<br />83- 003408
<br />
<br />1'0 HA\'E AND To HOLD the same unto the :Mortgage.:;, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents to,
<br />and Covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the )'IortgagtH' has good right to "ell and convey said premises;
<br />that they are free fl'om encumbrance, except as hereinotherwise recited; that the Mortgagor \"ill warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />aHrights of nomestead, allmarH.alrights, either in law or in equity, and all other contingent jntere~"ts of
<br />the 1\fortgagorin and to the above-described premises.
<br />PMVU)EE' ALWAYS, these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to
<br />wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />or order,
<br />at the rate of per centum l~. . )
<br />The said at the office of
<br />in , or at such other place as the
<br />71/1 (Ji'l
<br />writing to tbe . in monthly
<br />DoI11J's ($ ), cnm.nwncing on the first day of <1':\ and continuing on
<br />the tirst ,lav of ellen month thereaftl'l' until Raid llnte h; fully !,aid, exce'lt sooner paid, the linaJ
<br />. .., . .... .. ,. ." 1 Q'lO
<br />p:1.)trnent of Hnd intl'rest ;~hllll be due ;Hld on the tb'8t 01' ' ; all
<br />acoording to the terml\ of a \?l'l'tain promissory not(~ of even date h(,revdth executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />
<br />principal 811m with interest from date
<br />
<br />the unpaid balance uIltil paid.
<br />F(::~eral Savln1.;"S [. Loa-n ~'\s.soC'.
<br />
<br />
<br />,!'he ~fortgagor 1\.11'tJ1<'1" agn:'<"s:
<br />L He ,v'ill p:ay t!w i nd"bt,.'dne,,". as Iwr,'inb,~rm'\" is rc~s,'rved to prepay at any
<br />time, without llirNnWm nr 1h" ('nUn. itH!(.bt('dlH'S3 OJ' any part th,~re()f not Jess than the a.mount of one
<br />or one hundred dollars l$lOO.OOl, whichever IS l,~ss. in fun shai1 be credited on
<br />thedaU1 rec(:iwd. Partial prepayment. othl!f than on an insta1hmmt due date, need not be credited until
<br />the next following Im;l..aUment due datt! or thirty days after sllch prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />
<br />2. Together with, and m additjon to, th,~ rnonthly payr!H>'Uts of lmd interest payable under
<br />tht~ h,l'ms of the, noti" :;{"Curt'.l Mortg,Jl.\or wll] pay to .Mortg'l!!"!'e, ,IS tl'tlstB(,. (under' the terms of this
<br />trust :I.S herei'rllLfter statl'<il on the !lrst day of each rnllnth unb!said lWI:(' is fully IJaid:
<br />in) A sum ,'qual to ~nl\md !HiL'!, ! , l1.P)(t ;l\w, plus tll(~ IH'P1ninms that v;.m next become due
<br />and payabh, and l>ihl'J' hazard :n!'\urane,' I'un.ring th,l mortgaged property,
<br />pill:!> !ax.'s propel'ty \ all as estimated by tbe Mort-
<br />gage",. ;n;,l lh..: li"ss all "am;; paul therefor divided by
<br />the llumL"'l ll\<llJ(h prmr II' dH' dati' when such ground nmts.
<br />pn'.mHlln~, :a,',.,s <<tId., III Il"IJ!Hiu.~nt. ~n('il~Hl1nS to be held by Mortgagee
<br />Hi U"usJ VJ i_ita)' >"aid ~o"ound r~^ld pr~'tHill:HS) taxl,::,,\ ;n~d ~~pp{:'ial as;S(~.tiSlnt~nt:w.,,;.
<br />(hI Th,' a~[gl''''g'<l!{'. payable I) and thOSI~ paynble on the
<br />month, 10 be applied to the foilow.
