<br />83--003420
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<br />PREPA YMElIlT ^J'l.'D ACCRUAl, OF THE FIJIiAl"CE CHARGE: Even tMuf;l1 i do not have'to pay more than the regular scheduled monthly payment. I have the
<br />righl to ~av the whole ~m('lunl owing 10 YOIl in {uI! at any time or inpa~ from tim~ 10 tlme;lf the lending institution or bank that buys my contract computes the finance
<br />cMrgedaily. ) know my fU'lll'lCe charge wll! be ieJ>s It I make -an early'pa}hneritJ and (twi'll be,h late; I also reco nIze that anI' nec' to my ~
<br />
<br />there
<br />
<br />
<br />iMPORT
<br />
<br />Btut~ AND ESS FO~E:E:':R~g~t::'P~~~'^:r~~'i~~~EXPRESSEO .OR b~UU~lE~~~~~~~~~:'
<br />
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<br />(bll 1I"lI'e read, in detail, lhe se\'lImle "UM'lTED WARRANT'/", which i,,:ci)mpanies rhis COnlI'3Ct: It e~plllill~ Ihe conditions and circurnstallce.s in which the m.
<br />uf..~tured pnl<lucI' "'ill he tl:'palr&l m r~.rl11Ce{j, I take nntKe 1'1' the lirmtali'l'I" I,m the Wl!l1'1lnTy, and ,{ pllrlk:ulnf'ly re;t'gnll,e Ihat any jmpli~-d warranty which applies
<br /> to the
<br />goolb !asl~ (m!y aJ> long.,as !he WlIl'T'ltlly 01' S"l'Vl<'e, C\)!ltrnc"
<br />
<br />SPf:CIAI.-<JROER GOOI:.S~ I !tMW t!l;l!t i\'1I have mea&\.lred my h.'u~e andir;; ,'peOil111$ so that you can mlikl" l.he pr'JUur;u t(> fit my paTli!:lIlar hOlJse .1 take notice-that
<br /> the
<br />goods tl'la! are mal1t1111,'jUl...d for my S{le<'ifk- house 'prI'hahlv w,lIllnt f\t ~n)' '~'lwl' hi'l1.l.ses, drrd 'ulld",r 5tlrh ~onditinn~, I know thai! call1lllt call41c1lthi~ COIltrllCl
<br /> at any time
<br />at~rlhc pen,x1 !It''I.lflle given I,; file, !>y hi'" , 1l! wh",1I !()<:ance.. Ahenhall\:'jiF.I;p<:l:l,)jj o!'time, II",ow Ihl!ll ,haVl';,lh.:a'oligatiOllIO I''''Y YOIl inJllll 'the amollntow~
<br /> '.',
<br />
<br />OBUGATIONS PI!:RTI,INING TOM)' REAl, F~"TA TF.: 1 I v' keep I1\Y hou;;c. in gOO<;! rep".\!rand to ki:Cp it in.\ired foral le'1St 80% of\f,. leplaccment value
<br />l>}' buying "lire and ~J\'tl!:rilled CtWttage m~lIrlln,e !'Oticy Thc ,"'ml)anv lml~t he llrPmv<~ by you, and 1M f'lllky most have a beneficiary claose which says that
<br />YOllll'" 10 be.jlll.d it there '~ (11m.., Tile mSlltlince 1;')!llpallY mu~\ allr~ Ihal it \'llflIW\ c"nCt' my p<ilic) wlthoul fIrst telliJlll YOll, I authorize the iIlS~Mn~C(ll11pllnY
<br /> to.pay
<br />}\'u dU'eCdy fO'f any 1<>'1$, '~O>U <:3llel1o<lse In II$C lJ'I1S i'I-'\lrance payment '0 either repay any llmounu I "we you or I"~ repair my !;.;JuS<:. 2. I all<<) promlse'lhat' willoot
<br /> allow
<br />anl!ll&ll:'i elM!. u),~ an)' Illml& (mlllY real eSUlle without YOllr wnll,en j:lCl'1'!'l1$3l<1l1. .3, I prml1lSelo I'll)" all la.lIll'" ,ll.'i.lliItIIIlnems and odler charges 01'1 my
<br /> real elltate whell due.
