<br />to l>ay tathe or order, theaforesaicl principal sum with interest from date
<br />TWELVF: per centum ( 12 j{,) per annllm on the.nnpaid balll.nceuntllpaid.
<br />ll.ltN'cst shaH b~, at the office of Rothschild Financial Corporation
<br />in St. Paul, County, Hinn" '.n' at such (Jther pIaee as th~, of the note may designate hI
<br />or l'nll.iled to the in installments of 1'1>10 HUNDRED FIF'I"l-EI(~RT.& 28/100---
<br />Dollars ($ 258.28 ), 011 the first d~,y of ,19 83 ,and continuing on
<br />the nl"$t (lc!' each m<mth t.h.,l'ea.t'ter until o.}lid llotr' is fully except that, if not sooner paid, the llnal
<br />pll.}'1l1entQf and inh"r,.'st "hall b.e due and on the tlrst day of July; 2013 ; all
<br />a\;ocording to the tl"l'ms " Cl:"I'l.!Un promissory noll, of ,~Vf'n date hel'!Hvith iL'xecuted by the S;tid 1\'lortgagor.
<br />
<br />The ltlortgagor further agrr....s'
<br />
<br />1. He will pl:\Y th,~ llHtt'lltNlne&.'l, as lwn.illhd(H'(' Pl'iWilh"d. Pl'ivilege is n,served to pr~jpay at any
<br />time, without premIUm 1','1', the ,-!!In',' I Ddebtedm'$" or ,.wy part thm'eof not less t.han the .imount of one'
<br />illstJulmenl:. CtT one hund.red dollars 1$100.001, whi\:h!.~ver IS !(;!IS. Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br />the date f!.'Ceii,'f'd, Pflrtial prepl'l)ll1'lt'rll, other than on an ingtanmi~nt due datt!, need not be credited until
<br />t~\e 11'I('xt folhi.lwmg mstallment due date or thIrty after ~uch prepayment. whichever is earlier.
<br />
<br />2, TOgf!'tlwl" with, und in ll.dditlOlI t(), th,,~ rfuHlthly payments of pnncipal and inttm':st paYllble under
<br />the t.'111UI of th€! not(! "'~:llr't!d hen'hy. M()n:..~r:lg(Jr Will pay to Mortg;lg"". as trust.'/'. (under the t'~!'l1'lg of this
<br />trust I"""> h~~!'(!imlrU'r start'li) 01\ tile ill'S! da.y of ea(~h month until sai.d not\' 1S fully paid:
<br />
<br />\.'1) A sum ("111%111... I gl'l'lllld !"f'nls, . lI('xt dllf', till' pn'mimns that will next become due
<br />:uvi p.,)lew", tin. and nth..!' !liuard i:\surann' ('Iw,'nng the mortgaged property.
<br />plus t..X('!i ,<1>11 ;j'S('S,~llwnt" Iwxt ;hf' tJli' mol'tI:Ul$ol:!,d prol.>!'rt:; lall as ,'slimllu'd by the Mort~
<br />~'311'L"', Mid ,,; ,\lfll'tll;\l%ur ,:Ill11S alrl.ady palll therefo!' divided by
<br />tllit' n,Hnhu t., ,he dall' wlH'n sudl ground rents.
<br />.Jm.. d..l;;"i!/('nt. ,'uell Rllms to IH.~ twIll b:;- Mortgagee
<br />inn;'~. !~t Xt'." Hnd sllf~tial i.i>'$(~s~nlet1ts~
<br />
<br />83-003375
<br />
<br />
<br />To HAVE AND 1'0 HOLD the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided. ::'wiortgagor reprl'sents to,
<br />and coveIUmt;s with" the Mortgagee, that tlw Mortgag:or has good right to seti and convey said premises;
<br />that the,\! are free from em~umbrance, except ~,s h"reinotherwise ly;cited; that the Mortgagor will warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lawful daims of rdl persons v,homsoever. Mf'll'tgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />aU marital ~,ither in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />i1Tand to the above-dl!Sedbed premises.
