<br />83- 00336~'
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />To HAVE AND To HO'LLl the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided, Mortgagor represents to,
<br />andeov~mal1ts with, the Mortgage", that Mt)rtgagor has good right to siOll and convey said premises;
<br />that they are fl'eeft'omcenc.tmlbrane(;~, except as her"inothm'wise n~cited ; that the Mortgagor will 'warrant
<br />in~tthelawfuldairns of all persons \','homsO€ver. Mortgagor. hereby relinquishes
<br />all marital r'ig'hts, either i.n law or ill equity, and an other contingent interests of
<br />to tll,.! above-de;;cl'ibed premiS(~s.
<br />~vtl:l:'ghALWAYS,~'l1d.th~epresellts areexecuted. and delivered upon the following conditions, to
<br />wit:
<br />
<br />Mortgagor agrees to pay to tT1clli!ortgagf.>e, oroltler, th,) :tfo!"€lsaid pdneipal sum withintN'est from date
<br />attne rate of T;,i":LVE "md pereentum per annum on th., unpaid Intlance 'until paid,
<br />The saidprinclpal ami interest payahle at the As!~n,.:.
<br />in a ' or at "ueh other place as
<br />Writing or mailed to the J\'lortgagOl', in IXH.Hl th ly ins1;allnu:nts of 1 FT'i; F:JGllT a nd ~! 9/1 ()(
<br />Dollars ($ l. (:f)mmenclng on the first day of contmulIlg on
<br />the first daJ' month ttwreafter \lntil "aid note i" fully that, if not sooner paid, the Hnal
<br />I.lD.,yment of pl!"in(!.ip~d ami intNest :.:hall hedue and paY:lbl{! on Hw first day of '11.: l.Y. ?n1'~ ; all
<br />according to U.te terms of a c,'rtain promissory note of even date !JPl'('WiUl exe(~uwd D:t the said Mortgagor,
<br />
<br />Titt! M'ortgaglll' f II I'tll<' I' llgrN'S:
<br />
<br />1. He will pay llw md,.lIte,hl""", as, !i"""inlw(nn' provid"d. l'I'hih'){(> is l','served to prepay at any
<br />timt~, witho1llt pr<'mlum or f.'e, tll<' ,'ntlr,' l!lrkbtr,(I1INls or an:; llan \.!wl'('(lf not ll;ss than the amount of one
<br />mtd.aUment" or one hundn'd dollars \$100.00l, whit'hever is less, Prepayment 111 full shall be credited on
<br />tbe datl~ rel~e1ved. Partili.l prepayment" ntlwr than on llJl Installment due daw, need not be credited until
<br />the lu>xt, {OUOWUllli installmt!l1t due date or thirty days n.ftPl such prepayml'nt, whichever IS parlier.
<br />
<br />2. TOK1~tJher Ili'lth, and Hlltddibon to, the monthly paynwnts (.i" principal and intA~r(,lIt payab!l~ under
<br />tl:ll' t('l"tlUI of the noU' st'Curl'd h{'rt'hy, Mortgagor will pay to Mortgllg,'(', ,IS trllst!'l'. 1.IHl,h'r Ow terms of thi:,;
<br />tnUlt 1l.8 her'ei:uaftl~!" llta.tt~) ')11 the first <lay "f l'lwh monl.h until said nott' IS fully paid:
<br />(11:) A:ilum ''''l!ual to !,(. >::rnlllld !','n!". ,f , 111'\ t dIll', pill::; I Ii.. pn'ln mil'll; that will Hext Iwcome due
<br />1:\l1Id ll11yai>I,' pohClU, ,,\ .1'" alld hUhr :,:u,ard l11S11ram:I' 1..,.>\"'I'Illli( the mortgaged property,
<br />plus liCU" ,.'I,d a~'~""'''lll''lll n,'xl '!w mortl,;:.g,.,j P I',,!,.. !'l \. I all ;t;rl"SI anat..'d by tll..' ,!,,'[ort-
<br />If!:'lItg"'\'. :tn.l "f 01" MIlI'I~tlll.t:"r : (""II 1,'.~'; all ~nms alrl'ad~' !,lUi! therd'or di\'l.!ed by
<br />ttw Illmll.". d H1'Hlll!" I" d...l"'" , ,!at., \\ IWll such lI;TOlllld 1"'111,'1,
<br />pfem!\lllll".. \.(1)(".' ,\no! ;,,_,,""lll'n~ "-.""111. ".1.1<'11 :<lIm8 to /).:IHdd by M'H.tgal.{I'('
<br />iIll trust If' PUI .;.1l11;!llnlld lax" "',;/ ",!H'n.al..\s:':"S"ITlI'llts,
<br />(l;\ 'nl" "10\1(1"")(,,'1<" d U.. r":l!lpar:I)lI'Jl ph i III and tllOfW paya!.l," 011 the
<br />:rtoh~ ;o;._(~(Jjnnt !i}Jh.! ;J.,-h !t~l/cd~t.h" t iH,' Hpph~'d to thf~ fqlio\v...