<br />
<br />
<br />lHi' jtetn~ lH: tht~ ~H'th-'r }i,Ulh,d <
<br />I j and .,l!l'~l' hillar,l IlIS1H'illi.e(" pr.!rrllUmg;
<br />Jill
<br />IUl}
<br />
<br />AllY ;'jon,';,:at" m""U: ly paynll'llt "hal!, unles!> made g,xld
<br />by , I".. :'\1 i.-: tKIt,.;": HI' h ll'H'nt, ""IlStitut1! an event of default
<br />ut1\k'r rnt,Hlga~(l, r\t ,\1fYr'jg,'{t~{t"T':~ (ipt:on, ,\}nrt}.~a~{o}" 'V'\'lH pay It ";'!ate chargeO not t~xceed-
<br />m~( il"Ul 1".1 '."lItWIl I. p,,,,l lllute thanlifteen (1::,) days al'l;fc'r the
<br />due tiah'" r; ht'rt_;-~,}f t{\ 4'~P, t:!- t hatltJl! n~t' d(~jinqu+}nt P;'l)-'-rHents} but such
<br />"tat-it} chargt;~'l ~!bilU nt)t t'..( an~. lnadn to satisfy the indebted-
<br />Ut'S..~ :s.t'l"ut{<..l " utd_\.~.>-s ~H'~,',' ,::,uiHelt',nt tf) d~schii':u,'g~! tJ:H:,~ i'.:ntire jndebtedne~s and
<br />aU rH"t)J)(~f cost~;; and expt'~ns(;;.s 3,~,'('ur,--"d ti,tt:n}by~
<br />
<br />
<br />3. If th(; t(J,t,.'l.l 01 th.t\ paynltmts made the lmd"r I (I) of paragraph 2: preceding shall
<br />('XC.li::~,d t.he l.U:.Ilount or paymenl:.t\. L-tdmllIy made till' a" trust"fl, fill' n!llts, 1.;1.x(,"I and
<br />,\.."Sessmellt~ 01:" as the ('a.>t~ may !>e, such eX,:\;S5 ;:Jwll he cn,tiited by the MOl'tg'dg(.'{!
<br />on p~".m,mts t{lo.:: made tht! for ;!Uch it.<mls or, at option, as tl'ui;iA,'t;,
<br />to H. tloWI,'Ii('r, l\\ldl f>:tymmlts shail not be suffidl::nt to pay such
<br />when th~1 saml: "lUlU dill; and then tfllt ,,!'all pay to the
<br />trusb:'€, allY m."C~'"i>lU'Y w rm,k,- up th.;' within thirty l an) ;iay.s after w ritttm nntlC() f)'"m
<br />t:h<l the amount of the whkh notice may bf,l by maiL I r at any time
<br />the tender to the in lln:'.Jrd,mce \cdth the prcvi.:HWli! l1H' !H,Le i:i<".:tUNl
<br />p.'!,)'m,ent {if the entire im::lebtoonesl:l repr';&ented th.e1:'(~by, Hw it:-l tl'ugl:e,,~,
<br />lI:he M:l(mnt of slIdl lCn;;dlt t.v the 2itctmnt of th,~ any cl"edit balance
<br />utnd~r UlB of {a) of jXll"agn.l.ph 2 h\~r\lKlL If there shall ;~ uvfault \mdi?i" any
<br />of in fl sale the coven,d or if t.lJe
<br />afti:l" dl::!;<.u!t., the as "hill! rtf'ply, ,\ t 1.h('
<br />c~:t at ti',J,.f.~ tj,rn(~ the pr~)p*l':t'ty is ,other"~ivi$e ttcquir(~d, the
<br />(i,z; of j.\l.U,\g,$1;ph:;; k!i; a. ce,'dit on the
<br />th~'n unpaid. on ~$t$}d n(}te.~
<br />
<br />durjng ,;;It},Y P()~~t}':ti;)n-ernent. (~,r e:'<.'ten..
<br />~~(; ur{;:{.1
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />mUllH:"
<br />
<br />