<br />83.....003169
<br />
<br />
<br />9, C~, 1"he proceeds of lmv award or claim for damalles. direct or conseauential. in connection with any
<br />I;:Ol1demnatioo. or other taking of the Pr~~, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of coUdemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and atuln be paid to l.Amder. ..
<br />
<br />, J,
<br />
<br />Pro.perty, the proceeds, shall be applied.[O the sums secured. by this Deed of Trust,
<br />. In theeve,nt of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />. . . applied to the sumssCl.'Ured by this Deed of Trust. such proportion of the proceeds
<br />ll$ iSe<lualto.thatprnpomon wMchtheamourttof t.hesums securedhy this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />!:aXing ~..tO tMfai:rl'llllfuet value of the Property immediately prior!o the date of taking, wlt.h the balance of the proceeds
<br />paidto~. .' . .
<br />If the ~rtyisabandoned by BOrrower, Qr if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an ,aWalrdor$fiWea cllUttl for dan'lillges, BOn-ower fail$ to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date suchnotlce IS
<br />~,Lenderi$au~toeollillctandapptytbeproceeds. at .Lender'" option, ell.her to restoration or repair of the
<br />rw;t.
<br />nwritinll, any such application ofp:roceeds to principal shall nol extend
<br />or postpone.. .. .the. dlJe litateofthe mcnUlty' l.nstatll'!\elilS referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change lheamounl of
<br />suclli-mtaUmi:$tll.
<br />Hl. ~r NOl'R:~. B:!;tension of the time for (H" modification of amortiution of the sums secured
<br />h'~..~... . nte>d by Lender any Sll<<~r Il'l. of lllJ.rrower shail llCJ' operal/:. 10 reh~lL~e, ill allY manner,
<br />theliUoiUtv or:rower &rrower's successors in imeresL L.f:ndcr shall not he required to commence
<br />pr~inis. . r or refUll:e I() e.xtelld time I,ll' payment or otherwise modif)' amortization of the slims
<br />~.by lhiliDee:d of TII'lJ$ll:ly l1eall(lll (J.fany demand made by the original B.c)nower and Borrower's successors in interest,
<br />n, FMbellnlm:e by Lelldec Not a Wmer, b}' lender in exercising !lny right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />ot~se lllf!:lfded by aPJPticabte law, Shill not a of or precllldethe excrdse ,)f !lny such righl or remedy.
<br />The procurement l)t iru:urllDCe or the payment of taxes. or otller liens or charge!! by Lender sh:lilllOl be.3 waiver ()t. .Lender's
<br />right tl} lIl:'Cdenue the malllrity of tbe lndeblednclIll ~eo;;llred this Del--d of Trust
<br />u. R....." (:.lIIlIIIMbe. All remedles. provided III Deed of Trust are distincl llnd cumulative It) ll.ny other righl
<br />orrer:nedy under thil5 Dc!:lid oJ T!l'1a1. or aiforded hy hiW or equity. and may be exercised concurrently, independently. or
<br />~ua:essively "