<br />~n.: ~h~t'tl'!') ~u nH' Qnh"l ;"t~Ht<d
<br />.1) fi(roHud H"ut$,.. ~;t'\(.~,
<br />~ n) htt'-f1'S\ .;,vH ~ h.-
<br />
<br />~ t 1'1 .
<br />
<br />ha.;:.,trd HI,MUnUl('f' pt'f~n)Hjnl~;
<br />
<br />1, lH) ,,{~nor'r.LlaUHn,
<br />
<br />
<br />''''~t h i f'd "t..
<br />
<br />An>'" d{:rfi~ :1:ji;L)tn'~,;lt~' PHH'dh Pll) nh~tlt shJ:llL unies:i tHadt;~ _)(OofJ
<br />th., ;\1""rt1-:J,4J;~tH- ;"f~nr tu t.h~' du* ,Ldt, tL,. ".1.~i.'h i\H:~ :nf'}j!.; Hln;;tlt,utt;. au i,\..-t"ut of dpfault
<br />,uui.~r th H\orl)l.'il){tJ., At ;~,ltj;ni" .\turift,.JtKnr \\!U }i,as;\ "fat(~ l.'hargt~" not {j>X()1?,t~d..
<br />mj( (,.HI :"'1' ,y!.llJlH ,I', ".lld WIIlt.llI.w fif;''''1l11;,1 da.~'"aftt:rtlw
<br />du..:> uat." h! 'n,ncf ,.xlr~f. e',\i~'l~~,~~; \' :,.-..d; hHlldltHjJ dt1LJHlplPUt J,n!)'lnfttlJt",~ blJt. tHH:h
<br />....h.t... d".1 i','.' al>!,' '.1 'M ,'."b >>! ....t1" ma,l., 11, .,at!i'lly th., iud..btl;d-
<br />th.~~" ~,~\,~ur',;,d i'h~r~'hy~ uui.'~ss ,':';1th~h pr;,i'~'P't!~L.. d.n' ;,,:ulh('h!Ut- t" d~:;'charg*" tlh; \:'Utit'4" ;\ndf~bt.(::dn~:.ss it,ud
<br />iltll prulll'r eOl>ts :Il"l ..Xf....l;;:j.<!,~ ;'<:' \H....i 11I.,n,by.
<br />
<br />
<br />3, If the total of tilu~ I).lI.ymcnts made by the Mortgagor un<l.~r (Il) of pat'ag:ra{}h 2 pl"i!c(~djng shall
<br />eXlCll~ the ~Ul~ol.ml~ of p,aymenls actually rruuj(, b:li tI", 1\fol't~ag..." as tfUi'ltI!l?, for ground I'PillS, ta"'~l> and
<br />amk'~I1t!l, (,I' iU.llUranCc premiwns. as the c:l..'Ie may he, SUdl ('xcess shall he <:rf,ditt.d by the Mortgagee
<br />on &ubaequcnlt payment.... to be made by thf' Mortg.lgl}r for such i~.'nl." or, at Mortgagfi'()'s option, as trllsu.>(!.
<br />sba.U be refundt>Q to Mortgagor. If, how('ver, such monthly pa:rmcnts stull! not be :,;uliieient tu pay such
<br />items when tJne SOIim.e shall become due and th(;[l the Mortgagor ghall pay t,} tb.: Mortgagl~('. illS
<br />trusk",~, lliAY l1llnOuiIlt n(.'(:e~'i.."al'Y to mak(, up tht~ deficiency ",\'ithin thirty (30) days aHt'r writtfm llotiCt! fnl!Il
<br />theM(lrtpgee aU,Ling the amount of the deneiel1c:'{. which notice may b~j gi.V('u by mail. if at any time
<br />the Mort:glll,gor &hall t<mder to the Mortgagee, (tl a..:cordanee with the Pl"OVll'\IOl\S of' th.: Ill)U~ ,,'xUl'.;:d
<br />hereby, full paym~nt of the entire jnd~;btedness :r(~prl;;slmt~'d the l\!Qrtgagl'e, as trtlste<.:, shall,
<br />in oomp.uting the;~ount of such indebtednes."" l.~redit to the account of the Mortgagor any credit. b:.lan(;e
<br />~umuJated under the provi;dons of (a) of p$;l;ragraph 2 h,~:reof. If there shall bt,ll. default under any
<br />ot;<the pro'll.i~ions ;l)f thismortga~ resulting in a sale of the cover"", or if the
<br />Mo;rt.l'~ l!i<c:quir~1$ .otherwise after tn..: as. trust<1f:, sha.ll aPIlly, at the
<br />or at the time is othel"wi8€ the
<br />tmder. {a;) or :::; l!l$ a credit on the
<br />then on s.aidnote,
<br />
<br />or eXY.im-
<br />