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<br /> <br /> <br />IJ\.lU-:l[V'J <br /> <br />Mortlrll.:gor agrees to pay tother.rortgagee, or order, t!~e afol'es:lid principal sum wi~h interest fm~n d;~te <br />at the rate (If T!:,I1F'VTE and 00/1 00 per centum l(2, n',~:l;,) per annum on the unp,ud balance until mud. <br />Thesajdprjndp~<1 and interest shaH 1)1;' payable at the orne!.: of Commercial Federal Savings & Loan Assoc, <br />in Olllaba, Nebraska , or at such other place as till:' holder of the note may designate in I <br />writing-delivered or mailed to the Mortlingor, in monthly installments ofFOtJR RUNTHU:':D NT~'ET'l SEVEN and 33 100 <br />Dollars ($ 1~97 . 13 ). comm€mC'ing Of! the nri'! day of August ,19 >11 and continuing on <br />the first day of each month thereafter until snid note i;; funy paid, exeept that, if not sooner paid, the final <br />pa:l'ment of prineip1d and interestslwlJ be due and on the Ih'st day 01' July. 2013 : all <br />according to t.he terms of a certain promissory note of ev,m dat.e h,~r('with (,xecut<,d by t.he said Mortgagor. <br /> <br />The Mortgagorful'ther agr(>es: <br /> <br />1. He will pay the indd)tedness,as hel'einb"fon- is reserved to prepay at any <br />time, wit.hout premium. or ft"', the dltiri' in(j,'bt(',!ness or any part thereof not less than t.he amount of on(, <br />i.rl.l,tallment, or one hundred dollars ($100.00),whiehever is le&'l. Prepaymtmt. in full shall be credited on <br />the date received. Partial prepayment, nther than on an in$tallrnent due date, need not be credited until <br />the next following: installment elm; date or thirty after such prepayment, whichever is .,arli,")!,,_ <br /> <br />2. Tog.~ther with, and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under <br />th~~ tAH'ms ot' thf~ Hote s,,,;::ul"t'd hereby, Mortgagor wIll pay to as tl'USt<!I\ (under Hw terms of this <br />trust as hert\inafter sta:t.-~i) on the Hrst day of eaeh month until said note is fully paid: <br /> <br />(a) A sum l'qual to tlw I".'nts. anI'" lH'xt tltH', the prerniums that will next become due <br />and ',n pollcies "I' nfl' ,md {Ith,,!" J""u,ll'd lWHll':111C{' the mortgaged property, <br />plus taxes and ,L':>i,.~ssments next du(' 'lf1 UH' inGrtgaged preperty (all as estimat.ed by the Mort~ <br />ig~lg<'p, HIlI.1 (,r ',I hidl On:' !1iII.i lJ.,'dl I<S8, ail sums n]n'ndy paid therefor divided by <br />the Humb,' I- o( mnnlhs ill ,'taps" 1'01'1- on.' Inon th prior the date ,;,,'hen such ground rents, <br />prl:'m.iurns. l:IX"" and as;w;,,,nwlll;; Ii! l"',onw snch Sluns to be hdd by .Mortgagee <br />m trust 1.0 pay Nlid r"nls. pn'm:lltlli'. taxes and "p('( a.S;;l'ssments, <br /> <br />(/I) Ti'it' ;il{gr"/<, illllOI,ltllS pUI"Sllilllt !", :-,ubparaJ/:rarJh la) and those payable Oil the <br />Hote ;;;.'o.lf'i..d 111.'1"'1;), ~hail he IMid 11 "U paym,.'nt ('ad, lJlollth, to be applied to the follow- <br />ing itcl'ns.ln the "nlpl' "tatNj: <br /> <br />[) gT'.J!.wd n'lltz>, t:l'~,.~, :!,,;SI-;ssnwnl.s, 1'1' ;lIld .)Ul<~r hazard inSUnUll'e premwms; <br />(ll) iuh,n."stunlh\:llot,'M'nin'li ;awi <br />(m) ,l!l1orti.:tation cd' th..' 1'l'lwip:'ll of f<lld Iwt.:., <br /> <br />AllY In I.IH' amnUHl p( an.' "uell i,..g'grl:gatv ll\ontbly payment shail, unless made good <br />by 1IwMorl)!H>{Ol' prillI' to Uw ,itl" .1,,1<.' of till: lH'xt ~tleh pilym"IlL, ('Illlstitute an 1::'vent of default <br />uIHI.:'r t!u,~ lllortg:u~,,_ At \;.'1l1 pay a "late charge" not exc<!ect- <br />11lg fOIl!' iK'1' ,,'otUnl II ':, ) of any in:,t:dlllWld \1 hen paid IJlOl',' than Ilfteen (Ifi) days after the <br />dlle oat.' tl\l,l'<'o( to \!u'n:l' 1.11(' ,::d!'a t'Xl"'llSC- ilJ\oivt',j in hawlllngdellll'Fwntpllyrmmts, bUtll\1ch <br />"lat,: shaH not III: th,' prucl}<.,tlS of any sale !nade to satisfy the indebted~ <br />lU:SS S€',:ufl!d lWi,,'b}', Hllk's::> cillch a.1" ,1lHlkldlt to UI.;; i;>ntire indebtedness and <br />.aU pl"ol:k\r <;,\",tl:\ iitnd eX!-'l?nses s<:\:un'd <br /> <br />8. If thel total of th(~ payments mi~de by the Mortgagor undm' ((0) of ptll'agraph 2 prect.'{Ung shall <br />e:xeeed the llmmmt of payments actually made by t.he M:Ol'tgag\"'lr, ill, trustee, for ground rents, tax~'s and <br />i\"~'ielllmlel1t1i~ ()r insurance prJ;ilmiums, a.s the case may such ext:i;'SS shall \:)t:- cl'Hlited by the Mortgagee <br />on subsaqutl!nt payment.'1 to be made by the lI.{ortgagm' fur sllch item.,,; or, at Mortgagee's option, as tl'us~>(~, <br />sha.ll be refunded to. MQrtgagor. such mont.hly paynwuL., l'lhall not be sufficient tQ pay stich <br />i~m.s when the mune shaH become due and then the Mortgagol' shiil! pay to t.he Morlg"<W:i.l, as <br /> nee<orss.a.ry to up the within {:W) day~ afte!" written notice fNnl <br />Mortg~'e statin.g the an:wunt of the which notic{~ :rmt.r be mail. If at any tilli! <br />the shall tender tt) the in lJ.,;,!ordam:<.l with t!w of the not.:> <br />rntire t~ u <br />of such c]"'c1dit to the accollnt of the any <br />t)f (a,) ~Jf 2. here'of. If there shall a default under any <br />in a salt~ of the coye:r"d hm'ebYr or if tll." <br />an~,;r th;fm.dt, the bll:1t,)O, ~;han , at the <br />or at tlll~ is otherwil!lf: the <br />und.l"r (€~) tit the <br />t;hltn nvte. <br /> <br />Jl1 fill! fol'l;c and dfed during :my po~,tpoJlt'l.nent ot'" oxtE'n., <br /><H." ,my thr""t:to(jf <br /> <br />rat,,,.., and nth<:r g'}\'<trnmenul,l or nwnid. <br />h(~ ',,,,in par an On{,;!, lc\;id1U!lOU this <br />"\;'l,~:lS,nh.'nl~. whiCh lnay bl' k\'l,;d <br />".iltl ullt", on iWcollllt of <br />(<Ii of p".m <br />In dd';tUH. <br /> <br />