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<br />r- <br /> <br /> <br />- I will revit'Jw other. pOltions of ,!his contract <br />lor addi!i.onaJ information about non-payoient, default. <br />any required repayment in fILII before the scheduled date. <br />ltl1tl prepayment refunds and penalties, <br /> <br />PropenyiMlIrance is hm I may oblain Ihis <br />I Want. If r obtam thij; insllfan','e. through )1011, I will pay <br /> <br />COI\IMENCl-:MENT OIF TRE ,"'lNANCt CHARGE: Tire. <br />(in"",~ the. dal1.~) u""", in ,1><\ (:Vel'lllhat vou cr'mplele tbe illSlaUatlOn <br />da",. 'thai I shldl $'\ln a Conl'plielion Cem(,c'l!c The or"''''"t 01 I'M""e <br />lI.OOi my ti"""hl1le"~ 1n mak.nll pll\yml"'~~ <br />PItIt1P4YMltlI.'T: I mllY VOIUI14l1rtly i"ef"lY tbe ..mount I oW<' you. ill filII "I' in plU't. "'MY time If I mllke II pm'lilil prepaymcnl, r muSI c,'winue III make my l'l'gular payments <br />wrel , I..."", p:llid IlIl amnunuc"'.ed <br />litF.Qlfl1'_~ FOR f'\,'Lf.PA\''MEN1r, H I do ""1 l"ay wn.rn due, YOII ,'till 'kdar" alltllall ''''"unde, (0" \C"'n!TlICI ptlyable at on(';.:. I agree. m PIlY YOII llllereslol1 that,,,!,,ount <br />.1 t~ma!<;"'lum C'\\llt!'lli:tual nlll.. :oJluwed bvlaw until Ibe ..m,lllnt low" Y"" is paId. 1 al"'I:"o,,, lhat you call lor"elo,e. lhe Mortgage I have gIven 10 Y"ll <br />COt.l.F.CTJON COSTS: If ,. am in dto(~ult N l!\i, .nd "em",," I thal ma\' ,end il 10 on attornl'V for colle'otlon and enforcement. <br />'f~'"" do :1<,. I ~ to""y :'\'ll>t rea.."",hlc rlu, \'nu" emt' .ncurred vnn. II :, aJlowc-d to collecl such .llmOUlllS by law. <br />"'OIIiTCAGE: 1 hctel:ly glllill1l, !larglllll. ,I'll. ,o"..VCY .n<.l n".Jrlllage III you,., Mongagce, my real e,tate "u" hou.c located at my ",\ddn,,," deslgnaled 011 Uk' top portioll <br />.,ft"m, t'(mtrltCl a'liCCunltV i,'" 1111 amoun" d..., III VI'" under lh" Ill"",lhnen! Sales Comrac\. <br />REVtRSE SIDlE: I UIDERS:rUD THill THE ADDITlDlAl TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SlOE Of THIS INSTAlLMENT SALES COlffillCY ARE <br />A PART Of TIllS INSTAWlEIT SAII.ES COIITRJCT AIIID TllAY I AM BOUND 8Y THEliN TIlE SAME MANNER AS If THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS <br />YElY IIISfAUMEIl' SAW: comlel NOnCE: PROVISIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY OBLlGA. <br /> <br />nOtt. .. .. .... .... .'. ... ... . ... ... .... NonCE TO BUYER <br />1:'I!'dlJ_~...~ ~1di>C'llll1lI'lid'~1 tt:acf)t'tw ",allynf the $PIlCC'S in~nded for lhe Ill!rt'ed I<<'rms 10 lhe exlent or then available Information llrl: <br />Itift. h~ ;1.,) aIR e....l!dta... ,;tip)' of this rootn<1 III Ute time I ~Ign II. .\. I may pilV ofT Ihe filII ba.lance due un~r Ibis contril<1 al any lime, and In <br />'llttt!:lkll'l .,r 1m II I'l~ .. the ul'N!llr'lll!d nnlllniCl' and lnsllrallCe dlllfll."li !if any). 4. I undeMand that this Instrument 15 ba.lled upon II home <br />!iIlIIld1t.... 'IlIk lIad t.... t.ltlis uuu'umenl is not n<<'lOtlable. S. II !hlllll nol be lelllll for YOII 10 rnter my premi.'IeS IInlilwfuUy (lr t'Ommll any breach of Ille <br />PI'M't'tn repiIllMU lOOClIJ 111111'('__11 ullder lhlll ctmtrlK't. <br />BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL <br />I .., CAllCEJL THIS llllEElll100 AT All TIME PRIOR TO MIDIISHT Of THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER TIfE DATE Of THIS TRANSACTION. (I HAVE READ <br />TliIE ACCOIIPAIYIIS..l:E Of RIIHT TO CAllCfl fORM fOR AIIt EXPlANATION OF THIS RIGHT.) <br /> <br />to stan nn-)".."".""'1r.::i_,_._.._.._'___,________ <br />< then the nllal>Ce charge fimerest\ will begin to run on the <br />Ihallthe''''''''lnl disclosed depending em the lIlllounts I pay you <br /> <br />('O"f Rt:(:t:I\,I-:D: 1 ;;.;i~lll.''''lcd!~e ""C"'pI ,'I a ,"OIPlel.<'Iy Idled", wpy 01 UH, ,0flU",",1 "long ",In 1\\'11 ,21 ""1'''''' ..1 the NOllce 01 <br />ISWnSESS WHERl:(]F. !Ill' j'",,,,mICIl1 \.Ie, CUnl'.<1 .,,,j M""~age ha" he"'I> .h:I\".;] {hi~ ......:['4.,_..., 01 ).~... <br /> <br />!;~~~~~~;;;n~c. I""e 01 Seh,~,.. <br />(/",", ~:, .j,,"-- ..:;li.)j <br />"~,.~""'-";7 '~" . > <br />".'.."'....'''"'t-+..;\!J;.,.".....'' <br /> <br />RIght to CUlled Form. <br />!!.) ..4-_... <br /> <br />Hy <br /> <br />L~7~~~w.,r~ <br /> <br />... <"".....-..~ <br /> <br /> <br />/7 ~ <br />,l~ <br />il"tl'l/"EIC' \lnll~I~) ..... <br /> <br /> <br />H\. <br /> <br />1~to'd(' (l1~t"hr~i,ii-U <br /> <br />~~,~r' --1:~~ .~~ <br /> <br />:~ <br /> <br />~1t.1y ~:.t..'rn.nUs'M(iH t"ptne:!\ <br />SM, WI.,""E,IHll:l <br /> <br />~ <br />..... . .~~~~:r:AA"i'~-". <br />., ClImm. u,. AlIe 2). 1985 , <br />fI ~1}\ >':: ,d! /<~ <br /> <br />kle.g",.~u.t!l ~ I 't.fUl.lloCfH .Ynt~ ~:t(:kl'lowjt"dgcd 'bt'1\tn: IHr., i.ln this ..... ..' '. ".'I~t~ <br /> <br />. . .....;~~~-,._,.,-".. , 19 rJ. t~\ {he dh-(n~ ctt~",;gn~itC-d <br />HU;rt-thJ ,.I' ga~nrlsj /J <br />- /A,j. . . __ ".;:/# A C;-' <br />',,'I.U, ['llbl" ..-&j.~~..".~",:G?~~, <br /> <br />(\.lunty t1t <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />(~'~\..,.jC\ <br /> <br /> <br />n <br />I' <br />i I <br />I ! <br />I ! <br />LJ <br />