<br />83"'-003293
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />UN1J1ORM COVl'U'iANTS. Borrower and Lender CDvenant and agree as follows:
<br />.t~ PaynlI<\!1Jt of Priftclpul a!td I_rest. &rrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of an;:! interest
<br />
<br />
<br />, , to a wrinen waiver by Lender, BOl'l"owersh1ll1 pay
<br />16 l,e~4'er on'theda)! mOl'll lyinstllllments ofprincipcaJ and int'\!rest are payable undenhe Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />altum (herein "Fol'lds~l. eqnalto one-twelfth of the yearly taxes llOd assessments which may attain priority. over this
<br />.if any. plus offiHwelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard msorance,
<br />tor ml)rtgage insur.,nce, if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />and bills am:! reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />tender shall apply the Funds to pay said laxes, assessments.
<br />.imiumtlee p'l"ll:mhttt\$ lll'ld ground rents. I.enacr may nO! cnal'ge for so holding and applying the Funds, llnalyzing saidacc:)Unl
<br />Of lINif}'jng and OOll'II'Uing JaIn a.'lSllS'SllleDI8 ami bilts, \lIlies,; Lender pll}'S Borrower interest on the Funds I,1Od applicable law
<br />pennits tendlilf !.o mllke such a charge. Borwwer and Lcnaer may agree ill wriling at the time ofexeculion of Ihis
<br />Deed of Trust.thllt interest on the Funds shaH be paid 10 Borrowe.r, and unle,'ls Stich agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest 1:0 be paid, Lendenhall not be required 10 P;!jI I'l00Tower any interest or earnings on the Fund~. Lender
<br />~haUgive t,) 8orrower; 'II'ithout charge, :m lInmUltlllcc~l'\lnlm!l of thl~ Funds 5howmg credits and dehits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose fur wilko eMit! debit to the Fund;; WIaS mll,k The Funds are pledged as tidditional security for the sums secured
<br />by this [)c,edof Trust,
<br />If the amo~lnt of the Funds held by LcnOcI'. together wnll the fulUre monthly inSTallments of Funds p:.yable prior to
<br />the due dal~~ e,f talles, m;.sessmeOts. mtufllnce premium" :llld gl'l:>und rents, shall elCet~ed the amount required 10 pay s;!id taxes.
<br />al\illCumen1/ll"ill:5;Urdocti premiums :Illd ground rellls :is thev I;dl <lUt" ,pen e~cess shall bl'. a( &lrrower's optloll, eilher
<br />pro:mptly feP'l'I" 1\1 8[)rro....'eT ,11' nediled hI BmTl'wer "n monthly installmenls of Fund.. If Ihe amount of thc Funds
<br />held by te'ndclr ...hall not b<:. $ull\tlcnl In peW lues ."SSt."''(Jtl,'!llS.. l!1SHtance pn~miums llnd ground rents 'IS Ihey fall dlle.
<br />Borrt'wer Sllldl iN')' to Lender llnY amount h' make up thl~ dellctency wllhin em d:IYS from lhe d;!te nollcc is mailed
<br />by !Lender '0 Iron-ower requMtmg paymenl
<br />Upon pavmcnl in full 01 all sum.. lIlt, Deed '" Tn"l. ! t:ndcf,,,,,1I 1";111\1'11'1 "'fund In Borrower III1\' Funds
<br />held hv !.enOctI' Ii under parlLEf:IPh lR ProperlY l' ".ld (II :tw I'ropenv IS olherWI"C acqUIred Iw Lender, l.cnder
<br />>Jlal,1 appl)', mI' blel than unmedialely r" Ihe ."Ie \I! lh~ I'n'perry "r 11\ ""<I"'"'''''' hy lll"d~r, ;In, FllfHls held bv
<br />Lender lit dJe IIlll1e of a llga.lnSl Ihe "HI" ":cmed b,. II", D<...."I "I Ln..!.
<br />l, .-\pptil:1llliDa Lnles, ""ph.:,,!>k L>w pnwlIll:, olh,'!w.,,' ,,1I pilHllent' reo:lvcd hv I ender under the
<br />NI1<le lllld 1),i\r"I~I'ltpn.. I ..hull be '11'1>11\-:0 in i ""del Ill" In pa\l1Iem .'1 illllO\lllh l"il)'llhlc In I ,cllder flV Bnrn1wer
<br />under par:tllal,h 2 11<"1'1:<'1, llJeI1 ({; IMerC"! p.vahh: lla' Snl,'. :h,'" 'i' me It". '!''' j the NOll:, ;illd then I" IIlICre~t and
<br />l'rm':lpal(\1I 1I<n". f' .!tlJ!re ,....dv.oce:l.
