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<br /> <br />the sums secured by Ihis Deed of TnlSl shall conlirmc unimpaired. Upon such payment ant! cure by Rormwcr. Ihi, Dced "I <br />Tius! amJ'tne obliga( ured herehy shall remain in full force and elfecI ll~ if no aceclcralion had occurred, <br />mtment of RCl:'t'in'r; t.cmlltr in Possession. As a<ldmona! 'ccllrily hereunder. Bt'HOwe,' <br />" the Properly. provided that Borrower shall. prior In acceleration undc:r paragraph I X <br />have the fight 10 <:oHecl and. rctifin 'lieh renh '" they become due and payahk, <br />!~ hereof or ahant!onmenr of the !>r<'rerlY, Lender. in person. hy agem' or hy <br />. ke 'possession of and manage the Properly and to collect the <br />All rem" collected hy f.<;nder or the recciver shaH be applicd firsl 1<; pJYtllCI11 <br />d c<,aecririn of rents, induding. t>Ul not limited 10, receivc(~ fees; premium, <br />fee~, and then to the ",mlS "ecured hy Ihis Deed of Tru'L [cmlcr and the <br />.\'Cnl, lIC!llll!!Y received, <br />.cnder's option. prior 10 lull reconveYJncc (\f the Pn1pcT1Y <br />Such Ftltl1fc Advances. wilh interest thereon. ,hall hc <br />~!al;l1g that~llid notes llrc seenredhcreby. AI nn mlle sh.ill <br />t T,""I, nOt il1du~mg5ums advanced In";~cc(1rd;\IlCc herewith <br />~eeed the ongmal ;Hlhlilnt of the NOll' plus US $ 42. '00 ~ 00: <br />sun1\' se(~med hy :hh Dee'd of Trust. Lem.le'l' shall rcqlle~t Tru"tcc to rcc"nvey <br />T rust and ~H nole, evidcnclflg indehlednC'ss secured oy lhj~ Deed of "I'm;,! <br />10 Trtl\IC(: Truslee .hall reconvey the rty without warranty and without cha'rge' to Ihl; per~\l[\ or p"rSlln, kgillh <br />entitled then::w. Such perso'llor pcr~t)tl~ shllll pay :111 co~ts of r~"(:ordat,(ln. If any. <br />23. 5,t1bs'litlJt~ 'frustee. Lender, at Lender\ optHln, may from time 10 fimc rcmnvl;." TniSlec tmd aPP(lint 'I ~un'eSSM <br />trustee to llflY Trustt~\l apP,w'lted hereunder 11)' an m~tfUtl1~'1l1 rc;:nrded in the county in \.\.hich this Deed 01 Tm~t i~ rci:nrd<!d <br />Wilhoit! cnn....cyam:e 01 the ProperlY. rhe SUCc\:,>\nr trust!!l: ,hall ,(j<:cced 10 &11 the tille, pow,;r aod duti...;, confcrred upt11l <br />lhe TWSlclC hen:m :lnd hy appll\,~llble law, <br />24. Ite'quest fur Notices, BOT'rowcr rcqllc~t, that corle~ "Ilhe flNICeo of default and nOtice of sale be sem 10 Borrower', <br />address whIch" the ProperlY Addre...~. <br /> <br />IN WrrNl'ss WHEREOf. Borrower n;a eXL'cured lhi~ [ked of TruM. <br /> <br /> <br />BUILDERS INC. <br />. , . , . , . , . .', , , . . " . . . ~ . <br /> <br />""-60rfowtf <br /> <br />,.(. ~ R~S. <br /> <br />L. ~leim, President Borrower <br /> <br /> <br />SlATE Of NEllR...,,"". 1 <br />On lhal' 2tJth day of ,)une <br />duly comfm~SIOn(~d and qualified I'm 'illd COUtHy, <br />Midland ~ Inc.) <br /> <br />Coullty ss. <br />hdore me. the <br />,) lm. L. De :itn, <br /> <br />!<)Iq <br /> <br />UlH.Jcr~llmcd. ,l Notary Puoln,: <br />S'rE';$:l.<,:l1?/'lt .9r. <br /> <br />" 10 me known to bL' Ii'll' <br />admowk:dgc'd the cXccullon <br /> <br /> <br />Identical pefsonP'1 wnose mmle9li1 "f': ~,lIb$Cnbcd 1<; the h)r"lwm~: tr1~truml~nt and <br />thereof to~: his . voluotafv Jet uno dCt:u <br />Wllness my hand ;lI1d nOlanal still ;,{ <br />.1m\: ,,1'1)I'CS.,t1d, <br /> <br />Grand, <br /> <br />l.and <br /> <br />m ,aid .:OUllly. Ih,' <br /> <br />My C~m"''''' ~~".. I' lit 1f!6-- '---<~~~~' ~ ~1-:fQ " <br />bh..~"''''.''''-- ."--~ '1 "-J~. <br />..... L. ROSE NQ~'1'>l".: <br />......-..- .... .. ... .... ..{ <br />~ REI)U;S I H.lR IHCON\ IY.,\N(T. <br /> <br />1'Ol'.Rl'SlU. <br /> <br />rile underSigned is !n..: holder {'tIthe 11<)(,: <)I ,11'01,'. ,,",cure,; by ,h" fk<:d ofl fUM. S..lld nole or 11l)1,". togethel <br />With all ()ther If,,l(~btedne>s se,ur,:!J by 11m Deed 01 Inl\L haH' been pilld In lull You <IT<: herd}} ,lireued In elfl c!: I <br />'<olld nvle oX note'. ;me IhlS l)Ct'd oj Tru,t,. wtlldl arc tkilvcred hC!'c'by, ;:mJ lu n:((H1H:Y, Without W:\flallly, ;d.j th~ <br />C$tal..: now held by you under ttll~ De.:d of Iru,! 10 the person !"n,Ofh legdtly cnt!tlt:(j lhereto. <br /> <br /> <br />Date; <br /> <br />a~,,_l}w <br /> <br />Unit kt<"l~'€ir,..~q rc;r ..*I"'G~f <br /> <br /> <br />-...-_-~"............--"...,.,,----,._----,....- <br /> <br />, .1" <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />J <br />I <br />i <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />d <br />