<br />
<br />
<br />and Diane L Lowell,
<br />
<br />Lot Five (5) I:bC:kman First Subdivision, fOOl, Hall County,. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />TCI~I.hil!r wuh 1I11 hoildmgs, impro\'l'm"nt~, n~ tor"", ,;tn'plS. llllpvs, paSl\ll/;:t'WIl}'S, ,'as.' II1t'l1l$ , nght~, privi1t'2t's and
<br />..ppurtt'nllnt:t~' hK"4it'd th<'ll'OIl or m ilnYWIW Pt'rtllll1l!lf;: tbl"r','lo, illld 1111' rt'ut, ,s'Ut."ill1d prollts,.l'l"vt>n;,ions and remainders
<br />t.b"U'lJt; indudill~, iYuI 0I)t limited 1(1, hl'lu!lllt lllld nmlmll \.'q\l,pnli"nt 1I1lll SUdl ,)t'rsonal prnpt'tl.y that is attached to the
<br />iinlproVI'J:J!ellt" Ml lll' tn l'onstllUll:' it f!XlIW:', all of whidl, ilwiudmi( ,.,'plll"'~IlH'lll$ll!ld adthH(lllS tht'rel.o, is hl'reby dedared
<br />to bt- II "fl 'If the I't'IIII ,"Uti' ,,'('tm'd h} till" Ilf!fl of Hlb :-'!orlg:igl' itnd all of till' fOf\'jlOlflg bt'lOg rI'f.'rr..d to herein as the
<br />'''ProPt'Hy''
<br />
<br />M.:i!rlgllgof Curtl!!'f eOn~t'mHlts and II!!,."." w,th ;<"I'Hlr,'I;(N', '" foilovlI.
<br />
<br />L P,l)'mel:lt, 'ft, PllY \b~ ll1d,'bu'dll<'''' and Ilk '!ll.'n',l I Ii.'n'..." ," pmvldl'tJ In th" Murl\:llgl' lHld t.he Not.e,
<br />
<br />:t Tiit.k,t, '~tWt.ltall{)f h lh~ O\\rllef of ftH' Pwp.'n~, !lit, liw !lglll .II1l1 lI\HIIIII'!\ to murlgagt' the ProjX'rt.y, and
<br />~Vlllrrant~ tblkl th,' hNt cwaled ",'fI'D)lS II ilrsllmd prior IIn. 0" rt". l'mp.'l'tv. "1<I'f'PI a, nlt!y oth"rwls,' be St'1 forth heroin.
<br />
<br />'nUl I"fOp'.tt) l~ :>Ub.!",'! lu a "'klft,gagp 11'1\<'1<")\
<br />
<br />is the Mortll1ll~'tl, l"I'iXffdfl1 at Book , I'll!,", ollh,. !\t,m':"l4I' Hi'curds or
<br />NebfMki/I. whkh Mortgagt' IS It lit'fl prIOr to tiLl' !it'll "'NilI'd hFj",'h\
<br />
<br />'''''''_''_' County,
<br />
<br />OOwr prior lklll:! or "Ilcumbnil\<,""
<br />
<br />;~,'l1ax", .~I1l.$... To pay when dUI' .'ill taXI'S, 'P"lllal "'$..s"m..lIt~ and all other charg.!';; against the Property
<br />Md. upo.n wl1ittendemand by Mon.ga,gN., to ;Idd tn tb'l' !'''ym<'llb, H'quirt'd IIndt'! lIlt' Not" ><'l:'tlwdhl'wby, SUdl amount a.~
<br />lnay oosu.fliClitmt U) enable IlH~ Ml')rtgagt~" to pay $11('1\ tal<kl<. ai!i,~'C&Smlmts Ofotiwr d,lll"gt'$ as they ~,c9m.. due,
<br />
<br />
<br />4, lllSWlll1><."e. To !l.eli'p Int,;
<br />hy fire,
<br />..'itb loss payable to the
<br />in
<br />
<br />I'mw w h."(<<an,,,r lo)t'4W,d '.Hl HI.. f'!lll .'stlllt' dfc"Scribed herein insured
<br />reqlliH', In ,amounts and wltlH'Ompalli.,s lj(:c~'ptable to th,l'
<br />ca.".' ()f ,,,..., umJ;,! "Ut:h pf>lidt'S ifl;' MOftgll!}''''' L~ authorizi'Q to
<br />at its option. aut!wr",('Q th"
<br />tlUt paymentli i1l!(<,ul\de~
<br />
<br />4
<br />