<br />
<br />8J~O'3?O ':t
<br />"'- ,J t..;
<br />
<br />The proceeds of any a....ard or claim for damages, direct or consequential. in connection wit~ any
<br />Qf the Property, or pa.rt thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby as;<;tgned
<br />
<br />the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trost.
<br />even! of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />sumll secured by this Deed .of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />the alno'llnl of the sums seCllred by thts Deed of Trost immedial.ely prior to the date of
<br />of the Property immediately prior to the' date of laking, with Ihe balance of the proceeds
<br />
<br />lklUO'Ili'et, or if. after notice by Lender 10 Borrower that the condemnor oft'erstomllke
<br />fails to resp<lnd 1(1 Lender within 30 days after the date such. notice is
<br />the proceeds, iH Lender's o!)Iioll. either to r~~torntion or repair of the
<br />oti<l>tbeWl'l\SfI:<:(:Il'redbv Ibis Deed. or Trust.
<br />UnklsS bmderal[ld B<>>-rower ;'tMnvise agree in writing, tiny such applica.tion of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or1P<>;$tpOneflle due. diiltl: of the montbly installments referred to in p;lrngrllpbs I llnd 2 hereof or change the llmoum of
<br />$ucib IQ$tltllments.
<br />l....BOmtJwe.-Ni:tt R~.Extensi(ltI of Ihll time (.lr paYl'llcm or modification of amol1ization of the sums secured
<br />by this Oiel!rd (I,t "rrt~tJr4lnted by Lender to any suc,.'cssnr in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner.
<br />the liability of the orlginal iklrrower and Horr()wer's succesS<'1r$ in intereu. Lender shall !l()! be required to commence
<br />procec:din811 lllr-ain." SIJcll surea'lOr or refuse 10 e:Ucnd tune for paymem or otherWise mooify amortizatIon ot thc slims
<br />secured by lhil. lleed (If Tnl..~t by reason of a.ll)' d('malld made by Ihe original Borrower alld Borrower's successors ill mterest.
<br />n. "~I by 1Ai!:nftF NCM a Wa!\'(\f. Any forbearance by Lender In cJi.'ercising any fight or remedy hereunder, (Ir
<br />"tM:fwlse aft'on:led hY' applicable law, sMIl not be '1 "',liver of l)r preclmk the exercise 01 any such nght or remedy
<br />Th<: procut'emomt of ir~lIfllnce or the payment (\1' faxes or other liens or charges bv Lender shall !lot he 11 waiver of Lender',
<br />rig~lt lO accelC:lrlue lhe maturity of the mdebt'lldll<e$S sC(llred b. this Deed of Trus!
<br />12. R...~ C_lI.ath't. All remedIes provided in thIS D,~ed of Tmsl <ire d,stmct and cumulative to lH1V other fight
<br />or remedy unclelr this Deed of Trust or :lfforded by law m C4clUllY. "Old mn t'C. exercIsed concurrenlly, mdependen!!v or
<br />sUCl:<l$$ivdy.
<br />13. SacoeI!llIOn .,M A..._ Bound: Joint and !W.-'n'1'll1 lIabillt)'; Cllption.. The cnvcnants und agreements herein
<br />";,)Jlilained sb:alli bind, 1I1M the fights hereunder ,hall inure I,'. Ihe revp<'c!lVe \\,c'cc"nrs ;jnd :l'SI!!I'lS ,'I Lemler and Borrower
<br />,~t to the PI"V!!!(m~ 0" ~rllitll'lIl"h I here".' A.a ,",'n'nanls .Hld ;l~'reement, "t !l.orwwt'r ,hall he j(lltH and M'Vcra!
