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<br />I 9. Condt'ml'lllfioll. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, !n connection wit~ any
<br />condemnation -or other' taking of the Property", or part th,eceoL or for conveyance in: lieu of c01:-.demnatich~f a:-e hereby ass~gned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender,
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shaH be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the e"~., if allY, paldta Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Bo:rower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied 10 the sums secured by this Deed of Trost such propo"lo~ of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which tbe amoont of tbe sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately pnor to the date of
<br />taking bears 10 tbe fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abanJoned by Borrower, or if, after nOlice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to !lla~e
<br />an award Of settle Il cl'aim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such .notlce IS
<br />mailed, LelIder IS authorized 10 coHeN and apply lhe proceeds, al Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Properly or to the sums seiCuroo b)' tbis Deed of Trust. . .
<br />Un~.. Lender and Borrower otherwrse agree in wriling, any such application of proceeds to pnncrpal shall not extend
<br />or plY.>tp6ne thie due d:ue of the monthly iru>talimems referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount. of
<br />1iuch InstalLments,
<br />If). Borro'Wtt Not Re11'1ISed. Extt:nsion ,,( the time for p;~ymel'll or modification of amortization of tli,? sums secured
<br />by tbis {leoo of Trust. granted by Lender loany suc<:essor .in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, m any manner,
<br />lhe h3hility tlf the ()riginal lrormwer am.! lrorrower's StICCessors in inlerest. Lender shall n?1 be rel{uir<<:<' to commence
<br />proceedings.a,gainsl slK:h SIK'(;cswr or refuse 10 extend lime for IY.lymem or Nhcrwise modrfy anwrtizatlon of, I~esums
<br />secured by Ihis ~ed of Trust by reawn of 311\1 dermllld lllade by the original Borrower and Borrower's suceesso.!'S III mteres!.
<br />11. FodJe_e by li:mJe-r Not II Waiver. "ny forbearance by Lender in el(ercising any right or l'em~y hereunder. or
<br />olherwi~ ,alford",,d by applicable law. studl not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such nght or remedy,
<br />The procurement pI 'nimrallce or Ihe payment of ~a)l,es or mher liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of I.ender's
<br />right loac:eeler:ne the m..lUnly 1)( thc ll'1dehlcdm:ss secur..-d by this Deed of Trust
<br />11, R_dib C\:Ilftuiath'c, All relnedie, m thiS D..,<:,d of Trust are distinct lInd cumulative 10 any other right
<br />or r,emedl' under this f)Coo of Trust or klwor equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />successively,
<br />13. S..eea.wn lilm:! All!lIglIS Bo.H; Joinl and SevernlUal:Nlily; (~aptiollli. The covenants and agreements herem
<br />contained shall blOQ, and Ill..: r'ghtl1 heTe\looer shill! mure t{l, ,he respectIVe succes:sors and as!>igns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subjeCI 1\1 II~ of paT<lgrapl1 l7 I'>.ereOl AI! covenants and agreements of BOrH)Wer shall be j".m and several.
