<br />
<br />83-003367
<br />
<br />6. IfhefaiIstO pay any sum .01" keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />Itso~~()~may~yorperform the same, and all expenditures so made shall he added to the principal sum
<br />owing;oll"theahOve note, shall be secured hereby, antlshallbcar interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for.Jtl.thepri~~lipalindebtedness,
<br />
<br />7. .Ut>On~qU:eSt of the Mortgagee, Mtrrtgagol'shall execute and. deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />fOT. the sum,pr sums advanced by Mortglil.g~>e for theaIte.ration, modernization, or improvement made at
<br />theM()rtgagQ.l"srequ~lst;or fot' maintenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the
<br />sam~~an<i for any other purposeel'lewhere; authoriz.edhereunder. Said. note or notes shall be secured
<br />nercbyon& psrityw.ith and as fully as if the advance evidenced ther(~by were included in the notefi:rst
<br />deS(:!i7ibedlib()ve. Said supplemental note or Mtesshallbear interest at the :rateprovidedfor in theprin~
<br />ciJ.'>>;llindebtedtlessiU1d shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for such period as may
<br />be agreed upon by the Mortgagee and :M:ortgagor. Failing to agree on tlH~ maturity, the whole of the sum
<br />0[' sums so advanced shall be due and payable thirty (ao) days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no
<br />eV~)llt shall the maturity exll'md beyond t.he ultimate maturity of the note first described above.
<br />
<br />8, He hl,l'eby ~lSsigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of
<br />th€ notealld all sums secured hereby in case of a default; in the performance of any of the terms and condi~
<br />tions of this mortglllge 01' the s.'l.id note, all the rents, revenm's and income to be derived from the mort-
<br />gaged premil;(lS dUlring stich time as the mortgagt) indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall haVE! power to appoint any agent or agent."! it may desire for the pUrpOSf! of renting the same and col-
<br />!t,cting thE! 1'E!nb, rt!venu(!s and income. and it may payout of said incomlcs allnccessary commissions and
<br />,,,xp~nSl"'s incuned ill l't'ntillg and managing the same and of colll'ctlng rentals therefrom; the balance
<br />rNuaining, if iUW. to he appli(~d toward th(~ discharge of said mortgage lndeht.'dness.
<br />
<br />9. He will contlnll{lusly maintain hazard insurance, of such typt! or typo's and amounts as MOl.tgagee
<br />:m.a~c from tirm! to Imw n,.mir'~, 'Ill the impro\'l'mt'nts now or hereafter on said Ill'pmises and except when
<br />payment l"or :1111 SUdl pr.'miull1s hl1.'I th\~l'etofore been made U!ld(~l' (1/) of 1l;H'al{raph2 !w!'(>of, will pay
<br />rlrompt!y Wh{~111 <lrl(' llUS prNlllllfllS therefor, Ppon dl'fault tiwn'of. Mnrt14<\g'('P may pay tht, I"lllne. All
<br />ill$Ut'nnc.~ slulJilll<' (';UTl.,1! III fompalli"1! llllProw,d by' the Mortgal!:l'e and Ill<' I'lIlkips and r"lll:'\VlIls tlwreof
<br />shallllw hdd bJ., till' :\!nj.tltll!l:O'" and hllV(' aUadwd llWl't,to lo~s rmyable ,'Iause~ 11l la\'ol' of and in form
<br />ae.:.'pl,lbl.. tn lht~ MOnll':l~t'I', In ....'.m 01[ Ins.'I :'{ortl{U).!(H' willl{l\'p nnnwdi;\t(, Hilt in' hy mail to tilt) Mort-
<br />glrg"I', who may ma.!... "f i"ss If not Inlhi.., proml,tly ll~' Ml)}'l~al.tm.. and .'adl 11ISUl'lmcl' ('l>mpllll)! ('on.
<br />("I'l'Iwd ill 1;"1'(,11>' llUtillll'i:r.t'd and tl !l'l'ctl'd 10 llIilK" payment for :mc!J j, ,ss ,I i I.'d!) to tilt' Mortgagt'l' i lI:iklld
<br />of to tlwMolrtgllj;1[OI' lmd \. ht, "l"rtllil,gt~'" ;omtly, :Ind !ill' ltL"UfanCl' P:'<>t,'I,,'.h, 'If any part thereof,
<br />nUl). 1.1<' ,(pl'h...:1 t:h.. J','1orlgng('(' at itli ~}J1.ti<m PIth,,!, 1(\ Ilw ",-,ltH'llon of I h,' I1l'ldlll'dli'\SS hl~n.'by ""I'IlI'I'.l
<br />('r III llw n'st"1l'llt!lll~ Ill' r'(~1.3U' Hi HIl' prOll<'I'ty dalWIll:.,.t ! <\'.'o! of fon'!.'!""11!'" "I \IllS 111"rt~~alt". or other
<br />tt"lUlSftJ:f nf taii(f In th.. }it,;t1{(""i pn1Jk.'.I~l~" in ~:xtlll){ui;>i!hrrH'nt. thl~ Hi~h1)tn_\n~'.'<~ ,\,t'C1H"{,d lh'n"bYl all
<br />n~ht. flth~ an,l ml,~l"'"l M'lftllllJ{nr in kind to any tn:l.IH';lIh',' polH'lt"., lhen ill "IT.' :-h:dlpll:"S I" th.'
<br />..r j{ni\nt.:....