<br />4, ("___II'Ii: .."" Horn""'f ,hllll 1'.1\ ...1 h('1 ,hal~e\. Ilnc, and ,mp"~Hl"I" .tl1flhulahle II'
<br />I!lC 'roporrt)l Whlldl m.~" "IHun II prWfllv \',.I'! I 'WH. ;,'1(1 ",,,,..:hold p:tvm..lll\ or I\lftlllnd f\."nts. 11 IIllY. in the
<br />fIllUmt"T l"r<l,v\d(!(j! under!" plll1l,~rllph ! hell'l'! wd' !l1.lf\llel. h, H<>rH'\l>er l1ulung I',wmenl. when due, tI,recllv
<br />'" the ril"C~: tho:1l:lO:'" IIk1ft(''ltiel ...h..il l,.'ndn :;,'li....", ill '"1l"lmh due undel tillS paragrl!p/1. :md m Ihe
<br />,'''l::l1l ~1'(1''Welt I.hall ~l\lIke r;.\'men' ~";IH I'mmpllv ,<> I ""dN eVl<kll<'\llfl. MI.:h potYfffl:IlU
<br />R-.;"r!'<f:~""~f shaU Ata \t,. i'f\K h h ,'oJi' j(-nt.. t tha~ ~s(~n IYv.('f \h~~H nd: h'e
<br />~.;) ;~.n'~ :Hfld\ 'ih1' 6'i:tf"ffH);,'tf '...,n~.n ;u~n~t' tQ,VI1'i'>trlt th{' c<hh~~uh.n "'i;"l,;ufed tn-
<br />lien m il ulJllnm:flh.~<:puble I ,,,..H 1<,,,,,1 . n ddend e..kr,:em<:nl .;'1 ",,,11 h<tn Ul
<br />~C'IJI.tPf'(lI(',~.-, ~t#:l~ _"h~i;,;h ptt'\{("-nt, l:"nh"f~,t':H\cn~ , ~h(' f'l-14n tfu:rei'.
<br />~. UIIDiIIIII I_~. ,hail ~"':l' !h<: ,mp""<'fl1l"11h 'h'''' h('f~,'lle" ,h~ lnslllt;d
<br />k!i~'\ h'v fire ul"duded .....,l'fhUl ,-he vt-rr;, '("'Ij,fCnt..h;.t \'!\t'[Rj\)~t"' h~l,Hd'\ ..1"4 ; i;~nikf f'n:AV n:q~'IH(,
<br />Ul SUit.:h iIiliftIOu.nt" hn ~u~-h ~n'(:~ 1 t'j:'hi(".r fB3'r h~:..~UH.t;:" lhJJ Ih~ dUhHHH
<br />,~~;h (f'liii"~d ~~~f a~'nf,'l.>t:n'n ., \ "-'li'('f ~'lC
<br />hnl'''tU'';liU'l~~' 1L i~Ulew r!l:l"';-~\:'hht)j~ ,.,' '<..h~H
<br />l.halIUd. ApprO'llil' ~.iI IIdl !'><; um!:..",,,,,,"'v ""Inh"ld \H l"cnHllll"
<br />p'~'r~ 'l~ldcllll<ttlllJllpb ;: hefil:ut ,H I! ""I PiUl1 ",><h il1ilm,el 1l,>tr1'''''el'
<br />!fl.Ml~rlll:t\i:tr: .:llll'nCf
<br />''Iii m'ilJf."",\: "nd !lw1'",,,h lil<:'fl:"I
<br />~ 1"'J~i(' u~ hl'i'-'t)lf n~ ht~1m ~""i,.('f"~3h~(;' ld t cn",)ecf
<br />"nd 1Ik'lt r.,,,,.tll .tl:ii:ll 1''''''''1''110 t "'"H'''
<br />~h.H 1Ii'''e l'lt'fnl'l n"j,..."
<br />
<br />
<br />i
<br />hr I>;",j In the mAllner
<br />",jl<" dllC, ,l,rCdh 'he
<br />
<br />
<br />Antl lih'lut,ic '};t4tid"if'd
<br />fhe C:k.Jhi.:)(,'\ JUlO f'{';'(lC\*!Ah
<br />prenuHm, ('''1~fH
<br />fn~....c pl~'lolj,d i_~' io.,..... t1~jA4Jt' r'Hdn1f~1h
<br />
<br />
<br />11...
