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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />83- 003403 <br /> <br />6, If he fails to pay any sumoI' keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee. at <br />:its option, may payor perform the same, and all expenditures so made shaH be added to the principal sum <br />owing on the above . note, shall be secured hereby, and shaH bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />for inthepI"ineipa'lindebtedness. <br /> <br />7., Upon request of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shaH execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />ror the sum or sums advanced by l\,furigagee for the alteration., modernization, or improvement made at <br />the)fortgag6:r"s }'equest; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments againg.t the <br />same,altO for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder, Said note or notes shaH be Jilecured <br />here:by onap::otity with an i1 as fully as if the advance evidenced thereoywere j nduded in the notenrst <br />desc!!7ibetlabove. Saidsnpplenwnta! note or notes shaH bear interest at the rate provided for in theprin- <br />ci)1lalindebtednessand shill! be payable ill appl'oximatelyequal monthly paym.entsfor such period as may <br />be agreea upon hythe .Mortgagee and Mortgagor, FaHingto agree 011 the rnaturity, the whole of the sum <br />or l'>umsBoadvanced shaH be due and Payable thirty (SO) days after d€mand by the Mortgage€" In no <br />{Wlmt shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity or the lwtenrst <h;scribedabove, <br /> <br />8; lie tranSflll'1l ;md Jilets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied tow~lrd t.he paY111entof <br />t1m noh~'and an sums seem'ell hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the termsandcondi- <br />lions of this mort(ragl' or the said note, all the rents, revenues and income to be d"rlved from the mort.. <br />gaged pl'cmises dUlI'ing such time as the imJ",btedness shaJlr,,'main unpaid; and the Mortgagee <br />shall have P'I)VI1er to appoint any agent or ag(mt." may desire for th.; PU)'J)j)SfI0f renting the sameandcol- <br />l..,eting the rents,l"evenuesand income, and it may payout of sa.idincomes commissions ami <br />e:qwns:es incurl'ed in rcnting and managing the same and of coLlecting rentals tlwrefrolU; the balance <br />remaining,if all~', to h,~ appli.~d toward the discharge of said mortg-age indebtedness, <br /> <br />9. lie wHl continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or and amounts as Mortgagee <br />lllay from time to tilUe !.'("I\II1'c, on the hnpro\'ements now or he!'(lafter on said prt'mises and (,xceptwhen <br />payment for all such premiums has theretofore. heen mad,! under (II) of par~lgl'aph :2 hereof. will pay <br />prmnptl}'wnen due any Upon default thereof, Mortg:agee may pay the same. AU <br />insul'ance shall hec3niNl ill companies approv€'d by Uw M:o.rt:gagee and the and renewals thereof <br />shall be lwld b;r tI.le! :Mortgagel; and have attaehNl t:lwrcto loss payable dal1ses in favor of and in form <br />acceptable to the Mortga.!."el" In (went of loss l\h1l1gagorwIl! g'iVl' immediate notice by mail to the Mort- <br />gag<'e. who lH.ay make of loss if not madt', promptly by Mort.~agor, Hnd (,neh insurance company con. <br />l:t'rned is hereby allthl,....i:.:ed ~lI1d dil'eded to make payment for such loss din,I'Uy to the l\Iol'tgagel' instead <br />(.f to the MnrtgaJKTH' awl the Mortgagee jointly, and the 111S11ralH.'", pl'(}ceeds, or HIlY part thereof, <br />may Ix' applied by Ow at its option eltfH't' to the l"t'dllctlon of the i I\d"!lledness hereby secured <br />ell' to the t"'stul'atWI1 or n:pair of the lH'o!lvl'i.y damaged, In event of loreeloSIl cr' ..If III IS ft1ortg-ag,:, or other <br />transft~r '.If titll;' to nil, m",d pro/xc'fly ,'xtinguishml.'nl nf the wdl'ht"dll"S$ secured here'by, all <br />l'i~ht, title !lnd intt'n'st of tilt' Mortg~tgvr !tl and (.) any ili:Slll'llm'I" t!wn in Ion....' shall pass to the <br />pUl'ehastH' VI' gn,mt'et~, <br /> <br />10. As additional and, .,UateraJ,<,cunty lor tiE' payment of tht,' IH'!" ;I.!ld all sums to l".'c!)rne <br />dUt' lludN' this modgag.", I li., Mortgag,11' assig m; to the all h.'lli\I.' bOll!!:'!}S, profits, !'('ve- <br />nu~'s, royaJtit'S, right",. and "thl'!' h<'llI'\lit$ m:enling to th{' 211ortgago!' !Hlder any and all oil nnd gas leases <br />now, or during' nw llle of thiS 1ll01'tgagi:, "x.:cutl'd on said with tItt.' right tl) rt'Ct'lWI and l'eceipt <br />for th., same au,l appl,\ tfl..'1l! to said indebtedrwss as wdl b"fnn' dO, aft.'!' dl'fault in th., conditions of this <br />mortgage, ;Hld tllt' may ,>11" for and r('CClv"r any ;,IJell paymt'llts wlt.,n due and pay. <br />able, but shall Il<lt he [','quile;! so to <.10. This is to teITlHB<ltt: aud bewnl" nun and void upon <br />nd'lase of this mOl'tgag,.', <br /> <br />11. HI:~ shalllwt. commit or permit w;.st.:; and shall maintain the property 111. as glHnl condition <{,,; at <br />pl'eSt.!llt, r')<lsolmblt' Iyear and t,:aT Upnn any failu!'e to SlY llHlintain, at its option, <br />may c.'lUSe n,a"onabl" lliiltnlenance work to l.le p,:'rf'.lrrth"d at tilt' ttlst of All.\! mn()ullt~~ paid <br />th~!ref(ll' M!)ttgilg~'{i shall bear Interest at the rille p!'ovided i'm' in the shall <br />thereupon become a part oJ the jndebtedn..,ss seelll'ed by this inst.nmiellt, and Oll a panty 'with all <br />nth"r indebt.edness s.~t~ured iw.rehy, and shall be payable thirt)! PlD) days aft!'!' demand, <br /> <br />12. If the premises, O!' an;!, pllrt be condemned under thee pO'Nllr of Nllineut or <br />ll.t!quired ft.)!' a public U::k, the the pro{:!;'eds for the of, OJ' tfw cIHlsid..,ration for <br />such acquisition, to the extent. of the full amount of lb," unp;:dd indebt.:'dncsH St'uJI'<.:d this <br />n'mrtgage, or to the and shall be forth w iib to said t'1 be <br />applied on account of Last of ilueh indebted!!,,",,,. <br /> <br />la. If the <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />or ~lgteernf;~nts <br />sum fmil a,~enlCd iutere:;t sh,all <br />may he <br /> <br />d-at0 of this IHort.. <br />by t}'it;'; \,"etera.n.s <br />aH '%Vl'i!ch <br /> <br />I <br />j] <br />1. <br />r <br />t <br /> <br />"hl <br /> <br />ht'l"}Jfl contained <br /> <br />fnUr-f' <br /> <br />thl-': <br /> <br /> <br />rAnd t!", <br />