<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />6. In the eYel1t said property is sold at a judicial foreclosure sale or pursuant to the power of a sale hereinabove
<br />gnuued. and the proceed.. are not sufficient to pay the total Indebtedness secured by this instrument and evidenc-
<br />c:d by said promi,ssory nme, the monga;gee will be entitled to a deficiency judg-..rnent for the ll."",::unt . of the
<br />de...ficiency wlitltout regard to appruisemem.
<br />
<br />10, A
<br />,:jole shall :fl(~t
<br />i~~Slnmlem.
<br />
<br />
<br />in the evellt the mortgagor fails to pay any federal.. state. or local tax assesmenr, income la-'\{ or other taX lien.
<br />charge, fee:. elf other expense charged against the property the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its ,option t,o pay
<br />the same. Any SUlns so paid by the mortgagee shaH be added to and become a pan of the principal amount of the
<br />i.ooebtedness e>.'id,mced by said note, su~ie',;t 10 the same terms and conditions. If the mongagorshaUpay and
<br />discr.arge the indebtedness evidenced by said promis.'>Ory note. and shaU pay such sums and shalLdisclulrge aU
<br />taxes and iliem: and the costs, fees, and expenses of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then this
<br />mortgage shall be o:mceiled and :mrrenden.'d.
<br />
<br />8, The c!wenmlIs hel~ei~ cOlltained shaU bind and the benefits and advantages shall inure to ihe respect!ve S'Jcees'<fl.tS
<br />aor.d the ncret!:l. Whenever used. dIe number shaU include the .plural, the plum! the
<br />and tneuse (J! arw gender shaJI include all
<br />
<br />9. No of any covenant herem or of Ine sl:.'CUred hereby shail at any lime
<br />",aiver of t.he terms hert.,,-,f or of!h.e rmtc ",ecured hereby,
<br />
<br />order, lX any j'lTovision Qf p,QrtJon of this instrument invalid or
<br />in an)' "'~y impllir or preclude rhe fllfon.::emerlt !ht~ or portions
<br />
<br />11 ~ }1"JlY w':riuen- ,n(~:ioe' H) b~~ i~;$ned i-.%1' rh;;z
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<br />h'c,. addtlt$i\ThOO H,~ rhe trt{)ft:,~a,~ee-
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