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<br />, " ..., t 1) mlonth pnor h) ~tS due date h~e annual mortgage ins:i..uance prernium in Grder to prDvide such holder <br />~B3''''lIlII\J U 286 I "':1<11. funds 10 pay such premw,'D .10 th;(: Se~retary of HOl.!smg and Urban Develt,pmem pursuant to the <br />Nation;;;.l Hou'Smg Act. as ameml.etJ. and applicable Regu!auons thereunder: or <br /> <br />OJ} If and so long as said nore of even dine and this inSinlmelH are hdd by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a momhly ....harge (in.liCli af f1 mm.tgag~! insurance premium! whkh shall be in an <br />amount equa! to <:<ne..twel!rh O!l:n of one.half 0/2) per centum of <he average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed Witl1011t taking into aceount delinquencies or prepayments: <br />(0) A swn equal t\} the ground rents, If any. next due. plus the premiums 1h3t will next become due and payable un <br />t.f nr~' and fJther h<l.Zan:! jnsurall.(:e the propeny. pius taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgilged fnillliS es;fnuued fl,v Mortjfagt'ef all sums already pal{llherefor rlhidedby the <br />nutnbe;l' of months 10: before ~Hll": ~nonth prH)t h) the date Vi/hen such g.round rents" preln.-iurn$~ taxes and <br />a",~ent" wm b;:c~)m!) ;,u,h :iA~ms w be held by Mml.gagce in !rust to pay s;lid gn:rnnd rents, pre. <br />miums. rues 21nd ,p;:~daJ <L~:reimn\\',nts: and <br />Aii p:l)'men.I.S menti~)md in ,h" 1'.VO <br />the l'H.l1:e secure<:! ~h&l be added <br />eacJt rnoorh tl1 :. <br /> <br /> <br />UJ <br /> <br />P!(!an <br /> <br /> <br />pj;'itm~I~,~rn <br /> <br />1>} lhl:' Mort- <br /> <br />rnOHp:3ge. <br />f ';hr f' t....:iH,:h p~jY znerl1. t1'f (}:r~ <br />h"lmijjn~ ddmquem p:'lyrramts. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />