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<br />83- 003073 <br /> <br />Ul'ttPOIO\1 CO'llt;l'IAN11I, 8oth"""er and tender cm>enant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />: I.. ~oI.~ ... ._t'elIt. BO'fTower shaH promptly pay when due the principal of and. interest on the <br />'ndebtedf}C-'I:J eVldem.-ed by the Note, prepayment and lale cha~ as provided in the Note. and Ihe principal of and inlemt <br />on an)' Fllturc.AclvaACJeS!ll:clf'7dhY this ~of Trnsl <br />2. ..... .TU1!liI_I~. Subject to aW1QbJe law or 10 l!i written waiver by"lpay <br />I~l Le1'1tder onl 01 prim,:ipa! llndinlereslarepayable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full. <br />a$tl~ (herein .... ... . ... .lfth of. the yearly taxes and aslle5smenl5 which may llUainpriority over this <br />l>eedofTrosl.lI:ndgr()u~d rentsontbe PrOperty, it any. plus IlnlHwe!f!n of yearly premium installments forhani'd insunance. <br />pJUl'i~"twrifth ~lfYcal'l,'p~ium instllllmentsJor mortgage instlrance. jf any; all as reasonably estimated initially andJrom <br />time and bills and reaoonable e.stimates thereof, <br />UJ'Its of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or. <br />a~ inf'liW.liOOJ. .1..etI.der sban apply !he Funds to paYlUlidtlll(el!,llSM\S!Kllelfl$. <br />ins\Jta~pJ'ttItI\lirMalldgrouMn::nt~. . 1101 charge ft>rlio h()Iding>llnd applying the Funds, analynngsaidac<;ounl <br />or ".,rif'l'illl'l ~l:om~iflgliaid 8,~se!Wflentll and Hnles,1'; LCl'lder p"..y.~ Borrower interest on the FundslInd appliclIblelaw <br />pll'rI'fiilS Le!lder!~l !nake 5\11:11 ,,<:l;a~. 8orr"~f Lender mll}' agree. in writing at Ihe time of execulion (If Ihis <br />~dofTn~ lh., int_~t OOlite FOllds shall he to&rrowcr. aM tlulell5SUch ll,reementis madeorawlicabfelaw <br />requlr1e:!l $UChlntCI'ell! U\ bepllj(t Lel'l<klr Shlllilll:tl reqtW'W II' pay ,8(lrl'(}~r :IllY lll!e~l Of cantill's 011 Ihe Funds, tender <br />IIh'i1f1 give I()Donowc.r,w'itOOut,hll~, an anntmla.ceJl'llnlm.f; of lbe Fund1'; ShOWlfll! credits lInd debits to the Funds and the <br />pu~ for whieh eadllkbll 10 the Pundi _Ii made, T~ Funds are pledged as additional lIeCUTity for lJeCU~ <br />bV rh~ OeM of Tnl8t, <br />, If the ~1 of lhl~ Ftmdsheld by Leffder. t'~~r wil!! the fUlure monthly installments of FtIrKh payable prior 10 <br />the dlJt:: a.tell.o! !:IUes, IlI!.l~tltjJ;. 'mJJ'r1lnc"premium~ ~mllJ:l'J:Hmd l'enl~. ~hll!l exceed the :lmoonl required 10 Pill'. said t~llel!, <br />_llU, ulIiuran<:e premiums and ground renls ~~ the'll Jal! dlle. such e:"';:e$.~ ~hllH be, III Borrower'. option, eIther <br />promplyrepald 1<1 BorrQwer or credltW to Borrower t)l'j 'moothly l!'Illtallment~ of Fumk If Ihe amount of the Fund!!. <br />heM by LemJer dulll noli he :wfflclenf 10 fl.Y llllles, Il.~~menn, iMlifltm:epremiuml and Jround rents as they fall due. <br />lMn',_ ~h.fl pill' 10 te~r ltny um'lunt l1<<'euluy h' make up ll'l.,. del'kICllcy wllhin )0 days (rom lhe date notke is maHed <br />by l.el'tRT to 1'IoI1'Il>Wer requestln, payment Ibien:of, <br />Upon pa)"lm:>nl ;n fCIl! of an su_ i'eeurro by 11\.. {~d t,f TII's!. Le~r shall promptly rdurtd to Borrower any FilM' <br />held by Lender !It lInder par-."'ph lit hen-of the I'ro~rty " <old or the Pmpeny IS .'1Iherwi'le lIcquired by Lender,. Lender <br />thllil a,pply. tIJ.) l.,ter Ibul Ill'lmedmtely pJU)f W l~ ~ltle !If the f>n,perlyor i1$ lIc~m$mof1 "y Lender. any Funds held by <br />lemte: llllhe II!D~ of I!~'ica!ion A$ ll. credJl qllJllMthc ~Ilm~ 'ltttlrea by lhlll ~ of Trullt. , <br />.'t. A~ oI1~ UnlC$$ ltppli,;able Ii}.... i'l<w,dc< Cllnerwl.e, "II paYlTWnu ",ceil/cd by Leflder under lhe <br />Note IInd p"rqtlf'l" I OlII1.o :?: herrof mllll he "pI'll<<! lender fliCIl III !'lIyment of lImounu payable to Lender by Borrower <br />t.llIIIIkf FII.r. 2: heroo:!,lben 10 Intern! pill'a.ble on I'll>!!:, !hen !O the pnnelplll ol the Nole, and Ihen 10 inlerest and <br />prine'lw on llnyF,It~ ,I\d_. <br />.. ~ t.... Borrower !ittltll pay ..II la',e"" aucumen.\ and ilI~r ,:ilaq~ft, line, and ,mlX"'lllion$ llllribullIble to <br />the Pr~r ~mld, may alllun II pt'lOfllY Mer tilts Deed ,,( Trml, and leuehold payments <~r ,round rents. jf any, inlht <br />mum'l': proviClllld Imder lJ......,.ph 1 bert;'lOf I)f. if not paM In '''let! manner. 8orrower mllkmg paymenl, wilen due, directly <br />10 lhe pllyee lhenl('ljf, 8oJ'~r !ihall pl'1i:lmptly furni.,h 10.. lender :<li nOIIC<;" amollnls due under Ihlsparallfllph, and in the <br />_I IbfO'lRf Il~.ll malre payrn,em dlrecl!y. BoffO''''e! dudl fln1ll'l1iJltly lurlllsh 10 Lender receIpts evidern:,"~ sllehpayments, <br />IkmmlO'er lIh.til pr'flfrlpdy orllC.hllirF llfi)' I~n wh~h hlll prt<lflly O"CI Ihl\ Doeed of Tru:tl; prtWldW,lhlll Borr(l~r \hllll not he <br />It!qIJll1.-d 10 dl!lChltll1~lIl'J)1 ouch hen ..) lonl ,nBm""wt:1 <hall :a,.rtt m "'flung 10 II'le pllyment of Ihe (,bh/Zallt>n secured by <br />',!.IlCh hen In II mlll"lef at;.<ieptlllbl" \0 tender, 01 ,hall '" l!;I)Q<1 ""In ,'onl""1 ...d, hell by. M defend enfof~menl Qr such hell III. <br />.Ill"'~~ ""Iu.n. 'ope,.., 10 PftV1rn1 rhe cnlofl::ement 0' !he hcn nr Imlellure o{ the Properly "1 IIny part thereof. <br />S" .,_.-, 90Irmwcr "hlll! keep l~"enl't'mJ ,,,,,Ilf eu.hnlt Of hereufler erected on Ihe Properly INured <br />..a_il lOllII by Are, hu.a.11\U Incl\lJded ...du" I1M' l<:lm'nlended ,,'_rlll!t''', "no such 1"lM'r llllu,ds liS lender may require <br />1I11d '.n l>u.."h lIl""'l\Ifnli.. .1Id 1m 1IUd. pertod. ", ! ende.' mllY tt:qUlle, pt.,.."jed. lhlll Lender <haU nol rt'qune Ihal the .moonl of <br />1IU<:h ~o<oerqe ('It,,~cU !lull _n! of coveu,1t' req",.ed It, I'll,. lfl.t oum, lottun:d bY IhlS ()eed of TI1I$I <br />The: Imll,llln;;1C ClIlnllf ptfll"..llfl1l Itw: .n,uno...;e ,h..U hie d",',..", h. 110"0"'''1 ...ble<:1 II) ltpprov,,1 by I wder: provode.l, <br />- .lI.