<br />83- 003372
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />9. C;ondemnaooifi. -rhe prO'i.:'eeds of an\' award {''If' da~rn f~)i damages. direct or conseouent;aL in connection with any
<br />rnndemnation or mher taking I)f the PropertY, Of part thereof, or for co!1~eyance in lieu of co.'ldemnation. are he.reby assigned
<br />and shallbe' paid to 'Lender
<br />III the event of a Iota! taking of :he Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />Wil!; the to Borrower. In the even! of a partial laking ,'I' the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />there ,hall be applied !o the sums secured by Ihis Dt.>ced of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />the amOlJJ'll of the sums secllred by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />market of Ibe Properly immediately prior III the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />
<br />Lender to Borrower Ihat the condemnor offers to make
<br />to wilh,n ;\0 days after the dale such notice is
<br />option, either 10 restoration or repair of the
<br />
<br />in wrillt1g, any '/Jell applica!i()f1 01 proceeds to principalshllll not eXtend
<br />rerem::d to pliTagraphs 1 and 2 hereof or dmnge the amount 01
<br />
<br />
<br />Not Rell!'llSW, Exten~i"!l of the l.im,~ oavmeni or nmdiik;.lion of llnmrllzalion of the sums secured
<br />hv J ,(,:n'.;ler any stJCC~~$:$or in t;~ere'j;t or fh)fffiWer shaH rH~t to release. i.n a.ny man'ner1
<br />Borrower :H'd BO'l'rower's ~Hcce.,;snr\ ,n !rIlereSf, Lender be ,required locnmmence
<br />SUcccss{)or Of' rehHi(\ tn e~h~rH1 tune for p:a:O''CH:>nt Of' ofherwrse, arrmrttl,ation of the sums
<br />reas~)n (l'(: :any" de'rlland nnHie bv 1 he- ,()ngm.al f3:-(\rrowcr .ru'ld B()rrt1wer~~ s.uccessors in interest.
<br />I. "Forli<elrl'll"':~ b~' NOll' WIllh'~T, At". fmbe,nari"l' Lelldc.r '0 any f'ght .or remedy hereunder, or
<br />olnen''',sl1' ,,1I.(I.rded llr>pl>c"ble taw ,h1.H hI: A W;j1\'cr of m the of such right or remedy
<br />rh,~ rrocurem'em ..,r or the la\e, Hi \'Iner irt,ns f'r lw Lend{~r sh~ 11 be: a waiver of L:mder's
<br />n~ht to ~lc(:ele:rtde ~hc In~1n~nt\; \\1" ;'\~~ctH'\~~j {hi.s '()tted ('It
<br />' 12,Rt'lt1tfl!il!'!1 CtJmullltiv... rem('d,,~'l. Deed of Tnl'l :l,'e distinCt aod cumulalive to any other right
<br />or under In" Deed Tnm M "qwl\{, ;mil !'H1V he t:'~l)rclsro ,:o!lctlrn:ntly. independently or
<br />
<br />13. ~lml"""fR~~ Bound; .hlinl lmd S'l'nml Uability; Caplions, fhe covenants and agreements herein
<br />(:{1fltalned \.naB hind ;:!i'Od ~he ri~ht!i hereunder ~.h;:111 inun~ h''l ~h~' r',:,\p("\:tn;e Slh:(~es~()rs and ~l\~fg:US of Lender and Borrower.
<br />\ublcct 10 the r,~n,"~Sh,H'~.; dt 1\0 UH'Cf1lint'''. dnd ;.!,gre(~rnent", (1t" Horro\ver ,haU he joint and severaL
<br />rh<~ (at~nn!"!,'\ ~lnd .h~a~:hng~ ;,lj 1 )e~~x1 T"rn:;.:t. ;Ln.~ h'H" l"dttVe-nlcncc nnh ~H1:d .arc not h.) rri: used 10
<br />onll:rprel ,!dine lllc .
<br />14. N<>lirc;,
<br />Honower
<br />lhe
<br />(hi
<br />
<br />
<br />!:lW '" Pt. gIVen mmther manner, I:tl any notIce 10
<br />ecru tied mall addressed 10 Botrowcr ,It
<br />to ! ender ", proVIded heretn, and
<br />n~Wrn f","e,p! r~4Ue'!ed, !q LlCflder\ addre~s slated herein or In
<br />a~ pHP,.ded herem nOllce prov.ded lor in this
<br />,,'I1\kr ',;; hen ~jven 'n maImer designated herein.
