<br />
<br />83-003073
<br />
<br />9. CIIIJIILtll.:tllllkllL Thep~lIl.}( any award or dllil'll fOf damages, direct or consequential, in connection wit~ any
<br />~~ (n' ~tbetrta~ of thePm~. 01' part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of ronllem.nalion, are hereby assigned
<br />
<br />Ud ~be~Oflll={;WngOf the ProPll'rty. the pnx:eeds ~hl!l.lI be applied to lhe Silms secured by this Deed .of Trust,
<br />with. thell;l(tl$' i.f alllY, ..paid.to~er. In the event of a partial laking of thePropcrty, un~ BOlTower .and Lender
<br />~~~n\1iltltilitJ.thellls_UIx: applied 10 the sums secured by this .~of Trost .such proportlO!l oflhe Pf"oceeds
<br />dl$~ todJ.t~n~ the alnOlJn! of tbe sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust Immediately pnor 10 the date of
<br />~...~ t;i)dJef~rmmetv.l...,of tM Property immediately prier to tbe date of taleing, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />
<br />pIldto~I', >_ '" L
<br />If~~inM1\dol:IedbYBotrower. or notice by LCt1dert<diklfl;ower that tbecon(",mnoroucts to rna'":e
<br />i1u....td .I:!f~~lll~ for dama.JCi$, BorwwerlQ respotld 10 l.cOOer wl!hm 35' dalf$ after the: date such ,notl.;:e . .s
<br />~~lsltUlrbot~ to coItect and aj,lpJv the pr~, al .!.ender's o:ptlOO. either to restoraUon or repaIr of tilt
<br />~,orIO tM!i.mrt!llllalm:! by dJ~ Deed o(TN$1, .. .... ' .
<br />l.1Jt..le.... II41dBoff~Of,~i$e alree in an}" 5.ucll apphcatlon of proc~$ 10 pnoclfl3.1 shaUll!)l extend
<br />:r=r_~due ~..m the ~f)' iMtllltl'llCl1t$ fO U'1 paragraphs I lllld:2 hereof or cna.nge the amount of
<br />
<br />II. .......... Not R~. utlm$.i.Oll of lhe time lor o.r rnoo.itkallon of Imu}J'tintkm (If sums se<:\\red
<br />by t~ I::lc<<t ofTmst JBnted by' Letldet to IIftY sua:e$W4'Hl 01 Borrower shall not openuero relc",;'ie, 'lilY marlrler,
<br />IIle Jiabilft)' Qf the ol'IIlMr Borrmver and Borrower's 1I1J~Cll:u.on In IOlere:W1 Lender. shall Ml be feQ.\.IIre:d 10 commellce
<br />~ln.. .piMt such ~QiUf ()l' r"f\.I$C 10 exte'lld time tor paymenl or (}Iherwi$e Il'uxMy aml'}rtl:tJlhOIl of lhe sums
<br />teC:UrId by this lOtedot Tl'UIl1 by re~ (It any demand made by Ihe oflglllal iklrrower.lil'l<J Borrower'lI $\lcoeu.ors U1 mleres!.
<br />II. J1ori1e.......,.., tA,...... Not. W.,wC1r, Any ((lrbe:l.raoce by LCllder III exerelSll\i\ any fight or re.medy hereundu,or
<br />lllhetwMie ilftronlcdby applicablelaw.sl'all 01":1'1 be a waiver 01 "'I pfeclud~ Ihe cxercIscofany ~ucll rlIJln or remedy'
<br />l1le pl'(IIClm:l1Ilelu ot lMuraace or the piljllnel11 of lue or ..~Ihel hen~ or dUl.rgeil b).' Le.nder shall nOI be a w.lIver oj Lender s
<br />",M to lIl:l(dlme thlli matum)' of tbt I~btednt!j$ !it"'Clll'ed hI" Ih,S Deed of TrUSI
<br />u. a...... c:... "'llh., AU remedle$ pn,,,"ed m IhlS Deed of Trusl am duJlUcl Mid cumulative 10 any other r.ghl
<br />or nrmedy uadl!r 11\11, [)oed of Trust or afforded by la.. or eqUity, ;md may be enreised concurrently, mde.pendently or
<br />..:a:lAft!y.
