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<br />83- 0(;2913 <br /> <br />Uenoo's written agreeml.'nt or applicable law, Borrower shall pay the amount of aU mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />malll1m' pl"ovidOO unde1' paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pl,lI1mam to this paragnllph 7, with interest theroon. shall become additional <br />;!'Idebtedn~s I:'!f' Borrower secured by tbis Moctgage, Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />llllW'll'nts shall be payable tllXID uotice from Lender to Borrower requesting paymeJ\t thereof. and shan bear interest from the <br />date O'f disbur:serrnmt althe 11I<te payable from time to time l~ll omsranding principal under the N"te unle<:..s payment of <br />il1~t at !\;ucb rate woul\ti be contrnry to applicable IllW, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest Tate <br />permissible under lIPplicable law, Nothing coo rained in this paragraph "7 shall r'equire Lender to' incur ltllY expense Of take <br />.l1(n)' hereunoo, <br />8. I~. Lender may make (If cause to b", fllnde rel't:;tol'lable cnlne;,. upon and inspections or the Pr,lperty, provided <br />that Lender shall gi!1re IkiiTfO'We:t' 11(l1t!ce prior to an)' S'.ldl inspection specifyil1!1Z n:~s{111"ble cause therefor related to Lender's <br />!otere:!:t in the Pmperty. <br />9, C~lIdoll. The <br />coodemnl!I!<-l'I orNk-r tllldng <br />:lnd sl';lllll;e paid tn Lender, <br />In the t',VCl'It 0,( a !>::'ta! lhe pmcceds ~ha.ll he <br />wilh the exceu, if p~td !o In even! ,'I' 11 pan!;ll laking <br />"rl1el'wi"<! agft'e in there $hall l'c a.Wlie,d H' Ihe ~ums ~(,CI1retl hy this <br />as I~ equm [(> the,t wllkh tl',,~ :It'llOUllI nf the ""m, '~'<:IIJ'ed lw lhl~ <br />t"killg bears In Ihe mcll.rkef value, ,~f the I'ml'eI''lY Immc.t!tilleiy rri,)r h' 'Ih,: dale of <br />raid In Bormwl!r. <br />If the Prl.'PC'rr)' i~ "hlllldol'Wd lw B<>rftWrer, (If If. ,ilia nOlice <br />Jll :lward or ~et!/'e .Ii d~ll'!1 fr>r l:'lt'lnower I;,il, <br />m1:llkd, Lender i~ lI\lthoril.l:'tl 1<:' IInd ~pplv ~h", <br />"I' M lru~ ,mOl>, 'I<<tm.'~d tw lhh MN'rea~e <br />I t'!lder and l~mr"wer Olhef'Wl~1' <br />the ~ll~~ <I.lIe I!\.r lnl'llHhh' <br />I{l~tlll!ment$, <br />Ht Bon!lli""'" Sf>! l~t'~. r \ren~ll\!l thl~ I,m,: ii,r 1',"'llRl1! llH'lhfk"llIHt "~I "m0r117,lfI0I1 l'f the '.urns secllred <br />thi~, ~lr',M1tedi bv I.~:ode:r h'\ 2HlV '\tJ('n,::'i,\\;nr 'inl(;"fCttl ,,'f Bnrrl"lWer \haU nii,t or:terati': t() n.~t:c:a,se" in ;l,n:y m3nne'r. <br />h~h,liIV orl!lm..l Jl,'lrrlVl!.'<er M,eJ B,>rm....'''''' "'u:,,,,,'r~ 'Hae,.!. 1 cnckr ,ball "'"l h<' required h' commence <br />~"tnx,("(!thnrs, 1\H~h ''ftrC('('''!f"t():' rc:h.J~ e'\'.fe-od ~L\r ,:)t~yrnCHt othtr\Ji.'~'{' :f!H'ldlfv :JJnf)rtJl,:uion of the ~um'$ <br />:'.e.,t;:u:'l~~.l ~\" ~f~):"~a~' b,,- r"CZl~,{)n (~f IJ(~rn;j1"l'4J made h\' PH:: ,-'''i'j~~d"ti\,\jl Bnt'ft'l',J,>.'\:'t' ,nl':.'! BC'i'T'f'\wer's\.'e').sors in 1f1rerew:;,f. <br />I'l. FlM'~"'_ h\" I~n.f:-"oc II Waiv..r, .\n, ~,'rl""anjl'1(" In ,"n",', fI1 ,",;r""'''1: .,,1\ fight i'r remcdv hc'reunder, or <br />\ttte",,'t\e ~jh1rt\ed hv ~"~~i,-"a!'t,ie li~\4' rrcdudc the ("t"r~:T';,.(" n!' ;HH \u.,:'h nght qr refnedv <br />'The: pr'('k;;:ufenlen[ ("-1[' iit!iit:Hl'aoc-c or !hc P;;:!.Vf'f1-r.;tH ;'t~n",; i 't ha;-;;;'.'~,~'\ h~" , tnd<-f' ...h~~H fhH N.~ :1 WJl'J{'f c,t' 1 ,{~nder', <br />nlnt t,p iii:(!I..~l~te-!t;iN::~ the nUlllu-rnv j'tf t\i1{~ lfHkhMed-r'l'("I(,'i, *I.h~rJ;~~:1l.;'e <br />I:;t R_"...,. ('IRIl'IlIlafiv.., ,\11 """'''',1',,, '.1.''iJ1,'~'' <br />Tm("'~<h :.r~l ~~1f~n~,[l~'t~ ;'<ltf{,;,t'tteij <br />U. Sth."'_iM1i IUtd '.'fIll &)..,.0; J..I..I ,u,d ....'...'ld I lattinI\'; t'lIption" <br />~i:nJL ~Jind n~~hh '~~o::n~'t~fHle\"' <br />f;!;! ;t~r ;):-ph <br />!ht' <br /> <br />oi any l)ward cr claim ("f dalnli~es" direct or c<)~uel'ltial, in connection with any <br />,or pan the,re!_~f~ r~f for e-orrvey~nt.c"", in Heu {;If t:~demr.,ation" are he;reby,-as..~fgned <br /> <br />to the ~ll\ns secured by Ihj~ Mortgage, <br />th'~ Prooorlv. unless BOrrower alldLellder <br />Mortgage such proportion of the prcl(;e(!dll' <br />immediately prior to the date of <br />wirh the bllhmce of the pl'Ot~eedll <br /> <br /> <br />r ,ender tl' Bon,'witf that the condemnor (,ffers to make <br />l;) !\~mfer within .to davs <tfler the dale such notice is <br />itl lender"~ (\ption, either to re:;,loration \'1" repair of the <br /> <br /> <br />II> wl1t!r'i1 it,,,,, ,1I,h apph<:~!i('11 of pr<X"ecds to principal ~ha!l not extend <br />rdCff<cd 'ii' in !'ill'agrapll'i 1 and 2 oerc-'J>f or change lhe' amollnt of <br /> <br /> <br /><:lir1tulattvc t,'-, ;,iHV lIther tl~ht (;or <br />Ft',,!I\' "l,kpe!'ldt'r'lh ','''(,''~IV{~I\' <br />l1k' n'1"'-t~i;UH~ ,tr)<i ]t!f-e-{'mt'nt~ ht~f'ejn <br />~f,1,;,:';o.tP!nj., rend!.:'! .111\1 Borrow(~r. <br />",:- n\~rr~\\",t:'( t...\~ );'-101 ;Jnd 'i-eVen;} <br />J'P\!'cn~n\":"\ "~.,,t\ ;~n~ b~?: d',e-d fn <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />h-ft'1rCJ;,11 <br /> <br />\f~ .litfH1 <br />rl:'lll rf'c'l>en\ n", "h'l1:ll.llji:<:' <br />e-'('IN)~ th..t1 l);1'r,\: rtf'!VJ.\!;rH':~ <br />other ~"'-r{\V~"'H)m'\ <br />~t>d li'!l~ l'H"""~'"' rot ""!"f1~Aji\:e "n,d <br />tj.. ~",'. Cop", Ik'frf''''';>' <br />'If C::''\C\tutR}O oi,d:h:n n:~,~~{1:ltda.t.tOl!l h~rei\}t <br />17. TlUlllf<Nt<'" thlr Ji'roplm,,; A_IDfI"fi<m. ): <br />BO<<Tl.'""er 'HIl1:''lH L"'l<it',', "n", <br />.n} Ilhe cr~ltll(>n <br />(\:pe:rZl.'tuC\n of h~ \;\; U;X:fn <br />flO4 ~,n ~l"t ptLf'm~" Le-ndfCt may. ai L<~nde-r'\ npt~i}VL (k.",'Ltr'(~ <br />ll'lltllll:dllltl.:::lv ,-"no.:, .halt 1>",1:' ,. ''''''!l':d <br />,,!'>rl the per'\lt1>n ,<, ,Ihe 1<:> lx ""Id ,)r <br />,~1Iiil.ta\liifllCIO!')' 1" L(ndef lmd Iha! il:ltel'e'M P-lll'llble <br />"l'l.U It 1 ellOer 1~:L' w/livc<1 the "PI;H"t1 1<' ",'ceterak <br />i~1tteu e~~'U't~i B 'J4t:tiu:en a~.ree,m('rll{ <br />tmd(r '!tuj!, No-to::, <br />t~r e'~efd1i<:$ ;>;.;.:ekrllle. Lcn;.ler <br />14 bel1~<:rL Sal:fi ShliU pr",,?de ;:., <br />ll'lJll'f t~ ~"nl'i$ <it'lClllirre:d dtl11:. <br />t~:n~' tmly, WIIl:ll''lV1 ~,'ttH,:~ vf (j~nal1ld <br /> <br />~] q( 11 hi!:' r n'! ~UHl('r nl)1 a::e f:f'l <br />,'n,nrl! tl\,lli ,!iJdn:""d Hi'fW..'", al <br />l_(:adcr Pt'f'Vfd~d ht~rejn, ;nld <br />f ","I'H1I<::,(.. 3i(ktrc-~' 'i-raf>;;~d he'rt~tn ~'r t() <br />"\n\ ill\'C rn1YHJC<.i f(lr lf1 ~h,t.~ <br />~"', H)(~ rn;;HHH~r' ,jl-e'M>:nated hercH''L <br />\ \'.n~tn~}e~ uilll'prrrt ",'\'P.'e':t'HHlt'"< i.('j[ o~HH'IrUlt <br />%(''':Of!~\.' In,UuttH:n! ~T'J\'ennS{ <br />!he PC"""fT' iocOlled In the <br />1.:iVlt' '\w.:h ",'t.m'fhr.:'! \h::tH nnt afh,~'ct <br />,.~j:;:nfh(;'tH\r. pnY\-'i"iif.~n. ,o!tIti to thi'i <br /> <br />'he Nnh~ an,d <br /> <br />lhl~ MClrtllllgl." ;\[ !he t'me <br /> <br />(dpy,-,r <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />an !n-rt,res~ thetein j~ ~(}id or tr:an~,f'er-red <br />i,en el\(:umh1'lUl,C ~llhofdm"le 10 <br />a !ramfer bv deVise. <br />interest of three y'~a.N (>r le.,$ <br />1!um~ ~,'llfed ihlS to be <br />>,nor h, the O!" L'~nder <br />wm;ng thaI: Ihe cret!ll of "l.lell person <br />~bllH be al llueh rale a~ Lender <br />and jf BOn\"lwer',!\, ~lJCCCS:Si'or ~n <br />dl~H rdell$iC B(\rr(lw+~t fn>m an <br /> <br /> <br />\~f <br /> <br />nOHCl(.~ of ~'K4.:eJe:rau(~n ':H,":c-of~,anct. 'with <br />l4~~1;' that't 30 d~Y$i fn)rt'! the -da~e the .n~')tice t"i r~~!.iied ~ ifhrn <br />r$:,)'" '~u'll:b StHUS ptJ1;:}':r %l,' the' t:xl~ir~t~oo of ~~ucn i~rHxt <br />reme.dle-. p<:rmmed hy pJ:lragn;ph I il hereof. <br /> <br />(:{'I'\"l1iN."""n ll(lrmW"r 1II00 l' luf'tn.e! t:('>v~n;mt ;tmJ "l?f1l'.e;it, <br />A~Il:I_ ft,~ rr )~. !l(lf'ro....w'lI hr_1i ...f _y <:QVlmillllt i1>1 <br />~, 'lit ---- il~ ~ 10 ..bii:1l lllliI:!, SV_ _:~ by ttm <br />14 _~ lH tlt1!l <br />*.\:. <br />ill< <br /> <br /> <br />fl) -" Ul t~ <br />f(l.n;~f'. if Ibe ~.m:b <br />l1i* ~i: ~ ~ j!(""~ <br /> <br />f':t;;e K~2~,1'~$ ',~..c:,~~H::nf~ <br />Mk.>!'lgli<.l'l: <br /> <br />ll';t, <br />ill <br /> <br /> <br />