<br />
<br />. .1.. CondemMtion. In tbeeventtbll Pro~rty. or my part thereof, shall be taken by eminent dQlXlain, the Mortgagee
<br />i$llmp01Iieredlooolle~t and reeeiVe aU Compensation wbich may be paid for any property taken or for damages to property
<br />not ta~ .. , at it!> option, either to II reduetian of the indebtedness securnd
<br />lterebji Of"
<br />
<br />but shall have no. o:bllption, to do any act which the .Mortgal!:or
<br />al:tl.t deems necessa.ry to protect the lien hernaf. Mortgagor
<br />tlU.,'llOO'i'''' purposes, and any SUJ:n$ so expended
<br />hereby andbecolIle SUbject t.o tbe lien. hereof. Mortgagee
<br />of .mything it may door omit to do hereunder.
<br />
<br />of the ~Il~ herEto!, defaUlt in any covenant
<br />. Mortgagee shall
<br />bIt'ootiUed,atJn so:le optionano ~'ithout notic;f,.O declare all. SUmlI seCUl't'tl bytllis Mortgllge,to be immildiately dUe and
<br />pI1JJJI:Ue and, !IlIay oomM!nec foredOllureof thn Mortgage by judicial ptoceriing:;t; and, provtded further, tbat.uponsucb
<br />defml-,tM ~~, (.Ita receiver llppOlntl:1'd by .ll oourt, may at it<; option md without regard to the adequacy of the
<br />'l;NlIlSt'S$ion uf the Property lIlitd collect tlN\ ."nt<;, ililNt!S lInd profitstbereb'om and apply them
<br />t~ ro&t of ~:oUt<<ioll and .taL!on of the Property and then lIpon the indebtednem SIlCure.n by this MortgIIffeft;
<br />~id t'\itn~ JliS\II(!S lllI'~ profits ooing _i(!ned to the M~tl IllS fuMer !leCUflty for the payment of the indebtedness
<br />llOO.Ured b6ll'by" .
<br />
<br />10. TnlllSCer ot Propel'ty. rr all t,r any part of t1u' Property is sold or t!'lUl$fem><:! without tbe expl:'elJll wTitwn eon.
<br />SII'nt of the MflIn~gE'E'. Mortp:g'l!f' may lit its SOlie option, declare all sums secured by thlll Mortgage 1,0 be Jm.r:nediately due
<br />and paYlIbi&.
<br />
<br />1 L l~utu'nl ;'d~ Upon ft'qlrest ,)f Mortgagor, Mortpgee !'ll.lIymake additional lInd future advances to
<br />M~. SIU:b advance;;, w'ith illt<ll't'l\t tllel'Nlll. shall ~ !\E'{'.url!d by this MonJ!8le when evidenced by promissory notH
<br />llIatm<< that ,ia1ld not:t!S are ~uNd hereby, At no Ii roo shallOw pnnelpal aluouut of the int>>btlldness !leCured by this
<br />M~. ntlt JrncludrogllUlJlIi adVlU!<"t'd to protect the S"cul'lty of this M()~, l!ltC~~ tb(> original Note.
<br />
<br />12. !4illt'~lIulllOWl fl'OVWGlI!l.
<br />
<br />1;1I1 ,'\ny tombelmmCt1 111 nefi'illll'll! lI.I1y light or I'l!r~dyshlllll1ot tit' a waiver thereot.
<br />
<br />fbl All _~litlll provided herem 811' dllitlnt.t lInd cumulative to ai'll" other right aCfordl'd by law or equity,
<br />lUllS mJlY ill, Ielu,rCIMl'loonWI'!1,Ilt!y,I.Illiepl;mdttntly or ~ueet'!tu\!..I'Y.
<br />
<br />(,ct Tb:~ C(,WlIlIllt:l >llld l\~'m('nt.~ contllll'lli'd ~wreill sbaH bind. llnd tll", righl$ inure to, th\;' rl:lspective
<br />~U(~IJI1Illl'ld ltM~tl\S of thl' "'lol'tiqor lInd th,> Ml}rtlllllll!~,
<br />
<br />I'd I All COl'l'nMltt lI.I1d .greemcflt:! or tilt' Mor4fa.gor aN' IOlnt ane! wVlfraL
<br />
<br />t!~ I Tb~ h,'lIIdlnj!!! of the Pllrallbpbs of lill$ Mol'tpgl! all' for ('Omenw,!)el! l:mly lI.I1d shall not be ulWd to intllr.
<br />prtl! or dtJrflflC; 01<' Ill'ulcwm!$lll'/'tlot
<br />
<br />13. lIt~__. Cpuu paymll'llt of ,oil ~llIm "''':\lI'!.';:j tljr !l1I$ M(lrtgllgll. M()rt.p~ shIll discharge this Mo.rtgage and
<br />.Mil! NIW'U:re aMI dl41"'li'f II ~lltl",f"""'kl,'Y l'IIl.._ thl"rdqr
<br />
<br />IN 1n1'N&~S W1U:RI:,Olt. Ml)rtpg~)I' Il;It~ U:UUlt'O tills Ilrfortpltl' <m tll~
<br />
<br />
<br />1'.L_.
<br />
<br />Bo~rowft'~
<br />
<br />'$QnQW'~
<br />
<br />SilMeof N~lr'llllU,
<br />
<br />County Sli:
<br />
<br />On tI'llll
<br />
<br />II .
<br />., "
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />
<br />19 __.,_, before me,the undefll.ignl:'d, a Notary Pul:Hic
<br />and P,atri.-c:ia :r\"
<br />
<br />
<br />dWy cooamilolicmed and q_ifit>d foe >lUd COOlilt~r. ~~Iy
<br />
<br />
<br />id(lmical ptW.Uftli>}
<br />t<ll bt>
<br />
<br />
<br />, to me known to be !.he
<br />~'l:I1} are ~ril:led to th(' l'oreg<)lng ItlStlUXOO!lt and acknowledged thf.!' ",xecution thereof
<br />
<br />,olut1t.ltt'y act and dl!1i'd.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />1!;..~tlI'dUI, _._,.,'-"_._,,._._,,-~..,'_._-_____"__
<br />
<br />
<br />