<br />4, .~J?l'"ml1\C to tunely make nil P"'YI~IU., Oil 1,>4I1S ","",ure,j by my \'e,,1 I also l'rl\fllbe (hat [ witll){}! e~tend, renew ,'[(;hange pf.lor 1000n~ wilhout jlQllrwriuen
<br />j)emn""ton, 5, Tn do OOIl!1SUrc m~ hnlllOe Of my "Ih~,' ""h!:"Il<lM In my t"~I;HC, (IlM \'Oil (;1I11 do It fOI'm(' if yuu Wllnt thul you do Il<;ll have to), If you do pay ally
<br />,,' the"", "bh~1Il10n' 'Of m~", I ~!!fe.e II' {Ill <l,,,mand PlIl;, lllt"l'I;,~141:'lJ::tc I1I~bel\lla\Vfu("\llUra"1 rllte,pl'11l1l(lteSL l:lI\ll) pay )lUll b~~:\lhese llmOlllllS wll!
<br /> be ndded
<br />IOllW .Iehlto ""u ",hl.'h I,' '<e\'u,ed .md nOli'"" I kl'l..1W !hat if "<'Ill ud,"de In huv m'l.lrallee j,\r I11l' lh~[ VOIl (j,) nm ha\~ in oblain any hmneowner or liability
<br />li~'~ r.ulce '
<br />
<br />SAIJ:;O"MV (iOU-.E: I Pl''''InVWI11JtIOSCU, l~"'l..:"lt ;(IV<': my no,,,,;;: I"llllynlll: \lFm! IlldVC' 11.111y fI:palil my &ll11Q'''''U
<br />ODrAUl.T: I will hellllief'lla!ulllf.l,:llhl~~omn"IIL
<br />I I !Jon! make a Il'wymellt ...t1l:'n due, '"
<br />I breat iUl"" pn~m,lI~ I m2~d(' ti\ y(~U In thi, i..'~)mnU.:l \lr
<br />S01r1\Cthmr; eJ\iil:' happens wtHi:h \'):3u:st:s vnu l,~ be-hevc H\ !~~)(d tailh that I do I'X~t intend. h) P,'l} you as prom~sed; nr
<br />4 } dtfauJt >:,)1) an" (~bhgaUni1_\\ f!)r Vtnh,,'f; I ~lrn u,mlZ rny h~\m~ w\ -i,.-nfld:H~Tt~l,
<br />SfJfl\C;!h<jn~ ftap~~n~ hi n~\l h~~u~e Wh~t.J1 thn::ttenll, 'f \t.'JT n~lht\. jf ;w"
<br />
<br />Uun :!\1U h;..ne U~ n~hl td fl'~f'et-,k~$e the \1\"):ft~,a~t' I !ia\e ~l\rcn ha\!l:' my house !\olJ [0 rcptiy any .:uuounr.s J (1We you. 11' 1
<br />mv '">il''' h ""l{!, I'''' ",!I1~ <1", c''''')'h",~ !h~lrl,c jaw r('j,j\Il!''''' "" attorney 10 ""..Sl VOIlIO ,ell mv h()u~, Of. to sue me,
<br />ilL t""">llil:N<o "Ik"fie,>". k~, 4fld 1('1 ,,!hCI 'clllled expel''''' ,vd, ," "ourt ~OSl'. wlc ,~,udleS and money you expended
<br />h) law .