<br />13.. ~... """ .......: ".t and s.r.~fIIf UlIIWIity, Capt~. The wverulJIUaoo agreements herem
<br />~ wli bm4. "'00 the ri..s bereurnkr~hlllllllure w. Ihe'U';';C""':'IS lInd ui.gns 01 Lender ,\tld Borrower,
<br />subjiect. 10 the 111fOvmom. 01 pa;rapp4\ 11 lw:reui All coven,"'I' "greenleUli of UOrtUWer shall be '0101 and :I.everaL
<br />n. o:aptlOM lulid baidlnp .0{ the parll.grllp/K 01 I.tm. l>ec.1 <~I bU>ot 1Ile 1,11' ,,,tWel1'l:ll<.'e only and IIle nol to he used 10
<br />I"""'" Of ddllQie Ibt pmv_ hm'eol
<br />... N.41n. E.~'cepI 'or any ao4:Kl: requu'lMl muler apphcllok'"... to Ix' given HI lwolher manner, 1;11 any !lI,llee 10
<br />BofTO'lWef PfO"o'llkd 'Ot IAthil Deed {tl 'hm! ~h.llll be lI,ven b" mlulmll 'IKb nollO:: by cemfied mllll addre.u.:d 10 Iklrrowl:r at
<br />- PruJ1ll!"t)' ^,~i <Ir It( !IUdI ,)fher lIddtes... ... 8()rrower mllY ,ieslg.naic by mmcc h) Lender U prllvH.led hercul. and
<br />(b.)IUI,. fiOtKle 10 telllCia' Wil he: liven hy (.erlltled mllll, return t~elpl reqoo.led. h, Lender. llddrl$:! lUlled berem nr w
<br />MIl::tl ocber illddl_ ll.ll l.etldcr !fl.,. datI/MIl: bl' "OUC(:' to aort<>",.tr af> PHWllkd herem. ......IIY nOlice pmvl(jed JM 10 tl'm
<br />DMO otT'l'\IiIt 1ila111~ ~ w !lave ~n g"ven to flU1I".....,r Of I "nodet when !lIven III the Inanner dC$llIna.ted herem
<br />IS. t.*i..... o...t.. T~ ~ I....: Sltnn.....)', I till. furm ", deed "I' 1H..'II.^mnbtne. tlnllorm cuvcnll.nh lot
<br />-~ - .,ftl~ M><<I.,_f_ C~I wllh hll'Hl.eU .ana!Ion, hy W \:OIl.I'hJle 11 urulorm Sl:CUfll,y lI1Mrumcnl
<br />,,~ralp.-openy. Th. l::leed of TrUlU ,!lah he I',vcn>c:d hYlhe . o( !he IUII.JH:liOIl m \Ohu;h the Propem' " localed
<br />ht fhc ~'I tl/UIII .ny pn:ll'I1>1Ofl <>>' ,1_ of Inn !lct'4 01 1 I'll'! (If lhe 1'<01" "'.lnth,.\> ",..Ih ~ppl"..;..ble law. .ueh ,:ontl",t shall
<br />IlIllII adilct. other prtWl~ oj l~ [:teed <'I If1>1'1 ," !bte NOle wtvcll: (,,,, 1<<; ('llccl w,lh.,ul lbte conl\I\:lIng pIOYI.siotl.
