<br />83-
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<br />003403
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<br />UH1Y'OttM <::ovEN,A.HTS. 80rmweT and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />, _ .1. _ ~ ell ~ ~ Itdeft!It. Borrower shan promptly pa,Y ...-hen due the principal o.f ll:nd inlerest .on the
<br />'Dl'Ie~~'oy-me n~c, pep-7n~t &nd late chat"~ as prov~.ded n1 the Note. and rhe pnnclpal of and Interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Tmst.
<br />2. ......... T_ ... l-.-e. Subject to applicable law or to . written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to lemIer on the day_tIlly irmail1ments of principal and interest are payable under Ihe Note. until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein -Fundsj equal to one-twelfth of the yearly la~es and assessments which may allain priority over this
<br />Deed o(TI'U$t. .M ftOWJd renlS on the Property, if any, plul> one.twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />ptm oM>-tWelftl'l ofyeady premium illslaJlments for mortgage in<mranee. if any. all as reasonably esrimated initially and from
<br />time to. time by Lender on the basis of __ts and bills and reasonable estimates thenrof.
<br />The Funds shalf be fIdd in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranleed by a Federal or
<br />state ~ (includin" Lender if Lendieris _h all institution}, Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxcs. assessments.
<br />iMUranoe pt'emiums and s. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying Ihe Fonds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifyillt' a ~ts and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and apphcablc law
<br />permits Lemtv t a charge. Borrower and Leooer may agree in writing at the lime of execution of this
<br />Deed tlf TI'1Ht that intei'Mt on the Funds shllU be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires weh in , Lender shall nol be required to P'lY 8om:>Wer any interest or earnings on the Funds, lender
<br />shan Jive to chllfJe. an annual lIIcoormting of the Funds sl!{)wing credits and dehits 10 the Funds and Ihe
<br />debit to the Foods was made. 'The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums sectlred
<br />
<br />
<br />~ Of tbeFwd tldd try. tender, tQ&dher with the future monthly installments of Ftmds payable pnorlo
<br />lhe4ue!i~oft.";It.-.sments,. inaurancc prentittms and ground renlS,shallexeeed theamtJunt required to p~y saidlaxC!<.
<br />ll~ts; m.utanc:epremiu_ and ground ren~ as theY fa;!1 dtle" sud1 excess shall he, at Borrower's option,either
<br />~y l'tiipIid t(l~ or credited toSQrrower on mot1lhly installmenll\ of. Funds. If. the. amount of the . Funds
<br />h.efdby tMder' .sba1J.ftO( be ~t to pa)' taxes. ll&~smenIS, insurllnce premiumslllldground renls as Ihey fall due,
<br />Borro_rs".ltp., 10 L.encIer any amotmt _ry to make tip' the detkiency within 30 days from Ihe dale nOllce is mailed
<br />by t.enclerm fk,UOMll; ~DI p.~t thereof.
<br />Upon ~ in fwld vi aurm seemed by this Deed of TnlSl, LCcndershall promplly refund to Bormwcr any F\lnd~
<br />held by lender. If uttdet~a....pb tllhereaf the Propeny is sold or lhe Properly IS otherwise llcquired by Lender. Lender
<br />sban apply, no lateT .,,_ immectiately prior to Ihe gle of the Property or it~ acquisillon by Lender. any Funds. held by
<br />t.ender at theti_ of appticatilm 35a en:dit apinslthe sums l\eCured by this Deed. of Trust-
<br />3. AfIIIIIc:.... of':;r_.... Unles:s applicable law proVIdeS otherwflle. all payments received by Lender under. the
<br />Note and pa:r:ar...aPbs I ... :1 bereof shall be applied by Lender tl!'X1 III paymenl of amounts pllyabte 10 I.cnder by Borrower.
<br />under ~ 1 hereof, tben to lnterat payable 00 lhe Note. Ihen to the principal 01 the NOIe. and then to interest and
<br />principal on any PutUl'e Ad'ftn<:eL
<br />(. ~ ~ ~ sball plIy aU tllXes. asse<;sn:rel'lfs and ('ther charges. fines and imJKl5itions auributable II'
<br />the JIroperty which mt!Y at:tam . priority over this Deed of TrusI. and lea.'lCholil payments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />m_ ~ UIIdelr pllI'aIf1Ipb 2 hereof o.r, if lOOt paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment. when due, directly
<br />to the payee:~. 8ofTower mvl promptly furnish to Lender all nOli(~es of amollnts due under Ibis paragraph. and in the
<br />_t ~'1haU make payment din::r:lly. Borrower shall promptly furDisn to Lender recelpt.s evidenCing sllch payments,
<br />BotTower maR pl'Ompllly ditthaqc any lien which has priority m'Cf Ihis Deed of TrUll!; provided, l.hat Borrower shall not he
<br />reqtlfl'ed to _:harp any such lien 110 lOll' as Borrower shall agree in writrng 10 the paymenl of the obligation sccured by
<br />suc:h hen in a n___ lIiC<:eptlIbk 10 lender. Of malllA Knod l.ullleo"t.!:S! '!.Ileh hen by, or ddend cnforcement or sHch lien 111.
<br />Ie'.'/.~ wmdl opet1lte to prevenl the enfon::ement of the hen or forfelhm: of the Property or :my pari thereo!.
