<br />d.. For better secUi!1!Y of the mdebtedness hereby secured. upon the request of the mongagee, its successors
<br />or assigns. mong:agor shall execute and deliver .a supplemental mongage or mongages covering any additions.
<br />improvements, or bem~rmenrs made to rhe property hereinabove described and all property acquired by it after
<br />the d1ue hereof (all in form satisfacCtory to ml)figagee}, Furhermore. should mortgagor faU to cure any default
<br />in the payment of a pri'or or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrument, mortgagor nere-
<br />lYy agrees to permiIt m(,rtgagee to cure such defauJt. but mortgagee is not obligated to do so; and such ad\<'ances
<br />shan become pan of the indebtedness se..-ured by this instrument. subject to the same terms and conditions.
<br />
<br />e. The rights crea!led by this conveyance shall remam in full force and effect during any postponement or
<br />eXllmsionof the ;time (}f the payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or notes, .OL any
<br />part tl:rereof secured hereby.
<br />
<br />f. To continuously mamtain hazard insurance, of suc.1t !}ope or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee
<br />amy from titTle to tirru:' require on the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and will pay promptly .
<br />\vncn due any premiums therefor. Ail ir-.:surance shail be <:arried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the
<br />and rl:"nl~raJli thereof ,hall be held by mortgagee and have attached therelo loss payable clauses in favor
<br />of am! in fOrn1 <l.::cepUthle t,) the mOfl!m~, In cvcm ,-~t iDSS, mong.lgor will give immediate notke in writing
<br />10 m~)<l1gagee, an<i mongagee may make p.tool t,f loss if not made ptomPtly by mortgagor. and each insurance
<br />complill, -;;'cflcerned au~h\1rized and dm~cted w make pll"ment for such loss dJnx:tly to mortgagee
<br />il1$tead of w m,)nga~of lInd mOflg,,;.Zce and The insurance pn:x.-eerJ.lI, Dr any pan thereof, may be applied
<br />by tl..ong3g,ll:e at it!; option eith~f 1(1 lhe redtl~:liQ:fl ()[ the indebredne.ils sC'l:ured or to the restoration or
<br />;;Jf 11J;C properly or de:nr;;lve,i I fl eV<:'ll! of for(;:t.iosure Qf th.is mortgage, or mher transfer of title
<br />tt! .;aid propert'V in ,J! the Ifll:kbtedm;:s;;;.<:'cun.'tl aJJ tide, and interest of the
<br />mwt~gor in ::lnd <my hNmlllcl:: poli,;ic!i rh.."fl in fnfce '.;hall pass to ,he pun::h:!.l.ser nl mortgagee or, at the
<br />of the ttmn,ltgol.:. may he Hu:nmdered for il rdmHl
<br />
<br />~, Tn k~ aU :wd ;)ther il'l'I!:"w'I't'mcnu on '.\"id property J!1
<br />""lnl.mit, ,'f ,uller 110 waSH:, mlpa~rmem> de!eI10f,lltkm (11 ,(ud pmpe.rt)! (11'
<br />of fai.turl: "j tb>(~ m,Jfigalfor H> 1he on ~a.l\1 prt-:m;;(;:i Lu,d ,ho~e
<br />impwv.e-mems ,hetro{!, m €!(!"x:! fel',~ir, lhe m!)ng;;llile~ ('nay mak~ ,.udt repzun !IS
<br />fl<r..~:l\ar;;' f(.1' !hi.: pmj:1't'f rl.~~rv!l!H}l1 ~!w!'eni, llnd ;Ul'wnrH (:;j,ch and
<br />imm('tJiat('h' ,.tu;~ llnd Mid ';hall h<' f.l::":lIn'd mott~~l\{(e.
<br />
<br />and ,,(Jfldition; to
<br />m t.he event
<br />saId or
<br />in ilS discretion it may deem
<br /><~yerY :inch payment sha.ll be
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />'inbJe~r::! t,~."- Ull~ 1''Ho:'rt:gage :arty Hen
<br />f-uttlel.. th,,ru Ulott...
<br />~lup1-1l"'(-~ng t41b:t'lf {)f rnaterials f(}f c<)-O..
<br />
<br />he- t:-T t~~~,~ ed. (Hl
<br />
<br />',premise;).
<br />
<br />
<br />derunHsh" (Jf re:rn,tlV~\ or
<br />
<br />
<br />.,(maemnl1lm<rl j)ubiH; any of the
<br />ptlid!.lJ Hlon.l\:i\W~I!. m,~\i i,p~llo/ ,he ;;$uue to
<br />hey'c.by j~;kftlln1'-}zed1' l-h(' n~:u:ne uf the
<br />
<br />ml)nJl!~~(Mf<
<br />
<br />ao:y
<br />
<br />ll\i!t..nt
<br />
<br />k"
<br />
<br />h~l\:"-~
<br />
<br />j:ll()tI lf2l#ce
<br />
<br />flll,n~,Jl~ed l'reml~!:"
<br />
<br />
<br />any r~:${l-na,b},'e t;rne.
