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<br />'..,I -..1'-' t.1 U L~ '* V () <br /> <br /> <br />6. If hef~liiL" to pay any sum or keep any COvenant provided for in this mortgage. the Mortgagee, at <br />its option, may IJIaY or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shali be added to the principal sum <br />owimt on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />for in the principal indebtedness. <br /> <br />7. Upon re!luestof the Mortgagee. Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />for the. sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration. modernization, or improvement made at <br />the lilol"tgagliJr's request; or for maint€nanee of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the <br />same"and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured <br />nerll!).)yon .llpll;rit.y ,vith and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first <br />described above. Said suppleulf:ntal note or notes shaH bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin- <br />cipal indebtednt$sand shall bf~ payable in approximately equal monthly payments for such period as may <br />be agreed upon by thel\fortgag",e and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum <br />or sums so advanced shaH hfJ dtw and payable thirty (80) days after demand by the Mortgagee; In no <br />event shall the matul'ity extend beyond the ultimate mittl1rity of the note first described ahove. <br /> <br />8, He he1:'ebyassigns, tr<l1lsfers and sets OVEn' to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of <br />the noteanrlalil :!m.m.s. "ecm'(;d hereby in case of a dda.ult in the!)(!rto.rmance of allY of the ter-rosano condi.; <br />tiotls of this mortpge or the said note, aU tl1<! rents, r,!V~'nl!eS and income to be derived from the mort.; <br />gag,:d f>rt~mis!i!;ll during :lUdltime .as th(~ mortgag1:! in<hibteanessshaH remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee <br />shallhavt,po,wer t.) appoint fl.ny llgellt or agents it nUl)' d(oslre for the purpose of renting the ::lame ami col~ <br />h:cting the relltl~, r"'V(!ntWs fmd income. and it may PU,y out of said im:omes alllH"cessary cornmissionsand <br />(~xpensesinctlrred in nmting and managing the samt: and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance <br />rema,ll:iing, if an;.', h) be toward t,lle of saidmortgagt' indebtedness, <br /> <br />9. He win nJ1ltimnmsly mailrbiin hazard insm'IU1Ctl, of such typeortypt;S lmd amounts as Mortgagt..'l} <br />may from time on the ilnprO\i'..'Tnents now or herr~after on said prernisesand except when <br />fJll.)iment for 1:111 stich pl'l:Jniums has UH\retofore been made under (a) ()fpamgraph 2 hereof, vdll pay <br />promptly when due ~{ny IH't'millms tl1.()r,~for, U!)on dt\f,'l.ult thereof, lnay pay the same, All <br />instlran('e shalL! be ClUTi,'d in UHi and the policies and renewals thereof <br />shall he held by the and have attltclwd thereto loss clauses in favor of rwd i.n form <br />a.cceptable to the 1.!1 event of loss M(rrtgagor \vlll immt'diate fwtk:e by mail to the Mort- <br />gagt'€, who m,ty make A lo;i!s if !lut made by Mortgagol', and Ntchillsuranee company (:on. <br />Ct'l'ned is ;wt!lvrized and dinot:ted to make pa'}nnent for Sl.lch loss directly to t.lH! Mortgagee inst('ad <br />of