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<br />UNlF()R;M ('~VPiNAN~t'S. Borrower and Lender covenant ami agree as follows: <br />l._~..t uf PriReipal and IDterm. BDrrower shall promptly pay when due tbe principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness eyidel1iCedhy the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any putureAdvances secm:ed by t!:Us Mortgage. <br />2.F....'air'l'uesahdlos..nmce. Subject to applicable law or to a ,"otten w..iverby Lender, &rrowersbalIpay <br />to LenderontblifdaYIl:lOiI'tblY imtllHmetlts af principal ami. interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />aSOOl(herein "Funcl$") equal 10 "ne-tw-dftb (,/' lilt, yeady lal(es and ass,cssments which mayattam priority over this <br />MOrtg~, ltndgroulld rmltson the Property, if any. pltls one,twelftb of Y!~al'ly premium instaUments for hazard jn$urance, <br />p!tlliO~lWl.'llftho'f ~y>~iuminsta/.lnlen:ts for II'lSlii.rance. if any, alias rea.';(mabty estimated iuitiaHy.and from <br />timetotimel:ly T..-ende.t on the. bll&lsofaMessmerlls and andreasouable estimates.thereof. <br />Tille' Funds shalll;>e beldia au institution the (~r aCCl)Unts of which ll;te insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />lItllW.Il'C)' (il1iCfudi<'lli!Leooer if Lender 1swcnau Lender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay, assessments, <br />ims,uralliC/il premiums lInd ground reut.~, Lellder nOl for so an'l:! the,lillalyzLnisaid acooutlt, <br />{)!vel'i'fying andoompiling $aid !l:Sl!e,SSRlent$ 1100 Lmie's.~ nn the Funas !!l1d apphc:;;bIeJaw <br />pea:mitllI_ender It1 make such aSoffow'll: and Lender llgreein writi!l.!!, al the time of execution of this <br />MlJl1',pge t!l:llt interest nlll !heFIl'l~4b be to Borrower. unles.~ !>ucb agreement is mllde or IlppLic~ble law <br />require:> jioch iutel'est to be r.ald, Le.ooer shaH not reqmi'W to Bonower :my interest \)1" earningl'on the Funds, Lender <br />shan give to Borrower. wrth0U!. ,m ,mnulll Funds showing credits and debils to the FUl1ds and the <br />pur~e tor whkl1 each debil 10 the was made, af<~ rtl~"'ged as ~additimjal &eCt:ltity for the sums secured <br />by this Monpge. <br />If the .unounl t'f lh~: Fund\ held !:Iv Le.!l<kr. IOll:Clhe! Wilh the iU!1.lfl~ mil!llhly installments or Funds par'llblc prior to <br />the due d<<les <'f lllXJes. llli'Se$i;meflt~, lIl,"'U;MCe ""nd ground renll;. shall eXl::eed lht~ lImm,mt reqllired to pay said tlIJU..'