<br />
<br />7, Condemnation, In theevent tOf' Property, or any parr ther!'of, shall b", taken by l'minent domain, the Mortgagee
<br />is'Cmpowcered to collect and receive all c.ompensation which may bt' paid for any propl'l'ty taken or for damages to property
<br />not taktm, and Mortgagee shall apply slIch compensation, at: it" option, either to a reduction of the indebtedness secured
<br />hereby or to l'epair and restore the properly so damaged.
<br />
<br />8. Performance by Mortgagee. Mortga~ee may, but shall have no obligation, to do any act which the Mortgagor
<br />has agre€'d hut Ita!!s t,!) do, and Mortgagee may also do any act it deems necessary to protect the lien hereof. Mortgagor
<br />agr<?es to' mana, any sum, liO l'xP€'nded byth" Mortgagee for theaoove purposes, and any sums so expended
<br />by'the , shnlJ' be added to the lndehi:edll~ss s"l'Ured hereby and become subject to the lien hl'reof. Mortgll~e
<br />shaft nnt incur lithO' piilf,Sonal liability becaur;{! of anything it may do or (.mil: to do h..rl'under.
<br />
<br />9, lA~f!lu.lt; Assignment of Rents. 'Pimp is Qf the l'$l'llCl' hel"l!of, and upon Mortgagor's default in any covenant
<br /><)1' agreement of this Mortgage, including CO'R'llllnr,s t,O flay WhNl dll\' the su:m~ secorf'd by thiS Mortgage,. the Mortgagee shall
<br />beentiUed, at il~ssole (,ptlon and without, nQtkl', in d,~cllnl' all ~ums secured by this Mortgage- to be immediately'due and
<br />payable and lXll\Y <:Ommenc(' forl:'Closun1 of this :Mol1,gagr,~ by judicJa.! pro('e('dings; and, provided further, that upon such
<br />ddllult tilt' MI)rtgag~, or a rl'Cl:!1Vl?r appointf'd by 11 eourt, mllY at lk~ ()pHon 'and without r~gllrd to thl>' adequacy of the
<br />security, oo~r tlpon and lalor,' PQ(;Sflss!fj<n of till" Prop..!'!'Y llnd ~'otlN~t tfu! r"ntl;, issu.'" and profits therefrom and apply th('m
<br />first t~> thlt cost 01 ('olled!on alIa ()1~rJl/'\on of the PrOpi,rty and !,hm upon t'lH~ indebl,{!dnes.<; s(!cnred by this Mortgagee;
<br />said rents, iSS\l"'l, IInd profits hf'!llg .ls,<>ignf'd to tll" ?vlmtgll;l\'{> 3~ furth"r ,{'t'u.rity for the payment of the inde-btE'dnes'<;
<br />S('(;urod hereby.
<br />
<br />10. Thrmsfer of Property. If all nr !lilY part of Uw Pmpl'fty Ie; sold or transr"rred without tn"" express writt~m con'
<br />Will; of (,h.. M(lrtj!illgt'f', Mortg)illel' mllY at it, snll' optlOl1. dl'clarc all sums "I'€,ur"d by this Mortgage to be immediately due
<br />and payabh"
<br />
<br />11. F\lUllr€! Advances. l:pon r'.'qupst of \1 ongagnr_ :\'lortl'!ag,,~. may mallet' additional and future advances to
<br />MOftgagel', SUdl adval1l:t'~, WUn IIIl.er~st Lht'rNH1. ,hall tw ~t'('lm!d hy Lhi& :v!o,rtgli!1l' wlum evidenced by promissory notes
<br />sta~itlg (lUll, said l1ote'. are ",eurNl !wl"l'by. At no "1111' "tiltH I t1<' prm('lplli amount of till' indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mortgage, llot I,n,dudmlr Stlln.~ advaot'('d to prfJ\el'l 1111' ~I"'lmty of llll;~ !\1on~agl', ('xcI'l'd tll,' onglnat Notl',
<br />
<br />12. MiJi;C,eUane'Elus f'rQVlSlons.