<br />
<br />L'1l1a, I ~'fMk:'
<br />
<br />In.:
<br />['~\,,\t:
<br />~
<br />
<br />
<br />dPP1H:d fp tC":.lota:UVH tlf
<br />..1;:~ ,1'f nil.... 1 }~~cd
<br />urd\. tht'~ t>eed .i'~ f rUi{ v"i,:\'uid
<br />1"fU~L '1!>.JtM the C'(t~'\.", !~ ;;U'f't,. p:i'jl.d
<br />h~ I. '1.;"'hJi:f ),A,tHuf:1 ,}O h\.HT1' ~h{~
<br />.4 "Lt~'nl Jt'lMH .i!H:fl..-C li,~f1Jct
<br />hi H~\hJt'~dHHl \)7' n:paH 1.)r' Ult; tJroper1'Y
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />to:
<br /><1.."1: h,
<br />" lit' and i!Pply lhl!
<br />,11 to the fI,~lm~ !lil~Ufc:<;llw It". lkedru,t
<br />t: !lIeu. t tl.mk:r 111111<1 O'unl'....et pI b.:n..' '!Oil
<br /><\1 1:..~1"0l~: the .i\JC Jiat" t,1 lhe ",.'''Int.,.
<br />~UI,;I~ Inli.taUII'IICOli, If tln<k:t IllIIlliiP'lIpb ,~ her"", ! he
<br />lI1l II..:! 10 'Ull' ItI'....j..lw.;~ fl':>I.N:\(:1l 'lml m "f!<l Ib"
<br />"I' lIl<;quwt!;i)/1 ,.h.all pa.l~ {(1 l.ender I" lhe ,,~lem
<br />lI.::qui$.iti<<!.
<br />6. ......."'I...:1Ul4 ~e ot P\"Open): l.At~ (ondominiulll.!I; PIlllllM>d i,'nit l)nelopmentl>. Bm",wcr
<br />,.h4U kecjJ <<he Plropen:.. b~):H(1 f~t'h.U! ",tn\.~ ~;ftaH n...t\ wtn,tt;' P(,ff'I1Hl 'ilf ,kferit,1-ftlhon t)f the
<br />ami WilC(llllpl)' wlIh the pm'\ilti'{'IU 01 ail~ Ielhe If Ih,~ D<:e,j d I nJSl ":1 II !h,~ Deed ,,' TrUM "on.. m
<br />!,'OQik!rn'lulInlOf apl~lnned uml Oc'''kJ.pmelll. Il:offt'''''''' .!w!i retionn "Ji 01 Borrower, oh!lg;!lhHU under .he del:lualHH'
<br /><1r (~)''''e!:lallls ,:.reahflll (If 1l:)\i(rllUlg the ':'.lndon"nlum m plalM.I".:! Ul)lt de'ei<:;plnent. the by,llIw, and rcgulation, o! the
<br />co<<'Qumini.um or piaDJlled Ul;!lt deyc:k>pment, and co(>~ll!llem. . II a c('m:i(lmHlium ('f plll.nned \11'111 (j,,'el>'prnc.H
<br />lidll.{ 'i e.x.c\\;Ullro by 8ort;:;""'<:.r Iii'" fd"'(trded WIt/) thl~ o! 'I ruM. lhe covenants alld ligreemCnl' ni ~IKh nder
<br />~l be mcorpOl1kted into 1100 :i>hal! a:rnend 1>uppkraelu the -:<lVen;;;llb ..no agreemetH1> of ItU> Deed 01 Tm'i as If Ihe nder
<br />fttl:: l!; pIll't Mrep!.
<br />1. ~~ii.. of 1A_,'s. .!k>aJrit)!. II &1ifn.lwer f:,ll~ h)
<br />l'~ ilU'lY .1ICtIO!'l ot pl'~lf1g
<br />
<br />",Ihel
<br />
<br />
<br />t(l pnrH;~pai $h.-:dl on: (:"deod
<br />~ her':(lj pf \:hangc the dtncliUlll (\1
<br />n),thl, \ltl.: i>nd mlete;.1 o( I:IMh'''' ,'I
<br />to tile P"'penv pliO! 1.' Ihe "..e
<br />rtt.t'\t l!nOledtatcf~ pnof l4\ 'iiu('h !\}:aie or
<br />
<br />iHHj
<br />
<br />In th"
<br />