<br />h.~nn tJf:j,"~d I,l HU:'i.1 \: Umbu'H':\ UDJ"nrrTl ';;':(lVCniilflls for
<br />1!Hi'\di~l~nn kl ~,".)n\(ltuf(,: ..t unrfr'lfflf ~t'":,"unf't' instrument
<br />the 111 '" filch the Properiv IS loclIted
<br />",!Il JP!'It~;jhic law, sud1 C'0I111""t shall
<br />",,"en dfee! wlIhnu! ,he ,,,,,,fhclmg prOVISIOn,
<br />'1$;'\0.1 "Hhl lhlt :\'~Oh:.' ;Hl,' d('.~'t;Jj't'd he ~'t'v(~rabie.
<br />f"n~,~h\~'d H \ 'Im.hHrn~'J ,,'npy \l[ Hh~' Noll" and (\( this IJe-ed of Tru\t ~jl the .tirr~e
<br />
<br />\\$
<br />IS.
<br />flalJnna!
<br />t''I,\\'C':OUIt J.(~",1}
<br />I n I he C\'(Olll
<br />i'Klz ~dtc'd
<br />.\r.d thh (:,1-~~ ~~'f(~'Yl'';-;;.,!n.:~ ();: t r~e
<br />.\6, SllfrJ""''l''~ COfI'. H,.,,,,""<:l "',",
<br />~1e't..~\fdatH.Jn hCfe()f
<br />Tr....i'rl ,,$ fit<: f'ropef1.); A_mp410lt. I'
<br />h, IB()ffl'.:"r'\l'tiC~t \Aj't[h~\H~ i: -t'fH.icf\ rrRH' Wfjth.:O UH'l';'(;~nL
<br />t!u.) i 1t'(:\1 i j"t:!'KIt, ~,. 'il .ht"
<br />d~,\~w':t{ h.')- 1,'T~~rah'l)f\; l bw
<br />flt>-(
<br />i nHu('itJ'i~il'i(tV
<br />.~nd ;hc ~)(:f'~~lH:
<br />"
<br />
<br />~"r .Hl~ P"~H t t'f ~ht: Pr~)lx.:n~ ~Hl inTtft':'!4t th~rCUl I') !ii-nld ctr UattsJerr~d
<br />t'\t' :UdHl~~ ~;1 1 tilt' ;~ n:~':ttlOU \'}j ~~ !~t:n (~l ren~Urf)hfani,;l':: suhordtnate 1(')
<br />hdU..,.ch(~hi ; !.1 j r an,)l!':! devu"e.
<br />,j>'l:\ miet (~\f ot three or less
<br />:lll the ~''''', "i"d"',) It!>,lked rnl,1 10 be
<br />(, ....ili\-C'I,.l ~tKi'l Ll fWr(ll !" thr: '~lh: ~Jr (:.~tn.sfer. I coder
<br />;;4Ihl"f:"0 't'.d, ag,.eemCill '" ""',llng IfllIl lile cledll of ,uch p.:n.oll
<br />'C'tJJ,il:-! .,n.J th.,,~t ,he: mter("!l.l P,,-Hd.t'l(' I.^,O (t'1~~ 'qlnl~ j~0(u-ned rhl"i rh~ed of 1 rust ."haU he .at sut.:h rale a,Oj
<br />-stUIU !("~iH;.,'1St if 1 t~nJe.> h..~') Wd;~VC,.) the '-'p\i\H\ .n\,\:'Jt"44.t(' f1;\h'H,$ed ill fh~~ ; 7, ;~nd if Rorrow-er's s-ucce'S.5or
<br />HUeUe~( tla~ t':\.-'l:~u:h:,-l ~t \4nneo .&~'!ltHnph(,:m i4i,.\xpkd ~'IJid~~r. b~ I eOd~!f shaH ft'f-eaw 8orrower frnrn
<br />u'nJer :t'h~ r)t~cd P: 1 HJ~~
<br />,t"uder .\u,,-h
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />iku HH-~C'l j'/lJtH.:t: a(~dcratl'on HI .Jt:\.-,>IJrdance "1llth
<br />lhan ti;:~'ts fn)H'! zhe tbtt the nutiC(, i'} l'l"!,;,ufed within
<br />I ;i.f~ p;,,;,' ^,U<i..tl SWllS- pour tU lhe c.XP;l'iUH)fl of s-u.;h PC,flod,
<br />'nh'''';~n, '<.me''''', !'(:tmilleu hy paragraph I fl hereof.