<br />13. ~_q.ndAtiips Bolmd: JOint an4 Sever.ll HabUity: (::aptwm;. The covenants
<br />contllined:shaU hind, a..,d the n,h'" hereunder ,hall immt to, lhe WCl:I:$$OrS and llssigns
<br />subject w tDe pn:wllIioO:ll I"! parqrnph j f hereol All agreements of Bormwl!r
<br />"rbe capl:ionlil1l'1d headings of dre parngraph:. 01 thiS Deed of ..rt~ for ('(>rlvenicllce onl.y
<br />inlcrpRt or ddine the prOVllitOUll: hereoL
<br />t4, N~. E'lct;'ll 1,)1' llny nOIII.~e requm:d limier law 10 he given m another manner, (a} any nottce 10
<br />l'IOfTOW'llf provid,clJl h'r in thill Deed of Trulil $hall he ,\liven m~!.Iling lillCh nonce by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />tm: Property ..\ddl'e$$ or :111 $u<:11 olher lIddrt:ll,~, Jilll Borrow!:. milY ctesi!!n<llt~ by notice to Lender as provided herein. and
<br />In) any notice R' b~mler shall be by cer!:ined m1ul, relUl11 rl:,;:eipl l'I~quested. to Lender's address ~tllled herein or 10
<br />such olber a6drClll' 1<11 {alder delllgnale by nollCe w BOITl)wer a, proVided herein. Any nOllee provideu for in lhi$
<br />Deed it~r Trullt "hi'/! be d~:emed to have heen IllVen 10 Borrower or Lender given HI the rl1l1om:r designated herein,
<br />15" Ullfhlrm l)e<<d Ill' Tl'\bt: {;O"'-iftt 1...,,: Sl''iCnabiHt:l. Thi~ (onn 1)1' ot !rus!. n,mbllles lIfllformcovenanls for
<br />!IlIUQI'IilII Wii<: Jlnd 11011,umf,[)tm cov.erliints wllb lumte\1 "llmIHOl1~ 10 con~IIIUle a 11m form secun!Y mSlrumell1
<br />i:l)~'t!f1n,lreal pmpeflty. n~ili Da-d of Tnl$l ,n<illl:!< hy m which the Pmperiy is located.
<br />In the 1:1'i'l:lllthlH a1l1' prO'\lI!lIOn of d,U.L~ ot In,s "I '" the Notr WIth a!'plicable law, such conllicl shall
<br />O(,t ari'ect olher Pf\WI!lt{)1l11 of tht!i Dood of Tnl!ll or Ibe NOle. will':" i,~:ln he . effecl WIthout Ihe \"oniliClm!l provIsinn,
<br />~l'\d w this end rhl:: IlI'O'itJllQN. edlhle Deed of TtlJl>I land !hc Note ure h' be: ~everable.
<br />16.. lkwrawer"11 Copll:. Boml_ shl'lllt"~ Illrru\:bed 11 '(mtorm~...! (O!"V' 01 Ihe Nole IIlld o( tlu~ Deed I)f Tru\1. ill the time
<br />('I. c:xecut:l~'ll'\ it'r >\floeI' rec.olrdatlOfr hereof.
<br />n, TnlDIIIfer OIf tM 1~""1 .11 '''''Iift. Jrldl or "'1)' parI <>f thc ProperlY or all l11tCfe$t therem IS ,old or transferred
<br />hy Borrower wnmml Leader's !,>flt'r wrlllen'. ,,)1\~I', lll((!~ud:mjl \ C(! Ihe .;;r~~mm 0.1 hell or encumbrance subordinateta
<br />thi, ~:d of TrUll:l., ih) lh<e cn:Jl!I<:m {II il. pllfchm;e n\',lney ~<:':UI!!V mlcn:M IN b{'U:reh"id appliances. let a fransler by devise,
<br />dC$Cent (;r by opel1atllon of lllW upon lhe delllh uf ;! 10Hl! remHll nr j d) Ihe {>I .In)! lenehold inlerest o! !l1ree years Of less
<br />1)(" '~Ofllllll"lmllllll optIon W flUreh$<:re. Lande.r may. ..I i ender, "pH<m, ..U the MI!nS ~,~curcr;i ny tins Deed 01 TruSI In be