<br />... '0 1M elld .LhcpllOV__ 0'1 the ()ecd ..'I THAI And IhI: N.JIIC' Me !;> be lIeverAbk
<br />,.. ............. c.". lIon_t Ihall be 1(J"h~ " "'lfllQnncd "<fIn ".1 the Nme ..nd 01 rllI~ Deed (II Trust .., Ihe lime
<br /><14. __lOll! ,:If ..Ite.r l'~aon ~
<br />". ~ III die ....,..,: ~~1f'17',1h.. 11..11 p:>n .;,( U>c 1't\'I,<,lll. '" 'w IfltClesl. IheU:lIl IS sold !.1f lrandcrrcd
<br />"'If ~<< wlit~ l.eodlw spr_ "'("ten ,OI'''''''L ~ i the 'Ic.h,m 01 4 !ten Ol cncmnbnul<:<: subordinAte '0
<br />It.. ~ tM 'lrl1l1at, lb}lbe 'crea~"l .. pl.ltJ:.hallC nH,",tC''' ,"lcl"~1 lor hO!.neh.)j,j ..ppj,"''''~,:!<, II " Han,ler hy deVISe,
<br />~ ur b)' \"li*'liu<>n 0{ 11,. u9Q!ll tile lkalh ..~11l ""m IcnliHII Of ,J till! 01 dO) ",....::h"ll.:l wlefest t.llhrl:C )e..l~ 01 les~
<br />IlIllIt (:Oftt&lliIlR" .in opIliOft l.'l pm:h_. 1.<:,"'" l'I14y. M I cn<.lc.. "ph..." ~lJ the ~ulllBeculed b) lh.~ Oeed ollrulI' 10 he
<br />."'.........,1)' cluJ atlid payable. LeDder ....I'! !Ia.c .."".('>j ~V<.h h' ~,.,:e!<:,..le ,I. 11tH"! tll Ihc t>4le or lIaMler, LendcI
<br />1Il11d 'M pe'llOlIlO wblm' ,ther PrOpelt, " to t>e k>W <H IC....tt "l1te.:mcnl '" "'flll!!l In.ill lhe <.:lc.1I1 <>1 such pers""
<br />'1IINltl\lllKIQI')' "i) l.Ctlild<< ."Ii ~I lbe Inkr_ p"~lilNe "1'\ Ihe ....... "':"'''''0 hy II", Oe~ l~i lru,,"l ,hall I...,. al \lien Ule 1I~
<br />l..e....' s.bIIH leli~. It l~'" ~ .......cd lhe "plt<m h. .."cl",,,.,, f'fl.1...:led In lh,~ paulit1llph 11""od ,t 8<)I,,"".:t'\ 't><.;Ct':lSOl
<br />III ,...... "'-. UCi<._IdllWIU__ptw.I "1._nlC'IJI .".;cp4ol! "'111I1l# hv Lem.ler. I endet .h.lI relea.c 8<lf!OWer Inm\
<br />aU obIt.-b_. ~tnda 11m I~ of In.laRQ IN Note
<br />If t~r 'el>en.~l_ .!lid, QjpIW.1 10 ..en'!"."lc lcn..k. ,h~" m"d 1~"m"'Cf 1">11":( pI a,;..:dcfllhOl\ In "C~OI'di.uli::e ","h
<br />pu~llplill4 ~.. .. ~ ~1I p.n".. .. peh"'l o( IlV.( k.., .0...1\;0 d,,), IlmT> the (lll!e lhe "uhe... " m..tied "",lIw"
<br />wllllildl IlOtrO'll'elr mil)' Pl), the NmtI _~lIilw <.lUll! If /;k)f1t"""1 ""Ii '" ll>O'Ul\:h ~unl1l pltor It.' Ihe c.ll.pmWOIl 01 $u<:n peHod,
<br />lei..., may, '..I'bout fun,bol ~ m <lctllll.id 'lit ik>>m..'el, ."",>10,,, IUI)' felllWla penrU(led by por.lllfllph III herro{.
<br />
<br />~.lINiI"'04l,1Wl COVI!~U. 8ou",,*cc arn.Il.el>lkr l\.lflbcr ,:.".eUlIrtl ""olllcCC iU hlllo"",.