to the M~;rtgag(lr and the j':lint!y, and the insunuKe or lmy part thereof, <br />malt be applit:d by till' M')j'!.gagee at its option eJthe!' to the reduction of HI(; ind('bh,dm;'Hs hereby seeurl,d <br />1Il' h) tll(l }'f'st,Orlltio!.l or !If Uu;:, propel'ty damug-ed, In (:\,('111. pf fon:clt.lsure of this mortgage, t)!' other <br />In\llHft.r ,,1' tith~ to UI(' mOl'tl/.'ltjit('d rrrof:*~rty in (extinguishment of the llld(,btt.'dIW>tS :,{!uH'"d hereby, all <br />nght. lith, and inlcre,.;t "t tbe 1\l<;l'tgugor in and tllllllY iI1Sllralll~.! then in fort'e shaH pass to HIE' <br />ptln:ha.8(~r or l':Taf1tN~. <br /> <br />10, As ad.Jlilwnai ;'.nd H,!lat':l'lll ,,('t:Ul'll)' for the paYllH:n!. t'( the nott' (i"::hTdH'd. ilnd 1.111 SLUns to bt'come <br />dWi Ulldet' thil~ Ill(Jrtl~Hl-(('. t MOl't.gagor aSSigns to the ,lilleHS" b'lll1JSl!ll. profits, n:ve~ <br />tHieS, r(lY(lltiel~. rlghL"... ;,wl "tll!'f' bt'Delits itCCl'l.llllg to Uw ;\lnrtg;<lgor lmder any and all oil and gas le~lS('8 <br />now, or during tn,' hfe or thl>> nwrtgage, ,'x.,(:ut>\d on ::;<till WIth the l'lid)! 10 ree..iv(~ and receipt <br />for the Ii}Ull., till.! dwm HI "aid Illt\t'btl.dlH'S." as wdl before aiS aft,;!, dpfault in the conditions of this <br />moritgagt>, ami tlll; may d.,mlUld. 8m: for and !'('COVer any ,~,ndl paynlPnls WIWll dIH.: and pay- <br />able, but shalllllot be .~o to do, Tbh, is hI terminate awl b<;;:(JlH(' null and void ujlon <br />re!t?~l!ie of thi~,lltoJ:'tgagl..'. <br /> <br />11. He sltHilll !Jot N)lnnl!! "l' waste: nnd sh;~.ll maintain the property in ai:\ ('(mditiol1 ''is at <br />present. n'aS<JUltbl,~ ...,enr and h:lu' any faihH'I~ 1.'1) isO l'l1IHntain, ,:It its option, <br />ffJaycausw n.:illili"m~\)ii~ mainl<'IH.w:e w'ork to be ;,c thl" "OJl.t of Any an\ounts paid <br />therefor l)y shall bell.!' luten's!.. at th~! nit" for in t!li" illdebtednes,'$. shall <br /> tl<'~~:(U1W a l:><ut of the ind<:ot...,drw",,, S,"~HTNI. bjtt.his instrument, rat.ahIY<illc\ on a parity with all <br />oth.'rindebUldtlt!SSS"t'UI.\?<1 and sUJall be (:~iJ) aHe!' IlI'InIHld. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />12.. If t.he <br />fOf a <br /> <br />;'r any part th(~r\vf. la, (:O!uh,mmcd l.mder UHf, POW"'l' of (.'millcnt domain, or <br />use, thli ali'iard,~d. the pnx:e,,,ls t!w of, or th.. consideration for <br />to the eXh'llt uf th~.: full armmnt rl:(: inddltedlWSS Sl,UH:"d hI' <br />t>) the and :;haU be forth with j 0 ,mid . to be <br />iustaHnwllts "f sHch l.l1ddJL..'dness. <br /> <br />fail:<l t.o :!1ll.lke :;In,;; PM'm.'tit;{ or to 6;'or!f(H'lTI to and ,; <br />t.he Hc.h,s whkh it 8(;,:U1'-:8, U1HlI tfw <br />alld p,uY,lbk. at th~: dl.:ction of the <br />tot tlH:!wh.}lt' 01 the iuij,;d:>t'od- <br />thl! I'~b~tn:l.\;t ,..of tiU.:! front dat.' of this nwrt.. <br />1\';:. ami any ~;;um.;j by \'deranll <br />or in~v"ritn(:(~- oJ fJl~; indel:rh,~.dnt";~;;~' SPi~;l~r'\(,'d %it,H {.)t~ vlh.i{~h <br /> <br />FYuch <br /> <br />gll"rIUl!';'..d nr m.r.;ur",l mhl~'r TiU", :~g, t..'lllt\!d St9.t-e:'l Cod(" <br />(.!'fircr on ,l~~t".~ !wri,<.)f RJHtll gVV(}l'tl th~~ nght". <lutle,ji <br />otht'r ins.tnmwnt~ in CIHtfH'<:ti,'.ll <br />with ,mid TiUe H~!iJ:1.l!J}ti\in", ;U',' IHlflmdf.d to <br /> <br />! :~hMU <br /> <br />and thl.' iW1Wlltl< tlml <br /> <br />,,'h~\ll 1n\ln' 10. fll': <br />