<br />'"J..J;-' 'J U {) t) q .:;;,
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />It If he rails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />its option, m.ay payor perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />owingonth,~l'iliov,enote. shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for in thepri~ipal indebtedness.
<br />
<br />Upon request (}f the Mo.rtgagor 8hall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />for sunlot'SUms advanced by.l\<Iortif.agee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at
<br />the Mortgag%>r's ~"X{uest; or for ml\intemUlce of said premises, or for taxes or aM<lssments against the
<br />same, and other plH1l0$e else\Vhenl authorized hereunder. Said note or !lotes shall be secured
<br />herebJ'oua 'with imd as fully as if t.he,adl1ance evidenced thereby were induded in the note first
<br />describedabOvi!, Said SUI)plemental noteol" tl((tes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br />and shall hi) approximau.!.yequal monthly pay.ments for sueh period a,.<; may
<br />be UPOIl by. till' and Mortga.gol'.. Failing to agree on the mMurity, the whole of the sum
<br />or sUlns so adVfm(~ed 8fUlll b.,' due and. payable thirty C:30} days aft(~r demand by the I\;Iortgagee. Tn no
<br />event shall Uw extend beyond the ultimate maturity of tlH~ note Drllt dt'seribed above.
<br />
<br />R. .He 1118rebY transfers and sets OWl!' to tIll} Mortgagel}. to be appliNl tow~ll:d the payment of
<br />the l10teand aU sums se,:,ured hNCby in ral!<~ ()f a default in thll performance 01' nny of the terms and condi-
<br />tions (>1' this mort gag.: 01' the said note, an the r;:,nts, rev"llUes and income I() be derived from the mort-
<br />ga!!ced pl'i'misi:ls during sueh time as the ml.wtgl~gl~ ilHtehtedncgs shall n'f11ilin unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall have Ij('Wllr tOl any agent 01' agl'nt'l it may desh'f~ for the purpose of n'nUng tile ,mnw and col-
<br />h~ding the l"~nt~, n'velHII'S and illeoml~, and it !nay payout of said ineolTlr.:; all w.'ef,,,sary commissions and
<br />eXth'I1!'l('S incurn.'d r<'Hlm$< and numll~ing- thf.' sanw and ill' collel:ling j'i:ntals thi'l'(~from; the balance
<br />n'!1'll~mmg. if lillY, (,) hI' applh;d tuw(1J'(1 ilw dll'ldml'g(~. of said mortgage Ind"ht,'(l!wss,
<br />
<br />t<, Hf' Wl!! nlntlllll;;u"h mnmt:un hal~u',l insnrHHcP, ,'f such<type or tnw,s kind amount.s as Mortgagee
<br />m:i', from tinlll' In tmw : "",lll'e, 1m t!w mlprOVPlni'nts now or Iwn'aftet' on s;ud prNlllSi'S and "XC(lpt when
<br />pa\l1Wllt fot, all :;neh pr"H!lums has th"I'I'lofof'(' lW"!1 mad.' llnd.,1' (it l of paragraph ~ lwreof, will pay
<br />I'l'mnpt!v wl\,'n dtlt, ;HI\! l'!','flllums 1111'1',,1'01', ('pnfl ddaul! till'f<'nf. .Mol'tg-agpf' may pay the :mml'. All
<br />l!tsurmli'(" ,hHll !". .'arrwd '.Qnl1nni..s approve" h~' l1H' .Morllllll{ee and Ilw PoIH'I"" and f('lH'wals thereof
<br />,h~tH bt" hy ~h(~ ~htrf~;'~)l~~." and hJt\,.. Jltt;lchpd lhpl't'.to lnss pa,vablt~ c'~auK{'A di favor of and in forol
<br />,\,,,,'pt..I:;;I., hi. ttw ,"11,., I j,;:q,('.' '. In .1.'.1l1 "f I. IS'; ~1..H.t~r;lJlm. )(1\,' mlnt.,d,ak liv mad to tht.' Mort,
<br />~';\~(~r. H~a\ !ns~ }f nnt lnad~:. prqrnpth' h\:, ~fl:)rt~'HJlf;f\ ;l,nd (";"tel; itj~Ut't'UH'P ('nnlJHH1~' ~:on..
<br />~ ('rn~1"l;1 LS: ~'1\"f't~hJ' ~tuth(~r;h"t:i ~~Ed d;.r~,.,,'~(<.d l~') HUlk." 'ptn'nl~"Hr fdl' ~~urh d! rt ~'t h~ 1~) t.fa" ~fortg;igf~f' lnstp;ui
<br />d: ? ~hl\'a ..\h:~rtrJ\stt:'t~ .-h'Ultt\' ,d1'd t !:t~ ittsur;Utn' 1d"\H'.''i'd~, of an"" part th(~rt.(,d.
<br />nun ~h}~"t'~'il$lt~~ at a:, ppt '!'~n tq nlt'. f~~d~l('ttnn td 1 J1'jdll.htt*{h'lt,s~ ia-rt'b,/ srorurf.d
<br />n~." :".'~,f,t~lnHI(H~ nr' r'(~''ictt1 t}H~ prOr~l:'rty d~nna).!:t~d, 111 ~"\'f.'Ht nf c,t" th nlur.t,Jl3:~t?i llr nth('f
<br />tr~UL:"'!t'l" t tg;ql~_'d :'rnr~4!'-'rt\. H~}tu:sl1nH"tH ,.' 1 t"I.,'Hr~>d ht-':n'b,v. aU
<br />~ilfH'tsrnjtol' ;~nd td ilflY inj4iUraJlf;p tH,t~H'1t-'" j~l ~han pa:\~ to the
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />! rhUt,~r -,;,T )!:rnutf'\'
<br />
<br />
<br />,a\'n~~'nt f;l !
<br />
<br />:<.:JJU";, ~ d i It'"COnH~
<br />IHtnn;':vl'~, IlfotH~l, rp\'~~,.
<br />:~n:; ;ind ;tii od ;tnd J!a~ it,'~{~1:"~
<br />rqdlt t,n rl't',.'t\'n Hnd rt'~-_,'f~tpt
<br />""fldltll>rll'i of thiel
<br />'}, !jt'n l and pay...
<br />"'dd :l,fJon
<br />
<br />ab:1'~
<br />
<br />11. lit., 1,i,:,1l
<br />p,rp.st:~,t~t~ H'a,'~i.l'nitt!ti"
<br />~:,fUHit~ i>.~.'lS(J~I,att;.~
<br />tht:'iFt;lfnl" b~ ~-;,tut't.R~~~,:,~~1.'
<br />thn,I\.pon . 'Ill.' p,.irt
<br />;;tl1",,1' mli.,~bh.dfl",;,.~ '>',.:1 rl',l
<br />
<br />
<br />,t,;->o\tr;. :-"h;~U nUtlnlatn );41 pnIJr"(f.,l. : ri j.:n~,d t !jrpjiIH~il aA H;t
<br />~'\('t'p-t.~~'~L 'pun ~dJ~\' ;'a~hif1." ;j<t.,q ,!!'!;:tHJLJ.dl. at Its upuon~
<br />" \",urk H.' ii., I"'rlnrm.',\ ;Jt.. . ,u~,t ..1 :\lortgagoL \l'Y amount.s PiUtI
<br />t:<~,;,\x l!ltel':t,;:o;,t ~d t:n: rat,:,' pf'n;'~ned if)!' Jj{"iJJai :nd~-'btl'dt)p;':;''S't ~haH
<br />n;t. ~~[dt'bt.t"',dnt:$$ :<~:'t'tH't'.d by Hu~ irt;st f'tnrb!HL ri~t~tLJi~' ;opi on it p~.1r!ty "\\ It.h ail
<br />. :~nd ~tUtH bt'~ payabh~. thirty :~(J.I d;lJS af1f'r df,:nutnd.
<br />
<br />12, 1: f 1b€: P!'t.jtHi;"'f:~;-';"l ~n~s :p;ttrt ther~,~'tf. ht" cOHdf~rnnt'~"i
<br />aC~__j:uirt~ .fo.r ~'~L pub4l(' ~j&~.'.. ; ht, dalnagli,i$ ~";..\-\(aldt}d. fh~,~
<br />su~h ac,qui~Htdn., tht': lvxt.(:nt tht:' anlutLnt tht:.~
<br />nlo-rtgag\:~~ qr t'h.~r't}hy dSh4gHk:,d d1P ;tn-d ;:-;lu.til
<br />0$.1 ~'l('~("U.nt i~L~,~t ltHtturing ins.taUnt'i'l;.ts ,of
<br />
<br />un-d~_'r Ulf~ ;Hn\ t<). flf (l:nirH~nt dOfnaln. or
<br />for th~-. t.a;iln~~ ()( {If lh+~ t'Ul~:->.:di".raU(ltl fl)t"
<br />u:lp,.tjd i!ld~'"'ht~,_~o~hl{':.o:';S 3(o{un'.d by this
<br />b{> j':laid filrth r\.' to be
<br />i n:d{~'bt(~d n{;~~~
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />l,:l, If lJH2:, fails to in~iki' ;..:tHY p~'lynh";Ht~) 'whe-B dUt::~ nr to
<br />of 1.11.<:' ..:m"htwD;, ;.\l<n,em<;tnts c"nlain"d "",rtgag;l",
<br />vrinC,lI)~lli :f:,tlliU ~t;n,ti ~Hx'r-'U~d ~nt(7t'tjst sJudJ
<br />; and thL.~ ~TtVrtg,a:g~ Tnay
<br />'~."'(;tJ. t f"-d.
<br />
<br />v,'ith any
<br />n1t.~
<br />t.ht ~,'1(1c~.)(;n of the
<br />of t h~~' ind.e.bt.e-d...
<br />lidS nlfirt.
<br />Y"h,rallS
<br />~ .all \v h it~,b
<br />
<br />'4
<br />
<br />t
<br />~
<br />t
<br />I
<br />