<br />83.....0(13169
<br />
<br />Ol'!1FORM C()VI?;NANTS, Borrower am.l I.eoder covenant and agree as follows:
<br />.1. Payment. of PriIlidpaJ lUfd Intft"est_ Borrower shall prom'ptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness, evidenced by the !'rote, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />On :!Iny Future Advances secured by this Deed of -frust.
<br />%. ~for.'r_amll~. Subject to appliaWle law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to I.ende. OR the.day mouthly installments (\f principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a $tlm !he:rein "lltm4s"') equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes ;lnd assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />the Propeny, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />instaUments for mortgage insurance, if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />and b111:s and reasonable ej!i.timlltes thereot
<br />, re insured or guaranteerl by a Federal or
<br />pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />, analyzing said accoullt
<br />applicable law
<br />er Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />paid BOfmwer, and' unless such al<reenll,mt is made or applicable law
<br />re:quire:s, such inle:re<.st: to be paid. Lender shall llot be reqUired to PllY Borrower allY interest Of ellmings on the Funds, Lender
<br />snaU:gl\!"e _tic<: ~wer~ \'t.ithout. ."h:;ltge;l_ an, attn~ud accou1','rting ot~ the :Ft.nos sbowing- credit'$' and debit-s to' the' Funds" a'nd the
<br />debit to the Funds W:/I$ made, The Fundll are pledged as additional security for tbe sums secured
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Hl:tleam,001!!l!of tlw Fundi! held by tender.. tOgl.'1:her with the future monthly illstallments,}f Funds payahle prior to
<br />the due dates (It t11l1;e.'1, .ll.liJ!~ments. in~<lflilnce premitlms ground renlS, snail exceed the tl..moullt req1.lired to pay !laid tllXes,
<br />ll$Ses&mli!nts, imuralf'lCe premiun.ts and ground rents ::1$ fall due. such shail bt~, at Borrow(.'f's oplion, either
<br />pcrompdy repllid h, B_wer or credited 10 6ilrwwer ,)1'1 monthly i!1Mallments Funds, If thc amollllt of the Funds
<br />heldb~; t.ender.blltl not be. $u!ftcie!1t to pay 11l:U:$. 1I11se'Ssme!1I~, insurance premIums ",nd ground rents liS Ihey fall due,
<br />Btll'1'"wer sh.aUpll'lf w Lel~der an.)' ll.TllOtmtlo mltkc up the del1ciency w'lhio 30 day" from the dale notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to &r:ra_r fj~uestlllg paYmem
<br />Upon plII.'!Ill'lt:nl in full of aU !lum~secur~d lhis Deed of Tn;'1I, Li"ndel shllil promptly refund 10 Borrower any FLlnds
<br />held by Len.der, If under paragraph 18 hereof IS sold or tlu: Property is mherwIseacquired by Lender. [,ender
<br />lillaII1l4,:\p!y, tl() !Jilter tnm immediately '" dIll !he or ;1$ llcQUl5it.;oo by Lender. IIny Funds held by
<br />!.,eltuier at the tiJm' (llf lIpplliC:ll1iol! a;;; II against the '.m'ns Deed of Trust.
<br />J. Applkatlc~1l of ''a)''Im!lltll. <l!'phl:.able !:I"''' ;;1I paymcms received by Lender under the
<br />Note llnd parll!grl/ll~n!!l I and 2 hereof shall he tcotter . m 01 ~mlllll'lts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />unde:r pllragraph :~ llereo( then to Interest Notl;:, then !n prmclpal of Iht~ Note. and then to interest and
<br />j>rinc!!Nd Oil jlny lFuturl: Advances.
<br />4, (1....": I..kms. DOfl'l:>wel ~hall pay ,Iii ta"'~',. ,.sse'Ssmem, "nd olher d111rges. fine., and H"t1posltions anributable to
<br />lh<: Pr<'f,'elty wh<<::h may lI.ua..n a pnonly (lver ll\l~ i:)eed of Trust. ;HId It~:l:'lehold pllyment:s or ground rents. if any. in the
<br />manner provldod under pllragraph 2 hereof "r, If IWI pilid in ~uch manner, by Borrower makll1jl p.llymenr. when due, dlfl~Ctly
<br />10 the IfllIYt't' thereof Borrower $baJi prompl.ly flmll$h to I r.m!t:r ;,ll 11l.l111.'<:$ 01 ,.mol.mh dlte under thi~ paragraph. and ill the
<br />event Ik,rrower dull! mllk,e payment dir<<:lly, 8oU'ow~:r :;hilll promptly furn,sh If) L.(~nder receipts eVidencing such payments.