<br />
<br />jh.r'.i'lt;'~P.' t..$ ~,~te.(): hh;:
<br />li\hfi~'h H1;.,li 1'~)W<:t '~l4'!, rid'.! thi: '1;kt.,'LHC~; ~'lut'
<br />1 ,t~ll,,4~l rh~'. 1" lth\'hH hJinncr :l~)tH,.t.
<br />
<br />
<br />N..:)-)'Ij; :-';U'Ol~M CjYlll"~~)\t i""i tk)t:ri,}W~[ "~n\1 i en~:j,t~f tunhe-r n__l''''CH~n1 unJ agree .d:S jo-HOWl!i:
<br />
<br />Ill, ,'\~.:~l<.n'lioa; R..n..,_~., E,,~t'p1 "'" "'......idea in paragrapb 11 "",eof, upon &.no.....r'. b",adl of lIll} ("o\'enaul or
<br />ltilIlreem"nl 01 ."'.ro..".. in lhis l~ ..I '1....:4. 11..;;1..... Ih<! "(....n_u I.. pay ",.h.." due 1m, "UlWJ "e.:un,d by Ihi!> need
<br />of' l'",U:'I, l."'l'Idl~r pliO!' 10 auekr"li.." "baillTld nOlle" to BOffO""1 Wi pro\id<l:d in pliIrlA&rapb 1.4 henof "p..dfyulIl: 0) the
<br />lmelloclil; cai I~ ,,;;110'1 .'t'quired to nn" "ucD tlnad.; (,'11 :lit ,;1"'1.., 11m Ies.~ Iha.. M day" from the date the ootice Iii mailed 10
<br />8on'o...er, by' ~.bi~b .~lcb brelK'b mbSt be nlre-d; lIod (4) 11...1 failurelu ".I"" ""':O breadl 'Ul Of odo..e Ibe lbte lip<:dfied
<br />1ft 11'1", i:l<Kk" lliUl). res:ult in a(:~cl..rlltio.. 0$ lh<! .sl.llDll>~(:ur.d by 1M Imd oflrwot ..nd saie (Jf Ihe Propen)!. Tbe notice
<br />.u furtbel!' illif(1lYln BlHTuwer of 11M ri&h1 10 ",.nstal" lij(TelUlIOOr. 1I11d tile righl I" hring 11 C91.ll1 adwn to lilliftrt
<br />tM- oon-e~lI.:e I>f 11 "'fauk or ltily t~bu defcti(' of 10 accderalion lliill! _e. If the bnacll is not <:li~
<br />un or I:ll:fore lhedalt spt:dl'ied jntbt noti~'t:, I.efider lit lA:ml~r'.s may d'fcl.art: al.l of !h" HUM se"llnd by lids ~
<br />of Tnt..t to be ilrllll"diatiely fill( llind plI.I'lIlhk without furtber and 1IU1}' ill'oke 'the power of !<Ide and lliey other remedlu
<br />potmtith:'dloy appRk:al:li., law, L.ellder s:1uiIH be entitled fa ,'ulle;:\ aU C"M<,_W" ('OSU and eltpl:&'I4!l! inclIrred II'! pUl'lIublll tbe
<br />",_l~ !l4'il,_d in Hlh plIrag~ U, mdadin~, bttl not limited 10. rellt.'il>lI:llhk aUmney"sfees.
<br />w'er <If s1iIle is hn'l'k~, T~tt shalf ~(mli a ll<>tkf of dd"tlll.dl ill eoullty in whkb tbe f'roped)' or some
<br />LIICll..leU iillJI4 !!Mil md C'opi"" 1:11 $ft.b llotk~ .In 1M Illppiiellhk IIIIII' to ;md to thl."
<br />, ~y IlPplkll~ shut!
<br />" Tt~ee. d'l'mHa an
<br />:and uol;ckr tbe d~~
<br />1I"lermlM. 'fril'.!Ih!:<t SlIk of ..n
<br />~ liIiny Ilrl':1(ltlu!fly [~!'idJl!J Of
<br />