<br />
<br />T", (m'l\1I..'!'i .,"'ftn
<br />IX:,,! ",;i.1l!tico11Hl1;jttll1
<br />tI nder ! he dc,;'lJl:f1liH{}11
<br />l1lnQ f'-t*.ul1il.llml'i
<br />
<br />frp()v,t~i~)r:d
<br />p,~aiu~c)jd,
<br />
<br />
<br />.\IOHiJ.<4lc!; i~. t\ k<l,,>dwid, l f
<br />l:\Offr""'~1 of BonO'..er'~
<br />,;':>.l},~nmitUi!;I It! plar,nw
<br />de'id,)tlmt'1l.t, llild t:i)n!>muem dO<:tlmems,
<br />
<br />
<br />2~~
<br />
<br />
<br />H't'iaum<:,m the note or loan agecemerlt
<br />~'>e1i;li\{Vn. ;j~, and \~HI\Jym,enf of llle pWr~.rlY, ;iit( the 'lVp!tiQll uf th\~
<br />~n:$~~~ l:l$j\lllj:U1i Of l\I~r~ IfUi,! t.!l'l.' m,}nlt~~)f 511411 h<:!'.1': j,uch until deJawt,1. Upon any '>,!en
<br />the ,rlOt!.g~te ',hall be'CQ:IJl(' tbe nI"'rler rents IU1.tl profits <!,,:x:unng alter default as 'iet't.riw for
<br />the i~trotlbli ~t;l;e-~ with ,i1,,,, ril!:bl m ,;!Hr.'r llf:";m >;.aid pfif)~ny lhe !>Ulptl:'.'t of coUec:ung: 'it$ch
<br />!Ct!;f.$ aM T'h~;i llti'!l;ttlun.er.t Sh.a!i O:pt:\f:ate ~~ ;!in ;~>.HgnnJJ:f!t any ff:I1l.4lls nn said prOip('ny tttat extent.
<br />
<br />
<br />.
<br />;,'fr",
<br />
<br />
<br />df:lll:lJlt:>. and hull> H~ mde any pl<ymenls
<br />G; alil1'ee!tbmt!l c'.1fj~lIin<<i IIh~ng.tg~
<br />im~n::;<;t $.MU id llfllZC blX!lme au;.;
<br />at !nf.Jrtg:'.l;{4;(:1::'; Zlm:!
<br />",,~le of tm- Indebtedr.e4fli ~etJy ~!('d,
<br />t~M$ m~)n:f;llt,e to the um", ,;,1' ';;Qmm~lCm;ll !>udl
<br />
<br />wil't,~ Jue m ;.;onfIJ:rn1 to and camply Wltll any of
<br />rl<:Jt~ ~'hki1 it '\e","ur~, :hen the COlin:: p.rmdpl\!
<br />.m(! dra'II; ,_~.,._._. per cem imel'i:'i.
<br />t1\angage rna)i ht~
<br />lhe o{ ,:,xft:fitHng the ahstH!:C! (Jf tHh: ft':t11t~ -tbe
<br />'~'F1\ 1.. .z>te'e::n, PerCetlt
<br />
<br />
<br />.:I..
<br />
<br />l~ tt.lit t"'<m. r.~f ,I f(lt"i~un: eff ~ia.uh 111> pn}v'id"j heron. rhe mQl;t~~c ~r\..llH ,H Nt"e he. entitled h) lhe po".
<br />~!'XI}1.,-- ,1($00" -~-~ <<m_jO)1~~t'tu- fhe fr:~t t::~!i,ai;~e *~fcrr~~i~~, ~,nd 1(:1 the :n7rR~ t'S5!,tie:,~~ f\)~~ahjt.'1L .;:'N'-id pn:Hit:i; theTe~-!f,.
<br />trt.~un _d~ tttX;,:"v~g- 'i;l't m~::h -ri.tht.~ ~J:w {ttl_ti~ -th~ f'e'J'tde~j{' ft;}t('1f;t:("~Uf't p-:f(~..:etrl,tn~-1s E:nu ''i-th,:h pt)S,,-&~~~,t(H1s,," etc., ~
<br />~~1I ~ ~;;;:; b<:' '~!i.l..t'r(~d to lhe/: rl'tcf'nl!:J\~ lJp",ll fCl:lU~,I., l.ilJi111 !,i>lhm: ~uch ddl"l:fj: e.l '>Udl p(*,n',lOll may t~J:
<br />tnfi;lt''!:~'Iii by m,Of1~l~e. by lI".Y apPfQpr~fe " recelV1t', Ih'C fHOpcrlY
<br />
<br />l'!i!tj!' ~ll';~" any '~aifl; '..itW $'tOp('fn 1iI,:::t:Ir~ill!li:': ".llh rhl:.
<br />;Ji1'l4l1 ~~lt~!~" at ">$,4 ,.;lie, the t~pr,n;;t;. l1H;UrreO In
<br />!k,,~~wd' ~f(~~'~. ~-~<f:;::f,:;Mt'~Hy~ ~~!)i f-h.~ ~r#~~5'~ti'n~~~ ~:;~~;-U~~~
<br />t~h')n'.. l"fnltWU \11:1:'1;>;0
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />1
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<br />
<br />1
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