<br />
<br />I.. ,~... <11 11;........ b"",... P""...... ift p.tlnIC..... n IMnwI. Il<"" -.."....... __It of .ft, nne_t 01
<br />.n ~~1.,...... ill ill. ~ 01 T__. _..... ttoe cu....... 10 pili, ...he" 11_ MY ,,_ llUun:4 by thili lk:ccI
<br />., T.........r,..' to ~ ...... IIilIIili __ice '0 a.1'O"'''' ... .......... """'111&1''''' 14 we<lf ~if)'hle: U) Ihc
<br />~ (1).. illC:ti!Mi ........ to CRft RIdt -..o:t,; (ll . ...., ...... __ Uiaa. JI) 4a;)'$ fNM die date lhe &aodc:e b mMed I.
<br />.........,..,. .rNdl ,AIda ...... __ .. ~ .. ~l .... 'dw" Ill< ('un: ~1Is '--.111 .. or bd_... 11M dah. .dtied
<br />.... .........., ....... ill lIll(c...... 01 11M _illle<:lt,.ed by 1.')r,e4 <14 r flIIM .... ... 01 Ute f'~y. T..... DOCk...
<br />... .........., '..... ......... of. ... riPt .."'......,... iKC~ lla4 r. rile. 10 bri8a II e_" ..ctkoa to _11
<br />die '-.c~ 01 . Iild_ - U) odIu.w..... oIf/.e.m>""fl' IQftf:e~ .lIIIiliI... !f die ~. .. DOl cuM
<br />... - ""'.,.1_ .....~ ,. 'M ~, 1'-', lid l~r'. ~ mIl)'. .~ aU of Qae. .__ liK.~ It)' thi5 0..
<br />., TrtIilIil to.. ~...,. .. .... ",.we ""..... fUil1Mr 1Ii--.d.... _, itt."e ... ........' 01.. &ad M, ~ ~
<br />~., ~..., lit........~.... ~t ~. _...... l::'- l!IillI4u.....- ~ iA p~ the
<br />......... ....... .. ~.~ It. ~ _ IM4 Iim~ed tl;l, '~~'. f-.
<br />:::,p- .r 1_.!iltI~ 'r.... "tft.~ It **e ..f ~_lla __ ~, Ia ""..... IfM p.r~y Ql ...-.:
<br />.... . .. .. .1i~....I_....... ~ oI~. ~ _Ihc --..ec ~~......., ....... .llrw to. hl'wwer __ to."
<br />llldNr~~.,. ,.'Ih......., Ml<<'" ..~ 01 _c. t1-. lD. .., he ~ b1~ ."'" T....e ..
<br />a:.:;~llh ~ 01._.... ~"'M, the _ ~e""'t~ .)' ~allk ...T~ w~ ~ '\1<$
<br />.< ..~.. ..~. ~"""fIol.m _11le ....~I~ J1iil_I~'" ,-e.. ",_Hu llt.f_ ..~
<br />-...~. .'.-.' ......... i.itlt.., R __.. ..~." '. . ..... 'Ia _h....' lD ]'~ .., ~__. . T~ _,~_ .aie. . .01. ad!
<br />1Jif1lllll1~~..~.l'.,~.~. &1 t-. ~_~. 01 ...,. ~~)' lI>C~...... t~ .~~
<br />....~:r 8..1..
<br />..,.... ~.~l~ ~ilk"v. _ ~. ~lt~'f~c.\l ~ C_"'<r1....~ f'~I1Y
<br />~'.........~ ........f*.Ie flV~lt at t._.t:M'- ." ... _..~ .~. f~~, 'f~
<br />f>>'.ifttltf kl. ~ ......._f!...~ ~ 'u~, i~M,"'..,~
<br />9;S,,",.Q(..k ll'~~~iI\, '''1lI1J1ll_liIi~r'..i.,.,. _ '~...eI
<br />"l'~;. f;;)'" ;l:i......~....".~.. ~ _ ~ ~ II'~
<br />
<br />