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<br />'-- <br /> <br />Ij'U0\)\)0 <br /> <br /> <br />Lender's writtlm agreement or applicable law, Borrower shall pay thc amount of an mortgage insurance premiums Tn the <br />marmer provided und'~r paragraph ::: hereof <br />Any affi()unts disbursed by Lender pursuant to lhis paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />ind;;,htedness of Borrower secured c>y this M.ortgage, Unless BDITOWer and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shalllbe payabk uptJn notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Notc unless payment of <br />interest atsud1, rale wlc>uld be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shaH bear interest at the highest rate <br />permis'Sibk under applicable law, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall req'lire Lender to incur any cxpense or take <br />anvactwn hereunder. <br />. 8. I~mm. Lender may make or cause 10 be made reasonable eotrie5 upon and inspectiolls of the Property, provided <br />that Lender ;;I,".n give Borrower ootice prior to ,my snch in<pect;on ,pecifyillg r~asonai:>le canse therefor related to l.cnder's <br />interest ;n the Property, <br />9,. C(mdnnmttflM. The <br />condemnation or <br /> shall be P2,tdi !(> tender. <br />Ilnfu: e\~nt <,f a ll:>lal <'f lh,: <br />'\Ai"t!'! me exCC"1S, if paid to In the <br />o!herwis;eagree IhA!!reshill! he applied h, the sums ~e<:'lred hv <br />11$ IS 10 l'n,.,l 'Nnkh the lHllOun! of tll<~ sums se<:nred bv this <br />laking H> tbe market value ,~f tn<: Pmp<ertv Hmn&h~,te'y priM 10 'th<: ;.lltre of <br />paid: In Bown)"''er. <br />If the is abandoned !w B",nower, (Ir <br />llfl !\Wlltcl Of ~e!fliC a C{;i\Irr! f!)r ' F:!orrm'"N!f <br />maHed, L<lnoo.r 1S lllJilIorf:!:.ed 10 IInd ",pply In,: <br />,)f to !he.~uf!1l$"''''-''':l.l700 hv Ihis M('1!'1~~\1ife, <br />t.m"iier :!I\\i(t BQ:rro"""~f O!h<1TWi'1l<! \n \ll'ming, llny ~Udl <<pplk"l.;an of flnxe,ed.~ 10 prin<:ipl1lsh~dlnote)(tend <br />the dliUl: d;~le !i~, monthl.. referred paragraphs l ,lmd 2 hefiiwf or <:hang<: ,he amonntof <br />installments <br />Ht &rl'11'!i'l'er Nt.f R('!'f-_d. E:l:lenl'cion tf}t~ fnr t1:jl;ffi.:nt or rth'Xlitklllion {If 'Imottizllll')O of the sums secured <br />thi,:s; g,rnn!;'ed by [,en-de!' i.'Hi\" ~H-i:,~:c.e~s,\.~~" !:n lnt'ee::r~t~st t:rf .lr~rf(l\lj/eT 5hH:H n(H to release. ,in any manner~ <br />liability the BmrO\liN!f i,,,,,1 H(ll"rl~""~'(" \.m::ces,m, mlCrl,sr Lemkr rwt be required to Cl)mmenCe <br />!~,Ut~es~()r n.,;f\~~ 10 i:7'1u-cnd hrrM?: r~:qtmet'tt fH'" .i)fhc,fWise nHJdi[v .tunortf1!.attt_:m: of the 'sums <br />Morti!\l1.j.1e b'li ,.e'llcson d.:m:lI1d m"de fknrnwer i.H1d Borrower's SllCClJ:llM~r$ in interest. <br />II, F~t'~ b~ .I,~ Nll't ~ forb"iwHH:e by ,my right or I:H~reum:ler, or <br />('lhelWl;;;t~ llil'nrded ,;pP'licllble law, d Em'! ~,Ilch or <br />The p,r~)Cure,ment or the Pi;*:U~H~J!.t ~,f Lender '<\.haH H(;t he n (.'If <br />riJi:h! "Ct'~lenlle !be 11la.lmitY"f !'be md<th!~dnc"" <br />n. Re'lQedil.!s {'ll.mlfft'. ,"'Ii rl'm'l:'di.~% pHI'. HIed <br />'Hilder lhi$ M",ngl\,,~ ai!(",nle<! <br />*l:t'_n iltl~~ A~~D~ a.~.j>oo; 1 ( ,u141 1W.e"..1 <br />';O(H.llllle,j :;Ji,,!! bmd, ;u.d lhil' fil\tl'lb hCI'eHllder <br />\~,~-tl~:c~ h; rh1t 'pn}.-'~ii,,,rt>1~-$: <br />The <: :ll'l.'":",, ~..,jHl~~ <br />f'(J" deJh\e ~he pr~;\vJ;si(,):nJb <br />Notj(:<e. gx,:epI aflY <br />l~,'rr<'w":f pr(,,, Hj(~d <br />rh<e Addn~,~ ,'f <br />(11) :JJ:\Y rh:'!i:tl~~ to :L('fH,_h~! <br />",,~h ",tile, "~ddr1e,"~ ,,~ tend!!!' <br />sh~H '!:~, Je~tn*.