<br />
<br />prior to entry of a judgment enforcing this Mortgage if: (lit Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due under
<br />N,[}I:e llnd notes securing Fllltlte Advances, if any, had no acceleration occurred; (b) Borrower cures aU
<br />f Borrower contained in this Mortgage; Ie) Borrower pays all reasonable
<br />venants and agreements of BorroV\'ef contained in this Mortgage and in
<br />ph 18 hereof, inCluding, but n<)t limited to, reasonable attorney's fees; and
<br />. (} assure that the lien or t11is Mortgage, Lender's interest
<br />by this Mortgage shall ~~ontint!e unimpaired. Upon such
<br />atiooll 'secured hereby shall remain in rull force and effect as if
<br />
<br />Ap~n1 oft Re~i"Ve1"; [,e-nder iuPo_""..km, As additional St!cllfity hereunder, Borrower
<br />of the P1'<:>perty. pwvided th,ll 'B(~rrower shall, prior acceleration h 18
<br />hll.ve the rl~ht ,<' c",lIeet lInd retain sllch as tht.'Y become due a able,;
<br />! 1'\ ncre{l'f or a!Jlll>dl,>nment or the Property. Lender. in person. by agent or by
<br />lalte 01 and m.3nag~ the .Property liIlld to collect the
<br />All collected or the reoeiver ~h311 Oe applill:d first to payment
<br />lllld C<:>!l<;'Cll('n (If n:."l1rs, but not limited to, re(~eiver's reetl, premitlms on
<br />reoL.Jver's.bonds and II'eall<J:Mbll.' ree:t, llilt! then !,~ tb~' SIlIW' by this Mong,lge. Lender and the receiver
<br />shan be liableta aWO'{lnt only f(I1' t~e rents ll.ct\.IlIHy received,
<br />:n. Put'*"' Advl\I'8Ce5. Up.;:.n of a,olTower Lender. 1\1 1 ende1"$ "l,ltr>l'l prior to release of this Mortgage, may
<br />make Furore ,~dval'lOl:'i to BOrr(lWef. Fmure Advllllces, Wilh mle1'esl lhere.)tl, shall he seclIred by Ihis MCl1gage when
<br />evidence<! by l~rom"l$ory nOles ~talil'lg Ihat .'\.ali'.! l'lote!!; 'Ire );t~c1Jr(:d hereby. Al no lime shall the principal amount of the
<br />mdebredne!i!l secured by trllsM<J;rt!tli.ge. nm iO":\ldml:l ~lm;.s. 11l3Yiij'lcgQ An As:.,ordaf1(:e herewith to pl'l1tect the S(~c;!.lrity of thiS
<br />MOlf18llge, exceed the ,mgmal sm.lunl of the N(I(e pillS t;~:;S . 1$, .VV...,qV . ,,',
<br />11. R_-. UI;I()tl p,ilymclll \,1 .dl slims :lec\ln~d 111; th,~ Mortgllge, I ('flder shall dl~charge Ihis Mortgage without
<br />charge to 8olTo~i(ef. fk\r.....wer shall pOl\' ~1I <:(I,t~ 01 r~cordallim, ,: ,In\',
<br />
<br />IN Wlnill';SS W:IU!nOF, fJorro'l\'\':l" ha.~ <:x~t'l.lt,~d this Mongage.
<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />R~.c.:'ARO C. CO:~
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<br />On thas. . 2~:th day {'I ,l;;t'l~~
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<br />COlYIN" .11~IS6Al~D. fVUJ WIH .
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