<br />
<br />83-003244
<br />
<br />,st 1iIl\ provlded thereln.tlHi' payment oral! other sum.~. with interest, .
<br />of tMs Mmtgage,:md tnii' pe:rfom'l.lmee or the CO'llenalltll and agreements of.
<br />bt'reby mortgage and cOllvey to Mortgllg(!e the foUowing described
<br />
<br />Clnltlty. Nebruka:
<br />
<br />(6), in BlilCl<
<br />Island, B,a 1 Count
<br />
<br />
<br />8) j in t:hf;: {Yrig:tr:.r1l t:().\4H'1,,, ,now City
<br />'t ~h:d::n:' a sk Jil
<br />
<br />'fotill'tber with all buildlrlll;l>, IUlIH1I\','m,'nbl, fixtu".~, ~1.r..N.s, aU"Y$. P""lIlIg"Wlly~, "ll"..rnllllL~, ngbL'. privileges lInd
<br />lllit~<'le;o; 10001It,~d th.-n'(m Qf 'f! any"',,,, fW1'I,lllllllllllhf'",Io, and lh,' rplH~'s""" "'":! profits. ",versions and remainders
<br />tl:Il~ft(lr; Indl~dling, but not hlnltl'd to, ht'atlnjt lInd I~oojlllg "QIJ'prn..nt lInd ~ul'h p.>tM1Il1ill propl!'tty thllt 18 attached to the
<br />1~!ljprownl1i'nll:li ~')Il.~Ui> ,'OllstltutAI II f'tllu.lre; aU of ""hll~h, mdlldmjt fl'pllll~eml!llis and IIdd.tlon, thl"relo. III hereby deelared
<br />U) lw1 . pm olr ll:l'l' l~lll (o~lltl' ll<"'~\lfi!'d by tht'hl'fl "f 1111' Mmlgalll' !Iud 1I11 of th., (OfJi>gllmg bt'inll r..ferred to h@mll U UW
<br />"r~ny'.
<br />
<br />MOl'tllqOt il.lnbl"{ CQflll'lmllllt., and lI&t"""~' ",th M.onl!lIll,'t., 1>.' lo!low.:
<br />
<br />1. "lIll'lMUl:. l'.) PIlY th.. ,odebb,dlln" .me thl' ,nINt." thl'fl'OIl '" I)tH~,d~'d Hi Ih" Mongalle llm:lth.. Notl".
<br />
<br />1. 1!'l.Ckt. Mlofl.flllt'if 1$ tlw ,lwl'In of thl' Prop.t'fl~, hit> HIi' ngh. 11m] llutlWrHy 10 IlHlftgllllll 1111' Pfo~rty, and
<br />"'lImn!.'i 'thalL t:h.. b.-n ,~n'lltl'd ht'fil'by !:Ill (IDt <!lua pl'l<"f I'..n (em llll' Pr"~Wrl.Y', "X""$)I, .., llIay IJlhli'rw,sl! ht,st't forth herein.
<br />
<br />Th" Proi~'I1!1 !~ 'UOje'l'l loa Mon.l!illt" ...Iwrt'lll
<br />
<br />ill tM ~_~. fl"('orol"d ill B€liQk . "lIl1t" ..f tll~ M<'rtlllli!" R""md. (,(
<br />Ne~ wllk:'h M<J1r\~ ~'S a 11m ptl'l.Jf to lilt.' Ill'n ~'fj'<lII'(j h"fl'b~
<br />
<br />..,_",.~_COtmty,
<br />
<br />()d)cl!f ptllor li~ Of efl..'Utnbl'lm~"""
<br />
<br />_"',,,,"'^,,,,"""""""'0 ~_~,_"'''''''~'"___""~,,__,_,_~_,, '~'_"""~_~"'_"""""""~"
<br />
<br />
<br />2l 1'lIltel\\. A~t&. Tn PllY whffi auI' all 1;10)1.1".
<br />lUId, tlCpIm WI~t1tl11lt ...0 by M()~, to lldt1i to Ihe
<br />~ J~ mli~:ililllt to Ittll!!b1e tJi<t Mo~ to pll)f sueh
<br />
<br />now IW hefJi>llJt~r on tJi~~ real t'Sl.l!Iw Q._rilwd
<br />lUay ll\'ll;litN1.. itl aUl<)tlXltl. ,md with ('oI1lPfini(",
<br />
<br />
<br />Alnd all OUlf!r <:hargt'l> agalllst the l"rop!i!!riy
<br />tWit Nott' ~.t1rl!d hen>by . JlUeb amoont lIS
<br />dUI1.
<br />
<br />