<br />
<br />
<br />I t!. A.... :",!.ht ;"ll:,~
<br />tlth' uotl.:r 11th m"II.j.t;I~:'"
<br />l1U,''', rnYlI,hh '" n)th~.,.
<br />HU'\l 't ~H" ! r'H'
<br />for th.~ sairnl~ ~tud ~q)ph ~
<br />m"rtl<lt)tl:. .;Ii.I: II,.. '\1", t]l!:,l~''''
<br />~\bJt\ hUl ~-b~.U nut bll: ("~:i(iPUH,d
<br />t''t.i~:~~\M~ of this nlt,~rl~agll'.
<br />
<br />, ! IHah.'t':j,i :;.e':t~f'~1)' of 1 pa) n~('nt UH' all ;<;UUlt'> to lH,'t:iHll'"
<br />~torl)(il~tJr iH>f\"l,y ;'L,,~'t;i).(H~ tn !ht. ,'fHrt)~a,){"1' ;di fl_ :r,~l' I IH'otHs) t'"'\'t',,,
<br />hpr b'~-'llt~tlts ~,~~_"~".rHjnJ.{ 10 lIH' "",oft,.raltllr undl'r !td ;dl p;i ;-lnd J.{iiS k'as(~s
<br />frlor-!lo.t'ttJ(t". ~'Xt'i_'u~yd 01) :>\a,d rlrf_'t1Ht~..{,s. v, h !fll' .!'lght 1,-, pant! rf'("Plpt
<br />\'\~H*j HHi"AH~_"d:H':',"t H:'ll t^H h{'(or~' a:, aft!',\' ~\,'fatLl1 thp {undition.s or' thIS
<br />may ,j,'llHul<i, l'tH' "r iHld r,"'''' .'f UH) such ;>a,V!!!!'!!:S 1i"1I dll.' alnl pay_
<br />tn do. T'[-~I~ ~,~."i.-~i;.tTdnt'tlt J b'l'tH!Hatr ;~nd :;J:1 lICh,' LuLl and \'old upou
<br />
<br />
<br />1 L lilt~ j"h:}lU l)(;l il'Hlunut. ~H' p*~rtHlt \\'~i,~tlt,' ~ and :4haH lna~n1~un th~', profH"ft~' iH ,t;>\ ~l,l!ld ct!Iulitl(lh as at
<br />pn!':st~ht.. ~~il\a~l\JHaltit:~ \\t.>~U' aH..1 l(~ar {au)' Luhlft: to;jO n,,~,til'~uulJ. ~'ortj!,(ljl{l-"t', at lts ".)p'Uon~
<br />rn~'~~F ,('au~(t n'Hsou~.ll.Ji,\. nl'l'f.Hj~'1"ihih(~t" -~'l ork V.l ht~ ptir.t'url1h:d at t.h~~ t:.'ost. cd: <,.\ ny Hln(~UHt.'S uaai
<br />t1w'rll!fol" b~ MUI'tg,~g.,'C l;hall iW~lr mtd"'lit at thl' nlh' pro\HI.',j lor III th.. j.!l:ll<:Jpal ''/"l..bkdn''$". ~f,all
<br />t.h.!.l'eUj)OIl j",'<:'!~mc )11 part ot' th.. indd}tedllt:ss s,'';\,Ir..<1 by thiS instl'llflHmt, rata!'ly awl oil a panty WIth all
<br />oth...r indt'bu."hleS,., "",lll"l'd , and shaH lw payahle <:\01 aft"r d..mawL
<br />
<br />12, If the or :my part thlll'eo!. b" <:olHlemtH'd ullI.!,'r Ow 1''-'\',('1' of emiw'nt donmilJ, 'H'
<br />3,t,quired for III ~lubllc USl:, the damages aW<ll..i,~d, the pmc,'('ds for th., of, OJ' tIt" cnu,-.idl'l'atlon for
<br />SUdl acquisiltloll. to tIlt' L'xt,'nt of the full amount ()f tb." r..rmuning i.l!\pnl<1 ind,,!it'Adn..I's s>'cun~d bv this
<br />mortg;tgtl, or hN'dl)S as>;'lgm't! to the Mortgagee, an,.! shall b., paId forthwith to M'JI,tgag.,e:to be
<br />appli,~d 011 .t!:c~ount of tlw last .maturing in"talhlwnts of suchmdebtedness.
<br />
<br />13. If th(~ falls to make allY pa;.Hknts when due. or to (,(illlunl1 to and with any
<br />of the (,ol:ldit.lol1" or agn2enl,mts cnntained in this mortgage, or the !lv!e",; wlta:h it S'!c\ln:s. th..m the
<br />.mtlrt; principal s\lrn and inter,;st shall ;H once bi',:unle due and pil~';!bh" at the dedion uf tlnc
<br />lV!:"rtgag{,'1!l ;!l.ud this mortgage may be fon:cloSl"d inmll,,uiatdy fo,' the whoh! (If the indebted-
<br />lll):!ll! tll,'''ll!'"d, tlw C(J.:'it of the abstract of title from OIl: dati;, of t.nisiYlort..
<br />of ;Hleh suit, a rea$(Jn1l\ble f,,,), ~md any sum" by the Vet{n',ms
<br />or tlu: indebtedw's.ii ;;>'.,'(;lJn;d iln of which
<br />
<br />
<br />I
<br />~
<br />'I
<br />i
<br />