<br />. ~.. Borrower ,hall keep the improvements now eSls'm& Of hereafter en'Cted on the Property insured
<br />q.~nM loss by Ire, bmrarcb inc.luded within the tCt'l'll '"extended c(lVcrage" and stich other hlll.llrd, a,s lender may require
<br />IIncl in sm."" amounlS and (or weh periods M Lender may reqllifc; pro'mled.thal Lender shall nol reqUIre that the amounl of
<br />'Wdi ~.l.'l(iI:eelllhalllftlQtlJlt of coverllltl reqlllfed 10 I'''Y rhe sums 'lCcured by th.s Deed of Tm~t,
<br />"l1le Insul'1lnce earrief'providin, the inwrant-e shall be dlOSCf\ hy Iit'rtowc.r snbJect '0 lIpproval by Lender: p(('>V,oeu,
<br />mat audt 1IJII,'In_I_n oot be Uflrelll(lflllbly wdbhekl. All premillID$ on insurance l'll.'liciC!l $haH be paid III the manner
<br />~ided under ~ph 2 hel'1lOl or, ,1 not pIIid in $w:;h manncr. by Bo"ower lIlaking payment. when due. directl)" to the
<br />Il!IIUf1IQ(e 1:IIm..
<br />AlIll'ISUtallt'lC poI;ic:ies and re__ thereof shall bc in f(>rm acceplllbk 10 LenUer ilnd ~ha!l Jndude a st;mdard mortgage
<br />.;:1_ in faYOf of and lift form K<.'eptable to l..ender. tender ~hllll have the (Ilhl to hold lhe policies and renewals thereof.
<br />and BorI'O'Wel' .W prollij)(ly fumisblo Under 1111 renewlll II(lflce~ and all rt~celpls of plllU premium,>, In the event tlf loss,
<br />8on'OwerllbaR ,pve ~ ~Itt to tbe illSUflll'lCC carm.':r anJ Lender. /.(~nder may make proof of Ims II not made promptly
<br />by Bor~r.
<br />Unleu lelldtr line! 8om:JWef otherwite 1I11l<<: in wrlilllll. II1S'.JlalKC proceeds shall be applied 10 rl~\t{lra!iun or replllr of
<br />Ihe Pl"llfW;rty dtI,mapd. pl'()vided. aw:;h restOfllltwflor repair 1\ cc'"nomrully feasible and Ihc~c\llilY ol rh.s Deed of TrUllt js
<br />not thereby il'nfllltired. lit sw:hraotorlllioo or fepllu " n,ol economically leu.bk 01 If the 5e<:llflty of this Deed of Tmsl would
<br />be ilnpatred,the linsurllll<le ~ $hllll1 be applied to Ihe ~llruS sc(:ured by this Deed ofl rust. w,lh the e'<co~\s. .1 any. paId
<br />t~) Bo~r. If ~he PnllpCft)' iJI .bll.ndoued by Iklll'rowc.!, (Ir if Iittrl'()"'CI' .1.1Ih III respond to LemJ;:r withm 30 days from rhc
<br />date 1\Olltt . mailed b)r l.emkrto 8orTowef lbat the li~sutalKe carner offers 10 :scule a d,um for IIlS11ral'KC henenls. Lender
<br />Il( lIItiltlwrim!' tfJ' col:leet ami awlY the illSW'.nee PHX"eed,s at Lender's option ellherlo n:s!('mlion or repaIr of the Pmpe!1y
<br />or to the_k'<Cul"ed by tIli,s Deed of Trv:st.
<br />Un_ let'" and ~er otherwise agree in wrilm&. allY ~uch applicatioll of pro<:ecl!s to principal shall nOl extend
<br />Of posIpli)UCllfu: clue mie of the_nibl)' im4.allmenlll rderred to 'opllragr3phs 1 and 2 hereol or changerh" amOUI)! 01
<br />su.;h install_Is. If w'lder .,.rqraJi'b 18 hetcol the Properly IS aC,!\lIfW hy Lender, all righl. rille and inleres.' of Borrower
<br />in inWrllfl\CCi polkj" atw1 in and 10 tbe pt'~ IMn:{)f rcwllil'lg from dama~lo the Property prior 10 the sale
<br />shllll paIlI to l.ende.r to the cl\lentof tile mnCl.'i; ..ecur\:d by Ihis ~-d of Trus! immediately prior 10 wch sale or
<br />
<br />
<br />~tion.
<br />,. h__utta. _.. M . . _e of f'ropeI;1y; ~~ Coodolftl,o.iul'M; Pbutne4 Unit Ihvelopmenh. Borrower
<br />shail Keep the Property in $')od !1:pair and. shall !IDl c,m1\1l1t ......SI!: '" ;>emHl impairm..."1 or d<:1C1 '01..11('1') "I the Property
<br />IInd shan eompl'y wi~h the. provi$iom of:any 1_ it tl'ris f:l1red "r Tnl&tl~ on a !ecasellotd, If Illis ~d of Tnl1'1 i, on (l unit in ;;
<br />wndominiUf\l M' shall pcdorm ;;11 oj' Bqrrower's oh!igati<l1lS under the declaration
<br />I}'f ~(lIvemmtlJ e r anil devck'pmenl. the o)'.la""$ "nd rq~\ll",[ifln" (If !he
<br />If a cl:l!'Hiominivm flr plann...d HOlt ,:kvdnpmcnl
<br />the c{}ven;mi~ and :l.g:reemenls of such
<br />ami a!l;rj."emelll$ 01' IIlis ~"<1 of TnJ.~1 as jf the
<br />
<br />
<br />in Ill"
<br />
<br />;;'nJ i 11S,j><;<.;I.inf;\ {j;f the
<br />!'C:'.U_ml'!hlt CIUl~e Ifl<:lr:fl)~
<br />
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