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<br />r- <br /> <br /> <br />(),,')- U U ;'1.:5 q ~ <br /> <br />To HAVE AND TOH(ILD th,~ same unto the J\Iortgage,~, as helTin providpd. .Mortgagor represents to, <br />and covenants with, the that the Modgagor has good right to seli and convey said premises; <br />that are fn;>,~ from encumbrance, exe.ept as IH,1't'illotherwlse l'(,cited; that the Mortgagor will warrant <br />and def,md the same ~~glclinst the lavd'nl daims of an persons whm.nsoeveJ'. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes <br />alllllaritalrights,eil.hel.' in lHW 0<' in equity, and all other contingent interests of <br />ailfito thelii.bov(HI(is{:dbed <br />PR:()'ll10i!:DALWAYS, and the!>€! presents JH'c€'x:eeuted and deliverl~,.:l upon the following conditions, to <br />wi.t: <br /> <br /> <br />to the Mortjtilg:ee, or order, the afm'e,'lIid principal surn with interest from dat<~ <br />fit theral:e of per centum t . i}()(;f,) per annum on lh,' unpaid bah.nce until paid, <br />The said 1<1 th.e OH1Cf' of 1. !",'.ll ngs LOilU ssoc, <br />in ;;;,,,br n;O;K,1 . or at SUdl other as the holder of the note may designate in <br />writing deliver.?d or maih'd to the .1'Iiol't.WIg'ol".in monthly instaUlnents of 'n;In.TY n'IO and G2/100 <br />Dollars ($ 43:>, }, commencing-un the tlrst day of ';\lst ,W P;3and continuing: on <br />the first, dlly of each I1Hmth tiwreaft,'l' lIntil s;\id !iot(, is fu'll:-- paid, exc,'pt that, jf not sooner paid, the llnal <br />paymf:nt rd' prindpal and ln1l'1'(,,,t ,hall l".. dl.w :Hld f,a.y'abIH nn the iirAt day of 1:1 v "01 3 ; all <br />aecordiug to tllf' h'I't11S .,f a ('{'rt",irl promIssory not.. of ,;V1'1l dat.' Iwn'v.'ith <,:xetllt(.~d tlH' said Mortgagor. <br /> <br />Th.; Mortga!l:nr furtlh'I' ;1.1<1T"('S: <br /> <br />.1, HI~ wlll pa~ !i,' !1ld"bi,'dIW"S. dS j,.'n PI'q\'HI.,d. l'rivih.g-e is rf''l('I''VNl to prepay at all~' <br />t ilne, WIthout pr" \'nl) !", 'nd"l}l,'.h,,"~."" d' :lJI\' pan t hf'rt'of llOt t.'ss than the amount of one <br />mst..1.lInwnt, ..IT one hund!'t'.d tSlOO,Ofll, wlm:hl'Vt'f IS, I'n'payml'nt III full shall b;~ eredih'.d Oil <br />[11('. dat<.' n'<:JII'IVt'd, Partml pff'!)Jl,ymeHt, ntiwr than on all HIBWli/nNH due date, lH'ed not be ('n:~dited until <br />thn IlP"l followm~ mstallm\'nt dUl' dati' Ilf lJunv da\'5 ,lfu'r ~uch prenaymt'llt, wllleheVI~r 15 earlier. <br /> <br />:.:, To~t\'.tru'r WIth, and In addltlnn tn, th.. nlnlHhlr p..~'IlWI1IS nf prmt'lpal and mt.?rest payabh' Ulull;!' <br />t h., h~!.,ns of th,' not" ",....lll'l'd !;p!'l'h.,., Mortl!a~..l' \" 11! l'av I" M,;rt.r':lj{l'.', ;ui lrllS(",', I U II <il'r Uw lYl'lnR ..I' this <br />!nUlI a.1'I h.'rt'lnafll,'r statt..ll on Ill.' lirst day of I':lch month llntli ,,;\1,1 !lut,> IS fullv prllll' <br /> <br />HI>> ;\ "11m ,,\ I. till' l,fi'!lllUlllll that w!ll next bl'(~l\n'H' due <br />;,nd \I:ll'< ill:H,j "'''!I!':iW... q\\':"!'HlJ,!' th,.' mortlotaSll'(l property, <br />~!i~;n j.frt;(I-d pn,'I,,~,'rt .v t, all :1.;, .'sf unatf'~d b,v th~~ l\tort- <br />:dt.,:!.]