<br />
<br />83- uv2867
<br />
<br />jO, That the Mongagor v;-ill keep the buildings upon s<ud premises III good repair. ;;nd neither commit nor permit "\ISSIe
<br />~ said land~ nor suffer the $a:ld premises to be used for any unlawful purpose.
<br />II, That it 'tbe premises. or any p~rt thereof. be coooemned under the power of eminent domain. or acquired for a public
<br />use. the he proceeds for the takillji? of. or the c<:lnsideratitm for such acquisition. to the extent of the full
<br />. ." cltte remaining unpaid. are bereby assigned by the
<br />31ld sl1aI! be paid fOftn\\-7rh to said Mortgagee to be applied by the latter on acoount of the next
<br />
<br />mOrTgage and the note secured hereby not he ehgible ,for in-
<br />from the date hereof (wTiUen csti'ltemenl of 31l
<br />or autlwrizedi\gent {}f, man
<br />time ffOm the date of this mortgage. declining to insure said
<br />of sucll the Mortgagee or hQlder of the note
<br />
<br />
<br />the same oocome t:lue. or .fails: tu
<br />
<br />__~ ""l.._ _,"-...... "-~,l.~.;-,..~...... ~~""-_....M___
<br />V'l t!.fJ:C n:il:rt-'C-. W-IfJ,\;i.l,t.t;:;y;:~,'u:t!<,";;:5...
<br />sha!! aZ QflCe becNf.!e due:mtl at deeticm of the
<br />f (.r die wluyJe (~f '>ald JUt)l'!t~y. il'lb:::resc m,mth!y
<br />tItle from the 4:lte {If thi'!\' !lnm t(, the time of
<br />iOll,,,r~\ihicil sh>>.ll be induded m the decree,of If,yredo$u.e: anti the contnu::l embodied in mortgage
<br />lu~rebv. shaH ltt all re~pt;et,> be !/.l.wetlle~. c(\l1l>tnu::tl ana adjooi;led 1%.1"':> of Nebra"ka. where the
<br />
<br />l\efem l::ontiil1uOO shalt hind. \iU.! ale i"lt'neiils. "nd
<br />.ildmimsU'at<:ln. ",..CCe$~(lf$ <<'lid i~f the herem, \.\,ll<:'never
<br />phl:rm the ~iniliut..r.1l111j the U$4:: of ;(I!:I>' be illlp.bt'"ble k,all ~<:,nde,r""
<br />lOt: ;;:oll<.iition:><. I-.1lfl!l: to tl'!"'lr Mtur;~l and ie,g:rd
<br />,hall be void ~aid premne~ 1e)e~st:'d l: ~pe!li'l1t the M~\rll!1iil(Jf: I(,l>e hl1d remain in
<br />
<br />e;hal1 i:n~ure to. the
<br />lhe ,inltlllar mXIl1l'ler
<br />
<br />
<br />lhi~ C('flveyance
<br />elf e<:t.
<br />
<br />I'\; WfTNESS WHEREOF the
<br />~,hm'l:' ,"' rir~"rfl
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<br />it
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<br />It-'\!l,'
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<br />ht'~:r'CtH1tfJ s.,e~
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<br />handl", the day ilnd year first
<br />
<br />I'rc!>em:1t 01'
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<br />__ SE.~\L!
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<br />lSEAL
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<br />Sf:Al
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<br />STATI', Of- ~1'.~UV.sK "'.
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<br />1'< h~'!M!~ l!l(,
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<br />j() ~ a~ ~tlUC\1~
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<br />HI me knowll
<br />~(}:he alltw{: Mid fore,
<br />thlill'>l!~ tn~lrllment andilie
<br />th.erlttll eJl,pres~w,
<br />
<br />
<br />,,}I,U1tJ:lf'r act ;ifl'; deed, /(If
<br />
<br />In ~,.t!~II'~IiO~ wtM~'It.! ha\>\t OO-li!'Iltm<>I>t'~ m,. ~:llOOlilnll~d by!,,>!:.:l:\:
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