<br />Ihe captions .. headings 01 the par1l8.raphs 01 lh,s!lecd "I Trust are lor convelllcnee only and are not to be used to
<br />Illterpn:t or dchne lhe proVl$N)n$ bereof
<br />14, NolieI'. Except le)f any notice reqmrcd tlllJ"~l I;;", 10 be given III Ilnother manner. (a) !lny notice 10
<br />Borrower prOVided for III IhL'! Dl::ed of Trust shall be given 'milling such notu;e by ceflified mail addressed to Borrower III
<br />IbeProperty i\ddra$ or at such mher address a, B..,rrowe; may deslgnllte by notiee to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />(h) lln~' nollCe 10 Lender shall be glvell bv certified m:lIl, reHlfll r~~eipt requested, to Lender's addrC$s statoo herein or t.o
<br />such olber addrcs.s .u Lender may de:s.tgn~te by nml"e 10 Borrower lU provided herem, An)' notice pro\'ided for in this
<br />Deeu of Trust snail b;:. deemed w have been g,ven '0 Bmrower Of Lender wben given in the manner designaled herein,
<br />15. tlnif~,"n J)etd or l'i'UW,Goven.inll,."": MUflIll:Nlit)'. ThIS form of d..'Cd of trust combines umform covenlints for
<br />nallon..l ll""'~lld llon,ul'lliorm covenants WIl!l hnUled \':UUll<)ll,' by ,uriMi,ctlon l<l conslitute a uniform security inslrument
<br />covcnnll real pl'llperlY Tilt!. l)<ecd 01 Tru~1 shaH he by lhe law of the JUrisdIction Il'l which the Property is located,
<br />In Ihe eve III Ihill ~"Y provIsIon or clall:S<: of Ih,s t)1 Ihe NOle: .onlllcls Wil,h apphcable law, ,such conlllct shall
<br />Iwl ,alleel t)thef proVision.. 01 IhlS [)cet! 0/ 'I IUS; Of the NOle ".h,ch can he <"Vto effect witlmlll Ihe conflicting provision,
<br />.lilld to Itm cm.llbc j>WVil'Orn. (II Ihe Deed ut T."" and lhe Note are declared 10 be seven.hle"
<br />16. 8<<rCl"""'" ('opy, a,mower shall be IUrlHShcd a ":Oflj"rmcd ..'upy of the Notc lInd of this Deed of Trust a! lhe time
<br />of C:lecullt>ll l'f a Iter n,ctlrUallOl1 bereof
<br />.7, 'r~et of tile PI'OpC!tI); ~pdoa. 1f..1I Of JllY ~,..rI <'If the Property ()f an inlerest therem is sold or transferred
<br />by EkHTtlWer w'lhout t"ender's pllOt "mllCfl ,u""",nl. "xdudm!! (a) 101.1 .;:re..llC>!1 01 a lien or encumbrance subordimlte to
<br />!IllS (~ of Tru~l, (Ill the creation of a pllrchalioC [HIHley ,('.,;urlly mletal lor !lou::.cbo!d appliances. (c) a lrarn.fer by devi::.c,
<br />da<;;ieOl m by optllulon of taw upon the dealh ,)1 .. 1'}jt1f lemml or (d) rhe grallt of any ieasehold IOteresl of three years or less
<br />not ,;Q1)/lUl1l11ii: lIn optIon w puu:base, LCllJer Ina), af Lellder', opllon, <ledllf!: alllhe Sllms secureJ by this Deed of Tfust to be
<br />IInmedlately ducand PIlyal:!le, fender slt..lI IU"e "',"I,'cd $u..h IlpllOn 1<' accelenue iL pnor 10 the !lale or transfer, Lender
<br />and the ller"JlI to .,.bom .Ibe Proptlty IS hllx: s...ld or lllllnslcHI:d rellch llllreemell\ in wrillog Ihat the ered,il of sllch pel1>On
<br />'s S<:Wsflll;lory 1".1 Lemir::r ..00 that the mtcres,\. p.lYIIOle Oil the $Uflt. socun:d by thiS Deed 01 Tf'U$1 shall be al such rate as
<br />I.endef :\h"Ule\loe:>.t ll' Lenikr h.u Wlllye4 the "Pi.on ill ..<;~,:Ier..l" prOvided inlhlll paragraph 17, and if lrorrower'" SUC..esSOf
<br />111 m<<:resl fl.} (.",,,-,m<'U a wOIten <iJ\;\Olltllpl.'Utl ~glelCmem accepled 1Il wrillng by Lender, Lender shall release lrorrower from
<br />..II 4lhhl'''lllHl' \mdcr Uus ll<<,u 01 TlU.l.1 llnu l.he Note
<br />If tendel ':M:n:,Sl:~ ,uch Vpl:lOO to ..,,,tler..II:, Lenuer sh~il IIUI" Borrower nOlice of ac.celerllltlol'l in accordance wlIh
<br />PIlra,gn\ph 14 bele</t Sudl nOlKe wll provIiJ" a 1l\~nOO of nOI k~$ than .lO days /rom the dale the notice is mailed wilhin
<br />wllleh IWIHlv..::r "lay p~y the sumi de..lill"d due. II Bo!f(>wer laili to PIlY .ucb sums pnur 10 the ell.p1.ratioo of such period.