<br />
<br />~al Anyl',m'!x'ariulcP m t'xN('lsmg all\' n\ll11 or rl.'nlt'li', ~tlll!1 nnt. hI) II WIII'vI'r tl1,,'n'of.
<br />
<br />tOI All r','I1I1,dl,.", Pl'i.Hild,'d ht't'l,lll ar" 1i">!!!!!'1 and cumulaUy,' W Imy othN nght afforded by law or equity,
<br />lInd mllY h" t'x!"n'lwd'oIH'urn'mly, IlId'.'p"/Hwntly or sucr;,'ss."ely.
<br />
<br />1<; I The ('m'I'IJam~ ,,110 lIil"""!llt'llt" t'm'I!,iIIWd IlPn'ln <fIllli bmd, ~nd llw rigllt.~ murt' to, tilt' respective
<br />:;iUC'('i~~~Ors and a,,~'ljjgn1\ (tf tlH' (\'Iorl ~a~nf and !.hl~ ~-)nrtga~t"t.
<br />
<br />,6 j A.ll "1!\'i'lHlflts illld llgr'>I'fl\"lIb <.>111,,, \lfln~;'l:t<.11 <1<" Jo.nt ilnd WY"fltl
<br />
<br />I.", lb.. h,""dHl~' 01 ill,. pill il14r.. ph"
<br />pll"l'\ Of d"nll" llw 1"'''1''01'' hN"',C
<br />
<br />;\long<11o:" "I'. Ill' '"11\''111>''''''' ,,,,I~ i!tld stlldt lIut b..' used to il1ter,
<br />
<br />l;l. RI'III'I~~, I 'I~OIl p,,~ m"HI ...1' tlli '.",,,, ",,'d
<br />~ji il:"'X:\~ttut~ 8fl!d d.'h\'ll'r -n h.aH~(.ai'lHf'Y ff'h'a',~) nw,t't^for
<br />
<br />,,\1,"11(;'~' \10HI:JK'.' "hall d''l'I,<<r!:" lhls Mongllgt. and
<br />
<br />IS WITNES~ \HI~;JU;\JF, Mml!(~!(or '''1'. .:V'.'\H,"1 diP' \!"';~d!-;" ",'
<br />
<br />2.7 da\ of
<br />
<br />,June" ,19 &1.. .
<br />
<br />\.
<br />
<br />
<br />[iQno*tI:,C".
<br />
<br />\
<br />"
<br />
<br />r 1e.
<br />
<br />Diane L LDwell
<br />
<br />dul';' eOOllntSSI~'ll'ed and Qualifit>d for h<lld C1i>u.nt\
<br />
<br />L11!f\OnaHv ('aXIl..,
<br />
<br />b. b.,ron' IfH'. ..11.' UndN1'igned, a Notary Public
<br />Paul H. Lowell ;md Diane L.
<br />
<br />
<br />StaLe or Nebl:ll,d,a,
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />CIHUH~ ')\
<br />
<br />On this
<br />
<br />da~ <if
<br />
<br />~--J~U'->._JJ~Q!U1iLJ!Q.qWtf.~L
<br />I~nli~ p<('rliOilll:SI whQl;,' .llllr.ue(s) .HI' 'ub"aio.,d
<br />
<br />, to me know n to bt' the ';<--.
<br />tit,. futt'gomg Hhtn.lllH'nt .md aeknow'l'dged the ltXCCUUOll
<br />
<br />
<br />f,'
<br />t:
<br />h
<br />I.
<br />f:
<br />
<br />to bl!,_J::L'i,~~a1:u::l.,JJiex.: . ., vo!untary ae!' llnd t:lt~.,d.
<br />
<br />
<br />WitUellS In} hand and nutllhllt >Nala(
<br />'liawaCon'.$.l\id,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />L. .
<br />1i<<l1W. SlM4I,~..ac.".lc
<br />
<br />i,,-'1"~ni{;h:t ',l;l.;pj. 'Rt!::'t:()'~d(~!', J' -,.,~..",",..,..
<br />