<br />1111nlCdll\lcly due and pilY~lbie. Le~f ~bllli h"v~ w,uv,.,.j >u.;:h in a<:cclerate pnor to loe sale or mlllsler, Lender
<br />and lhe pen~'ll to 'whom too to he li,old Uf nC.;l,;:!1 "gn~1l'Il!'nl !Il Wilting thaI the credll ot such person
<br />l~ ",..II11I.cIOr} to Lellder lIlnd ,m !he "1I11~ ~ocu~er.J l!ll~ l)eed of [ruM ,oall be lit such rale a~
<br />Lctlder shallreqoost If t.ender Ii) ,I<\;,elerill" pft:lYlded 111 p'lfllgraph 17, aod it H,)uower:, successor
<br />Illletllllll h.1\C~ l~'4~;uled iI W!1:ltc!l'l ~'.,:1:Pled ,0 wfllmg h", Lender. Lender shall reiea3e Bormwer ltc'fn
<br />all 'oh.Up.hon~ under thlli il>eed. (,t allll
<br />If Lender' eM~f(,ill<:'~ such opllon :I(:ce!~rale.. j}:nder ~h"H n'IIJlll !:klfW',,"'C! !i(HI.;;e ,lCcderlltlon H1 ,lccordance Wilh
<br />p.ar<lllllpn 14 !lcI'Il",L Sl.ll::b notl<''e a Of not ie~!!; tnlul troll! Ihe date the notice is mailed within
<br />wbR:h IklrrO'llo'er ITIt3J1 pllYlh(' $Ilmli due, !3,mpwer f(Hl~ 10 p":v . sums pnor It> the exp,ration of such period,
<br />lAndeI' may. w,'tll<NllIIIl'dl('f m>>ie<: dem,,"d 01, B"fr,,,",'';;f, 'tWOI;<: any relllt:d.,,:,, ~rmi!ted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />
<br />N()N.l!NII"OIU~ CO.".,NANU &rrnwer 1100 Lcn.aer ltmncf covemu'll and agree liS lollowlI:
<br />lll...'cee.r:adell; Jt1l!~ t:xcepc lIt!I p:ro~"'(1 tu fiI'~rllll'h 11 Ml'!l9f,lrpGn &rrower's breadl of llny connanl Of
<br />.fl!/!e~t ..f htl_el" in tltis (~ olrrust. indttdtuc t~ Cflve_a,tt; 10 POll,)' wlt<1:11 <1m an,l llll_ lieC~In;d by tnk Deed
<br />litf "I'WlIt~.I~ prim: tolk'(l!~r:ad(m $hlilImdl~k:;: 10 Bom.""."r "" vm~Kkd hI' plfr'lllgrltph14 ~I";:()f specifying: (1) tile
<br />bfud:I; IlllM ll>cd!ll!llr~~~ 1>1) CD", I>udr breadl: (3} ;II dlrtt". aftt ~ lulU! )41 dayl!' from .be date die nolk.e l~ maDedlo
<br />B__'er, by ...Well Stldl Mach _ bt:~~l"ed; ~ 141 tblrtfail_ I<lt("urf- su.ch bf~ .(fft m befure the date spedfled
<br />ill 1M IwtK7r. .mlIlY llesuit lo 1ICt;'.~ of rbe $-un'l$ ireCitfedby ibis t~d r..l l'rtm Mid JS:I"de oJ Ibe Property. Tht! notice
<br />~ furt~ iBf__ ikm-ower Qt. tM ri!lIUIL'l"t'i.l'l$tti., lItft<!!r a.~celef'alioll IIml t~ right to bring ;II eoon :retionlo ~rt...
<br />fhe_t.~~_. .Qf $I (l,efMt:k.'f Mt:, .m:Mf deftml:! (.f B"n'<~..!}r 10 iK~~t1l003 ud U t~ I>rll:reb is Dot cured
<br />00 l.>.t J/Jefln't! t"i1~III"'~~ in (be' ~b, Lc.rMki1 i!Ilf .~mt.,r'. tn.)' d'll'du.tf! lllIl ~utn'" lh.~ I)t;~d
<br />of'l_u.. he i_e~JydtnJ!Mli p:II'~ witMut hlll'l~~. :and may jrr\'(l$i;l!tM of rf1l1l~
<br />~.~. .~~ IlIiW. L~f .~. bit .~kledto (~ofle<;l IlInre-.ble .j(0!>l.~ plJnuing the
<br />UI.. ~"g,i-Jm Ai'>> tlmil;ltd II).
<br />
<br />and agreements herein
<br />Lendc.r llnd Borrower.
<br />be joint and severaL
<br />lIrt: nO! 10 be used 10
<br />
<br />
<br />""'.}
<br />
<br />
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