<br />
<br />cmwJt RI(;;HTS: We {'1m '~r nl'll {1! Ih<! !l~!'lI\ ufld~r Ihi, ,~,llllnKt as oHel\ ~'w<:: wanl without I"'lllll litem. ()r, we can dday C'nli,rct1'l& all)' ofthe tights
<br />Wl't~,ut l{~!;;ut~t thttn ""ie \.,~Ul ,alltfl) iJ~t al1\ (li}\!!" ',~( }H lhe t~Jeure ~i'\'<:n ,1 \ J.iV fa""
<br />
<br />Ot<:l..A\'S, I klM... 1I1l1l \"" u~ 'oUI r.e.1 clft"1' ""wi \11(" I .IlL pun Ilu~lllll nil h,,,,,,.., bUll ,,1'0 lUlJ.,numd thaI III "'mc >lluallOIl\ you maY!l1\collnlcr
<br />de1;,h,) thaI ;&1'1;:' CtU~,-J h, v..'l~"i$the,r \kli$Y' }Ull (>~,.taHH!1.ijt IH-l:J-tl.n~t1i" \ It l:.)thCf r'{~,1L'('n\ lh.-it are bt"'-)'owJ your omtroi t understand that y\,'U \\,tll
<br />nOI! he j~ahl'l!' 1~~l ;<-a(hd<:i~)(h
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />AItI!IITRAfIIO', 111 h.J",<:"
<br />3,,,J'eettl<:>J ll'llhl'
<br />1<"f~llfl
<br />
<br />
<br />With }'()U \~Hf~'c-nnn.~, fhe'
<br />PH}~t~fli that tHa:y ha'..l":'
<br />rlW J.J"k~ ~.nl;
<br />
<br />
<br />(II peft..lfll""lC~ ,,' tlie pn~ju"l'" I undusland Ihat 'ny d"pule milY be hubmillcd to
<br />my \,'utntnwlI1y 1 aJ."o lnnv.. that .i!l) dt('l~hm mi!tde- h:v dO ~ubitt1.uOf(S) wo-u~d be en~
<br />
<br />-S,A,t.V 1\<.a,,: V Al.t:..:~_ I "Jld\j", thi3:t l.F\e '"J, Hh.1i1\l1,'~. ';A....~h\ili"f'k
<br />n''j'~Y\i::- ~,henh ~,II}U \:..an Ua:"rit' U~m tHl \4'h.llt\t>"tH PUfl)ltl:hW j-'I"lU "A'ili,J;H
<br />
<br />SPt!:,CIAI. Sift '\Tl0NS: O\l~ IlII:lwo ,'>Ill<e pIIlIt- I umJer\'tillld ln31 on 'lmaUOlI' thai YOlIf Regional Ol'fke may h!'vC10 rev lew
<br />lIn.l ,oc':."P' tillS ""nl,....:l. I IlllS ,...Ie "{C"UI~,l ar1\lllnfi'\ 1;,,,,, dlJ !h~ "Ofleel mJOl'mlollK>fl llnpottlill! \() thIS lntn.aCllon
<br />In f"Ur fu'tgeifttt:l$, tiP.,!:: )'()U fH,~ >.:HU>emt to ..:\nl'~"{ iiQ,Py d)\'.id"i"'i,;'r'f\ ~p, v.,,'hen Ii)>:," btftnk) In th1~...:ontract \10 en: "'nlpfeled
<br />
<br />rN\',~LID. PB(}\-"IS1()~S: iit .lti\'f pr\j\d";;J..,4l 1, h~i4~(~.~ the L~\A. .:l:orl Hi unen-t(,.rcc,ihie. the rest 01 the contract wdl t;.e, \> all\!, If om} pati i ~f thiS (.:orttrl.ii,:t
<br /> lequircb
<br />p4}.nen'hJi rU1J-fC Ift~.lh.iiUHhe ~d,'lt~ pel'flu"", dn;~ l'.W,vt ~hen.~bl tn":'.f)U1:'4":t tf('IO'. fnc th.Ieank)UQto.f intere,'Si~ wtw;:h lhe(' ~<JW aH(~w:>. }OlJ Uh.UOr:CL
<br />
<br />COMPl.f:l'l:NE.......Of' .fHllSCO~HRA('r: rb""""u"::l "i>!1 ",'1)0 be ,hil.llg~J " both YilU iUl<l1 aj1.lW III wril",,!!,
<br />
<br />The hliilm. illS !1,,'II':i~ bnll!;' h, my' dll~.1lI1,)I':.he "!lltt, .1 cVen when 11,1, "'I"lllraLt ,,',old tl,) d. tinan""~J "'~lltuUQll or a wnl<:. and I should oobq: thaI the impor,
<br />tJU',bJ(! {.)l.. L'Ub ,pii\.l\fl:S1VUl\~'~FK.J,~ jl:~ ~'a:A~~} tt:n P(!;xt\t~ ~ .\'pe
<br />
<br />).l~?lt',f m"He~a;ah th~d h'h'C' t~1 be J'en'loved hv ~li't~ tor ibp" W\LiU~liWn han: NO ~ah'I.l:~C: value \Vhen )OU n:..
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<br />L
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