<br />rile l::4ptlons a,nd healSmp of the P3fagl'aphs <11' \f1" 0<......1 1m'l "I'e Inl' c.,'rw,'I1'encc nnlv and ;lit. 'WI 10 f><" ",edit,
<br />mterpm or dllfUle tt.e I"rOVI~lon~ hereof
<br />14. Nodot'll" EJu:ept In! lIn'\' !'lOI,ce n'quHed 1lI,,1"'1 ;'Ppll,...!>le ,:." ~"'''11 :moth"f mannt'r. I", any n,'II(:(" '"
<br />Bor!rower prM/!Jdli:d f'lf' In rbit ~ M Trust ~h..ll he '" SIKh 1101"e Iw lcrlltied In:ul nddr(";.',~d 1\1 B"n,,"'cr
<br />the f'ropel1V Add~ \'1 II! u~1l ('>lMr IIdd(~, ", Olav ~"I' Iw!,e!: In Lemler a, provlIkd herem, :mll
<br />ih) Ill\\' nall'i<:l!ln lender 'iMJi be l,ven l'w c<'flllicd rrulll. r"mrn lil',:ell" r<'qllc<led. !; t"'lde(, address stllled herem M '"
<br />>udl t:>tImt Ildidlf'C!I.1I lli t~rl"l11l.V doetlltnllle hv 11<,lIo:;c ", fj,'rrn....et ,'" ptn\'j<j,:d herem .\.I'IV 1l1'tI,ce pl'nvlded 101' m Ih"
<br />l)coed pI TrUll.I !Jwl b4~ deemed h, lJllve Oel::ll ip'.'en ((', ",'n.'....'" I "'"kt when III tbe manner d",j~miJed !lercu)
<br />15. {t_..,... (~i'd of ttullt: (;."'""111 I.a,..: s.-"H1ltlUlh. r knn d,'c,l !f",.! ;;"lnbHI<~:' lHI,Il,rm \"'T"~nh 10'
<br />f},:!lltIOiM1 0:1<<: ,jUlid f}{,'f1,,1tUl1!Orm "n'%"'t:n,atn~ wtth l1tntted \ ;~f~,;Hj("'1i'~"i ~~~n"'HfUfe ., ulld~)r-f''H ~'t~..:Hnn tf1:.UUfnetH
<br />;;,W1!Un, ~I;l i'll,>; l)e(;f.! I'll<l ,hall !'(! !I:'''<,n,,,cl "h,,;h Ihe' In,'Ill!d
<br />In .I!lie eVleAll (lil-IJK ,,: 1111$ OCf't1 I 1 ',full
<br />o('d :l1f~;'~ ~)}:N.."1~ ~hrJt r)eat ~,~f Tt U~l the,> N,'Ht' 'i4 h~ch
<br />1I1'1d lolh!s .rlld p'CI~lli\(llll 01 !ht r.lel:d I "il,l "i.'le .H(
<br />16.. 1hIrn...fi"C t::.",. ~f Ui.llll ,..,..oh'fIl'"d
<br />eXiIi!'!.'Wldlll,,1 ~lte! fl~l:t&n ~
<br />'.t'.I_..... ofJl~ .....t*'''' A. . nl"d04.. Ji
<br />h, Ils.'!f..-C"r ""ld!!Ou1 l.cmkrl PUOI \Onltlln "C'I~I"i:Il'. nl'f'jdlllil:
<br />1h'$ t~ ,'I TI111,I, ., !nll ,'~illb<'ln of.. I'l">ne\
<br />,j~'cn~ t;-~r t"),, l[lp:~f.tfi(~t,i (~f till~ Ul('
<br /><H~ il'Ul
<br />,.,.'!j'I~;,juch
<br />uliU lhe f!Ol:UOU
<br />..~1~111It('1'~:>l!.... I'.'
<br />I Cl'1!li<'1 Ul;liH 'n::<~YII!!<I hender ",,~ ,,",aaed
<br />!la. ~:\II1C'tIlaJi .. "'Iiltlll;ll ii:~mi"li.m
<br />l'l1.:1cr llu.. t~1i.l. o! rt"': on4
<br />~%:l;I\:jl \~:)~M~Jn O1~:",,'t"H:t
<br />i'I',)h~'1l .haU pft:,> 'de
<br />the li'tn'n:!i ,ie.",;'tllif'W due ft:.,],ta'"v(,,;f
<br />t'\;i~l!(:e dcn--l-Ju~d \\"U Ij~,'H'rd'Mi<1 l'H".,,('
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />ff1{' tH'H~
<br />
<br />
<br />'ON,t:Ntf,<\.)JtM (-;"-W~NAJjJ'!" Bi,>rn,1!'WoIcf dn;l,i t~n.,kt !Unhlt1 I;:'(~\i~n~n! .~fld 4g,fl:'C' ~'i\ 1~1!4nW'\
<br />l:!1,>\"rd!~~ R~ t:u..,.... p"''''~ 1ft POW.." 17 hC'no'. """n B.>f'r".....,r... bl.....l1 ..( llll' (")""'01 or
<br />..m....utl ill" lI~rfO_! In th. I~ .tf 1 nt\4. I'Klildllljt t~ ':"'ll'IUltWi to ..a~ "'lieu diM lln~ ...m.. ....nllC'." b)> II... I}.,t>tl
<br />of "I,...... 1,<1',...., .pOoH' I" lk..""icm lthait I'mIII .....U(C' ro Bmrw..<I" .... p,...ldcd in PlIl'llli:r.", 14 hc:r"of >fl1.,t1hi"lC; II. Ib...