$, <br />lls~nt!., ilISlll'lllil<."e p:remumll1ll,nd r"nt' ,,~ Into.;: lall due, ,uch e~':"'SlI shall be. al florft)wer'~ oplion, either <br />pmmpUv re.pafdl:o Borrt)wer ')1 B')lrtlWer 1m flwnrhiy ",,!allments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by LCl'ldrer $hllll nOI be suffident 1(' pay lues., a:i\Sessments, !nsur;mce plCnlll.lm, and ground rents as they (all due. <br />Borrow!!'r sha.ll pay {() l.e,fder ilIlV aIH.('UI1l necesli';U} m"h 1.1' IN.;; ddlec t..."" \' withm 30 .IllY' fmm the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Ik>flm'wCl' payment then"'>1 <br />p.aymc:llt l!l (\Ill ,,( ~ums secl.l/ed bv IIH' ~h)nl';,gt:. I emkr ,hall pml1!,nl,. n:tmHJ to Borrower any Fund", <br />held ")/ .1 i \mdel' II'. here,,! L~{: h wid "f the' Pr,:'pen, Ol.herwl,e llcqlllred by Lender, Lender <br />shall :.pply. fl(l 11ltcJr lh,an pnor 111" ,'1 the !'n'p,~nY ('!' 'II ilC'IU1$.ll0I1 1'1' (.ender. an)' Fmuh held by <br />Lender llle Illlle N apl>t!CJlt!Ofl ,I" " ,n:JIt agl>l<l'l the :,\lfIb ;e<.:med b~' nIl, M"rtgilgc <br />3. ,.\pptkadOlllof l"ay_lIIClI. Cn,"""I>. ;!.pplJ""hh' J"" rWHdC$ ,.!i1cr" "i'. ,Iii p;tvmcms ,,'cclved hv I "l1der under the <br />Note ilud pitf;l.grapl'h i ..lid 1. heH!"l he, ;,,,plINl h, I.cnJ~r tn" m paY!l",'n! :.mOlJnt! payable I"~ l.ender by BO!f(lwer <br />\mUcr pUlIgraph :~ 1!l".l'e0!', then h' IlHert" p;i)'\ll'k the "',"t' 71\f:n lh~ prmn,ldl I'! lh~ Note, and Iller. h' interesl and <br />prUK.lptai ~)t, ilt:t~\,' 1f:'\~tlU(~ ..~th"an;;:e\ <br />4. C....:eI; LltN. H,'u()',,<.,! <br />w:tH"h .ma\' JHHun pnnru\ <br />urh~l; 2 hcn:\:\t <br />there.,! shall pfO'mp!1\ <br />"h;i11 rn,,,.I,<:, p,r. me.!,': <br />B(ur't)\l~-'("r ~haU, "U"JlJ r gt~ Af)" <br />k\: ~:~\ <br />hl:n in a rn~Hlirn~f ~"""':Iq"t"h~~" <br />k~~'li pr,..x~""L)'d:H"tf\ Whl('h <'l:~fat~^\ <br />5. t:I_11I1111l1l1l~t. H"ft,m", <br />~l~iUtUi h~\ h\' hf1~" hat,ijlHh tfh,hHt~d lilii,~h;n <br />4.00 ~n 'lilKn. iJin'h~qH1t\ ,and <br />such \.,,,,)\'t't#:~~ e:\~t"t:kd tt).1i,r 4rn~.'tJn! "Vf'\,f'i?t,r.te <br />'ll)1e H}:~tU"ah~(' (,:.;J.rnt'!;f ~:i'OvKftrt~, ~~ rtJ'~n..nh_'~~ <br />that \u.;,,;'n ~rprtl\-":ld ,hali r.",,~t h<: un.rc1t~'~n~f'd" ',II,,'ttt;tt('J.d <br />pr;JvI~4 ut1~r pj'lllJrll-ptl 1 heref'! <br />irr!j,ura~ICe ';;'lrner. <br />A,1t iUStU'ZU1>i;,~l!j' fK,.~j"i;YC'K anu rent:\t,.~,h trl'e!e~'t '\io/~a.i" <br />.;:iaU$C: it'1 t'liv{~r ~'l;t and ~','}rrn; ,jI~;.:~~"t::pt",b'h: 1,,' l}4,.'b:"f <br />"00 ikJlfl'm'ier ;,haHprOOIIPll~' lunu'l\!I w I <:j~'.k, <br />Btlrt\\wer ~,h:3n lti''FC' f.:n''tJ:t'np; n~>H~\~ <br />0\1 B<lrr,:''llo'~r <br />t'!ll~le,nd~~r and Ek'f'H'''''i:1 ,I:het"..