\, p:wt tJ\l.'I'pfm' dIVld,'d by <br />1 ", d:l\<' '\I'll "'Ud1 g'rotlnd n>nts, <br />!lnl "IHn,;; t.. 1.1.. hdd liv Murtl':'al-t'..lf,' <br />'~Pt.l,'iaj a""lJ'!;t'~snh'~nt,.~. <br />,,,,pm ;1I,raph . .1 and thos,' payable Oil tht' <br />P,Qllli1, I.' ill' HI.plwd to till' follow- <br /> <br /> <br />i,l) <br /> <br /> <br />:'';4.Ht,' <br /> <br />r',i!/Jtrd \n;<{urnrli'~.1 pn,~nlliHlls; <br /> <br />'\ ;,.1\ 1ll"1I1 "hall, \llll',<I>s Ill!ldp I{""d <br />rnl'ill < ~ 'uHi"'( q r~,,' :\11 t'V~iont of dpfauH <br />!IIi}' a "r:Hf>" char~~" JiHl f~x{~t~ed.. <br />Ill", l' (/,':\11 rl!1t>t'l1 11 ,day" l'ln..1' l,/w <br />ililt 'Jr...t"'IUdll pi!) nWOb, hllt. such <br />Iliad" 1" ";lllsly th,' iwidtkd, <br />d ;,~d ,iI').(" t 11" dIUI'<' llldebtedlWIl!lll.nd <br /> <br />;'1. If t.rll~ li\ULI I\f tht' Pll).'$ mad.' b)' tIlt' ;\fortll.'ltl<or !.ITitl.'!' 1 () j nf paral{l'.'lph ~ pno-c,'din$lllhull <br />"lU:...>d lhf~ Si.llWtmt of paynwnLfI <It'tnull)/' mad,- by tlw Cil 0,'1 W'l{l.'", .1;-, I.rU!lt'.'.. (',I' :;;ro\lnd r'clJt", tax!'s and <br />;1Jl,*~ssm.ltlt<s ,.}r m:Sllntm:,' 1'l"'ffimm8. liS th.. r:l..",' may t"., stH:b .'xc"",,, I,hall ot? l'f..dited by tht:' Mortg'alll"'~ <br />1m .sui).'lIequent p.'l}rmt.ntll to bi' mad!:' by t!hl' fnr "twi! It<:lllS or, at l\rort!'Ca~e's optioll, as: trusu;.t', <br />s.hall be ~l'ul1lili'd to Mortgagor. If how,.v,.)., "mh mHl1t..hJy paym,mt.,; "haH not l;'ilmfllch,nt to pay sm:h <br />ito:1U3 whellt tlw Sll!.ml;> ::;.hall ~~)m,' due ami lh.,lt th., :>flall pay 10,\ th., :'Yll)rt)<,,)<(:<~, ;0;, <br />UU$tt"<', a'oJi IlffiVU,llt th't.'f>";;;,lll") to rllak.,' lip tlll' d.'ll<-h'IWY '" It hm thirty \ ;lH} day:s ailt'r \\ ,'(tu'n Hotk., frmn <br />thi'!' Mortgagl~ th~ amount uf the df;ll.cwm:y, 'which t\ot.H.'e may fJ(. given by snarl. If at any ttm.. <br />the Mot~or $;h.aH tl"ndt!r t(J the m:A:,)rdann With th,' P!'oVtSi'lll:i ,,1' tfw not.. "',,;U)'V'l1 <br />fun payn)~nt oJ tJw ..mth'l'! ind>flbt"lrH?sls l":pr<';;.mH.I~d thf'I'i'by. 1111' as tru:\tee, shall, <br />HI! the amQunt aE such indd)t("'(lllet<S, ,:!:n,lit f.;) till' aecuilnt of the credit hahwet) <br />a.ccumulatliJ'd unm~r tiltl pnJVilli()l1l> uf \.'1) I.aragraph Z ih)r~.,.I)L f thf"" d\,!'auit under ,my <br />of the ~)rOVil!.i()M of thitJ: rrwrt$l:ll~' t'(';>ultiug m a j}uhik ,;ai.,) tht~ 1.1!'el1H~31.> <;;{iv\'n~.l lWl'<;by, 01' if the <br />the prop.:rty otb('('wljj\t" :l.fU:>T dda1l1t, Ill'.' it.'\! 1nl;!lA,"" till.' <br />o:f ,~tH';Jl 1,)t ,fit t.he prOJ)('~rt,y f}ttlJ~,l>"'\\'i~H the <br />th'il' under :2 I..., <I cr""'lit on tht' <br />~;ei,d th,t:':- 11tl,~:t;.t f.1,(:.r; t,o th~(;t th-ell t.\~Jrmi 'l'i: ~-l'tg- q n;pa id {) n $tii~ j d ll1Jtt': "" <br /> <br /> <br />.tt~~y ~)(.}st:~~OHi::tlle11:,t {}t €1xt~2n"" <br />