<br />B()rT\.>~r shall pl'1llmpdy dl$Chllrge any hen whleh h"" mer Hn$ l.>l:ed nflrU$l; prmnded. lhat n"rrnwer sh1J1I !lOI be
<br />reqUlre,d In di$Chlll1~ lIllY such lien :w. lonll ;>., Borrower l!1 w the pll)/menl of the ool.'gllll<)O secured by
<br />'Hlei! hen m II m"'Il<~f lIccepuble tn L~~nder. or ~illlil III li,xJd C(lme~t SIKh by, (of tieien.:! enforcement of such hen In,
<br />iei.l l:l'I'oceelimp which '~pc:l111C to prevent fh!~ enlor~"ement <'I ,he ll<:ln or 10ri. "tlll/fIl: ot .lhe ProperlY (lr any pan thereoL
<br />s. ........II....I1lDI:... f1(1rrOWer shall h'<::'p the no"" e,'~lm!! or herealter nected on the Property in$ured
<br />,llillunsl Iou b)' ftrle. haurcb Included .....'dun li'l\~ !ffllll ~ml ,mdl ('ther hazards IU tender may require
<br />.and In suc:l1 llllmUll.t$ and tor 1>0;:::1\ pefltlds as b,ndcI' that Lender shall n<J1 reqUIre that the ammmt of
<br />~'1<:11 "..werag\: e,(:~:d that amount .01 l:ovC:Ull,z '" l);lV SlIm, ,;c(ured hv Itll" Deed 01 Trust.
<br />The im.ur.n('e pf'(lvldi1l,!; the II1M'rlm,'': 0.., \.110'\C1) i:>v Bnfwwcr ~uhle~': ti> approval hy tend"r: pf'()vlded.
<br />tlvl. mcl! appro"l,l nO( he unlU1I<;)llllbly wdl1hdd ,All premIUms <lfl ll1~ur:lrll;e p.:Jilde5 "hall be p~ld in the manner
<br />p1'ovi.d!:d undc'rfllITllgl'&pt1 2 11_,1 nr. Ii oot pllll:l in~uch Immner. l~nrrQWef !l1t1kll1!l pllymelll. whell due. directly to the
<br />'llSul'llllla:carriu"
<br />All insurllncl: poiicll:iS ..00 rellewlJ.l~ lhereot dudl he 111 lormi,,:<:cplablc 1<.' lemlc!' ,md ,hall mdude a $landard mOl1gage
<br />clause: It) fllvm' o.(aJl1d ill ((,tcnder ! emkt ":ill! hav.: the nght to hold Ihe policies find renewals thereof.
<br />and Berro...>::r shall S)f()mptly lA' Lell~kr 11toowal IlHloc:es allct .,.ll r".eel.,tl 01 !,Hid premIlJms.. In the C\lcnt of loss,
<br />IkIrrower shall 8Wc prompl nOhce tn the mlurllll~e ~:;;rrll:r and lender. L<:mler milY mllke pro.,! of loss Ilnol made promptly
<br />bv Bot'l"O'Wer
<br />Un.leil; LenOOrllOOik,.rnJ"el" ,;,therwIR ajl,t'Ce m .....nwll;i. HlSlmUIC.!: ,hidi be applied 10 reswrattt>!1 01' rep,uf of
<br />the Pmperty damaged. iH'OV!,kd such n:'liIOrlli'(lfl l.H I'eplll! ICllslble ;",4 the of tins Deed of Trust I;.
<br />n\.~ lbl:.o::by ,mp;ured, II ~uch n:'li1l.llllhOll 1)1' ,~ o,n i:cmmmiclIHy !"'a~,ble '" .t the t!1I~ Deed ()f .I'nm would
<br />he lntll"lUred. Ihe imutll:rl!:<: proceed.~ $hall be to the 5tll7l$ .ecutt'd by Ihis tleeowlth the excess.. jf any. paid
<br />10 Bt'tf1!'t>\li'~r. If the i'I'OPIlI1Y IS !'f Ii ~!i;rm""er lal1sW 10 Lender wltlun 30 dQVS !rom the
<br />date I'f;(X'CC j,;. lnailed by l..eoder 10 nflers in il daull for msw'ance hel1lifits.. Lender
<br />'" Ill.ltYl()('iud h) C>illle<.:t 1.lI~ awly Ihe at opuon h) r<:;l>loriltlofl or replw ()f the J>ropel1Y
<br />Of 10 the lI11l"l'lS se;;;ured by It!!! Deed
<br />lJnless, LMdlor .l\nd Ik1'lTowe!' ()lberwille
<br />or ~JlOoo Ihe <hlA: date of lhe
<br />~ut:h IfiJiCt.l!.Urnentll. If Itoocr pl\f''''itllpll I
<br />in llM t,) any inS~lfltnl.'"e patlcieli <ln4 m aoo Iii)
<br />"'I' ~ui"tit\{\ shali ~1I trJ l.ef!der 10 the eMell1 of
<br />~isition.
<br />
<br />
<br />01 pwoceedl> ((,principal shall no! extend
<br /><lad 2 herwf or change Ihe "moun! (,f
<br />all nght. litle and iotlerelit of Borf(ywer
<br />to Itw Property pnor to lhe sale
<br />immediately prior 10 such&ale Of
<br />
<br />
<br />PialJued tfoil o.rv~. Borrower
<br />,)1 d<:!enOraliml uf 1IlA: f>mperty
<br />if this Deed of (1n a uml ;f! a
<br />
<br />"p.:m ,.m; 'U".l-~';.ifJ1'l~ of Htt'
<br />rt"Jk!i<mlt<pf.~ <:..11'"" lh<:rnrl,'j'
<br />
<br />
<br />cnoXl'
<br />