\<: "~fe':' <br />1M f'n:'1'Crr~ d;UllAil\1d. "",,'il re"wraU'm <br />nett lhet~b~' "u\J') l'e'~tOf.jjtf<m 4)t' I'CpM11' <br />~ lllilii!ll:il'Ui, l,n"ur1tl)J;;(: i'n)Cecd~ ,ha.1I be <br />If' Borr~)wet II ll~ ;<t',,-n.hmro :1, <br />,line I~'l;ce ,~ m~,""d b.. 10 Bonnwn <br />" alJthotJ~ IV cnllill>.."'l ;UI<:i the m\,.lIli.n",<: <br />I,) !.be wm~ ~ul'ed by rbill <br />Unl~" L(:nde,r lilW H<.ltrtlWel In pnnc:pal slJ:"H nol exlend <br />the ti:'tt,(~ date 01 th'e n~Dnth~~ ~ h:eret1t nr ~:h~nge thlt aOHHUlt 0 \ <br />~,< H unOel" {'8 he'tw't the P;r'(~pen\, "J~(H.uft;;:clj .rl~ht~ t~dc and inler~t ~Jl f~orn~~'er <br />in, and h'.'l a,ttY H't~itJr1',a=e and 10 ~h'e. t.t;t;;,_rcot 'r~uh'Hlg t'rom da,rnage" the Propt"fty pdor :to th~~- ;>t::de <br />()'f ~~,U ,~ 1lo t~de:r tbe e:\tet!~ the ~$J:.tnls ;.:e.:;;ured \f~.)rt.gage HrHlredi~vc{y pnr~r ",!'Jch !it,Ide <br /> <br />83- <br /> <br />OG2913 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />:tnd <br /> <br />1'~ he:' t <br /> <br />hni;"I. ;tlh! H11pfhtfhHl'Si ~Htnbu-tnhle to <br />#Jo,md rem" If ;HW. III Ibe manner <br />when due. ,Hl'llctly 10 Ihe <br />thl'< piHag,raph. IlI1d 10 the ('vent <br />(\ H,lcf}l.:'H};; $lh.:;h payrncnts, <br />~h~tg B-prr-(;.wer l;;haH U..'li( he <br />f",i"rri''lt"tH ~)r tht' oh'll;zathH~ \-c,,:urcd hy <br />defend 1.~'nh~r';;CfnJ.~f)l 'lu..:.:h lten Hl. <br />lhr,: P1i>r~rt\ .10)-' pan ~ht"'re(lf, <br />h-\"Tl',iiHcr f:'n.:",.ted l.'ln lhc Pf';",ptl'tY iH~urt"d <br />h ,,\lht.~~' h;:I-l_~HJ., iil~ 1 ~:ndt"~r !'iLl\. ft"-t,fUlre <br />"h..):!f 11i"r th,tt HH7 ,tlHoUnl <br /> <br />h' dppO.1Y;'d: by i ~nd-t;r; pro\!Jd{~d. <br />p" dl",-H.;~ \.h;lXi t1<-l' pant th(,.~, rlIanner <br />H;l;'f(t')q,":f HI;;lKlH~i pdVn1CI:IL \-~'he1'i due. dlft\;Hv h:t< the' <br /> <br /> <br />i,1'J;,;.:,hH.ic- "'; 1;\ rnort~~;)g'~: <br />ii1'-,~h'\:h~' dnd n,:'ne1,\~h there'oL <br />in the ~Vi':f1t In'~~_ <br /> <br /> <br />m"'Uf~l!b.':'-'C ~""t:'-t-d... tx; ,appht':'d h',' l'~,\f.nrati()n repair of <br />~~~'~:ni):nuG~HJ rt:a~~lh-k 1-~nd ~t.~'I,;untv ,of Ih~s ~longagc t~ <br />d ~c,,;'UnlY pf tfJ-!'S w,\1utd <br />fYh>rtgllgc. '~'In (hI:: e\ce,~. M'), p;ud <br />Ln!der ,>,,,thm da'~s Iw!:', ltw <br />...f.ii,m ll1Sur:ancc r-.,.en,efib, I"cl1der <br />;,)ptH)Ji e:tttjt.~.t h? t'e:Sli!,Nr~~UOt'l Of repair- f'J:f H1:C' Prupen y <br /> <br />M <br /> <br /> <br />~._ Hldi M~e !iff <br />i1~ $<)<...0 f<::!l1th llOO <br />the <br /> <br />l <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />J <br /> <br />J <br />