<br />
<br />83- 003379
<br />
<br />tt If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the MQrtgagee, at
<br />its option, may pay 0'1' perform the same, and all e.'{penditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />o,",,;irig on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall hear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for in theprh~jcipaljnd~htedness.
<br />
<br />7. Upoul'equest of the ~Iortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />rorthe sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at
<br />t:he.Mol'tgag<li:r'srequ~,st; or for maint€nance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the
<br />and loran}' othel' purpose €lseWhere authQ;dzed hereunder. Said noteo't' notes shall be secured
<br />with ~md as as jf the advance evidenced thereby WiI'S", included in the note first
<br />above. Said note or notes shall bear interest at tl1<o rate provided for in the prin~
<br />and shaH. be payable in ~lpproxiol<'l;tely monthly payments for such period as may
<br />be ag:repd by thii: to a.grc{' On the maturity, the whole ofthesum
<br />or sums !;Q shaH he due and (80) days after demand by the .:Mortgagee. In no
<br />shaUthe ",xtend of the note tlrstdl;seribed above.
<br />
<br />8. He ttansf'el'S and sets ove!" to the l\:Iol"tgage<~, to be toward the payment 01
<br />trw 11.ote and all 8lmLj~ s,'(~U I'eel in CI~,\() of a default in thi.; !ler:form~mC(;2 of any of the tfJrmS and condi-
<br />tions l)f this m'Ol.tgage or the, said note, all the Feith;, revenues and incoll1e to be derived from the mort~
<br />gaged. l,:m"miaes such tim;~ !IS the ind,'btednoss shall rc.ma.in ; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall .to .~PJJ;)i!lt any agent or lljili(mts it may" ch:,slre for the purpose of renting the same and col~
<br />!eding the I'lmt.s, l'l!',','mH::, and inclmle, and it nu.y payout of st(id incomes all nc(:essary commissions and
<br />(,xpl1iTlses in<:nrred in l'dlling and mll.lwging thl! same and of rentals therefrom; the balance
<br />l'('m~tining, if any, to be toward t!w dis<:harge of sai,d mortgag" indebtedness.
<br />
<br />9, Fft, wili c!)lltintlou.~lv m:rtlnt:ull IHlzard insuranc(', of ;;ueh t:q)e (H' t~'pes and nmounts as Mortgage!;
<br />m~l~' fl'om tirlH~ hI tmw r,"~:l!re, on Ow ImprOV('ll'lNlts now or hereafter OIl SHid 1)l','misl?s and exc;mt when
<br />llllynwnt for all sneil pnnHums has ther(!tofol"; b\,ptl made onder {o) of p;;\I'al{raph 2 !J(;!'(>of, will pay
<br />Ilf'Oltl!1I1y wh,,1tl due llill\' pn'miums th"'lyfoL I'pon default thereof, l\Iortltagl'P may pay tlw same, All
<br />:!),>lUl'lmc<-' slull[ II<: carr:,d ("mpanil's tilt' HIHI the nolle!,'s and renewals thereof
<br />,.,h;dl hdd b.. till' :blnn,,:IJi,tl'i' and !lan! attached tllel'do loss lmynbl" ~:ltlUs",';< n favor of and in form
<br />at' !" Uil" l!l (,\I'll! of lo.-.s MOl't~llgOI' wlll g:ivl' Ilmm'dlll!.. !lot)('1' by mail to the Mort-
<br />~alol"'c, of loss If not made promptly h~' Murtgagor, llnd ;>Hell !lIsurance compllllY con.
<br />1" h(,!'t'h~.' ;wt!t"ITD,',j !','d.,.! to mak,' paY!IH'llt (hI' SUi'll Ipss d,n','1 to tllt' ;\!urt,g;l!l'l'l' instNHI
<br />,.f the :'Ih\!"tgaJ,t'or :lnd Ih.r :\1<.!'tllnl{t'I"lol11t1\', an,i :!w In:;unUll''' [)Plce,'.l". or any part theTlwf.
<br />a un" h~. at. Its npt"lffO PlUto,'r (11 Ua... l~f.;du('tlf}n 1)1' HHI iHd(~htpdnPAS hE'l'(lby :\pcun,~d
<br />n,,,tn!"lltlUll 01' ,,'pan of Ih,' l'!"'!l"r~\' dmw,,g..d. III ","'ot I.f fon','I';'';lIfl' lif fhi" ll1ortj.;l1g'!', o\' oth.,/'
<br />~-LiH:~ff\r of t~!t.Jf" ~~",:1~ed pl'!jTWI'~~ in f."xt.ln~t.tI~dH1H;nt \ tht'_' :.:,(l(,lll'.~d ht.'r(lby, aH
<br />tiOt" and ! ~t{'It'tR':tgor and to an,\''' lIlNlH"H,rH't" P~')HCH"'~ fi~r{'t' ~hali pa~$ to the
<br />c'h~.lSif.r nr ~J'n$ut~'1:~.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />but,
<br />
<br />t,~,\ ~~~,,,'n~1d'!(tt(' iiLtl
<br />
<br />.,.nti an :<;tans tl,J IH}{'orne
<br />i_Ji'l'ldi'\C:-4, r('\"(~""
<br />and all ol-i and gas leas._~.s
<br />;J.~h t to t'f'c,pi\,(i a.nd r(i.('~_;ji pt
<br />in tlw \i\fHHtion:s of thi"
<br />\\,'h~:n dtlt.:! and ptty",
<br />nuB Hnd \'o~d upon
<br />
<br />r~,<~<'a~t'
<br />
<br />tJn~, fnn~'t)2[~~\~\',
<br />
<br />11. HI'
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />P{\',SIl.~nt. r~:-.~t~~'Had/h',
<br />~':iUS;P
<br />th ~': rit" i \H'
<br />th~,\rl\"'Ui)<i."U ~~ j'k\fl
<br />,)th~"'r i ndt~hte~ll~('6's .->;:'c u r~'d
<br />
<br />rn~-\lut~Hn n:,_, pnrp4'rt,.v nJ
<br />Luilln~ 1u ~~o lnalH1~un. Ht lts (tption,
<br />p{:,~'~fnrrnlf'd at U~\I C00t ~',d ~lftl.ti!:'agH~^ ,Any ;-tnHn,Hits paid
<br />at u.~{, p-ro~;' idt"d ~ P pal ; ndf.,'bti\d,~lt,;;;S~ ;:diaH
<br />1.111' lnil-:btedrwss ur\;d by tlHs Hl'5tl'UUH'Il!, ratably and (\!l a panty \lith ail
<br />,tmd sh;dllw ll!ll)llbl<' thirty 1.:10) days dHnarllL
<br />
<br />
<br />1'1
<br />
<br />or
<br />
<br />~u{_-h
<br />mHrtga{..r;:. or hN('\l}'
<br />fJn ~H~C'OHf1t
<br />
<br />this
<br />to 11<':
<br />
<br />to (',on forrn to and COTl;''!.!}!Y \.\"H:h an,}?
<br />jt ;-i;eCUr(-'-'s1 then
<br />at th~~ ~~k"cti(HJ th~~
<br />
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<br />