~ ....-1.1 _II 001 ~ u""euon.blY"'llhbeld All prcrmUInil. . on "'''\llanee. PQII<:leS shall he pIlld In the manaer <br />~I!d uudter li'I"' ~ hereof Of. .1 I'l<'>t plIKl m X\At! mlUlJl4:" by IJ.orn:....u ft.all,na pIIly,nenl. when due, dln::ctly 10 lhe <br />18INnll~ ,~*"*, <br />,"II ._~~ 1~1l:." andre,.",/IJ.$ lhier'Col~hlllll!4: '" Immlk<l!:p1"bk H' len,ler .nd ""1111 Il'K:lude :. .t.ndard mon.aJe <br />,1_ tn 1,'<'1:><' ol and '" fonn jl<;(cq>>able It) !Cl\l.kl I ffiOer .nall h...c the \lInt u. hold the JW'hc_ and rene",als 1 hereof. <br />and 34)1:",)_" ~kll p...""nptfy funlJ"h 1<.\ ..Ii r~,"!:",,,1 "(,to;;,,., and ;ill Ic.:e'pls o{ P"") pren""ms, In ,he evenl or Iou. <br />8orf"~U lIh.lll-"O'C' !"f()oItllpl,'f\)l.,;t 10 l~ ill1Utlll><;C '.<1,"". "".j Lrnde, I ",,,dCt Olay m....e l'ul<)f 01 I~s .1 not made promptly <br />by 8orn_ <br />UnJns Lendel and Ilkrfmwer olben"'K ..n:e .n INn/mI. ,n$"'''.l'I<.:e l,wu:cdl "hllll be liIpplled 10 leltWr.lton (If' reP.i! 01 <br />I" "'''...perty dam,..l!ld, 11lIn'Jf~j ~\A:II tftlQflllK>fI or rcp".r " ",,,o'''>>''<llIy (fiU,llk "nd Ihe lie~uflly of Ih." Deed .,)1 Tru.1 '''' <br />IIQ4 Ihlweby IMp.Hed If "....hrelltOC.hQft 01 fejMIH " (.01 <<'''''''''II<.;;.lIy I<:a$.bl,e "f II r~ loeCuHly of lit", ~ of I nl$1 would <br />be 'mIWOlred., lhe ,<1"Il1lI11l11ot;e !"f(llo;<<>ih ~h.ll he .app4oe.Jl !o the "..;1m ,(,,,,,,ed .b,i !..\~ nec<! oil rim. ,,",,It. 1Q:e e~Cel". ,I any, pllul <br />to Ik>nOlo\'~1 "in. Pn.:.pCr\y ..<l "Y'&.:)<>((;''''I1:I, N ,f &mUW;!t f:lIh 10 rn~"'HKll() L( ....llnm 30 dllY~ from Ihe <br />~ l'l'o)lk:e .,. m.i,/ell by I:.endr. 1\' 8orrt".l!:t IhJll.l the """,Ufllfl<:e <:llH,!l:r (,llen 10 ~lIle ~ "hum fof' ,n"'''IIrn:e!letICtiIS, LeJ>dcr <br />I~ llUt~bi1(llI:'4 to ~,tllleci! ltPtl'ly lhe ~".<,...CC'Il' :d Lc:nd<tf" ('I,IK,fj ctlQ:er lIJ '~1'1f'al'<:m or roepllllr of lhe Propeny <br />or IOlhe __ :'MlclJlrc<! h~ Ih,,, t'leled 0( <br />Unlcu l.ender and II\o'10""el 'lIber"'.loC <br />or postpone lhe ,$1.111: dal(' (.1 Ihc <br />~h 1I)\l.lllllmenll. iff undlltpar""ilpb MillOllN' <br />ill .ItInd ('l m!l>l;/J'8na:IIo)hc,,'l:1 IIIId '" llnd 1I) lilt <br />I"l' m.,U paU I:,} tender 10 lbe e ltJl:nl 01 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />10 ptflm:ipa! shall not ell lend <br />N:reol m Cblll'lF the IIf11OUOl of <br />!lIlt: and mlerteSl Qf Borrower <br />IheProperly prIOr 10 lhegle <br />Iml'l"ledialely prlOr to ,uch sale or <br /> <br />of ~ty; J~~ ('efIdo;~ ........4 UMC <br />al~~4iJl !li)tC("'fl~nlk~, (J~~~'rn1.'fl Hnp~Urn\(,nt, tlt <br />lh!$ 01 IS on ,,1~lIehokl If Ihis <br />Dl>ITower',. <br /> <br />