<br />tender 111<11, w'lhwt lunber llQI.ICe m demand Illl 8orm...!:r, owokc any remed,es permitted by p;lr-4grapb HI hereof.
<br />
<br />NO"'.tJNIi"()Il'" ClJ1Vt'N....NllS, lronl'>WCI and Lendel JurlhcI ."vemont llfld lIiICle liS followi:
<br />18. Acee."~ Re~ t:leept.... ,,",wided 1ft ""'f>>c.... 11 hereoI, "fOIl awr"...u', ttracll of any <:0\'_1 or
<br />lllItnI_t .or 1l4N,m""e:c' in thili. 1)rc,4 of Trwa.ind~Plt 1m cl/we...... to pi) when clue. any 1_ lIeCUI'd by lb. Dud
<br />of 1',... tAllldillf fIIdw 110 lI;\;e~ .... mail _bee '0 B_wu .. .ro..~ .. ~ 14 henof apecityiJII: (1) the
<br />~".(2) the lid_ "f!qUifd to ~'ure __ bl"ll:llo(':h; (3) It d.le, mIi _ Ibaa 3& u)'t' f_ the date the DOdee . mailed tliI
<br />~...", by ,,'bait wdiJ _kit faWit _ ctU!/d; and (4) fila' fail_e to cwe _II Imradt 011 or Wore the date specified
<br />ill Ihe m1i~ IftlllJ ,-U ill *,'llwf:li1loR of lhe MlIIl1i Reured by tJW Deed of Ttulit ... IllIle of the Prupeny. TIM ~
<br />lIiMlI furtM, iDform B<wm..er ul t_ "",I tfJ ft'~e afIer IICcdend.ioo aIIli the debt to brine a oowt acdoa 10 _rt
<br />the _~~ce of II 4cfali 6r a.)'other .flOi\t_ of Bwrow..r 10 lIM:~ a04 ale, If the breadI Ii not cured
<br />- .Kl>efore lblt 84ft .c~ in the l'lGlke, I_Ift.1 l.emkr',,~. _y tlulan aU of the __ lleC:und by tli. Deed
<br />of l'tur;:1 kI he illlMledlafJdy d_ lIfU1 ,."aWe ""~ fur1lilef demand and -1 mw. the power of ale -.I aRJ other rellUldks
<br />~W bJ' .,P1kllllNot bw. l~ Writ he .~ 10 co./kcl lID .~. eOlill .... opll.... irIctIrnl4 m ~ the
<br />n:-.lm. ~\'Hl" ftl lhil:plIl'~ .1' im,.~tnd Rot UmltH.to. re~ _OOley's f_
<br />If the pil<'Ii\'l!;l of !Olde H Iftw~ TlUiIllee lillaD :mcOfd 1II _dit:1! of lidaull 1ft ~ <':oullt)' fp which the .~ or 54)_
<br />....... lheftt>i H.kK"ated It.lld ~ llluuh.,.. ~ _bee .in IIv: _r pret;erihed &y. ~lilWe Jaw to Bonow.,r _Ill to the
<br /><4M,(.~ ~m.IIr, ~ _. /\ft.ul&.. ...",f :JodI tMe __,he requiml by. ~... lillO', Trustee ..
<br />'~.~~e" ml3e to ltlc.~.D6 /.11 tlv: m_", ..RlKrUled by ~.... IlIw, Tr..... widtout I_don
<br />yat~ _l," ~tM .._t ~ lit ~.- _ pia(:e .-i__, theter_ ~ated
<br />_.'ll!~. .j"c.._.. ...w:il....lWl T~.j.Ifta)'~. 'r...._y~. ....IIC llIIIIeofllD
<br />llo,. ~ ~__1lIt at t.M ami piIll;e ".alI)' pn;vioUly K~.IIlIk. Um4e, t)f
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