<br />are exc..,:uted ~,nd (lelivm'ed upon the following conditions, to
<br />
<br />
<br />dq
<br />
<br />
<br />L'<IIbp;Il';I!l:rardl I!I i ilnd tho"e lIayabh) Oil the
<br />I1W'I:i ";j,h rn':!lth. III Ih' applied to tll(' follow.
<br />
<br />;lll~ HI'IIl"
<br />
<br />~ i )
<br />
<br />hl.f'f h;~.:ard lOsuratll'(' prtftniurns;
<br />
<br />'fill
<br />
<br />/\!lY
<br />hy tfh" \IHn~~'\~\}1
<br />llndlf'l' ' t)fall!' ,
<br />\ \.
<br />
<br />h pd,\ m"nt ",hall. unless !nude gond
<br />panl11'Ht.. ; "':)Itltnt" an \,VHlt uf d,'fault
<br />,\I'ltl;raJ>:'il' WI!! pay a "late dHll'Kl!" not ex\:eed.
<br />p:ud l'l1(>!',.tllan tifte1.:n \ 1;1.1 daysllftt'l' the
<br />f",wdllllj.t ddwqHPnt paymentll, but sueh
<br />"al.. mad." to satisfy the Itld..btl)d~
<br />dL"dHU,K'" lhe enllre mdebtt!dll<'1IS and
<br />
<br />ntli&~ n 'I,,:;: ,
<br />aU rn:"ftl;tt;"r r:h~t~ and 'klXiJ(~n~~tts bt'\CU n.d thy'rl,:~b;\',
<br />
<br />:~. H the l<)t.ai ",r tlw pllynwnts made b~' the Mortg-dgor mlfi~!r ill) nf paragraph 2 pn)C.'ding shaH
<br />'~lI:.Ctc'('(l thelLnl~nmt of l)lilyments ltduall;.' rmlde th<:- :l.l, I. l' U$t<,..... ffl!' grmmd I"'ntl", t:l)(('8 !lud
<br />iiI~ellts or insunmce premiums, as the t:iJ..~ may b..,. !lud, "Xl',;!>;; shaH rn' creditpd by thl, Mort~ag..>e
<br />on ~i~u~nt pa}'1nlmts to be made by the {m" ::mc.h ih'ms or. at Mortllagee'g option, a.,,> trusu>e,
<br />l!.baU be n:~fl.lndl!d to .Mortgagor. if, h,)wl;'l.'pr, such mmlthly p,.ymenls shall not b" llllfficif;'nt to pay sllch
<br />wb~ thl!! sam!:' shan bi!>Coll'll& aue and thNI tlH! shall pay to l!w MOl'tgag,,"l:~. ,,;,
<br />lilny a:rnoulll !ltcces.',ary tu zn~k.! up thf' ,!,!tkil:l1ty \\.ithin ao; ll.rtm' \l, rittl.'n 11.)tl<:,- (rum
<br />th~ Mortrap~ statillg Ull~ amount Ol the ',\'hidl nolie." may b,~ given by mail. If at any tim..
<br />the :!\:lort,ragQ~' sh::uJ tend,;!!" to the m ;k~:<lj'damx' wlth Lh~? of tl\l~ Hote ;,{;Clll'f!d
<br />full paym~tJit {,I the eotiN .n'ln""lMmt<:'d thl1 ~lS trugtCt" shl:lll.
<br />th0 an:lom.t such 'l!l;(,k:bte<.hueM, ctf;'1.ht t,b" al~cmmt of tht.' any ercdit balanCE:
<br />1mdeJ' the ,)f (a) 01' If th",re ,..hall b,~ 14 d"fault under any
<br />111ortg,t~ ill lJl premiiS{~$ cO\'er('(1 bereby, (\1" if t.he
<br />the pn,~'>e.rty t)ttu'!l"wi$i\? aile!' Uti- ;l.,,:\ trU&t~~f, "ludl ;n tII'!
<br />l'lUch. or <tt th(:i tim., the
<br />(tl) a.'l a ~:n'dit <:Jll thf!'
<br />on .said IWf,e.
<br />
<br />
<br />