<br />bRad": tZ.ItM: JKlicm I"~....,,,d ." tu~.. ~u.:h bft.:Ih,ft; LH .. .:!aIC'. ..... It,,,~ Illlln III dillY" from ,h., d;lll... lh.. nolin:- i~ malkd In
<br />aw".......r, 'b'~ ""..ic:b ....~h bnJ'tKlt filuM 1><, < "~e4~ ...Ii 141 Ibal ,..hu" h. '...r., ~..(fl h",tKh un Of bdme In... dal... ~lwdfiC'd
<br />in t""" -.It., 11"11)' r_lt ift .'r..eki"lltioa of In. M'_ """'<lred h\ ,I>... 1),-...,1 ". I fl>". lInd ,..I... of th" f'rnJ'C't1y. rill: llhlke
<br />....... fUr1IM'I' .lorm aNT..",..., ..r the nabl 10 r,"ill'~tl:ll.. alter ...ul....al..m a"d ,I>" riJ;:;ltl 10 b.illj( II <')(lft a,lion h. a""oC'.1
<br />I~ _,"~~LC'" ul a lkl~ <tt liIB)' uthc:r 6e1_ ,,' 8<"''',....' I" ....,d...rlIIIkm and We. If Ihe D'......h j" nol ,'u'I'd
<br />on .~r bd'PR I"'~ d.e "'Pffifial in the "het. I..('rldc:r "I I "nd"r', ..plion mllY dt1dar.. all of Ihe "1.I111~ "",u...:o hy lit", n...E'd
<br />ofrl'lill4 1<. .~ i..~dy d_ _d payl!lhte ..llbmll furlhel d..UlllM and m.y In'ok" Ihe po......r of ~l" IInd all.' ()liter rerntdie.
<br />l~rmiiI'" b~, /IlIl"'~! ill., l,..~ Jiih.u .b.r "..Iill"d In ,,"1<1<:1 1111 r<1l1l....lflabk ,,"'.,. and ".peill..... iU'I'urred in pUI1ituilijt tI..,
<br />1l!_cI:4ti pr""idUl in 0,. pIIrqllllpft II. illdooio&. hUI n,)( 1t.llltt>d to. .eawollblie lllt()n"'''~ f<!1t:l>.
<br />Jf u.t ~'1Il of saI~ i.. in'.~,l'tulltr~ "Illdl rrnml II lto.ke ilf dd:ilRII ineat::h fOUfd~ in ...ilkb lllr PrOI:Herty "1 ,,"me
<br />~ I~ fi irx:ak1:Illlb<d:dlaU mail IIf"'lIilf ..lIdl 004.il;e in lire rnl!l:ltlilel prrMri~ b, applkable Ill.... to Borrower lInd 10 the
<br />....' ~ jil1~~1 by ~f:.fIk, ..... lHtrr ill", Ill,,*, '" ...."h lime .... ma, tit! rrqujrt>d b)' llPpfu:llhlc Ill..., "nKI", ~baJl
<br />IP"r .~. ~>ltCilalf 10lllr tt!! fk.~ and in IhrIJulftl'l.et I't'""",ribr.$ by "pplicahl., bl.... Trml"e. withoul drmand ('fI
<br />~U~"'AllI'!lIllrel"...rtJ III pQbtk aUi(CliotIlfJ lhe hights. bidckr llllh.. lime and pl.lIn' ..no uUckr I.b" leUII.. des~nlll.,d
<br />M.bit ~r j)f~ m llMle or 'Nmt: cclil<.amI in Wt:.11 (/f~r ll>li 'fnl"'~ may dell/rwine:. T~rlfla) P_ptllK>, salr of all
<br />,,' Ilrel.inlot ami pla.:e of any p...,,,il)lJI$'y ~lre,;ul('d Sill"" Ll'llder or
<br />
<br />l"d{'nUttiH ,;I,,,,,;dfd-fHh'l;' \Ii;- ith
<br />fr(lHl {he d~,1c' fhe nOfl,(;e I\, m'adcd wnJ'Htl
<br />~".,J'" 1itH;:f1l \Unl\ t~f'tnf fht'" '1;.i\r~jr-~f_~{in 1t.l_l'~'ft j:li!,';'J'lf'd,
<br />tr;Hw:.cdH;~$ r~HtHa:cd ty\ P.-~f'.*8r~'1t}h 1.1\ helt'df
<br />
<br />'! ""'t~"!.:"" d....a c'UI1)-<:,}iltJl tll., f~I'O~"'rI~
<br />.bl: Stlit<1tttettti> .mad., tlu,r'ein.
<br />me
<br />