~d <br />l'l1ItfDI'm M!'>!lIllill!: <br /> <br />of ~my' award or claim fo, damages, direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />or part l11ereo( (~r for ,x>oveyanc"" in lieu of condemnation, are herehy assigned <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />to the $llm~ secured by thi>l Mortgage. <br />the Property, unk~~ Borrower and Lender <br />Mnrtgll,l!e such proportion of the proceens <br />immediately prior to the date of <br />wilh Ihe balance (If the proceeds. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />I cnaer tn B0rmwer that the condemnor offers to make <br />tll J cnder wi!hill 10 davs afTer th~~ riMe $uch notice is <br />at 1 ender's ,'pHon, either'10 rClltcratio!:l or repair of the <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />{h~~tnrt- (:I,JoHdativ~,;:- nJ a:ny- other <br />,~,,'nnJrr\!mlv. l!lLlcfklldenily or <br />Captj(~n.~. r'lw ""'~,flllfll~ <<11<:1 <br />~~HC~(:~~S~.l,r~ "il~1d ~tti~lgn& f'Jf <br />"I linnttw",! ,,1I:,1l be 101111 and <br />i:{}nV'(~,n~c'.n;,;:.'c ('lnj-~. ;<-~nd eH":e~ not to <br /> <br /> <br />H!\'C:mJ <br /> Pf()p;.'r! \ <br />CVC4":tt {hat iHl)" <br />.,'tbel <br /><~nd <br /> <br />In J:tnOih't,~r mll'utrH~L notice fO <br />(;t,:t!,~.f~t~d jn~ui ;ll.:klf~!.~s~d h) at <br />n')I1(<~ I ':\1dN ,~1> p/f,,,,id~d herein. ilnd <br />I <''lH':'JiX!, I t:nder\ :Jddr",', Slated herein (>r to <br />r~r~'{'nat:d he~it'1 Any. noiit:t; p-n>'ii1\\ded f'f}f 'a thi.s <br />;n lhc lJ.l;wner d<;Mglla!ed herein, <br />,J! m"'fl1'"i\1: ",m!';!n.::. UOi!i),m ,,"Vi;n~nt, for mltlooal <br />'\1nit',)rt~'~ tn~1.rtJ!nt:1JJ <br />lOl;;<\te,L In <br />l'Wlthe! shall fl('1 affect <br />j:l1\Wi,ifm, and 10 this <br /> <br />T'fn~ <br /> <br />n.l <br /> <br />and of lhi~ Mortli"g,~ at 1M;;: Hme <br /> <br />an ~fi~,e;re'st ther~in is .$.old t;,r tran~:ferred <br />li.en at tH:}CuZllbrn.ft(}t'!t ~nJhon:Ji,nate "t<l) <br />lran"fer by deviJ\e, <br />fhr~ years Of 1lJ:ll! <br />this b,~ <br /> <br />!The <br />lh~l the credit d ~o"h <br />he ;If sl);:n rllle as <br />i.f HOfN)\VCT"~ $tH:::c:e~s<)t .in <br />,hall ,,,,!.ease fWf\1 ~lll <br /> <br />of J;,o:eei,e:r;;Ht-,1)n tt~:co,rdance .....lith <br />dacb~, the rl(}ti>-.:~ rna.iJcd. 'whhin <br />pay $iJ,ms. pf";,;:~r to th-e i.\':ii't'!oiraiio'ri of 'g,ut:h VCTJIk~~ <br />n;:;roeCdit-s, pennined t~y para'gr~:::"Jh : g hC'ff}()t <br /> <br />*"7 Ocf <br />ny <br />mt~ <br />is tn &rm'n~r, <br />w!l:k:rt ,~h ,..t~ fI-* ~ <:ilJ~; the date !>Jl':died io the fI<)tk;" <br />~ ill JlI;t~:.~1l'l <A ~ -".. ..>hi m.. 1>1 t1>", Pr"P<'ny~ <br />~~'* ~ ,~ Wwm hr~~""ef t)f tight In lOn.:! .wd In a"."."n in lh~ ft>tt.'i:'._re <br />lJI'II'<<~ tilf ~~"'.fU't (<I & drilllith 9,( lffl) ll'dif1f ~1"1l:lie ot &,n'Q1lft't tt~ ",nktafi:oo lutd fUflld_rl<. tr l~ """ach <br />*'" Mf ~ o. ,<r Wq:l'~ t&oit dM..: .dfie4 in lbot Iwtkt'. t.end1li% lit t..nd..r'$ t.pdf~n ,j.-;dan:: llU af tbe SUlm !ientf'l~1 b) <br />,. ~.~ k< M WaalMl4U1k'j ~ .!lId "..)~ Wltit<tHd ftl!'tl:t~l dl"maoo lU>4 mit) b, jooida.t 'flK<'tding. haitl" <br />~ 1M: ~ lib r~t1 ltlltiCh jJ\l'~"tq.lIIIllIt nfl'lll.l~ ,,( f(lf!td'~"'Jrlf, illdtl~ bYI lW~ Itmil..d Iu. i:f~S u{ d~lIm..lrtaf'r <br />1t'ri..v,c:, ~flII1!I _ I~ r'!!,.~m, <br />HI. "troll~"lI ltillit ~ Jtelbutlttt. <br />flonl:>'''''': "lJ",l~ hJl'''I! t~ rt,h! r. ~', ~ ~IlY ~,! <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />