I" I"" "~ll"'llh<ll...nl' <;' ,_ ,*"'m~ hao """"'l ","Utbllshed by lUl ."stro.
<br />,-, "~CO<<:lei:l pOo' I'll me t!al" of ""..,000<1 <II rw,'1 ," I"" .",,1 ....I..\<> '''''''''''''' Olliff> C<>IU'lly '" ""'<el, ,,,., Pr"perty is located. or 10 tTl'''I~I..m lhal allY
<br /> 01
<br />It>o1se 'lM>~ n'lfi _II .l1li_$1'*4 by ,,$I!. ,,,,(I ,NI ""I' I:""''' "'''''''''0'''''''''''' .""",II<:aU)' 1~llnoo !I,,,b_l,,n<l$ Spectl,c r emlS!. Thi,cOfl1HJ)l""ce i.. in
<br />''''''' "'" lhra b<!mtlll ('1 I"" {~<>I""MY. ""<I "'" (>Ill>',or ""l<"<n<j~ Ihalll1<l PUWiC r n....... ollh.. wunly in wl'\l{;h Ii>!> P"'~ly 1$10<::11100. as ""'*1 as any
<br />duly ~lS'Kl'~ "...."'...- . "",II 1>_, WIll> ''''''l'.....a to It,., Properly 1111 <>111", "1JhI~, I>""""'S aNd &;!t,<>',ty )/' ""11."'1 by appl,cat>le COlO<ado law "nd 1:;'1 tile
<br />_.<>f 1/>i6 O<.eo:lolllU<St. ,odu<iif'tg Tn. 1"".'" 01 sa", .n Ih~ "'''''"0' l:!ElliOl.111.
<br />
<br />~l oIflenls alld R~ lftconlUOc'''''ft ""'ltI""" C'''''v">,,,,,,,,, ,1! ti'l<l P'QI><<'ly to _ Pub"" rl'lllltoo lhe Debl'" lJereby asslj]ns 10 !he
<br />e..n..t~~\""" as ,_IOI!,jjj s&c....t,lrn 111<l1"'liI;lfl...."...... ollI, '''''~, my"'l_ ii<>d olhe, payme,,'" al!rrl>utal>lf> l<.> """ "... 0' cOf\liumptlorl 01 th" Pmjl<t<ly.
<br />11_..., &wi o..bl<l' ot1lil1l. ..",...... arid ""lillhlill:'lmn1!i1I(;j,,.,y <lX"'''''_ 1".liC~1l11i<m 'l!ll:tlS loIlolN"'9" o(j,,'ault, 1m.... the !'>ghl 10 coliect and r",ai" allsw::h
<br />''''''bo. l'<JIYal_ m'd ,041_ wcn pay",,","" ,,~ I"*Y l>W<>J""''''''' ""'ll'aJf..bl<>,
<br />
<br />Con<iIemlNlllcla ,AWlII'da. rl1<ll_", "......,,'1. "$$Ij]flS 10 Il>e ae'lIltlc""'i lIIi ""'''_O''llQl\ .....ardlt paId ....im r~;Clln lhe P'opo<:ty, a:xcepJ, IQr MY
<br />po<l:lQI' III thllIlwarllwlMcll ""_111<> biJ,1a0<:$ 01 thelndebl<ld_ &fKle><Cl>$rt lor '''''II'''''''''''' 0!!!\(I .......lrd wl1,ch 100. Beooflciwy alae", nol IQ ac<;Elpt.
<br />~ W<i_ "_""'1100. ,"....d"lflClli<lfI'.ll pay"'''''''''!l1l<Qe l:>y ""I' CQ"_,~ ""lhonll' 10' 111<>1"'1\9 of Qrlor W1t~ '"II1<lPr"l"'rty Qr any portion
<br /><>t _1"r<ll>ftltY" at.....1$f) '1tCI1I.... 1>"1''''''_ _ <n 1_ 01 "'''",1l>mllllt_ n.. o..ttl<>l' ,..u.'os I"., rlgl>llo 11:tM 1","10"01. t1Jl>_ard,wh",he~$ ""e
<br />__. 01 '~''''Ill> lIu<> al INt""... 01 IN _ar]j
<br />
<br />WlIiMr 0' HomelSllHd. The ~ lle!1>l:>y tuUy and ebo<ll<.lt<Jl), "'<UV<l$iIIM r~ !1"" light Uftd<>' ""I' Colorado ''''OOltr",lla..., 'ncluding any ~n,
<br />~,n IN JUttJrll.IQ 1"''''111' It... a -'- 01 to da.", 4<ly QtlJer <1"""'1>>"'" ,..,tll rellP<<'lIU th0 Property, Thill paragraph is I'nadlillj)' the
<br />~ Gr:tl) 01 t'tlOl ~lel.m"''Ulr~ /lfl(l <<,ay I'!(ll 00 rEllle<J opot'by any 0"""" 1'\!Ii""""'.
<br />
<br />
<br />_111". ",,,wp1 "" o~'S<! p,ovidoo in Ih.,.
<br />lfll""fl$! '0 the p~ """""'Yoo 10100 Public yrlJ.\lt.... by
<br />itM tllOOiIiIlgorroUJln&t'tlOlriqllt lo'~irej)llrtial ~t;..y
<br />0ei)1~ J!IlWl i>eenlltlliodIQ"'III'I~>erl1 trom Uliltll!nefl-
<br />111<l 'Cools are related Illlll...l\Ire Qr a r<ri_l Qlllles.men.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />"'0 3t~1
<br />
<br />fl~~tJ~ji:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />